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Show Iwel.lT.. B.f.a. Mre. Pboeb Thomas, of Junotton City, 111., waa told by liar doctora all had Consumption aud lhat ther wat no hope for her, but two hollies of Dr. Klug'a New Iliscov.ry completely cured her and sli taya ll aaved her Hie. Mr. Thrs. Kggsrs, IS11 Flurlaa HI., Heu Franolsoo, sutlsred from n dreadful oold, approschlng Consumption, Consump-tion, tried without result evsrylhltg else, the beugbl one bottle of Dr. King's New IllaotTary and In two weeks waa oured. He la naturally tbaetful. Itlaauoh results, nf which these are samples, that pruv th won. deilul ellKaoy t( Ible me.llolue lu Concho ud Colds. Krse trial buttlee at .. (1. M. 1. Drug Dept. otot -pis. Old penpie who rsiiuue medicine to regulsiaiiia boweleend khlusye will find It. 1. true remedy In tlectrlc llll-1. llll-1. is. 1 nis ine.iiulne doss uot eilmulst aud contains 110 whisky uor otner In-toslcant, In-toslcant, hut acta aa a I00I11 and alterative. alter-ative. 11 aula mildly on Die alcmauh and huwela, adding strength and giving giv-ing tone to the omens, thereby aiding Nature In the performance ol the rum -II . us. I.lnnrlo llllti ra Is an excellent epiwilaer and aide dlg"sllou. Old people peo-ple flu. I It Juil exactly wuat thi y need. I'rlee fill ceute per li-llle at Z. C. M. 1. Drug Dept. lluckleu'a Arulca Sulve. Tin: Hi st eta 1. vet In H e worlJ for tuts, llrui.is, Hurss, Lllcrs, Halt Hh.iim, Kever H.ir.e, l.tl.r, Chaiiped Hands, Chilblains, Cm., and ell Mklu IvuplhuiB, ai U loslllvaly rures 1'lles, or 10 pey reiUlred. Il Is guurnuleed lo Jive perlri'l .eti.iaolii.u or moiiey re-Ull.le!. re-Ull.le!. I'rice ifi cent, par box. P'or ale by Z. C. M. I. drug ili.,arlment. A It. ire lliiiMirliiiilly.t Met ip. :i:i v I u ter 7 honk kid 1; uv.'., 1., p. , g UJ(ti colore, eixsa li lo n. This ljuullt. bsa uuver been it- in'i'iki lis ttiau eJ.nti, fur ilile weeg fl'-'i a pair, liu.iU'.l 'J pair lo a oua-t oua-t mer, ai K. At'kiniAi 11 A Hho. Jii". I.iittu, n! l,e Hoy, N. Y., aaya "1 have haen troubled with Indlgeellou end Mlii'iiaiiusa f..r yeara. 1'arka' Tea baa .uie.l n.e." Fur sale by K.J. Hill -x I.'. ., '.n.t Neldeu Judaen lJrux Co. il ncocli.Ttn'i pill" arc d ir bilious-I'-'ss, bilioti-i licailachc, dyspep-nia, dyspep-nia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, diz-ziness, sii.k lu adaclie, bad taste in the month, coated tongue, loss of apprtiti:, sallow skin, etc., when caused y constipation; and constipation is the most frequent rau .e of all of them. Go by the Look. Pills 10 and 5 a box. lionk free nt your dniKirist', or write H. F. Allen Co., 365 tonul Street, New York. Aenssl wl.i nie. than t.mn.rxe hoses. Hood's Is Won.lerfiil. No lets than wi,n.er'ul are the ourat SonomiistiJ br H iod'e Hareaparilla, even efir other rsparallone and physicians' phy-sicians' preier-tl..tis have failed. Tb ranenn, however, I. atmple, Wbenthe blod It enrlrbed end purified, dlseese d tappears and Rood health rluro,eiut Hood's Hareeparll' la tb on tru blood purifier. Hood's Pills are prompt and tBl -lerl 'nddo nolDure. tain or rrip. We. e HI ll' IIMIH That you can ki u.e i-esi can. 'lee In Hi e city at me new Kolnt Kaudy Kitchen, lit) H(.ulh Main Htreel. Hoy all your medicine at Godb I'llts Drug Co. When Piny was .1 k, vs her riurtori. Whmi slie was n O11IJ, sl.e crll f ir Caaterla. When she heran a Mist, she elong tu C'asn.rla. When sbe had t.'hii.lreo. she garstlisni Vasugiaa It Is h o i In Ilia rye just look at the line dl.pley ef fresh, salt ant arnuked raeala, game, iioaltrv a d boloe saiiaoges, el tli 1'aiare Maiket, i'lifi Hniilh Main, Will cunvlnco anyone any-one that ll la the plaen tu huy your lirilhlny dellc-aclee. Itemember ttie tickets I They are absolutely free 1 Lard our own aiririiv pure, luo lb, liny all your iiiuns and medicines at old reliable Hodiie I'ltts llrsi Hi , re. Itemember your friends by patron-Iz patron-Iz list tbe I'elsre Meal Market, (lie place nl Hie flneat nieala at tb lowest I r loss in in e city. Y. u'll eav ruuiiey even If you pay car fare, l.eatdes, you get efre.lt, u-t tor our X naaitraw-lug. naaitraw-lug. 4 valual le preeenta ulven awey. I.ard our own itrictiy pure, luo lb. Tb direct hue to Kansas City, Ht. I.oule and Atleiitlo seennard, ie via the Missouri I'seiflo itallway, from Pueblo. Tbrougll aleeplng aud chelr cue, and ail connemlane niad lu Cnluii Upuu In Die dey lime. If you are going Kast and car lor a daylight ride tbrougll the grendeet eoei.ery of th Hocky Mi'Uiitoliia en route, se that your tlrk.t re.ila via Missouri I'ecitlo Hallway, Klegaui chair care positively free to holders of regular Iraiu tickets. 11. II. K.niti n, C. p. A P. A., HI Morlsn Block, Hill Lake City. If you Ueeire a luxurloue growth nf healthy balr of a natural oolor, ra-Itire'a ra-Itire'a crowning ornament nf both aexee, use only Hall's Vegetable Hlcll-lau Hlcll-lau Hair Ileus wr. Aa an emergency medicine, Ayer's Cherry 1'entorial tnkee lb lead 11 f ell other remedies. Kur the relief and eur f croup, whooping cocgli, sore throat, ami the dangerous pulmonary Iruuhlee to which Hie young are eo liable, ll la Invaluable, belug prompt to act, eur to cure, I If you areauxloua to find th most rellubl blood-purifier, read lu Ayer'a Almanac th lesllmoulelsof Ihos who heva been cured ol audi terrible diseases dis-eases ae oalarrb, rhsuniatlam, and si r.. till., hy Ibe use of Aysi'a Maraap-srll.a, Maraap-srll.a, luen govern yourevlf acoord-Inglr. WOMAN AGAINST WOMAN. " eelo sod sl- WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, I EC. 2. J. I. nOUKIUI, Mgr. THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE CO. WILL rkt INT ! Woman Against Woman, 11 r HUNK UAUV1T, Author uf 'Win,, or mo." 1'rlrM-Mf., Mr and Mc. Wmimi'i l-vvr Aftturdtiy. WOMAN AGAINST WOMAN. THE WEY HOTEL. ',iv A FA Wvf HOTEL, Salt. Lake City. RATHSIjio per day. Location Cenlral. Tabl Uniurpasseil. New and Modern. A. Jgu W'kv, Mausr. TWO CREAT HOLIDAYS. Jew Year's Day. ' To enjoy these with your fainillna buy your supplies at j j i Zi Oa ilia Ib j-9 Ij Great Variety for a Little Money. ( j i I FANCY GROCERIES. STAPLE GROCERIES. j Goods from all round the globo-Puddlng Fruit, all now and clonn. I Choice Table Fruits, Figs, Eto. Plcklos, Saucos, Extracts, Pools Droisotl I Turkeys and Chickens, Croamory Buttor, Choeso and Egtfe, Hams, ; Breakfast Bacon, Fish, Eta., and a thousand thlnns unenumoratod. I Wu are solo ngonts for Twin Brothers Hreakfost Mush, "The Kin of j Foods " Try It, Also Pure Maplo Sap Syrup, unapproaohnble. i T. G. WEBBER, Supt. FOR SALE. 25,000 Pairs Ladlos', Kissei' and Children's I 250 Fair While Blankots, Home Mado. Borne Made Stockinns. 1,000 Pieces Dress Plannols, Homo Made. ' 10,000 Pairs Men's and Boys' Mome Made j 000 Pieces Plain and Twill Flannels, Home Socks. i Made. ( ' 600 Ken's and Boys' Ready Mado, Borne ' SOO Single and Doublo and Shonldor Shawls, Made Suits. Homo Mario. 250 Dozen Men's Ovorshlrts, Home Mado. j 250 Pieces Mon's Suitings, Homo Mado. 200 Dozen Ben's Flannel Undershirts, Home h WHOLESALE OR RETAIL Made. ij 200 Dozen Men's Flannel Drawers, Home I Made. ' Moa's Suits Uade 10 0rder b7 First-Class 1,000 Pairs Gray and Mottled Blankets, Home j Tailors. Made. I Come to as tor all Wool Goods. Cutler Brothers Co., jl 3G Mail Street, Salt Lake City. agents provo woolen mills t i WANTED. AM n-K TO TAKIC ( Alia! ir Cllll.ll iwn Ti-.r. olil snd do ui.uinir- Api.ly si is. sa.t, llriaesia snssl, Lslevsa I soil e P "! "llfAHl Kl MAN 'I'll 111 I.I. AMI AT- T l ils..ul.. fal.rj .a, ..l Bl.ii.lb ai.4 etienss.. nu.ail tapllal isquirsil. AOdrsss N.i.j.0, o.te M.H. (sunn erliAl' luns le TO tls rail I n.n ; ai... .'r.i. .....i and In.... roller si.i :.. ao..l uia.sblii .. ..,a la ia.li.ie. Ilob.rl.. ail H s.l l-S. MS.l eeelh. 1 v von wast in u erovs-.e lis- It esir.'.l sslupl llsToroim.sliiBl r t t.snlo. l.i t.i yuur wi.rk. i.i-.-ui..l hsixt e..'l taken iu si. l.ai.so rur w..tk. 1e.itouii.lrw4 .lr. f.ir mtk'n rliiiap. HI V, ssl asi'eail euukb, IVKI.T .IN K T'l hNiliVTII AT Wit AUK 'j l.iijn.i S...I .all.ai mure now anS SSH..S4-l.an'l SSH..S4-l.an'l .n.i.l. ISSB .r otnar h.iu.i. In Ibe West. M. Wnlil.s,, ai.: :in.-ill mala Blrssl. HAVK Yorit atNI'Ollia, UI1KANM Iraes. walsr rl ..... snrl jsMs clssiisil tiy Itio iia..rl. esn.lsir toiaiaur. Allwura '''('.'"tt'eT'uAlk'nTnCICT. TlXIIMIONE Wo au. AOENT8 WANTED. VlieNTH W A NTEll IM KVKItT TAUT or Ilia Turrilurji, lor ihe beat ssllerln lt.s b.ioa I. us oil lbs iBBrsrl. liver i.U'. , . 0 rnt.10. ol Isa.lsr sole. Al.o ls4r i snTas.sr.s rural).. I s I room ill Hr....t's Ar.sils.4le 4 8EVEN-ACCOUWT SYSTEM COUEQEi Biiiik KHrls.i, eiiuiiTHAMi. M'Hl.1.-leg, M'Hl.1.-leg, amine. lie, -te. CoostUullon bl,l. FURNITURE: OV ll'n!T Of HUU I. SHilt AVI1 IS. rrassinf Ira.lo era mutt !tas rooOs. Anrlbliitf la His furnilura tins You bais le MUST BE bOLD A Kil ls I noon IIHIl'K OX NINTH ( Ka.li a ros.ura e rwe brnk on ..l vpti's'i.rs ai.l sir In ..isbili.! r..i,.lii.u 1 lias-ran lias-ran bu bail r..r Is., lliau n.ir itisir .sloe aud ou assy terms. 3la.ii ms sn ullar ror tusia. CH Ae. c. U.iMlil, Uooui sn u'H.sra BIQ.-S. TO LEASE. L"IV1KII CltltAMKIIY," 1IKANII N KW r5 fain In c.u.pisla anil oaifarl ron.!!. n.iii. r.ir.sili.'lllsr. ail.lrs.sC&ss. Andsrsoa, FOR SALE. Or li ci.oaiNii.iiuT rint'i n oue,, on i.ml .r, 111 M . ...,.llalr l...ar.l., IM.U M. ; lalU. M. ; A a li nil; lis. II.''.. SI. : No. 1 lr cm. n. ilo...,inr .n l ru.il... Uii.ixi al ; No. 1 r Hoo.iiii, ;i li, No n Hut-la. H.in 11. ; . 01 nail., li,.-, ..O..IS. wlii.loesaiiilla MlU ns., .....rc,.nl.i...- .unli 1,1.,, ,., .,4,,,,; N. 1 r.il o...l nui.b. I. On Jl ; c, a, c, , (nuk ai,4 ceil lea. ee M. tail slo k lo select Irum. Tin", iiii.'s. r r.r . a.n . a . 111. 'llll fc.i.1. A kli llis.air.IIT. .'i . kli.t VVv.t. SCAVENGER No. 5. ( 'lunar aiiil t ipi' Clttnutxt. Ad tires.' v..i.i 1 Hit H oT'-rm ;V;onue, i ill. co. 'Ml isiio IStri'ttt. THE UTAHJUNK HOUSE MUMKY TO LOAN. rr -zzxrzzzrn- ; Ol'Kt t'tNT. MUNKr id !.(,AM lN l prevail rli1..RC0 i-ropaiiy, ,'im. B. iie!)r J. iriil A to., Uuur. Aj(vuu lioui Vita lBkuruiaUoe rK()FKSSH)AALJ Attorney s-at-Law. Konina Ml In In J Mal nrnlek lllock. m II. MLB, Attornoy-t-Law, llnama till Io308 Constitution ll'ill lin i. en. . r. M. l.i ALEX McMASTER, Attornoy-nt-Law, Hoona, s 4ii, 47, 44, Commarelal Dloea, I.M. WAIMIELL A T1I0S. AUAMS, Aliornoya at-Lnw and Land Attorneys, 817-31S aleCoralek lllotk. Salt Uke CitT. Tr. c.iKKin. I'ATttNr aitoiihkt. I'.lsnu oa leeeeuoaa. oasa.ls, etc Pst. ot 4rsiBS. moesls le ordsr. ualce 'J3l Usle kirsrt. nail Lake cur. llll JII.UIL OIIIm iuJ Itiane( 1-3 N'orlh Weil Tauipla Htroat. Tolepbon No, OA. I Dontlst, I'ooni. ::ih anil iinatllutlen IIIiIk. im iimi Dentist, Rooms e and t Scott-Auerliarli lluiM- in(, ll tliior. inj M.nn St. iiursir Surgaon Dontlst, fklalnWL Ana.allietles Ailmlnlslero.l. Clricap Deatal Parlors Cin utrfcct tenth without piln-nsw mathml, hain,ii. oa w.ir. ii uf ut1. tU.uO. Hill. fa work, pin luotti. i,W. Twiiiy-two K. 8olt.i r.iwi., l.ufKii ernwn. 3. '. Uuiil Mini. II i up. filTr, Mr. i:iiH'iil'aUn All work t eaisura prints ( iiim an4 ba coiilB Kc iuc trJt. 1-1 It .Uka Oil jr. IIIUlltillL Dentist, l'arlon In ih. now Iollla blook, Vi leUin Ntn'. Klmt door north of Walker Ilnutn. Ni8r Closing Out! rVViyT Olirentlte slnik nf I'll I U.S.. I 1 lr and lii aiiii-e llonils, liinlnil. Mlnir lull lino i.r 11... I, lav (iiimla, Silk Him ikiT.'h, i.u. Nhnwla, I'nps, .-ei-jnra, Kinii lea.. Clilnvaa Wilier Miles anil lliiinlino tlnoils. Must be ani l wllliln llio ni.it llilrty ilaya, ae we will then retire fruln bne- " SHANG H AI & CO.. 277 Soin'i Main. TEETH .MAKE FACES C Ami J. II. Hriwr i niul l'nrlr J j tmikr nil twlli tin bi'ti lr Hit liinrt irlv. HfniPitibrr, mi nrr not grU ! llutr m rhrni nti uf t '! lur n rUt-np lr Ic-o, hnl n lilttli.rliii mi of ivrili tr m I rliiii .rlp. Utxxl Ht ot Tlll . '3.00 HtterMl :.00 llfast Nnl, no brtlrr niKila no uml ir UhI yoa nj . . . to.oo DllssJ. IJ. KEYSOK DENTAL PARLORS, 340. Mala (it., first Pour Nona el 1 Walker House. : IT HAS HEEX INDOKSEl) Bf tli matUr-al proraMlon that wtn, Npttrlklly In utiiniar, U themogi lifaUbr baTeraga, iruvtiliii(f Ilia obulnul tut puru tsta, ant. Hmt Is what i Wo Offer You lor Ouo Month Onlys f I'l.AHKT, 50 oenls. INI'UNIlKL, 1 oenla. llllHUUNUY, j IIOI'II, very line vintage, 75 eeota. XKIHI.INII, I1.U0. . IIUDliilKl,, l.ai, at UTAH LIQUOR GO. 167 Malu Street. H WAGENO BREWING CO. f I.t.bll.risd la llsa, leoerporavse ua lea. BP.ESEKI UD PARK, AT EMI- G RATIOS or FIOXESa CAHTUl Family Trad Solloltad. ! Principal OrTioe, No. M Se" Fi sl bouih Telephcae el. j ,. .ae, ! |