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Show CACHE AMERICAN Fage Four r" ms Mmn j" J ' WALSy RAINES tlT Hft luHlMl vj hi j. v4 fen F' c 'uria r u f cn A nr or bulk o?MSdr-4p yri lit tkr hi (U he and i' if, the ttai motht vk to ad"pt bnt pn it repentant afpen. ut thaun and Vary finin' U. ? a thnr tittnnfft fif oJ hnv he de4 ffctitular a to fcathat h la fokf infant aecni'p ,r. n .nr.n W i a Trt in the hf.jiun had ocar ral .in l home for hi A AbeJ h.m to tf. tae kt t.t lf?t :.:t '.nr..a n j o! JWi 1 ( ;Vv f r-- hpva ?0jL,,rfc krp viM-rf- at Grand Tomorrow fs whcr wttnt.g wirf btk vo ar.frr wmim fceabout ft datrn mrtiOAt hi Wun rtuwe donn tr. threr men. iud on bjr on, into tht corr.ar'r. Jivr.f t)cud thrm lui. He paid no ia wh.r'Srd arouri bent L.vsi to IVr.r.iA but crrr Ala form. prtrn "Hw ii it, ky!" he afce4 fj'w M4iro houh4. to h. Wm rnmi tf J lo thf f.r.rrri - . rewiljie LOVE rkr ;i. hi I JUNGLE Luni Uin that haj apnnf.fJ tr t tro.-- ti' , irr HKK racrlrr anou rrrr.j ?.. Chapter Two The year 4 rtrj,rf '.orHiT,j J.al jn tn Ireland r - Dodge City With Errol Flynn Olivia de Havilland, Starts Sunday - f U tn U .L 7fc . t.-r mw xaa !.( L AA &J ,'iMi.rv. pore!4 quk:v iarfn Ukt a.door cf tht ToOCB w aji t r. rx opr tjKtd (here, h ir.js.R br.. trod dhojurr tfcromo jrf Ckpmtft 13 tt , fikann -- 'j u v.-- :'V't f . , ,'y'l Ot4 HO I Saturday, Juno 17. 1949 CACHE COUNTY. UTAH LOGAN. . n...u ,r,wr toA (f .MJD over l u-- n yaw. 11 ki&f aursoard mb a Soatli hirh apna tcaacrrcw at tbe GKA.XD Tbralr. and i Carrel Naih art ah la tbr rut. .rU(1 A, of Sen CfeJ trfZS' s k -- eaper.rnced ,a h?ou ,0 io - North Logan ....... j - r- THE TRACED! r ciaud rrably li(htnv4 ter Kay MillanK bra braaUfUl Dorctlijr lamw pram tbe UJand a cnly clhrr inhablUM la HI.K Jt'NGLC LOt tbc arc rararooent Techmrdar romaarc rn Over-na- a Lyan rhw -- o.d x' .t ho.. . r.,:..., : oi NORTH LOGAN North LogAa t TOIOE bar- .ktraabciTy fcrcm rra are jv.surf Uieir large crop 4 brr-- l '.a by OF NORTHERN LOG AN i 1 and WITH A CAST OF IrtTiDKEDS. topped by Errd Flynn Olivia de Havilland. DODGE CITl', Warner Bru Technkatoc the BOXY A laaly epic af tbe old Weal ill open tomorrow al drama of tbe day abea Ibrre aaa no law oral of Ibirato. It Mlcbaei to trammed with thrilling attioo and colorful romance. directed from the acroea action bia for famou picturca. artix. ( Other. In the caat beaideo Mory ortwea by Robert Buckner. Brace Il-aand Mtaa de Havilland. Include Ann hbendan. Cabot. Alan Hale. I rank Mi Hot'i John Eltet. Henry Traverv. Victor Jory and a host of supporting player, and exlraa. KVNU I v I V, CTAH n -h.a e d v,d TlKDAr. f & j niore 'Hfi AU S the grckcrs in the Al i.oylan 5. ch.l! Th 'yf.-- iTm: nn l.e." r ineJ . Ma iarpe crop. repcrt farrier hr I a r I n.ade ff,cen hti ns torch,' 7 30 . Dr and Mrs O. luke Tr.bur.e Ne-In him that left h f r h r v. " J lsra.onj M O t J.k hut 'r:a ar.d ; the past two ueeks. 7 AS j in Idaho lor Nat th f G' A c o i M.irn.r.x Zxrrc.mt enc U.e w . kll f:k firi can th k t..e Uftg ;. r h j hih.jn fi Weak is progremg on the c.y .11 V:.x;n- Ou a bland Cal.f. abtre they f u..u-r r.?fht.rc a vt ' r (curb and gutter project very melh Request Hour .A'Mv qu - .ar ut put-tur o a I U ! " doeU t h.je to do vhat rts.t t.hcjr Cs.fr.h.er and st r 106 fl' OO ,k n h Musical -ui c v. Roundup m. leu if. i according to Mann us J. Falslcv, tf I 'iJ.e thijrh. an.J c nr. t k if ) .u a con- News tb t ni 4 He m t .II 10 30 Mont. or View, and nr hrA Dr MIvui supervisor. Men are marking z r h ar re oui. 4 10 45 hr .Nth i u ., t ' DeRos Christiansen mUaily and rapid progress is be- HYRUM Lcr.rue Conn Quartet in. m or mxyg. h.ik A1j:i Fvtr e.rff t.i.y L. - T.v hvd chi v r.c ft r a lrtjm 11 Hull M.xed Chouc.yi f old son of Euhop au.d 1 ei n .a: fif srr.t hr, k f lrg kmc. The aork uhl continue tc. for the J wr. h ?3i dl fuv a; :h n.U.iary traaur.g 1 31i Ra.nbow Trio t t n ULt. James G. Christiansen, aas nKlsl u r i H 0l tv.e tununer. Fat Mrs. in C4.xp junta Frhi.fjt 12 00 ht -. Corr.huskers jr.ix-The v.'.n .c.i, t .jh.!:. badly shaken up and bruised Sat- r. u.U &:Ser and dauehur A,; 1 5 . o 12 jfcraelM)r. tVh; a Liike S.3t Tr.bune News urday uhen he uas suddenly ,.j t'.'i. fir i ;..i; j, t Given prison Term rV' .f'yattend summer achooi at the Cr.l-- - 12 oo The Islanders "VOlJ X'rs. Tmy wivi It was ,i Eeih ' U h throun from a horse be m nd-- i cni-- j nrt" a.Ttrd th.u'. L.a r. of who 12 Cal.f,rr.:a. 455 US DA Farm Flashes w:".;y a tic un a: to ..vc treatment . The lad received ard lir.'Jiir. you mg hik li Ni ::.t i .nv, hax G. Tuoicy and MaU-t- n .t.e fi.ttt career Z know ii guilty to stealing wool from tiie PM iAoli iiwt.U n.in t. son Cra:g of Sail Frank Wood ranch In Amalga, wa, City rrnt 1 00 Standard String Ensemble , v -- y ' y, t'k the sec sv.i guests Of Mrs. TiXiley's sentenced Friday by Judge lewis 1.30 Tbe Oklahoma Outlaws A number of fnends surprised - r -- J parents. Mr. and Mrs . ... -- Albert 2 00 Kulf and Half Irom one to 10 Jmes w ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Karris Petersen at V: t . t 7 Stauffer. 2 30 Chuck v . Foster and bis years in the f tate prison. their home last Friday evening Mrs. Vemon LsraeL-oOrchestra of Mad.-soGaines and an evening of social the house 3 00 Spanish Strings Wo.rr.ruun, wa A delicious chat was enjoyed. guest of Dr. and Mrs. O. W 3 30 H.t Revue 4 00 Concert luncheon w as served by the ladies, Orchestra Israclson the past ueek. st stile. 4:'J This Rhythm.c Age Mr. and Mrs. Edrar WTurster 5 3 rean d daughter Marlene of Salt Lake Shf sur Gav a The ladies Jr. Literary society 5 00 Presion Gmls Trio are were annual recent their canyon in the visitors holding Cry -3 15 King Cole Swing Trio Starts Tomorrow- ward outing Friday evening at Guinavah 5.35 D.xie Yodeler Christof-fersen Park. Pres. Mauguente Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Palmer arid 6 K Aaron Gonzalez Tar.go has charge of the arrangedaughter Zelia hate returned home 6 15 Sol Hoopiis Kawaians ments. They expect about twenty-tw- o from a tnp through the north-- , 6 30 News and View. members and their partners to west over the Columbia highway, 7 00 Modern Salon Group be present. A chicken dinner will taking the coast route to Ssn 7.30 King's Jesters be served. Francisco, to visit relatives and 7:45 Eventide Echoes the fair at Treasure Island. On 8.00 Bluestone and Violin A number of ward and stake the tnp home they visited at 8:15 Its Dance Thme Primary and M. I. A. workers at8:30 Utah State Convention Boulder Dam. They were accomtended the General conference in Federation of PostofNce Salt lake City last week and panied by Black.' oot fnends and Clerks relatives. deal of inspiration received a 9 00 J!m Walsh and orchectra from the great Bishop John H. Kemp and fammeetings they attended. 9.30 Dancin' Anton with Gwena Clawson, daughter of ily attended the annual 32nd An9 45 T reasure Chest Mr. and Mrs. A. JT. Clawson who drew L. Ever family reunion on 10.00 KVNU Goodmte. ha$ been employed at Salt Lake Saturday of last week at Guinavah SUNDAY, JUNE 18 City for the past year is very serlopan canyon. park Ici-JL- ''- -1 Dimer was served to 116 mem- - A3L iously ill at a local hospital L bers. In the afternoon a program 10 90 From an Old Scrapbook Mrs. Carey Saunders of Hyde ward to this reunion excitedly, m with Mrs. Lee Hales and games were enjoyed. Park spent last week end visiting had always wanted to have a ti-- . of Garfield is 10 30 Raiph Waldo Emerson wiauchter, and now, at last, th. famous and V.ca. but me last year with her daughter Mrs. Carlos wt-i- j be almost it. all you have oune u tang ar.d jpgTjjOT-- jane Otjray week, Jensen. guest of her,1100 Chapel Singers The gang that was sponsoring loafing. Tnen you end Strl"g Ensemble sister Mrs. Rose Burrell Impressive funeral services for Dennis' claim for recopm- - smoke hoie i.ti tr. .a cr yoang 0rchestra j as a fighter had told tneir ged by gamtrs and tn.evec " G. M. Green, were held Saturday and Mrs. "W. K Nyman H ' him I won mj Tbe t, , rejomed Dengrotere that they didn't want Den-in the First ward chapel. Mr. .l e to emerge victorious tonight. o!,U wk'12 25 Home Sweet Home ms, atteir.j'i.rg in defend n.mse.f. f W yo guests of Mr. and chan.t-.cn.'- . Green and his family have been at Afton. ne can s Became more and more resent-- f I can I f.gnu Chorus 30Ave yerulT be thought over the matter. And you can tst a jj-- s N : phi Lauritaen. residents of Hynun for the past p Vr--t.B opponent, landed a couple dIrunk dere.-c.- , e.f v T seven years until a month ago Rums Cronkston Ls snend-- 1 i nn n cf hard biows, he decided to trans-- , the street, h.e a .c: cf them I ve when they moved to Ogden. InAfter you ve fer c f feel.ngs into concrete ac-- known Go cm. try and got soir.e terment was In the tis. Cleverly feinting back and starved for a City dhrtZL be landed blow after b!ow sense slammed into you. come cemetery. cn me other man. home If there s enough left of you Mrs. Erma Nichols and children The three racketeers who to st.il mage a man. III see mat have been spending their vacation thought they had sewed tip the you get in tie cop.' Walsh and Orchestra deta Stauffer. Mr. and Mrs. Max Doug- - 3 w. A- Li. rarreii corner of from the his for them Tooley all of Salt lake City.; " ,las g hrr.pse ponce training application Mrs. O- A. Garffs Special cf his eye. but ,t made no d.ffer- - was not maoe without some mis- week end guests of Mr. and eoce. Advancing wita cold feroc- - givinga Mrs. Albert Stauffer. ity. he oelrvered a barrage of! rights and lefts which, within five ' In tbe big classroom ofof thehopeminutes, had terminated trie bout. Ponce Academy, a group e trip more interesting, Hurry mg out to the dressing fui young neophytes were listening room for s shower, Dennis handed to Use remarks of a grizzled old The entire public is invited to Al two dollars. policeman. the excurson. 15c ANT TIME You earned it, said Al doubt-- j One of tbe most important join Those who are going must arthmrs a probationary policeman Sully. I didn't. Choice of All That's Best In You're my manager, droned llieutenant range for their own must learn, Screen Entertainment! transportation iovd 41 JUNE 19 you 7 asked Dennis. Keep it- - It Downes, is how to enforce the ms OLIVIA 'a.m. law. It isnt a patrolmans duty to beats being a cop, doesn't JtT LAST TIME TODAY De HAVILLAND e4 I dont think anything beats mete out justice. A policeman's 7:30 Lake Salt Tribune News i being a cop," replied AL job n to ind a suspected criminal r.ine Trail will be taken i.he first 7 45 Morning Exercises, Maxine L. ANN SHERIDAN StJ Listen, kid, said Dennis, a note and arrest him. The of hardness creeping into his voice, ' paused. For the past quarter of an ' P&rt ot JUiy. ttanger Gosuey re- - 8:00 Request Hour Bruce Cabot Frank Holof 9:00 Mill down new Love a trail wili you get that sentimental slop hour he had been conscious New Liht Tales. ports Alau Hale McHugh out of your system? What did a Dennis vacant stare, as he sat Ijqw and the one down Spring 9:15 Musical ' Newsy otrt' UumuMICHAEL CURTIZ Vi cop ever get the old man? Ser- - aimlessly drawing pictures on his 9:30 Am. Robinson Line off the .main Family Sky x (Hollow, WARNER BROS, nun pad. geants chevrons, after twenty-si"Madden!" he cried, the class is Trail have now been completed, 9:45 Monitor Views and' News years. 10:00 Sooter's Mountain Boys "Well, yes, hesitated Al. "but dismissed, but you. may remain now ante will all be -- TONIGHT, of police regu-- 1 copy five pages 10:30 Freddie Berren's Music "Thinking of your own father? , demanded Dennis. Killed in the lstions." (moved shortly. The Sky Line Trau 11:00 Petite Musicale line of duty. So his name is on Why. air? asked Dennis, half will always remain .one of the 11:30 Cappy Barra's Octet the honor roll if anybody re-- TOMORROW. tpopular rides of the canyon. 11:45 Because you haven t listened toe i members that Songs of Dyana Gayle AND ON SCREEN of Can The members Glorious Technicolor! in There was an interruption at the a word I've said during the whole ikeIxigan Black with and White HOTEL IMPERIAL door. The tno of ringside racke- hour DOROTHY LAMOUR 12:00 Gypsy String Ensemble teers entered the room. One of Why should I?" retorted Den12:15 Salt Lake Tribune News them stepped forward with a leer. nis. You said it all last week. RAY MILLAND Stewart, chairman; J. L. Mont-a- 12:30 Ken Darby and King's Men I thought we said this was "Fifteen pages. cried Lieuten-'-L TODAY st 1 P.M M. Creamer, 12:45 USDA Farm Flashes Downes, in overflowing wrath, rose, J. p. Smith,-Ayour night to lose," he snarled. He waved to the others, "Go on, I want to get somewhere, reAlD f PauJ Wilson, P.M. ' POPEYE CLUB torted Dennis. What do you think the rest of you. 1 00 Anson Shaun and Al had more or less ma J. LunaahL Preston Pond, Weeks, Orchestra I m fighting for my health? Big Surprise Program! 1 : 30 "He s worried about his health, given up hope of Dennis' arrival Modern Salon Group fellows, said the gangster leader. at the dock &s they stood waiting' A Paramount Picture 2 00 Hollywood Brevities 'You dont know how healthy it is nervously for the incoming trans2:15 The Islanders laying down. He paused, staring atlantic boat. maze 2 30 Concert Master of thoughts at Dennis. "We'll lay you down A confused ran through the sergeants head. 3 00 Cats "N Jammers ;eo you won't sit up for a week. i Before the speaker could deliver TC hat would Eileen look like after forni on the Art Gudmundsen The Jones Boys the blow that he was contemplat- all these years? The only imatre 3:30 Chester Gay at Organ pFemses on First vest street, ing, Dennis got the jump on him. at the moment was that never-to- -! First north 4:00 Matinee Melodies recollection of a tinv- tween Center and He sent out a quick left jab that infant in a wet cardboard street. phe slght is well worth 4 : 30 Concert Orchestra (knocked the other man backward. smiling oi4 An two the followers came in. (Then 5.00 Hollywood Am. Leg. Band Eileen Dalv. leaning over the while going many miles to see. and a furious battle began. Al RATES bored in, close to Dennis side. rail, was the first to recognize Those interested in growing beau- - 5:15 King Cole Swing Trio For a minute, all five forms were Rergeant Madden, tw his uniform. tiful roses could well take a lesson 5:30 Man Bites Dog $1.50 (tangled in a scarcely distinguisb-- j She waved, while Shaun and Al from the Gudmundsen rose gar- - 5:40 Caesar Muzioii, Accordian waved back. able knot. 342 Grant Avenue 5:45 and up King's Jesters den. Td never expected her to grow Catching Al completely- - off 6 00 Edwin LeMar Quartet to be as pretty as that, ex- - i one of the three intruders guard, lifted up SAN FRANCISCO 6:15 Supper Melodies a chair, and smashed him over claimed Shaun happily. Public Health Column 6 20 Something About the head. He fell to the floor withbe out a sound, and Dennis was left continued) (To There were 447 new cases of thing to Fight alone against overpowercommunicable disease reported to 6.25 Supper Melodies MM Is V. A A ing odds. Classic Strings the Utah State Board of Health 7:30 Standard Male Quartet week endLn? June Headquarters for the women folks be represented."3118 af: Horseback Excursion Eventide Echoes cording to a statemen released 7(45 8.00 Sol Hoopiis Quartet AH who can arrange to come To Lake Region 797 TOh do(Priday 8 15 It's Dance Time so. 'Continued from Page One) cases during the corresponding 8 30 Farm Facts and News, Grove Creek to The White Pine La kg area is week last year, a decrease of 350 along thg Tony Mr. H. P. Anderson the Tony Grove Ranger Station, rich In varieties of plant life arid cases. The number of new cases 9.00 Rainbow. Serenade the plaoe of beginning. The ride is it has some of the finest examples of communicable disease increased 9:15 Tin Pan Alley oCes to Managing Owner, Wallace (Spick) Carlisle a pleasant one with no steep trails. in the entire canyon of glacial this week over last, however, by Town folks can ride the trail i tiom. Short by experts will 104 cases, there being only 342 9:30 Henrr King 8e Orchestra 1 ! 1 11 b I 10 00 KVNU very easily ar.d it is desired that j be made along the route to make cases last week. 4 II I j Goodmte. I ; - f,rr 1 -- yj Prr jird t-.- J- rV- s X . !ii:y f o : jc J ! . j lralcn I tsw x . ar I- ?.' ? r 1 L-)- , i i ped -- , -- v '" Ike t "y'1 n. no-ho- eg . ' : j b - J ' j jr Uin-rn- x. ju tvknt mfi r z. 1 ' P" ,J:lftania ,, I ,, tT . wu S ' r; ; aren't Hj-ru- cI tmVt ... I TELEPHONE 337 GIRL .A. NED j j : speaker , , '4 re-a- -- nt HER . j JUNGLE LOVE : : - j Washington Hotel Ev-er- ; Utah and Idaho People : en i H KtiH fl '3 |