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Show Till: MORNING EXAMINER: CTAHTlTMiAY OGDEN, FOR RENT il)E REFLBLICANS KIKE OPFOKTIM11ES TOR Eccles Building. STEVE ADAMS AND AT J. Brian arrival her today and made ibe flrat of eleven apeechaa scheduled f.ir thla state. A large crowd heard . him. At the outset of his speech, Mr. Bryan said that North Carolina had a pePAp culiar claim upon his affections, as It REACHED THE NORTHERN CIFIC AT ARROW JUNCTION, aaa one of the flrat states of the union to declare, through its delegates, that it wanted him for the Democratic nomination for lfufL It waa not difficult, Boarded tha Train There and Wara be aald, to locate the original Bryan Expected at Moscow at man. In this connection he promised Noon, that in any future campaign the people of this state eould always call upon 8eit. W. 17. him. Bryan said he was doubtful if iu the South he was using his time to the heat advantage and added that his coming was made still less necessary hy the fact that Secretary Shaw had been here before. v Taking up Secretary Shaw'a Ashe ville speech, Mr. Brysn said he felt grateful to him for the service he had rendered the Democratic party, but he had not paid North Carolina a high Secretary Shaw, he decompliment. clared, had tried to palm off in this suite some second-han- d clothing he could not get rid of in Iowa. He had brought a speech which had been rejected is hie own state. He declared that Secretary Shaw la the high priest that he goes beof the yond every other Republican in thinking that the Republican party has done everything nacesmry. "Secretary Shaw," he aald, "haa not a word In favor of any modiflea-,rlo- n of the tariff schedule, while in other ataiee. New England states and to a. eonaptruoua Republican are demanding it and even McKinley had tearhed a point where he saw something must be done to extend our Lewiston. Ida., Sept. 17. Sheriff Sutherland and his party, in charge of Steve Adams, reached Arrow Junction en the Pa louse branch of the Northern Parlflc. 17 mllea from this city, shortly before the arrival of the Spokane train at 10 o'clock thla morning, having made the trip overland frpin Urangevllle, which point waa left yesterday afternoon. A portion of the night was epent in Nea Perce City. The officer and hla prisoner will roach You cant take Mr. Bryan aald: Mr. Shaw'a argument as true without believing that, these protected manufacturers got money out of the Ameri- COUNT Mr. btand-patter- trade." at Moscow ADVERTISEMENT ON THIS PER PAGE COST ONE CENT WORD POR EACH INSERTION. NO FIRST INSERTION LESS THAN 25 CENTS. ALL ADVER TISEMtNTS MUST BE PAID IN BUSIEXCEPTING ADVANCE, NESS HOUSES RUNNING OPES BOOK ACCOUNTS WITH US. FEMALE HELP WANTED. WANTED Virginia. j Clean furnished rooms, with bath, thoroughly renovated; alto light housekeeping rooms. The Colonial, S6t 34th St. Mrs. 8 TOM RENT Manager. Furnlahed rooms suitable for gentlemen. 162 23rd. FOR RENT rooms. Ben- IF GOING TO SEE A MEDIUM, Why not see the best, as the best ia the cheapest in the end. Better consul i no clairvoyant at all than one who la unable tu help you. for false prophets do more harm than good. 6 BOARD AND ROOM. lwk. BOARD AND ROOM Good board and room with elec uric light and bath. 229 24th 8L 9 MISS LOLA WOODBERRY. BaCy. Junction City Lodge No. 36, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, meets u . O. o. F. hall every Thursday rening. Visiting brothers cordially iaviied te he present. JAMES BUNE. X. G. WALTER RICHEY. Secretary. WOMEN union pacific RATt.ioap coja PANT, OF WOODCRAFT. M- s Philadelphia, Sept. 17. Frederick L. RoUterniel. a partner and elder brother of Wm. G. Rothermel, the Investment bond broker who committed suicide six weeks ago by taking cyanide of potaaaium at a time when hie financial affairs were et a crisis, was found dead at bis home yesterday. The fion OmahaAMuneil 17-tf h OPERATED UPON. tt k. , 12-ac- 2-- 1 Six-roo- Eu-rop- L DO YOM WANT nil-road- BOOK ON LAND FRAUDS. Portland, Ore., 8ept. 17. S. A. D. Puter, the Oregon land fraud operator, who is now serving two years sentence Tn' the Multnomah county Jail, announced today hla Intention to publish a book, giving a complete history of the sensational land frauds transactions on tho Pacific coast for the past quarter of a century. With that object in view, he has arranged with Horace Stevens, a local newspaper man, to collaborate with him. or-de- 1-- 2 IN A MUTINY. Port baid, Rept. 1 7. Several men have been killed In a mutiny on board the. Turkish troopships Quiet has been restored. 1-- Aftsar-1-Tewfi- about R now. ooooooooooo o O ' have more or less than twenty-liv- e Washington. SepL ' 17. J. O Reuberi Clark of Utah has been appointed assistant solicitor of the department of state, sucVan dyne of ceeding Frederick . O dollars. New HUGO D. WELLS 208 Eccles 'Building UTAH MAN APPOINTED. O You can '. Ogden, Utah York.-Mr- Clark is a graduate of Columbia university and comes to the department with a flue reputation. Mr. Vandynp retires oa account of ill health. YOUR ORDERS WITH MITCHELL BROS. Monuments, Copings and a Head-aton- e. Dont buy from scents, they gft large commissions oii hare to pay them. See i'Ttr hom people first. Yard oppuatie.LTtjf. Cemetery. and o o o o o o o o o Russian Poland, Sept 17. General Doroshev-sky- , president of the court martial which, on Sept. 16th. condemned two revolutionists to death by hanging, was shot at and wounded in the thigh while driving. here this morcTnc. The wnnld-b- e assassin ears ped. Warsaw, 0000000900 . fl o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o RUSSIAN JOURNALIST SHOT Place o oooooooooo O ym p.m. pjn. ajx am. pm. p.m. Bluffa, Kansas City, Denver and all point East, dally..,. 4:0fi p.m. North ef Ogden, Depert. Portland, 8 pokes, Pocatello and Butt Ex-fltaau. dally I;25 aml Ka 13 Me lad LocnL via Brigham, daily excopt 8:2 ajn. Sunday No. 7 Fast Mall, Portland. IpokiMu frcAtAlta aiA 12:2 pji. Butte, dally Ma 11 Cachis Valley Ex,,, 5:20 M6 press, dally. ,, ,.i Na II YallowaUma BpneUl fur tha Park $.26 pm. Arrival No. No. I 14' Yellowstone from the Park o o o o o o o o o o o o o s, a h BALE-Room- 15-if. 40-4- - Special 6:6$ gjg. 6Taat Mall from Port. land, Bpokaaa, Pocatello No. . , and Butte, dally T:$ajb. II Cache Valley ... dally .1: 35 S.BL No. 10 Portland, Spokane, Butte end Pocatello, daily 6:15 Ka 14 Mated Local vi Brigham, daily e crept fl:25 p.ie. Bunday South af Ogdon Depart. No. 4 Eastern Exprere.... 4:1 g.m. No. 14 Yellow stone Special fi:U Mk No. 6 Portland. Spokane, Hutto end PoeetnUo for Belt Lake City, dally.... T:$0 ASX No. 6 Local for Balt Lake No. Kx-pret-a, m S;SQ City, dour Ne. IS Cache Valley te Sett Lake Uty peeisoaeeeoeeaee 10:40 Na is Loa Angslaa limit-a- ass. an d. ..... ...... 3.1$ $Jt ...... .. Limited- for Salt Lake City, Provo,- NepU, sad. 6:1 $A Juab, daily, Na 10 Portland, Spokana, Butt and Pucatsllo to Balt Lake City, dally,... 1:20 p.A No. 2 ............ Arrtuo. Portland, Bpokaaa, Butt and Pocatello Express from Belt Lake Otty 12: 60 tJA No. 6 Atlantic Exprau from Salt Uke City, aad Intermediate points, dolly 1:96 Am. No. 7 Portland, Spokane, Butte aad FoenteUe Express from Balt Lake CKy, , ........13:56 daily No. I Fast Mall from Balt 2:26 p.m. Lake City, dally Na 11 Cache Volley Express from . Balt Leka City, Provoi Nsphl and. 6:16 Am, Juab, daily. No. 17 Loa Aagelea limited 6:41 pea. Na fi Eastern Exprere.... T:6 p.m. Na X3 Yellow ton special t:05 p.nx No B ux ............ Na DEPART DAILY. 6 Atlantic Mall and all Na 12 7. 46 Am. points East No. 14 Salt Laka local.... t;00 Salt Lake passen- ux 1.15 p.nx Chicago and BLLralt . 2:6 pflx Limited Na 20 The Scenic Limited 5:10 pm No. 4 Atlantic Exprena, all 7.00 p,iA points East,.... ger No. 2 ARRIVE DAILY. 1-- If you do, see me , pta. d circumstances were elmliar to those surrounding his brother's death and the coroner faae ordered an Investigation. Rothermel waa apparently in good health when he retired. KILLED :t$ut fo ery second and fourth Friday nights ver .U.re.cu, and East 3:90 at 7:39, ia K. of P. halL YimUag neighbors cordially invited. ttjvLee! 3:36 k Angelaa Limited 7:0 MRS. BESSIE LEE. U. K, 246 4 Na Atlantic FTjirnaa for Croat, Denver, Ooibsha, Coaxed EfJJEN EASTMAN. Clerk. 2234 Bluffa. Kansas City and all Washington Avenue. points East, daily... 7:30 Women at Woodcraft, Ogden Circle 611. meets every Tuesday Bight at 7:30 oclock. K. of p. hall. Y MU tag Nft. I California Erprcu from Council Bluffa, OmaNeighbor iaviied. ha. Denver, Xaaaaa City Dues ran be paid at tha officn of Ed. 2:45 inly Auih, the afteraooa of tba 36th of each Ka, 111 Park City Local.. 11:26 month. First National Bask Bldg. 7 Loa Am ties Limited 2:6 SUSIE AU)KN, G. N, 112 Twenty-sixt- h -- Faat Mail 3:6 street. 1 Overland Limited MARIE C RITES, Clerk, 2731 Mon- No. patronage solicited, those capable of appreciating the powers ef an Intellectual psychic. 1 teach clairroom and FOR RENT Firat-claa- s board at tho Virginia; moat popular voyance, hypnotism and personal magroe Avenue. netism and develop mediums. Mediplaee ia tha city. Madison. ums with difficult cases that they canLADIES OF THE MACCABEES. handle, consult me. WANTED A chambermaid at tha BOARD AND ROOM 449 26th BL notGuaranteed success when all others Silver Hive No. 1, meets the second Reed hotel. faiL and fourth Tuesdays at 2:30 p. m. at ROOMS AND BOARD, all modern no $1.00; My $5.00 regular readings, g O'Neill 121-t- f A teacher at 8outh Weber WANTED Hall, Twenty fifth atreuL conveniences. 614 24ih St. fee ia advance: pay if satisfied. The sisters cordially invited. school. Davis county, district No. only adept of Hinduo occult mysteries BESSIE SEBR1NG, I C. 10. Apply C. A. Fernellus, ristah, FOR RENT HOUSES. practicing In America gt the present LUCY NELSON, R. K. lima. Three-roomeFOR RENT house, 24744 Washington avenue, over KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES. WANTED Waitresses and chamberOrchard ave. Inquire 2421 Jefferson. Ulph Light A Power Uu., Ogden, maids, $25 per month; room and Utah. board. Kenyon hotel. Ogden Tent. No. 24. meets the see-anFOR RENT modem house, and fourth Friday evenmga WINDOW CLEANING, WadelL mo bench. MALE HELP WANTED. at I o'clock sharp, la I. O. O. F. halL UTAH window sad house cleaning. Visiting Knighta cordially iavttad to WANTED trustworthy FOR RENT House; and chickens and Energetic. Janitor and porter work. Sam Po attend. furniture for sals. 2622 Madison. man or woman.to work in Utah, repJ. W. HALSEY, Commander. . isno Co. Bell 7&0Y. Office, 414 35ta comresenting Larga Manufacturing F. F. BOND, Record Keeper. Street A13(f $90 $30 to pany. Salary per month, ulna-rooHew FOR house. vanned. RENT ad paid weekly. Expenses MASONIC. MEDIUM. WadelL J. H. Moore, Ogden, Utah. Queen Esther Chapter No. 4. O. E. RAYMOND, the great Medium; consult WANTED boy at I. L. FOR RENT Modem 2, I, and Delivery him on an business affairs. Medium-tatl- c S. Regular meetings held at Masunlo Herrlch. Plata. k Co. Clark Boot Cheap. Kelly persons developed. Seanoea Hall oa h Waahtagtoa avenue, between street end Twenty-alxtMonday, Wednardcy and Friday Twenty-fiftFOR HOUSES. FURNISHED with WANTED AT ONCE Oood boy, RENT, tho first and third Fridays of each Parlors, Readings evenings. dally. hors to carry Five Points route. month. Sojourptag members cordially Colonial Hon as, 362 24th St. 969 Apply Lamar Kelson, circulator, be- FOR RENT Furnished house. invited te attend. at. 26tb Call afternoons. a. m. and 4 to S tween S and ELSIE BADCON. W. M. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. p. m. ULUE HAL8TED, Secretary. FOR RENT Furnished house DR. A. rERNLUND, Pkyslriaa and on car Una, cheap. 90S I3d. WANTED Reliable bell and elevator Surgeon. Office hours. 10 and 12 a. ORDfiR OF RAILWAY CONDUCTORS 4 p. m. 340 26th St. Office 2 boys, $16 and $20 par month. Kento in, FOR RENT, OFFICES, Wasatch Division No. 124, O. R. C, yon hotel, 8lt Lake City. phones, Bell BISK; Ind. 516. Resisecond and fourth Friday at 640 Wash. Ind, phone 303. meta dence 1. TOR RENT Two nice offices ever 1:30 p. m. in K. of P. hall, corner 24-2 L Clark A Sons. Store. HEX to learn barber trade; wages MUSICIAN! DIRECTORY. Washington avenue gnd I4ih street All brothers are cordially Invited to while learning ;good situations waitFOR SALE REAL ESTATE. MR. A. H. GROSE Expert Pisan Tun- attend. ing our graduates. Moler System er and Repairer. With Barass' Music GEO. ALLEN, C. C, College, Salt Lake City. FOR SALE Must be sold at once D. L BOYLE, S. and T. store, Grand Optra House Blk. bouse and lot, horsa. cow and furSITUATIONS WANTED MALE. niture. B. T. Cannon, 210 Benard FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES. OSTEOPATHY. 917-lAre. WANTED Japanese cook wants posiGORDON G. IVES, CORA G. IVES, Fraternal Order of Eagles, Ogdet tion In hotel, restaurant or ramp. -Slaty acres laud near from parent Aerie, No. HE F. O. 1.. moots every graduates Ostenpataa, 8. Tone, Japanese lodging house. FOR SALE railroad station: fenced; partly imAll-lwschool. KirksviDe, Me. Lewis-StaMoaday evening in Eaglfia ball, oast of 2484 Wall ner block, suit fifi. Treatmaat by Reed hotel, at 6:00. Visiting Brother proved. ready for fall grain; no pay- mens until flrat crop is marketed. a. m. to 6 Eagles are Invited to attend tht Acne Hours appointment POR Hunter A Kennedy, room 6, First Ind. 1012. meeting!. p. m. Bell phene 1014-National bldg. J. C. OASBERG, W. PresidenL FOR SALE Railroad ticket Ogden D. T. TRACY, Secretary. UPHOLSTERING. to Denver. Tel. 76. POR BALE Best DR. H. B. FORBES, Aerie Physleias. orchard, Weber county, having best location Old You Ever Step te Think HORSE for sale. 212$ Lincoln, and water righL Kelly A Herrick. I can make your old furniture look B. P. O. ELKS. Atf like new? 1 do tha beat French polishFOR SALE ThorougnbreA Jersey mat-tres- s of blade all alio work, ing, repair Ogden Lodge, No. 719. manta every bull, cheap. Phone 667-TOR SALE cottage, fill making, cleaning and relaying Tumday evening. Imdge and clnb No rests to street. ris. 25ih large carp pay; result rooms, second floor Masonic building, Fine driving horse, bugFOR SALE lowest prices. Twelve years' experi- 2416 Washington Avenue. gy and harness. W, N. Pei ale, 76 with Furniture ence MONTH for Boyle ten months Co.; also PER $5 W. D. BilOWN, E. R. buya w 23d street. a good building lot 60x130 feet on furnish best of reference from Ogden J. H. KNAU8M, Secretary. atAll orders eitlsena. J. J. BrummltL SL 21st given prompt FOR SALE Ticket to Denver. Intention. Bernard A. Danker, 2416 ORDER OF WASHINGTON. dependent phone 369. two-roobrick Grant avenue, seven doors north of FOR SALE Farm, Both uos la lad. (office. shop. out phones house and good buildings; good Ogden Union, No. 172, Order of LOST. 10; Ball 637K. Residence 7S0Y. water right; 20 acres under cultivameet every Tuesday Washington, acres all a 16 fenced; pasture; tion; evening at I oclock ia A. O. U. W. LOST Child's blue velvet Jaekeroa AGENT. STEAMSHIP John Mvrignone, snap. $2000. Inquire hall. Visiting comrades iovltod te Washington ave. car. Return 3021 . Hooper, Utah. attend. Lincoln; reward. O. D. RASMUSSEN Representing WILLIAM DOYLE, President. Star Red Star White Line, The SL 22nd ear Line, CHOICE building lot en WALTER RICHEY, Secretary. MONEY TO LOAN. American Dominion Lina, terms. Line, line, only $160. Make your American Scandinavian Hob Line, J. J. Brumniitt. MONEY TO LOAN Private individland A merles a Line and The Ham- MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. ual has several thousand dollars to FOR BALE Farm; 60 acres farming burg American Line . Passengers Utah Camp, No. I9I0, A. W. AGEE. loan In. large or small sums, on good e booked from or to any point of acres 20 cow, land, psstnrlng lead, V. C.; J. H. SHAPER, Clerk. Meets real estate security. No com misof the United to any part pigs, ehiekens, ducks and turkeys Tnead.7 night at Eagle Hull. I sion. No del lay. Very low interest. Siatss. 2337 and 2359 Washington every and farming tools- - B. M. Simpson, p. m. Visiting members Invited. Inquire Ind. Tel. 3731-Ave, Ogden, Ulah. Hooper. MONEY TO LOAN on farms and city ONLY FORESTERS OF AMERICA. INSURANCE. $26. One dollar cash and one real estate. HUNTER ft KENNEDY week buys a nlee builddollar per Room 6, First National Bank BuildCourt Wasatch, No. 2, Fore atari of ing lot on the bench. J. J. Brum-mit- t. W. N. PIERCE, Notary Public. Real America. I. O. O. F. halL 34th ing. Estate; Fire, Life and Accident In- street, flratMeets and third Wednesday oven-lug- a 407 $4th SL surance, MONEY TO LOAN J. J. BRUMM1TT. of earh month at 7:10. cottage, $1200 BUYS a sew foor-ron- a G. W. HALSEY, C. R. JUNK. closet sad pantry, electric light large HAIR DRESSING, a P. A. GARNER, Secretary. and city water, located within two and a half blocks of the Rio Grande THE INDEPENDENT JUNK CO. buya A. F. La Freiniere and wife have A. O. U. W all kinda of Junk. Bell phone 626Z. depot ,on the bench; small payment Just arrived la the city with a comS693D. Green k Jacobtho balance the same an pay Ind. down; phone plete line of HAIR GOODS, POMPAsen, 3148 Pacific. Fidelity Lodge No. 3 A. O. T7. W. ing rent. J. J. BrummltL DOURS. SWITCHES and all kinds of Meets In A. O. U. W. hull every Satr. LADIES' HAIR GOODS made to FOR RALE A good Broom residence IF YOU have any kind of Junk, 'phone urday evening. Visiting brother InSwitches 'made from combings. on 27th street, first-claslocation, to Ogden Junk House: we will rail vited. Cut hair and combings bought JAME8 IT. M'LAtTGHUX, M. W. for 1L Bell phono 825K; Ind. 726. $1360. te GENTS' TOUPEES made order. Pour-roobrick residence, 21-- 4 mo WALTER RICHEY, Recorder. Satisfaction guaranteed. Hair dressacres of land, with good variety of W. N. PEIRCE, Financier. ing, shampooing, chimpidy, manicuring. HAIR GOODS AND COSTUMES. fruit, also good water right, $2,000. Calls promptly filled at your home. frame house with A good DEGREE OF HONOR. 227 27th St Bell 13. . block from HAIR SWITCHES for sale at reduced hem end city water, car line. $1,230.00. prices. Hair chains s specialty. Ogden Lodge No. 1, meets every residence on bench, 2 A Masquerade costumes to rent for Wednesday evening at fl o'clock at the PROBATE AND blocks from business center, 2 blk. balls and theaters. All mall orders A. O. U. W. hall. Visiting members GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. from 26th street car line. $1730. promptly attended to. Mrs. C. E. Lee, eordlally Invited. Mrs. Jemima Fnr-nls321 24th. P. 0. Box 435. Easy term on a portion. C. of H.; Mrs. ' Jeanette HI1L Agood Broom double house with Miss L Jennie Prout, reConsult County Clerk sr tha Respective financier; SANITARY WORK 2 acre of land located on bench, corder. Signers for Further Information. la water each apartment bae city Renta for $24.00 per month. AU DONE of all kinds. Bell phone 509Z. PROBATE NOTICE. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Nels. McCarty, 2726 Grant. 2,250. cor. 23rd and Wash. Parry, Chauncey Eatata ef Minnie Barry Geiger, DeVETERINARY SURGEON. B2Btf Weber Camp, No. 74, meets In X. Phone 3S9K. ceased. of p. hall ta Utah Nations! Bank Creditors will present claims with THE Inst ew weeks I have sold one D P. MILL! KEN, graduate veterinary building every Thursday evening at S vouchers to the undersigned at the law hundred low. I still have 144 cheap Me surgeon. Calls answered night or oclock. Visiting Woodman cordially office of C. R. Hollingsworth, room 203 . la different parts of the city; no Inday. Office. Ogden Feed and Bale invited to attend. Both Wash. ave. Eccles Building, corner at Twenty-fourt- h LORIX G. HBNIXGER, C. C. terest. no taxes; until sold these Stable, 221 45S-street and Washington avenue. E. AUTH, Clerit, First Natl Bask lota go vary cheap oa terms te suit phones; night phone In Ogden City, Weber county, State Building. purcaaers J. J- - BrummltL of Utah, on or before the 26th day of FRATERNAL A. 30th lltafi. D., on St.; KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. $10 December, NICE lot only $30; MILTON B. HALL. per month. J. J- - BrummltL ROYAL ARCANUM. Administrator. Ogden Idge, No. 2. Knighta of meet at Casile'HalL Utah Date of first publication, August 21, WANTED Veal, pork and ehiekens; Pythias, and best. Insures men for National Bank building, every Mon A. D., 106. highest rash priceandpaid at Weath-erby'- oneSafest two or three thousand dollars. day evening. All K. of P.s requested wholesale retail butcher Council. No. 637, ' PROBATE NOTICE. and packer, 2438 Wash. Slaughter Hby Mountain fourth meet with ns. Friday even- to BENJAMIN MARRIOTT. C. and bouse, cold storage and slock yards meets aerood How-ell's Notice to Creditor. SL, Ogden, ings at A. O. r. W. hall, over at West Thirty-seventE. R. GEIGER. M. of F. store. Visiting brothers cordially Utah. In the District Court of the Second L. N. MEID, K. of R. and 8. Judicial district of the State of Utah, ,nntANK FOULGER. Regent BUSINESS CHANCES, In and for the County of Weber. RATHBONE SISTERS. J W WOTHRR8POOM. Collector. In the matter of the estate of William G B. ROBERTS, Secretary. ing house; close in. FOR M. Smoot, deceased: Meets every Saturday afternoon t address L, care Standard. Creditors will present claims with BROTHERHOOD. FRATERNAL 1:30 in Pytblsn hall, Utah National vouchers to the undersigned idmlnta-trato- r Bank building. Sojourning sister corTAILORS. at the law offices of Agee, Che 371. T. P. B., dially invited to attend. 3 Ogden Lodge, No. First NaA McCracken, rooms and fourth Tuesdays at MRS. T1LLIB ROBB, M. E. C. Clothes cleaned and pressed $1 . a STm- second tional bank building. Ogden. Utah. m W. ball Visiting b5S-nMRS. ISABEL WYANT, L. r.f R. - in A. O. U. Invited ur before the 20th day of January, 1107. month, 167 25th EL Bell phone member cordially and Ct MARK MURPHY, p H. ADAMS. President. WANT AOS YIELD BIG RESULTS, Administrator. CORA 1IOBRS, Secretary. WANT. ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS. AGEE. CHEZ ft M'CRACKEX. WANT ADS YIELD BIO RESULTA BIG YIELD RESULTS. ADS WANT Attorney. High-clas- I. Mutera - Ne. I Overland Express..., Limited Omaba.GpumcU UuffDe Sago Lily Circle. No. 1T4. meets ev- d well-know- that you may be kept from work by sickness or accident of ny kind Furnished rooms housekeeping. 2229 Lincoln. n Rebekah Lodge No. 4. hall. Meets second and fourth Friday evenings at Odd Fellow Hall, Twenty-fourtstreet. YLiJtag members Invited. ESTHER RANDALL, Nobis Grand. . - EVERY WEEK for FOR RENT' at tha 14 ural-bor- 813-lm- Queen City. 1.. O. O. F. Vis-itin- BROTHER ALSO FOUND DEAD. DOLLARS housekeeping TIMECARD 12-tf j Berlin, 8ept. 17. A despatch to the Lokal Ancieger from Hamburg says can people and then get It again out at that Count Witte. of Rua-sithe foreigners afterward." was operated upon yesterday for On tha question of Democratic the fifth time by Professor Stepless. pianka advanced by Republicans, The operation waa a alight one. Mr. Brysa said that whenever a RepubCoopt Witte in being treated! at lican speaks of anything with pralsa Homburg for polypi of the note. and rejolrtng he is speaking of someBOSTON'S 276TH ANNIVERSARY. thing done In accordance with the Democrat le doctrine. When he apoloBoetnn. SepL 17. The 27Gth annigises he ia talking about, some purely Republican doctrine. Everything the versary at tha founding of Boston was Republicans say an the tariff, he add- informally observed today. The annied. la in the way of apology. versary was marked also by the for Ar to President Roosevelt ah a warmal opening of the official bureau of rior, Mr. Bryaa aald that two years publicity designed to make known the ago Governor Black, In nominating Industrial possibilities of Boston. tka JYeaideat delivered. eulogy on war. saying the country needed a man THREE MEN BLOWN TO PIECES. of blood and Iron. At the St. Louis Mr. I aald convention," Winnipeg. Man., Sept. 17. By a preBryan. quoted UHs and ssld Jt was a challenge to mature explosion of dynamite yesterChristian civilisation. Now Isnt it day afternoon, at a railroad camp xtrauge that, within two years, tha eighteen miles from Kenora, three men mau who was then called the God of were blown to piece. Fragments of War. has won his greatest victory and their bodice were picked up forty feet laid the foundation for his greatest away. glory as s maker of peace between Russia and Japan? CHARGED WITH WIPE MURDER. Coming to the question of trust a. Mr. Bryan said that You dont enjoin Canton, 0 Sept. 17. James Cornehorse thieves, but put. them In the lius, a n contractor, ia in But trust magnates Jail charged with the murder of hla penitentiary. must be Just asked to desist before wife. He admits striking the woman the uproar becomes too great. They with n window weight in a quarrel. found (hat did not 'go and they aaiif we will actually fine you f a.OWT when FORMER GOVERNOR DEAD. 'ou ran make $ 100,000 during tha trial. We say treat rich and poor alike. Milwaukee, Sept. 17. Former Gov. Talk about anarchists! The Re- Aaron Thomas Bliss at Michigan died publican party has made mors anara sanitarium here of chists in this country discriminating yesterday at apoplegy. In Ibe punishment of the rich and poor than sere ever made by all the CLOUDBURST IN NEBRASKA. speeches of anarchy put together." Jackson, Neb., Sept. 16. At 7:30 o'clock this morning water from a cloudburst In the northwestern part of Dakota county and the eastern part of Dixon county, rushed down the valley of Elk creek, sweeping away hundreds of tons of hay, drowning hogs caught In pens, flooding cellars, washing away railroad tracks and doing other damage, all of which is conservatively estimated at $100,000. The wave of water in the creek when it TWENTY-FIV- E struck this town was seven feet high. s The Omaha and Great Northern both- - lost considerable track. - FOR RENT Light rooms 2634 Grant. UNION DEPOT O. F. Jan-uar- bath: housekeeping FOR RENT Fumlahed nett Block. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply GST 22nd St. Mrs. J. B. Faulger. " V. WANTED Good girl for general housework, , small family. 2731 noon. WITTE Dining room girl WONDERFUL PROPHECY. Hamilton. In San Francisco last prophesied the horrible earthquake which took place there, fre ing himself and warning hit friend t do the same. Hi office was, at that time, at 1007W Market Si., whirh is now eompliMv destroyed. TELLS FULL NAME. As a teat In the reading, without asking a question, ho will tell your name and the object of yyur call. Hamilton U not to bo classed with partly developed mediums. His clairvoyant power is a sat gift. PAST PRESENT FUTURE. Clear as crystal. See Hamilton. Ha gives private Instructions in the philosophy of the ancient Hindoo to those that are interested in occultism. He teaches the Hindoo methods of euneeatratUm, polarisation and localisation, which enables you to cause outward conditions to cun form with your inward desires. Tells whom and when to marry, removes evil influ see. restores affections, cures druakeaaeas. and helps where all others fail. Success guaranteed. Iwk. FOR RENT Light rooms, 117 26th Ogden Lodge No. a. Independent Or it Odd Fellows. Meets ia i. O hall every Tuesday evening Visiting brothers cordially invited m be pieeent. A. B. GRAFF. Noble Grand. HENRY KISSEL, Secretary. der ANT-PAL- rooms. 7 OOO FELLOWS. 1ST. 427 24th. housekeeping. n d X. C.. for nme. - CLAIRVOYANT THE GREAT HAMILTON C'lJtlKVOY 24th Ft. RENT Housvhvvpmg 24lh St. NICELY Gooda. Raleigh. 5S FURNISHED ROOMS with board if desired. 134 27th st. THAT IS WHAT BRYAN DECLARES IN A SPEECH. SHERIFF i.tf la-.- i p m. 1- CLAIRVOYANT. taberg' 2aih KEITEMRKR PROFESSIONAL far FOR RENT Nice lunusi.tsl r.Kiu. to t all after 4 desirable young Successor to X. U. Ives, Leader ef Democrats Saya Sac ratary Shaw Daala la SaconO-Han- -- 7U ROOMS. fun.iMie.i room i-li.' Studio. Wm. A. Hickenlooper, 20 RK'iT Four lioUM-keepin- In city and suburban honuta and vacant lots in all pans of tha city. Liw stork ranches and fruit farms. Houses to reuL Firs insurant agency. Money to loan. Prompt attention given to every enquiry. MANY MAKING TOR FURNISHED MORNING, Tha Beetle Limited : a.nx 11:24 Na 11 Ogden pedal.... . No. 6 PaciBc Mall, Salt Laka aad all points East 11:30 am. No. II Na 1 ..,. Chicago ant ux BLLouta 2.50 p.X Limited Na 13 Local from Park City sod Ban Pete Valley 3:56 pnx No. 3 Padfle Exprere from 12.05 s.m. all points But C A. HENRY, Ticket Agent, Ogden. 1. A. BENTON, Gen. AgL Pngr, Dept, Balt Lake. A. J. CRONIN, Agent, Ogden. Southern Pacific Company Depart. for San Francisco and inter, 4:30 mediate points, daily. Express Na 6 Pacific through to San Francisco, .66 SAX .11 jiijf Fast Mail..... 3:13 p.m. No. 4:30 pm. No. 1 Overland Limited. No. J Pacific Express . Arrive No.S Atlantic Express from 7:16 mm Ban Francisco, dally . . 2:81 Na 3 Overland Limited. No. 4 Atlantic Expresi from pa San Francisco and inter, mediate point a daily... 6:64 rm 6:34 pm Na 19 Fast Mail WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS |