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Show THE SAUNA SUN. SAUNA, UTAH RESPECT FOR THE GRAVE WASHINGTON I TELEGRAPHIC TALES Idaho of Representative Smith Tuesday introduced hills appropriating $100,000 each for public buildings and sites at Bluckfoot and Hailey, and another for enlarging the federal He also inbuilding at Pocatello. A RESUME OF THE WEEKS troduced a bill providing pensions and Increases of pensions to survivors of DOINGS IN THIS AND OTHER certan Indian wars and their widows, COUNTRIES and a hill establishing a fish hatchin Idaho. Important Events of the Last 8even ery Creation of a standing committee Days Reported by Wire and Prein the house to have Jurisdiction over pared for the Benefit of the all legislation pertaining to World Busy Reader war veterans was projiosed in a resolution by Representative Conally, Democrat of Texas. WESTERN ; John It. Quinn, national commandMontana plan for marketing of the American Legion er issued a agricultural crops, which calls for an Th xport corporation under federal auspices, protected by a tariff wall, was approved by a conference of wheat growers, bunkers and business Interacts of eastern Washington and at Spokane Tuesday afternoon, north-Idah- Wlthf modifications that would restrict It to wheat. The plan as outlined by Its Montana hackers provides for the Inclusion of other agricultural products as well. The first convention of the western division of the United States Chamber of Commerce will he held nt San Francisco January The 11 states holding memberships are, California, 29-3- 0. Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mex' Oregon Utah, Washlgton and Wyoming. Mrs. Lyman K. Swenson, who obtained a divorce from Baron Wilhelm Von Iirlcken after lie was sent to federal prison for violating the neutrality of this country, has Instructed her attorney at San Francisco to begin divorce proceedings against here second husband, I.yman K. Swenson, a United States naval officer. Ten men of the steamer T. W. Lakes crew are believed to have been drowned when the vesssl sank In Rosario strait, between Ixipez and Fldalgo islands, according to reitorts received at Seattle from Sheriff Girard of San Junn county at Friday harbor. October receipts from the Nevada Btate gasoline tax of two cents a gallon will bring the total derived from that source so far this year close to $100,000 and with two months more returns to he made It Is expected that close to $120,000 will have been collected since the law went Into effect on March 20th. statement criticising President Coo-lidg- es to the soldiers bonus as expressed in his message to that concongress, and predicting gress would enact the bonus bill in spite of executive objection. to prevent Suit for an Injunction Issuance of a federal permit to private interests to prospect for oil on a tract of 1,170,-75acres in the state In the District of Columbia supreme state was filed by the of Utah court against Secretary Work of the and Commisinterior department land ofsioner Spry of the general opposition 0 fice. the reparGerman projmsals that ation commission authorize the floatto cover ing of a loan by Germany food-stupurchases are assured of United of the the moral support States. ff President Coolidge intends, according to word sent out from Washington I. IV. W. prisoners to free thirty-tw- o now In federal penitentiaries if he finds such action legally possible, and those who favor this liberation are will be claiming that the pardons granted before Christmas. Litigation over violations of federal laws is on the Increase In the United States, according to the annual report of Attorney General Daugherty made to congress. Ilenry Ford, who came to Washington Monday to appear before the Interstate commerce commission at hearing affecting his railroad properwith ties, had a brief conference President Coolidge, discussing, it is understood, the status and disposition understood, status and disposition of the administration towards his offer for Muscle Shoals. A group of Ixg Angeles men backed FOREIGN by the chamber of commerce has Invited the Itepuhllcan national comUnofficial advices from San Luis mittee to hold the party's 1924 con- Iotosi say that federal troops have vention In Los Angeles. disarmed the state forces supporting Governor Prieto Laurene, thus efGENERAL the subversive fectively crushing The conference movement In 'San Luis Iotsl state and that had been called to meet at Dethe protection of railway troit December 12 has been idefinltly assuring communication to the United States postponed and possibly may not be via the Lnredo-Mexlc- o City route. held nt all, It was announced by Soviet are leaders hopeful of some Robert It. l'olnter, chairman of the in the American attitude tochange arrangement committee. ward Russia. It is believed that the diaries W. Ruddock, world cham- intimations they have had from pion sprinter Is confined to his room American visitors at Moscow, includIn a Burlington, Iowa hotel as a reing senators and business men, show sult of a sprained ankle, incurred President Coolidge is not irrevocably while practicing with the New Lonwith Russia, as against relations basketball don, Iowa, High school Hughes appears to be. Secretary squad following a lecture before the The first of the group of prisoners school assembly In the afternoon. As In connection sentenced with last a result of his Injury the remainder of Iaddoeks tour lms been cancelled. year's trials for Interfering with the seizure of church treasures, including With the control broken, the United Bishop Benedict, some of whom were States mall plane, in charge of Pilot originally sentenced to death have Carl Brown of Chicago, en route to been released It was announced at the windy dty from Cleveland, fell Ietrograd. more than seventy feet bursting Into Three clowns, the Eratellins brothflames before it hit the ground, awarded academy Rrown suffering two broken legs and ers, have been palms by the French government In severe burns of the legs and body. recognition of their services to the A protest against the release of public In spreading good cheer. This been sent to is the first time such an award has political prisoners has President Coolidge by the Military In- been made since the days of the court telligence association of the Sixth Jesters. corps area, which declared any such Sir William Mackenzie, leading pardon would be an act most detrimental to good government. Similar Canadian financier and railroad builder died Wednesday at Toronto, Ont., action was taken Thursday by the He was 74. Sir Cook county, Illinois organization of after a long illness. William off warded had pneumonia the American legion. after having been 111 for some time Battling Stkl, the singular Senegal- and was believed to be recovering. ese who achieved pugilistic fame by Lndy Mackenzie died some time ago. knocking out Georges Carpentler, proY'oung Prince Alexander of vided Broadway, New York with a Germany, killed himself thrill Tuesday, with the ahl of a quanhe could not marry because Monday of a wrinkled dress tity synthetic gin, he loved. the girl suit and a pair of expensive patent leather shoes. For the first time since Premier Four of the prisoners who escaped Poincare assumed office In January, from the state penitentiary nt Lan- 1922, the chamber of deputies Monagainst his sing, Kansas, Sunday night were cap- day dared to pronounce It threw out Kan. b y the expressed wish, when tured near Oskaloosa, sheriff and under sheriff of Jefferson from the electoral reform bill the abInto custody solute majority clause by a vote of county. The men taken were Frank Castro who led the es- 290 to 275. cape: Thomas Flnton, James Dugan For the first time In history a full and George Dunn. blooded Chinese has been elected to Governor McCray will not resign the highest office in an American his office as a result of the Indict- lodge of master Masons with the elements returned against him, lie stated vation of Apau Paul Lowe, a civil Monday. The Indictments charge him engineer of Wailuku, Island of Maui, with larceny, forgery and embezzle- to the post of Worshipful master at ment. Honolulu. Scliaum-berg-I.ipp- An alleged plot to rifle sacks aboard the American liner Mongolia was revealed Saturday, when three members of the crew were brought hack to New l'ork on the Minnekahda from The theft was discovered Hamburg. when opened sucks were found floating on the Kibe. A violent electrical storm aceom. panied by hall and followed by a cyclonic wind, swept Taranto, Italy and the surrounding country Monday. Much damage to property resulted. Monuments in the ceinetary were .blown over. In some cases exposing the openings to the tombs. No loss of A United States labor board deci- life was reported. sion issued Tuesday, at Chicago, Signor Marconi, of London said that granted wage Increases of 1 to 2 cents within the next few days he planned an hour for 22,012 maintenance of way to begin tests between Ixmdon and railroads. The New York of his system of projecting employes on seven Increase Is retroactive to June L 192.1. radio waves In a desired direction. Mustapha Kemal, Dictator of Turkey PARTY LEADERS COMPLETE COM. MITTEE ASSIGNMENTS IN UPPER CHAMBERS There are at least four dictators in Europe. Men may disagree as to Shlp6tead Given Place on Foreign All men their comparative power. Relations Body, Capital agree that not the least Individual and Others Await Learns; able is Ghazi Mustapha Kemal Pasha Appointment of Turkey. Lenin of Russia has imposed an autocracy through force and bloodshed. Mussolini of Italy created Washington, a personal and political dictatorship, Congress reconvened meanwhile dramatizing himself. Kern- Monday with the senate facing a reel has led a beaten natioD to victory, organization fight and the house undictated terms to a one-tim- e conquerable to function because its commitor and set up a new and unique sys- tees still are unorganized. tem of administration. Aud unlike Democrat leaders and Republican Lenin and Mussolini Kemal Pasha Is still Invested with mystery except to of the senate completed Sunday their the British .In the Dardanelles expedi- assignments to the regular standing tion and to the Greeks whom he committee. drove into the sea. lie Is president At its final session Sunday the Reof the Turkish republic. publican committee on committees is Kemal Is nearly six feet tall, with understood to have selected Senators a fine military hearing. Ills eyes are remarkable steely blue, cold, pene- Lenroot of Wisconsin, Willis of Ohio and Pepper of Pennsylvania for the trating, Implacable. lie is that rarity vacancies on the among Turks a blond with yellow hair. He has what Americans call a three Republican committee. relations This foreign he seldom smiles. He dresses smartly. lie knows both French jioker face; committee is to act upon Iresident and German. He is an ardent admirer of both Lincoln and Washington. Mine. Kemal is as individual and in her own way as clever as her husband. Hardings world court proposal, which of She spent some of her school life in England; some in France. Her full mar- has tlie indorsement President ried name is Latife Ghazi Mustapha Kemal Ilanum. In Smyrna In 1921 she Coolidge. Senator Owen of Oklahoma was In custody of the Greeks, charged with being a Turkish spy. When the is understood to have been selected Turks rode Into Smyrna she first met Kemal, She believes in equal rights for by the Democrats for the fourth women, hut says education must come before suffrage and public service. minority vacancy on the committee the other three to be filled by Senators Robinson of Arkansas, the Democratic leader; Underwood of Alabama and Walsh of Montana. Mrs. Harriman on Woman and Politics Senator Mrs. J. Borden Harriman, an American woman of wealth and position, hus written a book "From Pinafores to Politics, telling why, after twenty years of activity among politicians, she believes women should enter politics thoroughly and convincingly and Independently. The woman vote. she believes Is something to reckon with and will have to be considered as separate from the man vote for some time. But she objects to a separate womans party. Women are still separate, not only biologically, which doesnt count for so much In politics, but economically," says Mrs. Harriman. They are the vast body of houseworkers, sometimes sweated and sometimes petted. The American wife Is supposed to be a member of the great leisure class and I suppose it Is true that more American wives have more time to waste or to pursue culture than any other people. Mrs. Harriman says, In opposing a separate women's party: I dislike bloc that Alice Paul and her party have organized. very much the I do not think they can ever be powerful enough on their own to accomplish anything, and I do think they stir up so much antagonism in the men that It is difficult for the rest of us to peacefully negotiate the things we want. Ships bead, Farmer-Labwas given a place on also Minnesota, the foreign relations committee acSenator Johnson, cording to reports. of Minnesota was given the extra place created on the agriculture committee. The Republican committee on committees confirmed the tentative assignments of Senators Gooding of Idaho, Oouzens of Michigan, Howell of Nebraska and Fess of Ohio to the vacancies on the interstate commerce or committee. Selections for the four Republican vacancies on the finance committee were Elkins of West Virginia, McCormick of Illinois, Ernest of Kentucky and Stanfield of Oregon. that Senator yiiere were reports Spencer of Missouri had been placed on the judiciary committee .which deals with prohibition legislation. Senator Spencer has introduced a bill providing for the appointment of a committee which would determine of beverage what alcoholic content was in fact intoxicating. of the house Democrats members made ways and means committee substantial progress Sunday in the selection of minority members for the other public committee, but the work was not completed. Iresent are that it will lie late in prospects Robert J. Grant, superintendent the week before either the Republican of the Denver mint, has been appointor Democratic selections are complted ed by President Coolidge to be director will take anof the mint. He will succeed F. E. and the house probably soon after recess other three days Mr. Seobey, who resigned recently. Grants name had not been prominent- it meets. Senate Democrats are prepared to ly mentioned among the more than the senate to half a dozen candidates for the place, present a motion for lie was recommended by Secretary proceed with the election of a president pro tem., but they still are unMellon and also had the indorsement decided whether tills motion will come of Secretary Work. Mr. Grant was born in Pictou before or after the senate has passed the makeup of Its county, Nova Scotia, Canada, Nov. 12, formally upon 1SG2. He was educated in the Canadiworking committees. an public schools, coming to the United States when a young man. In the Nine Killed in Collision 80s he was a mining engineer In Colla., Nine persons were killed Erie, orado In the Aspen, Lendville and Cripand seven others Injured, two probMexin and Creek districts later ple ably fatally, when the third section ico. of tlie Twentieth Century Limited of In 1904 and 1905 he was a business associate of Herbert Hoover, sec- the New York Central railroad, westretary of commerce, and represented bound, telescoped the first section Hoover In Australia as manager of near Forsythe, N. Y, thirty-fiv- e the Cosmopolitan mine there, at the time one of the richest properties in the miles east of here early Sunday world. The second section, which morning. During the war, when Herbert noover was national food administrator, had gone ahead of the first section at Mr. Grant served as executive manager of the Colorado food board under Albany when It encountered engine Thomus B. Stearns,' food director for Colorado. It Is understood that the In- trouble, struck an abandoned autofluence of Secretary Hoover had much to do with Mr. Grants present appoint- mobile at the Forsythe crossing. ment. The train was stopped to determine In 1921, Senators Lawrence C. Phipps and Samuel D. Nicholson recom- if any casualties bad resulted, and, mended his appointment to the position of superintendent of the Denver mint. after placing danger signals at the The appointment was made in June, 1921. section second the proceeded. crossing The first section stopped to Investigate the signals and the third section crashed into the rear cars. . Grant Appointed Director of the Mint Davison Flies to Pole With Amundsen Lieutenant Ralph E. Davison of the Naval Air service will participate next summer In Capt. Roald Amundsens attempt to reach the North pole by a flight across the Arctic Ice pack, according to an announcement by SecDavison Lieutenant retary Denby. will command one of the three seaplanes which will make the trip under the leadership of the Norwegian explorer. Lieutenant Davison was selected from more than 30 Americau naval viators who volunteered for the expedition, which Is to he transported north to Spitzbergen on shipboard next May, where a base of operations will A non-stobe established. flight over the Arctic regions is not contemplated. The distance from Spitzbergen to Alaska Is about 2,000 miles and the flight will be broken Into relays. At the Pole a depot of supplies will be established. Lieutenant Davison was graduated from the Naval academy in 1916 and during the war served in the Atlantic fleet on battleships and destroyers. For two years he has been stationed at the naval air station at Tensacola. The Shenandoah, the navy's biggest dirigible, may be assigned as relief ship for the Arctic expedition. p It seems almost to have become a fetish In some sections of this country to invade the resting places of those-owhom history has placed garlandsr exhume their hone3 and convey them to some new shrine nearer the scene of the deeds which made them famous. This tendency may have been the outgrowth of tlie more natural desire of parents to bring back the bodies of their boys from the fields of France. It should be a matter of sincere regret, however, that a shallow, mawkish sentiment should disturb-thoswho have slept peacefully during the storms of more than a century. The records as written In historys page cannot be enhanced by the knowledge that the crumbling bones of patriot or scholar rest beneath a new shaft dedicated to their One of the first cases of memory. this misguided zeal was the effort of an American archeologist to recover the remains of Pocahontas from her grave In an English cemetery. Time had effaced the record of the tombstone and the activities of the violated the revlrence which the simple villagers had for the Offielal graves of their forefathers. of the desecration over the protests cemetery finally reached parliament. Whether they sufficed to check the opening of graves Is not clear, but the gold-sta- quest did not prove successful. The problem of providing adequate school accommodation continues to be An inof nation-wid- e proportions. vestigation made recently by the National Chamber of Commerce revealed the fact that, despite recent activities in erecting new buildings, hundreds of thousands of children are still on part time and, consequently, are deprived of the full education to which It was disclosed they are entitled. that 298 of the 900 American cities of 8.000 or more population were using mere than 3,000 portable buildings, in which they were housing 121,000 puThere were 43,000 pupils in pils. rented dwellings, lofts, stores, etc.;. 55.000 in annexes, 8,000 in halls and corridors, 3,000 In attics and 31,000 In basement rooms. The same survey shows a noticeable tendency in the diAfter rection of larger schodlhouses. many years of wasteful expenditure on eight-roobuildings school authorities are beginning to realize that the large building in every way is more deModern education economical. such-aa mands variety of equipment is entirely beyond the capacity of the small sehoolhouse to supply. The cities are erecting buildings containing 24 rooms and more, while the towns are abandoning small buildings In favor of consolidated schools. In the letters and memoirs of Sir William Hardman Just published under the title of A Pepys, there Is a delightful story of an adventure of Tennyson in Paris. Tennyson could not speak French, and his brother spoke It very badly. The story alleges that his brother, when going out, said to the waiter: Prenez garde de ne pas laisser sortir Ie feu (take care not to let the fire go out), pronouncing feu (meaning fire), like fou (meaning fool). When Tennyson himself came downstairs to go out for a walk the waiter barred his way, and when Tennvson stormed he called the other waiters, being confirmed In his opinion of the poets insanity by Ten- nysons eccentricities. Things wnich are equal to the same thing are equal to anything else. An equilateral triangle is a three-side- d figure with all Its angles equal to Its side. Salt Lake City Firms To assure prompt service and quick returns to the advertisements mention the name of thia paper. A BARBER IN EIGHT WEEKS Write Moler Barber Col., 114 Regent St. S. L. BUSINESS COLLEGES S. BUSINESS COLLEGE. L All commercial branches. School of Efficiency. 0 N. Main St.. Salt Lake City. Catalog free. D. ROOKS AND SHORT STORIES Sheriff Takes Follies Show BOUGHT FURS Kansas City, Mo., The Greenwich We rune pay highest market price for furs. Village Follies, playing at a theater rUIVO and pelts. Write for price list or hides, was the seized late here, Saturday by ship direct to a reliable house. We can make and hides into robes, overcoats or np your furs sheriff's office upon an attachment other fur garments, write for our free catalog. for John obtained by counsel Murray American Hide & Fot CaM Farriers & Tanners Anderson of New York, producer of 153 West South Temple Salt Lake City A deputy sheriff took the show. A MUSIC SHEET SONGS charge of all properties and the box CAWfC new and old. All kinds. Sheet music by prevent OvltuO nmil. COD. Beesley Music Co. 57 S Main ofifee, which threatened to and Interfere further performances, SHIP DIRECT CKEAM WANTED with tlie shows scheduled opening in Most Direct Cream Shipments Pay Money Send a trial can A Griffin Blackman Company, Ogden, Utah. Omaha. Rebels Sieze Capital City Vera Cruz, .Talapa, capital of the state of Vera Cruz, fell into the hands of the besieging revolutionary forces at 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The rebels took 200 prisoners, among them General Berlanga, Colonel Mayer and the provisional governor, Angel Cas-arin. They also captured machine An unconguns, rifles and horses. firmed report says that Berianga and executed by a firing Mayer were quad after a summary court martial- - COSTUMES Play Books. Catalog Free .Salt Lake Costume Co, Minstrels, Operas,. Costumes for Masquerades, CLASS PINS 00 Iww When in need. Don.t forget us. Ipivc lilt) W,. niuL.t X- r.iui ir n L nrl uur. Say it With Flowers Fresh Cut Flowers at AH Times Hobday s Flower Shop Keith Emporium Bldg. S.dt Dike ' |