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Show special business hotices, UO (TO oon ior Maruea xtoDeria EVENINGTmwSrf i n t was drawtJ-t- lowtuf, . Jtobert Caitu "r -- uWf1ipIeo' l.nttki. TTnni. na .nd AV.I Tuesdav.fo hnf l to - tb merlte CMeTaJid.WM Cxsrradi I r v " bn i. ! i ao f i " Dlstricf - - . r - .iJri i -- 7 1 s . -. i- t to-da- y.' nunuui .1 1 a. lirst-clas- ISE ISTETvr-cA:lJBIlT- Ur.8. hls terldb. The" work-- . Is.. illustrated ?tei t I . ".t KaeJh.ia,l75, .aximtniiM , . . . . I ... diaffinc r Judgem.n...-for i. j. -V u ne naa i one two r--T i auiiea wiin inai snewmg fiflstead maps, Lsketaty. I Deea naturalized aboutin Mu i.ufiiuV n. "www uununanou . vium tLe latter ,1 ..f. 2. 181 fnrmincr aiinh k Piace IS. also to rlav id,l,Hr.wn whnln UWeQQenUVtO nla helnar th 0 All ance onu m selected to serve as a Juror. Mr. sematottai -'-caeeva. compehdlum of Information in re stored have fu uiEKiioiiKTEB 88 decrees Fin oumeriana. for th " aHImmi iing .VAtinl ..t.. .irn .t.itn the shade at 1 p.m. them for sale, Fine. fif V? W"CU8 016 this mornlag, to ' dedae nts of this terrible portlen of K0 - Jur?r 0u evec bn Saturday selected Without European history, as cannot be ob- - m" ";. ! , . 1 l?e TiiKATHEoin ques- - Seu3, opposite y(iier nouse, Dai p 15 W Information Wanted, by Mm XL 40, Canal street, Grand Rap-idFitch, wwuon. vDicn in uw wono. iwyer DM just r - yreseni RDenui uxmiAn ThA -- . Benefit to Mr; J. S. Lindsay at WaS hot IS OOnformi thlalI tlCUlar Question was vh.l h of the. whereabout Michigan, tfi.. Hrt.. In.t.lmsnl ... .With . 1 I .. I - ..fht.MlTAi! the Theatre on Saturday evening. of her father, John P. khaiiH An.ll.I7uii Mnnlrffia mum, l..t . il. or or j miiuauuv- oiera: tna tne i Senat intereatinsr niffmv uis number uis Lloyd, s, 7 -a VYaitted. Six iwood choppers. Apply immediately at I 1 Whdlesale and Retail? in.?. -i- 7- - AyJL?.lttt .' ai. , " l - 1 Ite.The following II 1 in GRI1IM wasrecelv. oi vne county where the Court Is tain it should .make immediate ap- fore taken by the President in the ueiu snail select from the tax list plication therefor. protection Of Lonialana eatn,aanexnooDv,nr? Taylor tie violence.and thaa.la tli nn! nlnn we names 200 of male "Ureen River. Trni citizens, Ac, of the Senate, he should, continue Hcuax HAin.-u- st opewd,tte Pacific express io serve as Jurors. la e'ght hours late. to recognize the .existing govern- largest; stuck of combs, brushes, xne district Attorney said the ornament for the TERRITORIAL French hair and DISPATCHES. long and animated discussion aa to M same point had been raised in the ' Offlces-Th- e New .... .... .i 7 Imitation Hair, ever seen In this Deseret Telegraph me propriety andrneoewdttr Court in cases other and had been hare Telegraph Company . ami .. see i of fenb, 7K w them at the Just "If : ii f city. pall reopening the partyatpolicy Too ttkk VTT.T.E. March 17. 7 offices at Santaquin overruled. opened Dut no was jeefc decision Standard Hair store, present, . and York, on the .Utah Southern n7he Judge said he had already de- y81' b7 Fryer, reached; the caucus will meet attain Vm. Irvine, Proprietor. ' e4dedinhi.own court,ln the Seo Son- railroad. y- -? l ; ."- ond District, th.i: th. nKi.Mnn "Los-- f in Lomdox" at the Thea '": " I in" auernoon. tre dri Saturday: .magazines. from uwyer's we awvt utiua lur cuauenge, anu ne Is six months old. and was shot by Confirmed evening. ' have received Harper' Monthly could not hold otherwise now. an Fryer, in st The Senate has confirmed the while in bed - I of Albert U, Wy man. Sfhixq Fashions. An elegant hd Oodey 'a LadyTBdok for Aprllj tne defense .challenged' the juror with its -mother, who was also shot I nomination mrougn- tne nead wblle In bed by to De assistan t treasurer at Wash- assortccent of .Lid lea' Pattern Hats, They are excellent numbers and all and s i exeused. nim. itauy was engaged in matt- - ington, vice Lerov Tattle reslimed Bonnets, r joweis, Kibbons, Fea--1 wuo want lo purchase tbem. can do Michael Holden was drawn, but lng a fire when Fryer entered the 'I. Burned. then, Ornaments and Trimmings, so at Dwyer's book store. was excused on the same ground as door; on Hatty's turning around he CAIRO. 18. A fire hern IxBtniffhf was will arrive In a few days at Mrs. shot bail the twice,one entering t Robert Camm. Wa'.K at- - 11 " . tue iivery staoie or Mite and left eye.and the other striking direct uuruk Colebro6k'a Temple of Fashion. Court Business. while o HyrumT. Shurtliff, M. B. Calla ly under, horses. tne rig nu jrryer tnen enter raraer, witn twenty-twu were drawn ed another room IJudjre Emerson tireaided Am tha han and Wm. Nay lor. shot his and there Damaare ITeed. by a 4 wife and child. Fryer remai ned in Ski.i.io Orr at Cost the entire Federal Court room, Judge McKean and paasecL SUDBURY. Pa.. 18. The ice here snot by tne broke ex heard motions iiattys nouse uit and attend totk of Dry Goods at Shwartz parte J. Hooper, was challenged Sheriff's last evenincr and went over ,Wn, posse. .Mrs. Batty, who tore, great gorge Temple Street, on ac ed to the naturalization of citizens peremptorily by , the prosecution was io the house during the time, J0? aam Put bte ana came, and H. T. Shurtlht by the defense. was not molested by Fryer. count or removing Into the new in the jury room.. . k, k At the.' suggestion of the Court, toro lately occupied by Mr. Wal- with it several bridged and tearinsr Mass Meeting. The residents of and by agreement of counsel, each dS7 oetween nere lice, conftetloner. ir k i i .nil tnaP la und.onuge 20th Ward North Bench held a aide having fifteen ' peremptory nnd barvV n nn. the a nu morning, wniwjzraj. uiaraianan out or th nth hri 'To REST. The premises, No. 90 mass last evening, on the challenges,twenty additional Jurors and tk. Northumberland railroad bridges Ea.t Temple Street, suitable and water meeting It"was resolved to were drawn from the box to be werehis two sous,inCyrus and Justus, are question. safe.havimr been heaviiv indi canyon, Loganthaw woraing fiitt l up for a bank. Enquire in present another ... l vara. A t t to appear forthwith, fnnr- ailUi.fmm Toran petition, summoned, praying ; voni hiipu awAu, , u. the basement of ' " snow a for relief in the matter to the City and, pendiog their in ' " 1 '"' slide, caught carrying at MlnmntlKi-Tbv h Death appearance, h. Greniu. J about a hundred yards and Daniel Justus . Council. o'clock, the court took burled mm in snow. The father Emma, Mine. . f recess NEW Tmf. Cheapest Place to buy Wall 18. Mrs. T ler Cur was till a 1. half carried es short York. but The distance, past Tirst Appearance. ' Attorney one died A who door &t fiom Pavers tis, Co's, hold is caped injury.' to malpractice yesCyras caught prosecution Paper being unwilling let of a tree George E'Whitney made his 'ap- the ! also escaped unhurt. terday, was left here in lodgings by - 'I; . and south of Walker House. at were go jurors liberty, they to her uunuuuu nueen raoDina asro went The pearance! In the Federal Court neld in latter immediately i twe dausbters by. her hus- s'iKSoM e Wi ndow Corn ices J ust Room this morning the first court. charge of an officer of the Logan to give the alarm, and tbe with band's former wife remittances i father jk commenced and digging ss, arrtve4 ai iwivera iv.,vu uoor time we believe rslaoe the occurshe was in greatly strait-me- n for Justus. About failing, fifty dS2 rence of the unpleasantness between ''Departed. Intelligence has been huntlog uji of Walfcer Houe. on horseback, with shovels. I oned circumstances, fur means' to support her family. Gregory, who ' liris Last Legs ' at the Theatre himself and Judge McKean. received from .'Logan, Cache Coun soon arrived, one after the other, II? a wealthy Bon of the late Dudley or about and after twenty .thirty or on SaSurHav eveuioarl at the death, that place, yes minutes digging, be was found I l. uregory, ty, on of ber slt- Another New cniez Justice ior terday afternoon, of Major Seth M. buried two feet deep under the uauon, delicatelylearning relieved her ne- Cham ber's Encvclopjeoi a. j Utah, Our dispatches from Wasn Blair, an old and well known real snow. Lire was extinct. A coro- - cessiues. inis ana tneir mutual musical tastes resulted in an inti- Meteta. J. B. Llpplncott & Co., of s thKs ,, telle ns that dent of this Territory. Major Blair ner's Inquest will be held (his p.m. macv Ington aneraoon,' ". -- .7;' iS! i uer v: '7 laii. is notorious iuu ii Philadelphia, announce that, by a Hon. David P. Lowe, member from may be said to have been the patrl 8- - M- - Blair. abe la not bis firat victim. Be tbat ' of Death " reoeut purchase, they have become Kansas, to the late Congress, has arch of the Utah bar, having been fore ber death aha stated that she Seth M. Blair died this after-- learned the sole" proprietors of the Ameri- been nominated by the President, appointed U. S. Attorney for Utah noon. of Doctress Ihl through a , Herald advertisement, and sought can Revised Edition of "Cham-.ben- .' for the chief Justiceship of Utah, by President Fillmore,' and being her services without Greeorv's si JJncycloptcdia,' and are Mr. I. C. Parker, 'of Missouri, hair the first holding that office here. "TFeur He Barled la Bhewallde: anowieage. l c is runner stated thereby enabled to bfler the work ing been nominated to the Judici He was a major In the famoas that her voice had attracted a stran BlNOliAMjj March 17. f. at much lower rates than hitherto. ary Texan Rangers and took part in ger's attention, who was having j for Arkansas. occurred at the ner A snow-slid- e " " HAVE ' MADE STILL irainea ior tne operatic stage. ' In the ourse of its recent thorough . several battles which secured to head of Carr Fork, at; four o'clock xne . .; are Mine uompany this a.m., burying four men. It requiredimma revision, the American edition was The PhlladelvMa Times. By a Texas her Independence. He was was to bonds for give..I"$5,000I Supposed that all four were edited with the special view . of prospectus we learn that CoL A.K.' woo ie Iiii tu. i. aKaiuai,in oeuator iuo Bui personal ;friend of General Bam Vlll. f... .ff a .n hnnn AXntrKnn I supplying the wants of American McCIure, a? editor, was expecting Houston, and a letter written to three of the men were found Iii ve! oswvet readers. It also possesses a special to 'commence the Issue of a new the latter by Major Blair, published and one dead. Two of the men. mem ior tne mine. " a.uw.wu, paia snow feet of buried in under attraction In containing a series of and weekly paper, first in the Washington Star, and an old tunnel,thirty W1U dally A unCase were out taken Slasaler Fatally Sbeti e over seventy-five- ! engrav- to be called The Times. Office, 14 subsequently Tin many journals injured; their names are C. Smith Sam f. "vestibula, rex.", was ings not contained in any other 8outh Seventh Street, Philadel throughout the Union, was one of and F. Kayser. The other two hear inWard, IN THEIR court the yester surrogate's . d50 a cabin further up the day, in proceedings on the probate edition. .!M;i phia, Pa. The dally Time by mall, the means of turning the scale of lived inOne of them, Larry Now-la- or tne win or Ham contractors' war " against gulch. cents per the ward, jr., who Was killed in his bunk; the was about twenty years jer annum, or fifty, of age, and if vocr Watcnes or Ciocksto are $6,00 .. 7 Utah. Timet was month. The Weekly saved by bequeathed forty thousand' l,00 Frank other,' Lenny, dollars H. oat of repair, bring them waa his firm in friend getting in a .tunnel,, back of the in these words: ma will be The Major I all give Reiser. Watchmaker,: opposite the per annum. The. was badly hurt. Now-lan- 's earthly estate to my mother, Imy do in everything, neu- ships, and the last time the writer cabin. He was "independent VI Office. warrants his He broughtr to Bing- not know my father." The mother body, irra cor- conversed with him after he had had to all In tral nothing,'opposed dSO ham. The slide earne down the died 'soon alter. The contestant's 'I I:. work. in municipal etate 'or a severe spell of sickness, he said that canyon' one2 mile and a half, and counsel claim rings rupt the will was ex Handsomest stock of Wall Paper national affairs." while ill he had called a portion of was from thirty to seventy feet ecuted under that ! coeeion or undue ini just arrived at'Lj W. Rivers & Co., Col. McCIure Is an able and ex his family to him and told them deep in places. fluence. one door south of Walker House. never to go back on "Mormonlsm," John Riley and John Monahaw.. Snow-slidperienced newspaper man, and aa A Family Burled by of South Brooklyn, quarrelled yes to be the knew he and it a make truth, read "3 ' kss rs. Lixdsav, Graham and may be expected t terday evening; Monshaw was fa to Wished note' them ' that and re and able shot. paper. 7 18thj il vigorous Cogs-ve7 Misses And Walters Ooden, tally Furstr, member it in case he should drop1 "A snow slide at F&BRUARY Wht 1875., Suspended. Liberty, in.Og- and Mrs. Douglas in appropriOff. Mr. dsn at ';' 'Seven. yesterday morning, , Valley, Sweet Seventy, A London dispatch says that the ate characters at the Theatre on Sadestroyed one house General South American Banking Blair was well known eight 'o'clock, the" venerable newsMajor Rdbert Carter, m turday evening. six persons, Co., . limited, with a capital of 170 Justice. 70; 69 by ranuiy oifive dealer and carrier, io forms us that throughout Utah, from Dan to occupied of Burt; of them name the Union, 71; 7; 71; 7f by suspended. The 1215 UstvERsiTY Library and anni- Beeraheba, or from Bear Lake te were finally taken oat badly hurt. 600,000 pounds,has y 580 Is the seventy-sevent- h was a Lady Bryan, 61; 6; 6, caused by. large REArixu Room, University Buildir little child had not been found up suspension advance' being made to Imthurn A 240 Jlilia, 6KO 17. versary of his advent in this mun- "Dixie," having resided, at differ A 50 Caledonia; . , four o'clock yesterday after- Co, sr j; ng. .... c 7' FREE.j dane sphere, and as Is our custom ent times in various parts of the to 120 Knickerbocker, 4 .r Opeu every evening from 6 till 10. as the time comes around annually, Territory. He was naturally open, noon.. Another Thief Found Out 200 Globe, If; l n w 75 Balto, 7 discov we heartily commend uncle Robert free, hearty, impulsive, brave, and Boston, 18. It OH BAXS KX en He S. ered incharacter. H. tbat Bennett, book 500 Utah. 5 Best live Geese Feathers at 80 to the kindly consideration of the enterprising small 6; 61; 6 partner in the 510 keeper and a f rents a pound, and all kinds of reading public He Is" always tered the editorial fraternity in 21 I3Q wholesale millinery house of Pres- - 765 Spill, T3I38T Dayton, Mountaineer the with ' connection Wood x Co., has been embez 150 R Island,2;2 Fauey Brackets very cheap at prompt to fill erders for periodicals cott, TWA WBSTEBV TJJTIOM W,MstlFH LtlTB. o this city. During his latest years zling the funds of the firm for sever of all kinds, and he desires us to Dinwoody's. ' 18. . New ral thlnKs York, afflicted , and with was years, confesses, he lie rheumatism, return .thanks for him to his patrons TODAY'S DISPATCHES. hU peculations amount to 85 or 40 I itroRTA N r TO TUB TRAVEL with a reminder, that and became little . more than a of the Gold closed 161: Money, 2 21; past, t thousand.'- Since detection ho has W JJ r 17 7 ijio rcBLic. Govts.:dull. and strong; Stocks - EASTERN 1- he will be grateful for a eontieu- twice attempted suicide, rj closed active weak; Western Union, It is ths duty of all persons e wjsn atlon of thelr favor, noreased Newspaper ;jPostae-He- vy 76: Qhicksilver, 82; K. Y. c, loo; ' 7 7 icANADAfe;U Which ther offer by lbs Yard, or starting on a Journey to ascer- Robert ' many happy returns of The Bxitian Mission. The fol . 8now8torrn. "' Erie, 61; Wells, Fargo, 861; racmo 7. . Bishoptain by what route they can reach the Star Appointed the from Millennial, is ChiOAOoI ltL has A Washlngion already lowing 371; Panama, 1141; Union Pacific, day, although he JLJL . J IO. AVC their destination! with the least passed, 5 I" IHIJ H'Si''-'says "the express company of lUnUfllV. A1J eat Styles voff uentnu oonos, vit. IFYIf Jtlatce Up in Suits to Order in the seven years, the time of Feb. 25 special by vl Brock cousre in the postal daw is creating lie, has been appointed 4t; Bonds, ... r trouble, and if there are two or allotted as a role totbe probationary r " Arrival Elder Alexander a good deal of annoyance. through- Roman Catholic Bishop of Kings more road leading to the same span of life to man. G. Ingram arrived at Liverpool Jon out the country. This law will be ton; his consecration-wi- ll take point; to decide which U the safest Satardav, Feb. 20th. per 8. 8. City repealed among tne n rat' acts oi tne place April 18th. and oleasantest to travel. London, in good health and spir next congrees. . The postmaster Japanese Tel. If one werei to of Fmfcbat. t. n. jajrrif Jen his home in uian, general; in view of the increased its, We take pleasure la, stating, that believe circulars that are Nov. lie JDHxV 8HJlRP Jr, certain . FORE1CM. called been news1S7V 23, or Nobth-westerhaving rate transient pn Oie Chicago & J. r. tnrxXIC........-.- .' .....Tresrr. around this part of , the on a mission to this country, with papers, postage, DEMANDS OP TUB PUBLIC, tbey have alto on hand a TO MKBT Tir and in order to afford the J Railway ts the nidt-st- , and several floating re la of his neoDle In all Darts of the country would be suppoaed that the privilege it visiting country, K mil' tbw hortetr, rOuie between la the States of Pennsylvania, an opportunity to become familiar Trouble Imminent In India. is called the Japanese peaJ Is tives pistbs aaaonTMENT New Jersey, and Kew York, wnere wltn Omaha aad Chicago. Within: the whatmost, tne new jaw suspeuus m ope- nLONlON,I8, 6 a.m.--TCalcutta productive ' wonderfully the; been has and he preachuntil t 4 traveling ration la this particular two April the road bed has and otherwise excellent of all peas. of the Times tele' n ing until Feb. 6th, wben he em- first, when be will rigidly enforce correspondent itf difficulties hsve arisen that oeei pu in auanraie graphs BROADCLOTH, BEAVERS, DOESKINS, &c. Whatever msy be the good quail- - barked at New York for XJverpooL" It, and all newspapers - will be ds between Xhe .'Indian government 1 almost the entire line has been ties mmur ' kmc ' of this pea, . when i r i i ilntmjnrat prepaid. and the lung. of Barman, regard "Releases and Appointments tained ifto insufficiently grown) In w Hi. sf Tcrrttors.); f i i i rJald Vith atetl ra:is. the. above efiect will ing tbe released An order is Robert Easton Eider boundaries and tbe letter's Is hot other it Of Foreign nanifaclureV o evidently climate, con- be issued by tne postmaster general claim to sovereignty, over 'several Uader eeatrart wltki It. in The Dejot la Chicago U central the from aad Glasgow C. laboring to of climate Utah. A'' the aaa of rreacna the action ference to return home In conse to postmasters. ;p.rese Ir 7V d as their trains ar adapted I Independent States;' in spite of , . J " t v; is bne , Wilford Last absolutely health. of Woodruff, STorthbrook's general year, postmaster - . " quence Lord J falling f proposal forj. rive there thirty minutes In FORWARD GOODS TO ALL WILt fJB ore neoaaearrto the vent, ureenwoou flooding Cor y " .iuer luuam mixed conMnirsion of the best and most experienced ' settlement Utah aod eoutkera Nevada- m T Niffill rr. . Tl vTtrrmnn a w ,1?V41lfVl!' O released to return home on account of the postofflce with insufficiently of tbe question at issue, the King f f pouiu la "ull other l!n. IniLHMenfirei invxi&i rr." tsr iinwuiij THE this farmers in int.riiiiJiUj'Aiui purchas Territory, 77i nawansners... . ; f . xne Eastiire ueoartuen of ill naid health. Kandlina.tamMna and of be ihhy the has making always disputed territory. GOODS BEFORE PURCHASING ed ssme of the Japanese peas lor " Elder B. W. Carrington ir re te still In receipt of complaintsi of and occupied tAna of ORB ani BULLION a quality;-- AND PRICES ' OF eru connections. The i refuses, to withdraw. he punted It on his farm, leased from laborlnar in the London this embarrassment. ELSEWHERE, v. " " British authorities Insist on a est JF. a oss, supt t'l.se nan nations are made at seed; desirous of DUnatchea renort a fearful snow tlement by ' the 'means they have be being conference, and tended It Sates of guar and of this south given freight city, & Iowa Shore in Lake storm the studies course of yesterday, throughout Chicago with and troops are going to anteed to all poinlt J5at and West. attending a - j? United Order, of. Tailor. - with special care. 'Notwithstand and Minnesota, stopping raiiroau proposed, l Britlab liurraan. Vash advances maae on unper k Michigan Cen- ing his clos.' attention, only aboat Liverpool. .t.y. i..v Inconi. " Jilder Alexander u. Ingram is trains, and, causing great tshabU articles Great EteUeleoa Tbe Jtara to all of travel and venience the in Glasgow of the seed germinated. appointed to labor delay H P rt Wuvne A :hicairo. Kaskakee CONSTITUTION DUtLDINC. OSSee emeale tt. C. St. SI. Bepet, The attendance and enthusiasm ves- conference, under the direction of dlsoriptions. - A St. Louis dispatch a without all summer, It grew . .. i : Sal Lake r . j ty, been of bave railroads revival at the t...nA n.uiiu1 tr the 7,.;,., that all Moody j3 David says meetings j Elder Mcrtenzie.:' tige of bloom or the slightest Indi blockaded since atonaay mens, anu and w Hankey continue and were ) c ii GEO. V; WALLACE C recollect that will readers when Our cation of frultrtillOctoler, Tboussnas of the telegraph has been the orily immense last no means or communication with the persons wereinight. a turned contained frost News away nfrom the were vines bitten the yesterday's by If . the. doors. Jlhe newspapers and you ere ging to Chicago, Or and wilted. We say this much thai tice of the , return te tnu city oi outside world. 7 V.u '.'.k K.v..l.t 9 -.m all mlin other criticisms of the missionaries j ' r- - struck, a Lead. . not get struck After; (he Elders Easton and Greenwood, are generally hostile. DJir,K.du !f,nir tltsU h fthe Old others may si be TribunA says that Epb. Whit- an The pea disappointed.; Japanese Route ;7 , wno ar- PRUaSIA. and uoiuns, Spocof.aurtory; t' .;; aker a few fiava sure to rtvad heraCharley Jfi. i - ;.;a.-- ' 7l ;, 7 j; " The People, Actvs-.Thomwu company for the Black orranlze vellatest 4 lou will find on , all turoucn Elcks. The Third District IJourt We hate received the lef UBfixpecieaiy on . men-- TlERLtN. IS. In conseaeence of IIillr Valuable in and v this 1(1 Issued of. i trains; Pullman this o'clock ume met at the Archbibop of morning, Sleepew, new and day evening, after having secured the petllloo tL m.nifnJLrLt T tr Ho.AkM ftFlll the Philip K. Emerson, Associate Jus-- teresting series ef historical works, 15 each from between five and six Cologne, to' the Lanatag, againu bill a i .(-. that part of tbe ecclesiastical, . .ejicjJ OI j1 now being. pablUhed by Scribner, band red persons eager to go to tne v. ICii st Smiiking aed Second. Class uce, presiaing. ' f (j " neoDle TartielD- j.;ia. bleb elves !V tbe i.'wia. i , ' ,,, : 7' fildorado. new va-j xcrt, i Car kj The cse of the People, kc, , Armstrong Ca,;of NewRevolu tlon i in i tbe icontrol of the local hot ou anyV.rod In the Unl-- Thomes i or. Mar for French to nominated h. devoted church the property, the government F. Rloka, indicted fot the It is ted States. i. ter CiNCT.Ti,'18. The republicany has had the bill altered so as to dein "PartkuUr Information, with murder of David' Skeen, was called, tion, the most remarkable and prive the. priests of any share NOISELESS run LESS wr of the people of a nation city,, convention, . nupa, time tables, etc., may be had both sides reporUpgas readvfer rible rising the administration of such. 7 f J. Btmlnated Robinson, JS.. Tl at any of the Through: Ticket Of--7 triaL District Attorney Carey read against their civil and religious circus proprietor, for mayor. SPRING STYLE OPTIW, in in the West, or upon personal the indictment and the Marshal rulers that has ever taken place Tea CeaS waaaier motwuv revolua the of J the. world, j a to vl draw reevle. nroceede.1 history mmfmm W. to Jury. JtlXIXG fr written application J. STOCKS; faA Mr.' Adam Patterson, by request tion, too, that Is not yet over, tor lrou Ticket Agent,2 Salt Lake toRNiNa board; THE GDllTESF10.0TIC:r0F THE PDfSfllT DIf. alias. CoL I City, A. H. Earl, Ticket Agent at of counsel for defense, was sworn the people of France, . from the TT.menmn. . . T. W.a Fenton T 'arreaiea, hi. u .Louis of overthrow stbe of wiw :of the time renort nroceedlon has been caaixu the 1 San Franeitoot March' 18. PAHlHi, BMID & PAUILMF, ujfn; or to J. IL'MounUinVesfr case."---t ' one of the best of French it.mnt to swindle, lie naa been fhy.: Xiiti: Capet, ;r 'tt9 . ? a, THEME ARE tfO KOLES TO THREAD f circuUrsannonnclng that 915 Ophlr 9 9H; 93; b 5; 92 In scattering 9, w,.The following; were .drawn, aaa monarch, bave never succeeded bin tbe ' bounty votr atres government that has mA that If Claimants would ior- 2319 Mexican, 25; 251; 241; 241; 24, S lurv and sworn on u8er Agent Chicago. . their JMUcaoiia founding - '90: 24;241;24f, b 5; 25 u 4 hi: been satisfactory to tbem, and their ward a word of service, ana a smau F. W. J. Hoeper.--BBkip&SiMcJiesor breaks threads or Needles I Kict AsaosxxraT-ofmr Mtdnlfir:fH. thev would be se- - 80 G&C, i ?! I7t rawno Pafeb, of various Charles "Ells, ' Daniel' Cram,' Joe. haatorr from the terrible days of mimH 'r hMM tiountv answers to 705 89 to. the present, has been but a Tfa ten 20 li&B, 46;45t 17 izes,'some of the beat fever mana-- ii Peck; A; W. Davis, Samuel Jrlng JJIJBRfCAjLs'not ihey, Jfdchine of (toenty years are tbe circular, with the required ' -ii3', p;' ; leturej here, for side at the News hurst. Jesse West, Frederick Peters series of minor revolutions, corollar cents, were Just beginning to ba re 250 J&vnge'illS; bid iheilaehineef therefore ioe'must expeci Chollapj 68; 5ot o4- ; first. .'. or tbe :; toi ies .. of, ceived. SeiireJ. 46 r'.r-ivE vac. George outgrowthj ;p. (All. iMimh HAN, 45; 9 PAIR PRICES! ministers of thb city S85 C The colored Point, 28: The present volume contains fif. iw.nmH.t1nn Ronrne and De Witt C. Thompeon with UIS 425 Jacket, t.. 74; 73; 73; 71; 72; 72); nf.ITMlth. anrf the CliizenS' Tw1 The Jurors were examined, as to teen chapters, devoted respectively BrovS1 and Bleached Muslin JF $vc no runners io or Wper tomb 'to sett cur? Machines, fUtCB OP ....GOLD. r; to the following subjects:, "State of Relief committee in regard to th 1320 Impl. 7k 7;-7- , b 30 Dlstrlot their by qualifications,, the rorrtKix daOn ttf ZHrt Rational Bantu J ' " France before the TevoIuUon,-- " wmm AMrv a diminish Carey. amOBST the j,180EMiU.o,;51;5l mnrtalitv mat trisr fnca tke nisuFiCTCST nMit 150 Kentuck, 13; U75. oD7 and National cclared'cecola. Crrr, MSra Is. Charles Ells had expresseri an The JP. JSO '1 17; at tWii ttcing at 17; Alpha, the Afsembl j; ,rTh Constltnlloa ,tf utwuallfied opinion regarding ifclaf 150 Belcher, S3i;S3; 31 . i far ee rsmlaation Aasthsr Assemou. The Legislative 185 Confidence. 16:15 ease, and was cnaiiengeAi SHAWLS, C0RSErS, nutde, yet ocr prices str IXT7i:ii 'ihaix' those at oilier VT.- - Xaaslee'rev aTtali.';- !.' to 170 Fan Con the 40S Convention blv:w The Va410; 405; 4071; 400; Frederick . Peterson, Scandina Geo. A." Keith was nemlnated. poseees the qualifica- of tb Moderates;'. The .Reign of Ci - for postmaster of MJnneapo- 7l85 8 Kev, 1H U it i vian, did notable' 1.jsX ir'-T- Ai p fw nrf of War. rifTflTfl Fall Terror. and to read write Robespierre; - Iof tion a M iTT "w a a ait V:( ... 125 being HOKiE, thre rear .1 I j Daney.lK wlUidreW r The naa Conquesta;? . been VTkerrlor.- French, t . Prudent, 1270 the Eegllsb, lanruage,ana 54; 53; 53; 54, b 6; 641; "Hay cleared out our Winter stock "E- - the nomination cf exocrnnia11 . . .... Cala, 1 1::3 cf tlsi '.TIorlaparte;,, to 3, W: claimed aod taken the " nMi?!!!!,n1 naturalized" and cans herr time ai being ,j,.lg.. ths Cr!l ,helDIecbry: sr subsequently ftnlH a lk a. and tlciv- fZied vp vrt2i Summer Lowe, of JCansas, as commis---- j kl.kt K C... D ;270liullion, t3;S3 I . drawn on the Jury list, ana waaex gypt.aqd UjarilStrr Brurnaire;' of pensions, miJ.s yerterday, Of A .lA Trvtneiita vl" ..' ke Vewl nasi ' 'Amiens .jrr; rX 'iv. 0" "Mareniro. TjanevIBe; Joatice i i CC chUf nominated him " for 00 Overman, 47; 451; 45, b5; 43, tS'Sm rt cusedi .7, SOREN80N, : ii. c. drawn "The Consulate. "Renewal of Wart t)ua lemwry, in piace i. Geonreic Ottlnger-Wa- s i 'WblfWie; 4 XtakV to bad The Empire TUsltjThn expressed but admitted that he & .dM Cutler's. lR-T- W 1 1 f.T: ; ,kl? fS i ' ; j--'- r - -- .: ..ti The ChoiceslrTeas; Goffeesy Spices Pickles, X; the-brea- H a fri s B aeon; G h'e'e'se Sauces. . be-wa- - a. a &c. Lard, 13 I a To-da-y. - " !st mm : ; A POLL STOCK i Ti f.t, r -. - .r-- i SUPPLIES HOPE. FUSE, P0WDEE, - - r- OF - " - ' , , - nair-pasL- H , ' J I a 4 ? 1 BLeceived Tlxs - -- iflilEliRMiiiiiwi : ' - - - v ' - . A-1. . ' ; i ; i w I . Brothers Aalk . - ; i '- " v ' , . . . ""r. , first-cla- ss full-pag- , I n, .. f e, i , ! i -- ' to-da- . : .: ! ' -- :.:!; . . TMIM EMTIO ORDER OF : ' ; . has-bee- By ITeleg ra M. i - J , I ' ' ; -- $t 010 HOME M A - be-fo- , 1 ' It V : ; v - ; AT LOWEST .'7 -- - 1 ! rifcje-msW- i n or he a: - jNt,-.- i A 9 j j si i t ss'tsL -- j . i ad-n- - -- ". V - a . . "1 " ti J . t r4 i ! . i . - s . one-fourt- - ,.i-jfc-.f-- i j , h ! , . , -- u ; ' . . -- -- : ii-nee- w r ' aa mm mm i S . -- ?i 1 . unani-mansl- to-da-y, - aJ ! -- : ' . W;e( ,-Dl- j 1 N ? 1 - i f' -- af'ii ; . I nau-oeooiu- e a-'- I r 1 spnGtccnnEiiFninT3 , v . At-tern- " 1 - to-da- ey 4 Btates-Gener- . -15 1 - " Itett al lV . S - to-da- y, mm to-da- f, ' f j l. - it'. - . rd t-- .j wtk i r- . piiclpc. . , . " |