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Show 0CDEN MAN WEDS IN NEW JERSET VtVT YORK. Jan, 17. In doubl wadding wad-ding Wednesday nlattt Mlse llasel tltarleetln Uidd married William Norwood Nor-wood tkoarhawk. and Mies Allele Kllsabelh I a.ld became bride ot Curler Markue Whlttamore. at the heme of the mother of hrlds in Newark. N. J Mlse Leona Randolph wae the only attendant and the , two hrldegmome eerved each Other aa beet man. Owliu? to the lllneee of Mr. Ledd's sister, tlte weddlna were at- tended only bv relative. The Rev, Warren War-ren R. Keff officiated. The hrldee were alien In marriage bv tnelr uncle. Charlee Hta.-r.le. Mr. Hpar-hawk Hpar-hawk was atllred In while rharmeuee. en train, trimmed In Oliver lace and mart-hu. mart-hu. Mr. Whlttemore wore white char-nsetise char-nsetise with void lac trimmings. Mr. and Mre. Itrhawk ar on a wed-dlt.s wed-dlt.s trip In New llamoehlre. They will mid In Oa-dril. I lah. Mr. and Mrs. Wnniemor are en aa automobile tour in New York slat and am realde In Weal urange. N. i. - |