Show Page 8 April 27 1995 ®iE(8aife Fea tures Dance program focuses on child e Instructor trades employment for student status as he works on his doctorate degree at the U of A full-tim- abuse prevention Ward chose the U of A lor its flexibility to let him attend e during the summer He will begin this summer and continue through the following school year Ward will he completing course work one year before beginning work on his dissertation Alter he receives his doctorate his goal is to become an administrator on the college level “I feel I am a belter administrator than a teacher although I enjoy teaching very much" he said lie is looking forward to the many doors and windows of opportunity that his doctorate degree will open for him CHI! has been his first e job as an instructor “It has been a very part-tim- by Kara Railsback staff writer brings about change and for of us it comes sooner and ways that we don't expect “When I came here I had a beard and a job When I leave here I won't hae a beard and a job" comments Gary Ward CEU business department instructor when reflecting on the way things have changed Ward has been an instructor for the past lour years When he started in the fall of l‘W he w as hired as a e e computer course instructor and a business instructor I lc now teaches business classes full time While he has been at CEU he has spent his summers e in Tucson Ari as a student taking classes towards his doctorate degree in business At this point in his life he wants to pursue his education at the University of e Arizona as a student in a doctorate program With a master's degree in business administration and a specialty in marketing from the University of Utah he decided to attend the University of Arizona in Tucson because of its credibility Time full-tim- e full-tim- e full-tim- enjoyable time" he said Looking back on his time here in Price there are a few things that he will miss when he has half-tim- half-tim- left “I am going to miss the clean air the almost crime-fre- e area the sunshine and all of the friendly people I walk to school almost everyday and I full-tim- full-tim- am going to miss that" lie has been pleased with CEU "I've seen a lot of in and the the business college growth program has certainly taken off" Ward is now looking to the future with his goals set to obtain a doctorate in business Time is change and Ward has certainly experienced it from facial hair to opportunities he has had his share abuse is a complex problem which in re years has increased in alarming proportions In Carbon County we have seen a steady increase in the numbers of reported child abuse cases To help combat this problem the Carbon Emery and Grand County Child Abuse Prevention Team (CAP) was formed in Child 1985 CAP is an affiliate of the Utah Chapter for (he I’revcntion of Child Abuse (UCPCA) and (he National Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse (NCPCA) The CAP Team is a nonprofit SOI c3 organization comprised of representatives from local human service agencies and community volunteers The team was established to coordinate prevention programs and offer local guidance to combat child sexual and physical abuse and to provide a planning and funding mechanism for prevention programs in order to provide (See Child abuse page 12) Gender bias still exists in the classroom at all levels of education research shows that boys in elementary and secondary schools are eight times as likely as girls to call out and demand a teacher's attention Yet their research shows that teachers behave differently depending on whether the student calling out is a boy or a girl When boys cull out teachers lend to accept their answers When girls call out teachers remediate their behavior and advise them to raise their hands Boys arc being trained to he assertive and girls arc being trained to be passive Research indicates that the patterns established in elementary and sec by Misty Martinez staff writer shortchange girls treated differently not only in the woik place but in the classroom said Carol Rogers a vocational rehabilitation counselor at the gender equity workshop on April 21 in the SAC Alumni Room Many people are not aware of the gender bias that exists in the classroom Rogers added Most teachers are not even aware that they are being biased with students She quoted Myra and David Sadker professors of education at the American University w ho have been doing research on classroom bias lor over six years Male students receive more attention from teachers and are given more time to talk in classrooms At first teachers may pay more attention to hoys to keep order but it soon becomes a habit That attention is never given back to girls Educators arc generally unaware of the presence or the impact of this bias Male students receive more praise and help in correcting and improving their responses than female students Why gender bias occurs is still unclear Sex segregation may be a part of the problem Statistics show that the majority of elementary classThe rooms were and time their teachers gave most of attention to the boys' sections Another explanation is that boys demand more attention The Sadker Schools ondary schools continue in higher education Male students receive significantly more attention and sex bias persists College women experience a decline in as they self-estee- m progress through college At the workshop Rogers said that society has overdone equality Society is always striving for equality and it doesn't work and everyone wonders why It is because all people arc not all equal and all people cannot all be treated equal Everyone is an individual and should be treated like an individual Everyone has different needs and different wants Males exhibit more powerful be- - haviors and arc more likely to influ- - cncc groups to accept new ideas (See 'Equity page 9) aco Ti mm 640 West Price River Dr Price Ut 84501 (801)637-840- 3 'Sowtic U 1440 E Main Wellington 637-527- 9 ' —————— wm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm i Campus Movie Nights j $225°“ activity card or coupon Every Tuesday and Wednesday 9 pm King Koal ' - 9:30 pm Crown ""Expires May 101995 Buy One Soft Flour Taco Get the second free With this coupon Good only at Taco Time in Price Expires May 31 1995 |