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Show L 4 . v e-- ., 1 raSALLOY i, a lift a Afrafei.t&ru Ob of the most imortant factor and contributing to the strength, autoeaecdabUrty of the modern mobile la tha amazing progress made la th development of r H" .. ihc Middle n - ' 1 T f j f bUVil V N- -v ftit 4f it- - .timun atrenrth. tone wear, and light weight, metallurgists of the automobile Industry Bare meet tacn" iol allow demead- the specific requtremeoU 4 by advance aagiaeenng i Interesting Instance of thli specialisation, an steela to ffordad .- . Aa- - by ist iceerte of1 mad tha Btitdebeker by metallurgCorporation, wfalch ha devatoped nickel molybdenum steel,- - one of the moot Important alloy oed In motor ear ' ' construction. For several . 8tudsbeaer years ' had xporlipBted saetaUurgist wlta various) steal alloya, oeeklng combine lightness on that wpvW " and strength wkh extreme hardness to meet the require roenU necessary for pe.rU such aa steering knuckle pins, piston 'pins, and earbonlxed shafts. Their reeearch Indicated. , that ehreoiln nickel, and molybdenuai offered the greatest poaibllitlea Cbrotnrasa is a hardeaer and will Inherent give and la toughneea. strength and d- - I much gear because of these qualities and Ms great tfea moat ha m -- ; ale-me- . In physical properties. Thta alloy la, now- - widely used for certain gears 'and shafts which require a very hard surface and a tough cor, r ; IS LATEST re- - important alloy fives groat toughness and elasticity, v V Means were finally devised to effect a combination' of nickel and molybdenum into aa entirely new - alloy, exceptionally tough and hard when ease hardened, and uniform ; ' : NASH MOTORS' GIVE SERVICE . STATE CAPITAL TO STATE Nickel loads. e Service facilities for the owner-- in thorough keeping .with the advancement la motor car design and manufacture are regarded by officials of the Nash Motors company as of vital Importance to the continued aueces Of the automobile Industry. What has been, perhaps, the most notable advancement Is service work came with the adoption of what la known aa the "flat rate" system by Nash auto-Viobll- snd "dealers throughout America "" " - ' abroad.""""' The owner la the chief beneficiary of the "flat rate" system of aervtc aa under this policy ha may for .a f lye take Wj ov operation and leant. ""adjustment before wor on the car has begun, exactly what the cost will be. This applies to practically all kinds of labor, from a simple adjustment of the carburetor to a complete overhauling of the automoble. In other words." the dealer after making a eliminates thorough diagnosis, "guess work by quoting the owner lh definite and established chargo for the particular operation necee- ' I .aary." It required many months of care-,fanalysis on the part ef Nash servle men to arrive at the exact coat of each of the scores of adjustments and minor operations to which an automobile at various times may be subjected: It required also a long system of intensive training of dealer's service managers' and mechanic and standard- - cerjdler -- ul Now the latest In hlEhwsvs. and .Unce aaved from Indianapolis to la SO miles. what la destined to be the most Kansa City tour la midway This particular continent. popular rout across the Is the Stats Capital to the State across the United States and has the "Seeing America Capital Highway, a aerie of paved been termed roads extending from Washington Route", for eleven or twelve states D. C. or New York, or nearby state are traversed and many points of Interest are seen enroute. capitals, to Sacramento, San Francisco and cities of tha West coast A person may make a tour from Atlantic to the Pacific coasts visitFLAPPER FANNY SAYS ing from twelve, to fifteen 'state capitals enroute, depending upon where he starts his tour. State capitals on the Atlantic coast may be visited with little extra effort. Starting at New York, for example, a person may travel through Trenton.. .New Jersey, Annapolis. Maryland, Washington; D. C OB through- Harrieburgh, Pa., Colom' bua, Ohio, Indianapolis, In(L, 111., Jefferson City, Springfield. Ma, Topeka, Kansas, Denver, Colorado, Salt Lake City. Utah, Carson City, Nevada, Sacramento, Calif., and on to San Francisco. Or touring eastward, the visitation of state capital I reversed. Tola state capital to state capital shorten the distance highway from coast to coast from Boston or New York to San Francisco, Los Angeles snd Seattle 'and also will save mileage from Chicago to Kansas City, Los Angele and San Francisco. U. 8 Highway No. W f aa1, b Ukin JfrojfcChteago,Jn, Springfield where this principal highway will shorten the distance K. etses. e mt wnwce. ea. from Chicago to Kansas City across the Mississippi at Louiaianna, Mo., When good marrjfea die, they la shortened 86 milee. in addition to - .'. w g to Faffa I . cross railroad avoiding dangerous I I ings and traffic jama. Tha dls. vl ' J - laed equipment of the most efficient design before the "flat rate" system could be Installed by Nash dealer on an extensive scale, t ' A far back as ltlS tha "flat rat'' plan of service was adopted by some of the Nash dealers; after it waa thoroughly developed node) the guidance of the factory service department the system, waa installed first in the large cities and later In tne smaller communities; still later the "flat rate" system became operative in Canadian and Overseas points. . .4 !,' irYSON SOCIETY NQilS-- j ' "Mr. and Mra. John BetU aaeatlthe game. Mr. and Mis. Ray fltet- end visiting In Eureka ens and Mr. and Mra. Bert Steven were special guests. Mra, Jesse and Mammoth with relatives. Earle and Floyd Wilson were Wlnward Tanner, son of Mr. awarded honors for high) - scores and Mrs. W. Fred Tanner was snd Mra B. F. Ott and Ray Stevena married on Friday In tha Salt Lake the consolation. tmple to Miss Louise Blackham of Mrs. Lea R. Taylor entertained Mrs.' Tanner Klmberly, Nevada. met them la Salt Lake and wit- twenty-fou- r guests at a dinner nessed the ceremony In tha temple. party and social last Saturday evete on to Payaon and They returned ning. Daffodils were used to the table and a yellow and Monday a bridal shower waa given In their honor at the bridegrooms white color schema waa used vary home.' The entertaining rooms were effectively. decorated with rosea and tn guests numbered twenty relatives and Mrs, Jlepeey S. Lewis, who la goneighbor. Mrs. Tanner waa assist ing to Provo to reside and Mra. ed by her daughter, Mrs. Justin Ada 3- - Clayton who la leaving In Hurst of Salt Lake who cam down the near future for Mid vale were . . the honored guests at a Social given for, the occasion.- byTnewbefi ol tti Third ward ReMr. anT Mrs. CharlesTWlnward lief society Tuesday afternoon. The of Black foot, Idaho are Visiting following program was conducted here with relative; Mr. Wlnward is by the program committee: Vocal receiving treatment In Prove for solo Mrs. Ada Daniels; two readeyesight They were fprmer Payaon ing Miss Gladys Bona; S songs, residents. little Peery boys; original poem, Marie. Mendenhall; vocal solo, Mr. and Mrs. Parley Buttarworth Deon Badham; vocal solo, Mrs. wera tha honored guests at a party Iva Chase; short talks, Mrs. Lewis given by the members of the O. N. and Mra Clayton. Refreshments O. club Friday evening at the home were served by the social commitof Mr. and Mrs. C. Nielsen. Din- tee' and games were conducted by ner was served In the early ave President Tervort. ning followed with bridge. Mr. and Mra. Butterworth were presented Mrs. B. L. Jensen. Mrs. Devi J a guest prize. Mr. and Mra. J. C. Bigler, Mra. Kathryn Betts Mrs. Barney high score prize and, Mr. S. M. Simpson Urt. Wendell Er- and Mrs. Dave Shuler the conso landson Mrs. Otto Erlandsoprrs. the- - week dee-ora- fc7ceyendenhaB." Mrs? E. H. Street, Mrs. John Done and Mra Mra George Chase entertained C. E. Cloward Jr., of the Cultus the member of. the Evening Bridge ehib were la Eureka last Saturday club Friday at her home on Utah for the First District Federation avenue. Dinner was served before convention. H E world'i lareert ss You Weed thns a' , International Harvester" has recently announced a brand new kind of truck to meet exactly such' a variety of con- -; ditioris as you often meet in this community. It is a handsome truck for general 33 at miles per hour, hauling in town or out ii top of that "it has tho spe ca. '" are-swep- . Comb tha field and youH come right bade to Buick for ..the style, colors, tip hoist eric ; ' . ', and of it ' :: ::t Sedans ef gri"" r J ; t fnw m mltrt. TW T . rKOVO Buick Dealers In Projf jot . beXorfJn : mtc w mt , . Bodies supplied for every type of commercial load. For farm duty there is a riew .combinatioribodjr that js proving very popular for ' grain arid stock haulingl Note in this illustration how practical and ,.... simple it is. : . , For the Farm 'Tha Special ha this handy Comb-nstio- Q Body. f;, gaitltm -vatmi ptiittm wtrA mivmrna, and erttofafl mnrti cptratin ntr hmv. tmuit driving COUPE CO.VCH Att .... ft P print .a.. liurerg tar eov tor atri, 7tJ (Rsmsw sea SiVDAIf r) rr.t a V w ruck- cf - this Six-Spe- ed - p. k . - sturdiness, economy, driver comfort, and looks. Its engine b famous for low fuel consumption and fast pick-uFrame and springs 1 . maintenance costs. And increasing thousands of owners rolling up thousands of rniles of service prove that these qualities' which delight )ou on j'our first rTdeare just as lastLn as tiiey arc brilliant. ., , cab. fully-enclos- ed ioffXg The New International Special has everything else to match . high-compressi- on is In all vzy the New Essex Super-Si- x the lowest operation and engineered to heavy duty. Easy ster--; nd riding. Rot)my,"coinfortablef size. m - - iFor feature. SIX-SPEE- D 4 ' C.U.A.C . Col "elluhdelWotor ,7 iijL - - i re-,-w- ard coupes ti in to iiaso -- j L-- t , Prove to yourself that Buick outpoints aH other can selling between 1000 and J2000. rf 'silll i.tfcimnw mui jcar, record. as :i: is. thorough comparison. iPURT MODELS 1 195 to 152J t.1-- t. ifii, s.wimm ta to r a X v n ' Greater in powerf.more versatile in. all 1 im-performance, large, roomier and more beautifully appointed, the New Essex Super-Si- x gloriously earns its richer Simple, Compact and in even greater popularity than its. . Oonvenient predecessor. ' 1. Light control - 2. Horn baitoa 4. Radiator ihutrcr control 3. Throttle The exclusive, Super- a. Elcctro-kc5. Starter that-turn- s Six. motor waste heat to power, 7. Gasoline gauge - I. Clioke develops the greatest power per cubic inch of piston displacement of any stock motor , Ikt iwV tin imitntmtKl h&ard u lkj mUmtrr, rfnttk, frtefmg undf Wir7 light,we know in the world. tptcdmtttr tnJ tvmmeUr. Reitfiil. t "ti' ormer-alWime-Es6- oi iahi are built Six-Spe- ed . ft Compare apecihesuon and you'll find further proof of Stuck upetioritv in Buick' t x. BUIGK ' bodiesappointments Lovejoy Hydraulic Shock by Father. Absorber, Double-Dro- p Make the same test in per-- Frame. :. tf.4 again youTl. MecbanieaI Four.wh , 5tormce:d acecx Dtuut lor toe power, and ho$t o , feature of vttswy and twtcombinedinMyothercar. ittValve-in-fwII- b . - . All aside sales records in the enthusiastic reception every wfiere accorded the New Essex Super-SiManycommuQiues report lUUc, uvvTb, even 300 greater sales than for the corre-- on That's for mud and gumbo, treacherous side roads, over iflls through holes, soft fields, and bad weather. The man who puts his capacity 4oads on the Special,'and Whard go ing, simply slips into the newxaw' range and converts his speed sale of mm SpecllSl TTriicM ik-Spee- ffl T'fc pars became an Essex achievement solely v ' ' because'Of; merit. the nf le mm tponuuig penou s a 1-t- -- m ssowrt. s see . 11 Between ViiV C'ms. Speedy on Concrete Poverful in r3ud andGuniba t 10002060 DheresNo Carthat Compares with ' : kweofefXMm and fii!:rT -- . We have the newSix-Spee- d Spe-- ,' rial truck on 'display. L,pok ;t over and drive it See what itmeans, with a heavy load in mixed joiog, to have six speeds forward arte two reverse. " ' , : provo utah .'., tit . minrmi 7tS tha uar cads tan rar on at tncomr at touvjl Detroit, tutrrtMt, naJkUr charrr Inlor iHindJmg onj Uirm.t , UTAH Years i -- - - S "... '. |