Show f 4 1 f r- r Gold n 1 D wn 81 B PETER KYNE r B 8 CO COPYRIGHT RIGHT BEll SYNDICATE SERVICE SYNOPSIS Theodore Thodore Gatlin Catlin adopts adopt a baby Penelope Penolope In an effort to solve his hl matrimonial troubles Cut But his hia wire wife has hils never wanted her and their af- af affairs affairs af affair fairs fair end In the divorce court Ten Ten- Ten old year old Penelope Is Ii given Iven Into the keeping of Mrs Catlin At a 8 base base- baseball baseball baseball ball game amo A ball strikes Penelope on the nose no o and Mrs Mr Gatlin removes her from the hospital and spirits her to Europe Is Ii about to begin a search for tor his Ills daughter when a motor accident ends his bis life Some Somo ten years later In San Francisco Stephen Burt Is a a rising young r psychiatrist Dan McNamara chief of police brings brines him a patient patient- patient Nance Nanco Delden Belden a girl whoso whose terrible childhood has ha left her with a dual personality for which her saddle nose Is In part put responsible McNamara McNamara McNamara mara does not think she elio Is a crim crIm- crImInal crim- crim criminal criminal inal and obtains Burls Burl's expert testimony testimony testimony mony In court Even Een Lanny the doctors doctor's faithful once office nurse nunc Is won over to Nanco's Nances cause but the girls girl's criminal record outweighs Doctor Durl's Burts explanation of her h r case and anddie she Is sent cent to San Quentin peni peni- peni penitentiary penitentiary Lanny visits her and Nance Kance persuades her to smuggle out a let let- letter let letter ter which a confederate steals Nance escapes although shot and goes to Lanny's apartment Lanny tells Chief McNamara who orders her to bring Nance Na to his bl apart apart- apartment apartment ment ment CHAPTER IV Continued IV Continued 7 Aint got cot ot no wile wife Lanny Use one of or mine to Just as good as os any Get It Who takes care of you ou here My Iy mother Can she be trusted Ive sent her to the country for fora fora fora a month he lie evaded Im sleep sleep- sleepIng sleeping ing here and eating downtown God bless our home Dan Clear out and watch for Stevie and let him In She ran to the kitchen turned on the hot water and set an enameled enameled I skillet under the faucet then returned returned re- re returned turned undressed the girl In an an adjoining bathroom she found dean clean clean os Q els ls and amI placed a cold one on her ber herad her ad ad ad When she ehe returned to the kitchen n the enameled skillet was sitting tn In n the midst of a cloud of steam so 80 she knew v It had been thoroughly disinfected she filled It with warm water carried It Into the room and with a n wet towel mopped the two holes In Nances Nance's arm and examined the wound Missed the bone she decided med Bled like a n stuck pig of ot course pIece of her dress probably carried Into the wound In the medicine closet Lanny dis dis- discovered discovered covered a small bottle of Iodine So Soshe Soshe she doused the with It wrapped a cold towel around the girls girl's Irl's shoulder and tucked her Into tied led She found a comb and brush In InDan InDan InDan Dan McNamara's Ic-amara's bureau and combed and smoothed the dank danl tr straggly ly black bob and ond when that was Jon done she unbent long enough to Implant a kiss on the white brow Poor lamb she murmured 0 body's poor lost darling darlings 1 I The girls girl's eyelids flickered Is Is that you Lanny the girl murmured faintly Yes dearie dearle And youre you're all right right so dont don't worry Nobody's go- go going go 10 going ing to take you back to San Quen Quen- Quentin Quentin tin The cops chased us at the boat landing Lanny Are you sure we shook them oro off Of Ot course you ou the dId did the big boobs I l Now v listen dearie dearle Im I'm go go- going going ing to tell you something but dont don't let It disturb you Take my word for It youre you're safe sate Do you remember remember remember ber Dan Dnn McNamara the chief chIet ot of police Of Ot course Old Daniels Daniel's my boy boyfriend boyfriend boyfriend friend friend Well youre you're In his hia bed The cops were on your trail dearle dearie They suspected you yon might come to tomy tomy tomy my house hoWle so Dan tipped Upped me oft orr they were coming and to beat It itI Iti J I with you out to his house Terror shone In the tho girls girl's dark eyes rd never Dever trust a cop that tar far she cho walled Oh Lan Lanny ny youve you've let him make a sucker out of or you She began an to weep hysterically If It you dont don't stop that Lanny promIsed Ill bat you over the head ti with this skillet and she picked that homely utensil up and shook It tt at Nance Dan McNamara's your our t L frIend J r Yea Yes and the chief of ot police pollee too Lanny Ill I'll die If It they take me back C They'll put me In the dungeon Im dungeon afraid of or the dark darl Shut up Youre You're not afraid ot of Anything Youve You've got your little red badge of or courage e you scam scam- menthe I You afraid My toot foot l I 4 Didn't you ou crash the gate and swim I for or that speedboat under fire V y gun Machine fire Ore at ot that DanI ti McNamara supplemented from the doorway They opened on her and the boat boot from the towers lie came N ar- ar arto to the side of ot the tho bed and grinned own flown at the terrIfied gIrL Dont S you worry Nance Youre You're safe Im I'm Ima a cop but Im I'm not without some sporting your blood blood your getaway earns carns three rousing cheers from old Dan McNamara His big hand strayed over her face Youre n a good old hunk of cheese she assured him She turned her head hend toward Lanny Am I going to die Lanny she asked Not unless I 1 kill you which you which Im I'm liable to do It If you dont don't buck up and believe e what I tell you YouVE You'VE been shot but It doesn't amount to Co much You'll be all aU right In a week or two Then Ill I'll be good Lanny The tired eyes ees closed and ond while Lanny stood by wondering what to say next next Nance sank Into a sleep of profound exhaustion Let her alone alono until Stevie comes Lanny suggested The wound has stopped bleeding Come out Into the living room and If youre you're oure as crooked a cop as you ought to be youve you've got liquor In the house and Ive I've got ot to have a drink of ot It ItHer middle-aged middle face was very se- se serious serious se serious rious Those cops at your house will stick around Lanny and when you return they'll want to know where youve you've been What are you going to tell them r Tell them nothing Let those two cops sit In their car In front of my house all aU night and watch It it What do I care At least they'll keep burglars away And when finally they do round me up and waltz me down to central station to tobe tobe tobe be questioned you'll do the ques- ques questioning ques questioning will you non not Lanny said Dan McNamara If you were wore a man and on the force Ill Id make you a detective sergeant Youre You're a cat bear that's what you are But nut you smuggled that letter out of ot San Quentin for Nance and turned It over to Sapphire Susie 1 Maybe you ou didn't know It It but you gave Sapphire Susie a lift In n your car from the main gate at San Quentin down to The guard remembered seeing her hang hang- hangIng hanging ing lag around the main gate as It if she was waiting for somebody later she got Into a coupe with a middle middle- middle aged aged ed lady who so respect respect- respectable respectable respectable able he took r look at the pass she slie had just surrendered to him and remembers that the name nameon nameon nameon on the pass was yours The pass en- en entitled entitled en entitled titled you to visit Nance Belden Guards may not remember such In- In Incidents In Incidents until something happens Then they're fast on their feet Lanny And who It If you please Is Sap Sap- Sapphire Sapphire Susie She did a 11 stretch In San Quentin Quen Quen- Quentin Quentin tin for blackmail blackman She was dis dis- discharged dis- dis discharged discharged charged a week before you visited Nance and before Susie left the Big House Nance fi fixed ed It with her herto herto herto to lend a helping hand Apparently Nance didn't didn t want to confide the minute details of her ber plan of or escape to Susie Susies Susie's n a swell looker but a n little bit she dumb dumb she levied blackmail through the mall mail under under- understand understand understand stand and signed her name Instead ot of hiring a smart shyster lawyer So Nance decided to send her written Instructions out by you and Susie agreed to pick you up pinch the letter let let- letter let letter ter and deliver It It Dan Dan I 1 assure you I 1 wasn't In any plot to effect a prison delivery It If Id I'd thought for tor an Instant I was doing anything wrong why wrong why Nance told me to read her letter and If It I Id disapproved d of or Its contents to de de- deI destroy de- de destroy destroy I stroy It I 1 didn't see any harm In that You violated the rules of the prison and you could be punished for tor It by a term In the same prison Im a respectable Woman woman- woman That gets you nowhere I was a respectable chief of police pollee once once- once and now look at me It If your part partIn partin partIn In this leaks out you yon can only be punished and and you cant can't be convict convict- convicted convicted ed unless you talk In your sleep It If my part In this should teak leak out Ill I'll be punished and dl disgraced aced and thrown out of ot the best job I ever had However However- be he raised his hia glass to mud her her mud In your eye Lanny Happy days Dan Dan you ou gorgeous The doorbell rang Dan opened It and Doctor Burt stepped In lIe He paused In amazement at sight of I Lanny glass In hand she motioned him with It down the tho hall First door at the end Stevie You'll find your patient there That with the dissociated girl per per- personality perS personality S Nance Belden escaped from San Sun Quentin late this after afternoon noon Chief Stephen began and handed banded the latter a newspaper Big story First woman to escape from San Quentin lIe He gazed se se- severely severely verely upon Lanny Lenny What hat are you doing here Lanny All AU h l h 1 to pay Stevie Sterle dear and no pitch hot That Belden girl Is here bere with a bullet hole In her shoulder shoulder shoulder der sho's she's suffering from shock and submersIon and chill chili and loss of blood and she's cold as a penguins penguin's taU tall Ive I've given her a 1 suit stiff noggin ot of Dans Dan's Dan terrible booze and ond a for fortieth of ot a grain of and an alcohol rub She's sleeping DId you bring thos those water hot-water bottles 2 Yes he said Mid humbly a bag he carried Lanny tell fell upon the bag and retired to the tho kitchen to fill Oil the water hot-water bottles And tuck them In alongside her child patient Lucky It if she doesn't develop pneumonia Stevie Doctor Burt stood looking down nt at the sleeping Nance Out of ot the wardens warden's arms and straight Into yours You guessed shed she'd call on Lanny eh ch Dan youre you're an old fox tOL No Doc Doc Im I'm not A fox for has brains Hes a lamb Stevie just a big ram nun lamb While Lanny was assisting Doctor Doc Doc- Doctor Doctor tor Burt In dressing Nance Beldens Belden's wound Dan McNamara sat In his plain little living room and rend read the story of ot her escape from San Quen Quen- Quentin Quentin tin It appeared that throughout all allot ot of Sunday afternoon two men In a motorboat had been anchored In the cove off olI San Quentin apparently fishing for striped bass bats which abound at this particular point In San Francisco bay There were oth oth- other oth- oth other other er boats anchored there eight also also In all The guard at the entrance to the women's quarters had ob- ob ob oh observed served them until about four thir ty p m just before up locking time timea timen n a guard In one of the lookout tow tow- towers towers towers ers on the hill had telephoned him that a boat had approached close to the shore The guard had thereupon stepped out of or his kiosk and around to the rear of It It which faced toward the beach less than thirty feet distant He had shouted at the men In the boat and warned them to be off olI that they were not permitted to approach that close dose that they were wIthin the deadline To this the men re- re replied replied re replied plied that that they couldn't help It that 4 I I J JA Ji d Jd A i Terror Shone In the Girls Girl's Dark Eyes their motor had gone dead and that the tide had set them In that they were trying to make repairs and ond would be off oil as soon as they could While the guard was In n the rear ot of his station engaged In this con con- conversation Nance Belden had ap- ap approached approached ap approached the gate kicked off orr her shoes and digging her toes Into the Inch quarter Inch wire mesh of ot the sis foot teen foot gate had scrambled to the top with Incredible rapidity She down the outside of ot the the gate when the guard In la the tower on the hill saw her and Im- Im Immediately immediately Im Immediately mediately telephoned to the guard at the main gate also to the guard arguing with the men In the motor motor- motorboat motorboat motor boat boat Upon hearing the telephone bell ringing In his station that guard had walked back Into It at atthe atthe atthe the same time Ume keeping the kiosk between her and the approaching guard Nanco Nance Belden had dashed down to the beach and commenced swImming rapidly toward the motor motor- motorboat motorboat motor boat boat the motor of or which Instantly started and tho the boat commenced edging In to pick her up When the guard In the kiosk ap- ap apprised apprised ap apprised of ot what was wag taking place ran out with a rifle In his hand and shouted to Nance Belden to come comeback comeback comeback back or he would shoot her a ma ma- gun chine-gun In the motor boat prompt prompt- promptly promptly promptly ly came Into action against him TIe He had not been hit but a shower of bul bul- bullets bullets lets had bad spattered the ground around and In front of ot him and another burst had gone over his head and through the sentry box The guard bad fired once at the Belden woman and hit bit her but Immediately there there- thereafter thereafter thereafter after fearful tearful of being killed he be had thrown himself flat on the ground The guard In the watch tower on the hill had then brought his ma ran- I gun chine-gun Into action His ls first burst had been short and drew an- an answering an answering s fire from the machine gun gun- gunner gunner ner In the boat Although the range was four tour hundred yards the first burst from the motor boat tore through the wooden watch watch tower watch tower which rather distracted the aim ot of the tho guard there nevertheless De the latter stuck to his gun and contin continued to fire spattering bullets around the swimming girl and Into the boat The men In the boat did not heal hesi hesitate tate but came on through the tall hall hallof hallof of bullets the tho escaping prisoner had In the meanwhile either sunk or dived at any rate a widening tinge of red appeared on the water She was down about thirty seconds then her head emerged close to the th boat boat and she he swam with one ara arato to the side aIde of ot It a man reached over ant and grasped her under both arms and Jerked her Into the boat which Instantly turned put on full sp speed d and raced away close past two other boats Fearful of ot killing Innocent people the guard In the tower watch tower held his fire lire until the escaping boat was In the clear then he and the guard In another tower came Into action again Bw BITa a target moving mo at a speed of forty five miles an hour Is not easily hit the fire was either over or br short ant aM the boat did not stop When It wat wa out of range It |