Show Page 2 April 27 1995 VIEWPOINT It seems as if children's senseless deaths are a reflection of society's ills ol a child Maybe the only thing to say is “It's heinous insane Why would by Thomas Ori staff writer Broken Doll the poem hy Thomas Ori And I with movable parts You position me the way you want sit I'll stand At night in my dreams you haunt I My skin is not ol plastic If you eul me do I not bleed My hair is not made of yarn I'ni a person created Irom your seed anyone do this to children their ow n llesh and Mood? Often times these acts come from parents or people who were abused themselves it could also be a result of drugs of alcohol or from some type of chemical imbalance For example Susan Smith 23 from Union According to Time Magazine she claimed a black man in his 2()'s jumped inlo the passenger scat of her car at a stop light and told her “Shut up and drive-o- r I'll kill you!" Then just lor my own good Respect is something I will learn Would I leave you? - if I could Only my love lor you will still burn ten miles out of town the carjacker ordered her out of the ear She told the police she begged him to let her take her children but he refused she said (then he went on to say that he wouldn't You are my mommy Your my daddy Ion You are my hero hurt You say it is Your my Hell when you are through With lire in your eyes You always frighten me so What did I do to cause such anger Why do you want me to go I'll miss you very much You who I've learned to care Maybe someday I may understand Why you pushed me down the stairs Broken Doll- - the viewpoint: Writing about the death ot a child conjures up recent news stones The "Binkcn Doll" poem senes as a pual-lelin- n helweeeu a child and a doll We dtess them teed llicm and then we display them ( nce in a w Inlo lm some somethin' goes istris and the clnldien get m the way What can you say about harming a child lot that mallei the sudden death ness Another example was printed in the Salt Like Tribune on Eric Du IT who was sentenced because he stuffed a hall down an infant's throat because the child was playing with it and sucking also said that the child was screaming (Now what child does not on it It get excited when they have discovered a new and interesting object to play with) Check please! Now isn't there some type of guideline to follow on -- leaving objects lying on the floor when an infant is around? Dull and his wife were asking for an act to happen for leaving objects around to where the infant could reach them Mrs Duff being the mother of two before she met Eric should have thought of this don't you think? them) Smith finally confessed to disposing of her children alter spending valuable " tax money lor a national investigation In Time MagaSmith also reported she was overzine whelmed by worries about money her failed marrige and a series of romantic “merry-go-lound- relationships in disarray In Smith's case one could say it was premeditated murder She knew what she was doing as well as the intent With a very clever but sick (or contused and displaced) mind she covered it all — learning but not a power over helpless- up by inventing the story ol being kidnapped It is lor this reason Smith's actions are being seen by the courts as premeditated When ii comes to liaimmg a child you must base one hell ol an uneasy sou! and a tortured contused heart I asked mv sell “If I were a parent would I id liatm let alone kill my own child even at limes ol dispart'" The answei was simple “NO" One may coircd a child lor the pioccsso! the growth and m-1- 1 Maybe Dull had some type of chemical imbalance What w e do know is his wife changed her story at the last minute from “lie did it he killed my baby!" to “lie didn't mean any harm it's just that the baby's screaming bothered him" Why would she do this? "I couldn't stand the thought of my man in prison" she said Because ol this blind love a man gets 5 years lor not being able to handle his child's screams of excitement This being ho the parents never look a picture of w ill be remembered by a birth certificate and the newspaper little child w Even they will be forgotten in time What a legacy so who cares' Who knew these people hcl'oie now' We take life loo lightly w uh the actions we do and the words we say each day just to gel a little olf our own backs Most recently we have Icll the shock headlines nl yet another way that death can claim the hie ol a child or tor that matter any person The April I1) bombing ot the Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City where a day care center was ing hot feelings and thoughts about a grizzly scene in our live's today located with 40 children Nineteen of these children are known dead with many still missing The body count After airing my philosophies I have learned that there is a little more to our system than what I had thought I also have a little more respect for the way it works at times as well I learned a little more about myself as a citizen of the world We've already messed so many things up for ourselves why do we feel the need to single out the children to cover up our mistakes? rises daily The bombing left us with names like McVeay Nichols as well as group names like White Supremacist and Michigan Militia Names that we would go without thinking of but now they are pertinent bring day-to-d- Attending summer school saves student's time by Brittni Coe staff writer Linking lor a way to save yourself a little time money and a trip hack to Price next fall? Two words summer school!!! Yes these are two wonderful little words they haven't solved world hunger or anything miraculous but they have changed a lew freshman lives for the better Picture this you are a freshman and w ill be leaving here in months as a junior Transferring to a university as a junior a year ahead of all your friends Now doesn't that sound ideal? To achieve this dream is relatively easy In lact it takes little to no time and money The first summer quartei (one of the three they offer hcloic fall registration) begins June 12 Running weeks and then you are dune Does that not sound like heaven? It does to me live-intensi- When you register you will only be paving tuition yes that is collect no lees lor suinmci quarter Iile keeps gelling belter Nol only do you save yourself money but think of all the money you will he saving lor housing and food Plenty! You also are able to get more ol the classes you need there is less of a student body during the summer which means easier access to classes and fewer students per professor Are you sold yet? Well if you arc not the mere lact that if you don't live in Price and you slay for the summer and graduate early you cun go home to your mom and dad plus see your brothers and sisters all the lime That alone should make you want to stay away a little longer CEll has done us a great favor hy having summer quarters Take advantage of this opportunity I know that every college in the nation oilers summer quarters but CEl' i' where you are! (io out and make this happen! Graduate ahead of your class save youisclf money and lime and make your parents and grandparents pioud' You'll thank me later But there i really no need thank yourscll lor putting in the time and el fort and go to summer school! mmmmmwiBBWi TIIE PRICE MKAIC 7 38 East Main Price 637-844- 0 STORE sterling silver Kachina dolls pottery (Next lo Price Theatre) $1 -- a&teMt — 00 $50 Open Mon-S- at 9:30am-5p- m Off Any Footlong Sub Off Any Six inch Sub iGood only at 382 E Main Price Utah (801)637-913- 7 |