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Show WOMAN IS FOUND GUILTY OF MURDER IXS A NO ELKS, Cal., Feb. S. Mrs. Maybelle Roe on trial for the slaying of McCuIlough Graydon, real estate operator at Venice, CaJ., last September, Septem-ber, waa found guilty of murder In the first degree by the Jury Friday. Th i penalty was fixed at life Imprisonment. Mra. Roe was tried twice, tha first Jury disagreeing. Graydon waa shot during; a dispute over possession of a beach cottage at Venice which he had rented from Mrs. Julia Doane. Mra IKane went to the cottage with her husband. Kdward F. Doane. Oscar A. Rowers and Mrs. Roe and demanded that Graydon vacate. During; an altercation alter-cation which followed a shot was fired I into Graydon's back. Mrs. Roe on the stand admitted firing fir-ing a shot, but said she did not aim at Graydon, and fired to protect Boweri, who she said, was being choked by Graydon. Bowers snd the Doanes were Indicted In-dicted Jointly with Mrs. Roe and are awaiting trial. Bowers was tried once, the Jury disagreeing. |