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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, March 1, 1962 Jenie and . . . The Millard County Chronicle Published Every Thursday at Delta, Utah By CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY H. H. (Bob) BIDING INEZ HIDING JOE STEWART Entered as Second Class matter at the Postoffice at Delta, Utah, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. Subscription Rate: $4.00 a year in advance; Six months, 52.25 Advertising Rates on Request NATIONAL EDITORIAL OTAH STATE S0CUT10R Chronicle Correspondents ABRAHAM Alton Fullmer DESERET Edna Christensen HINCKLEY Clara Stewart LEAMINGTON Rosabelle Finlinson LYNNDYL Laura Bradfield . . OAK CITY Mae H. Shipley OASIS Ruby Skeera ,. SUGARVILLE Venice Daris . No Phone SUTHERLAND Mrs. Mel Church Phone 790J4 THIRD WARD AREA Bea Willden .,.....Ph. 4961 WEST DESERT (Callao) Shirley Roberts Farmers to Report Several thousand Utah ' farmers 'will take part this week in the -annual survey of farmers' intentions, inten-tions, made by the U. S. Department Depart-ment of Agriculture. . : ' .' State Agricultural Statistician, Alton R. Larsen, announced today that he is sending an official card to a random sample of farmers throughout the State, asking each farmer to report the number of acres that he expects to plant to each major crop this year, and the number of acres planted to the same crops last year. Reports from Utah farmers will become part of a nationwide report on farmers' intentions to plant, to be issued by the Statistical Reporting Report-ing Service of USDA on March 19. This report, issued annually for more than 30 years, is useful to farmers In adjusting their own plans, to industries serving agri Is Change-off-Life Making You Only Half a Woman? ...Too tense, toe tired to be a real companion to your hut band T Special women's medicine can relieve "hot flashes", weakness, nervousness ...then you can enjoy life fully again I Has change-of-life left you weak, nervous so you feel "half" alive? Lydia Pinkham's Compound can relieve both tense feelings and physical distress! In doctor's tests with Pinkham's "hot flashes" subsided. Nervousness was calmed. Then most women can go "smiling" "smil-ing" through "change-of-life Kill I ML ' J L I . OWNEH-PUBLISHEH ASSOCIATE EDITOB 'LINO PRESSMAN xsjcQticJin ...Ph. 3924 Jo Phone ..No Phone Planting Intentions culture and to many public agencies. ag-encies. - r Another survey on acres actually planted will be made about June 1. Without suffering! If chanpe-of-life has left you only "half" a woman, get Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound from druggists. See how fast you can feel "all woman" again 1 SLEEP I HOURS WAKE UP TIREOT When due to simple Iron-deficiency anemia, take Plnkham Tablets. Iron-rich, they start to strengthen your blood In 1 dayl '& d By INEZ RIDING Have you noticed lately the shortage shor-tage of such enlightening articles as "Is Your Marriage on the Brink of Divorce?", "How to Keep Hubby Home and Happy", "Ten Easyj Steps for a Happy M a r r 1 a g e", "Short cuts for a Happy Marriage",! "Avoiding Conflict in the Home', etc. Such articles (and not too long ago)were In every magazine AT LEAST ONCE. And if the reader looked closely enough two or more might be found in the same issue. I personally never cared for such articles and am right glad that they seem to be taking a back seat to articles of more meat. I've wondered many times why I didn't like them. I'm a female interested in protecting my home, my children and trying every little trick to keep Hubby at home and happy. But, those articles always left me away out in left field with no glove! I could never pass one of those tests on "How good a mother are you?" or "How do you rate as a Wife?" And therein probably prob-ably lies the reason for my not liking lik-ing them in the first place! It gets rather discouraging after awhile to keep failing. ' And how about that? Not too long ago I read an article on "They Alone Fail Who have Not Striven", by Felix Morley in Nation's Business Busi-ness and maybe he's wrong and I've been wrong about students grades. Maybe A Report Card is not part of the answer to getting a better education! Heaven knows how many times I've felt discouraged discour-aged and insecure because I failed a Marriage Testl Maybe it's best to let us wander around in ignorant bl'ss happily thinking that we are getting the. most out of life (whether (whe-ther it be school or marriage.) Until Un-til I read several magazine articles I never knew that Bob was UNDOUBTEDLY, UN-DOUBTEDLY, unhappy (he had to be I failed another test) and too much of a gentleman to tell me. I knew he liked my cooking and black nighties. But, according to those articles that was not e- nough! (Bob, I'm so sorry that I never learned to like fishing, camping, camp-ing, hunting, snails and Rocky Mountain Oysters! How many Un-Happy Un-Happy hours have you spent. Honey, Hon-ey, because I haven't learned to like the things you like? You see my sackcloth and ashes. I'll really try we might have a successful marriage yet. DO NOT GROW FAINt-HEARTED AND WEARY. EXPERIENCE EX-PERIENCE IS A WONDERFUL TEACHER, TEA-CHER, OR SO I READ, AND 17Vi YEARS" SHOULD TEACH EVEN ME SOMETHING.) (Bill Starley, is this the kind of stuff you meant? I'm just full of this kind of stuff, as you very well know. I've been studying at the knees of the Masters Mast-ers Joe Snow and Herman Mun-ster.) Mun-ster.) Did you happen to see last week's "CBS REPORTS" on Thunder Thun-der From the R ght?" I thought that a very good program and very educational for me as I have not had a clear cut idea about conservatism conser-vatism and liberalism. In fact, it Quality Market Hardware Dept. Dollar Values Many more items fc choose from Candy and Deep-Fat Thermometer 89c 0 would be highly enjoyable for me to be able to say with conviction "I'm a Liberal" or "I'm a Conservative". Conser-vative". St 11 too much about both that I do not know. Kinda like my marriage I've wandered around in it for 17 years now I'll probably wander around in liberalism and conservatism for that many more yearsi Maybe some bright scholar will come up with some tests on liberalism and conversatism and ifi I could take such a test (and pass or fail) then I would at least have an idea of whether I'm a liberal or a conservative. I've a feeling I've got good liberal and conservative friends. I'm a fence-straddler myself my-self or so it would seem! How many of us pride ourselves on our Tolerance?" r We like to think that we are the' MOST tolerant toler-ant of all people when it comes to other people's viewpoints on certain cert-ain matters. We give ourselves a b'g pat on our back and say "See how tolerant I am? Aren't I the most tolerant person you ever saw?" But, are we really tolerant because we have reached a firm decision or do we say we're tolerant toler-ant because it is easier to scry than to reach a decision? How can we be truthfully tolerant of another viewpoint if we do not possess a clear viewpoint of our own with which it conflicts? This seems very important to me. Something that I have never fully understood is the statement "We're all equals". If I were a lawyer law-yer I might call such a statement "ambiguous". As I am not a lawyer law-yer I call it "confusing". It's confusing con-fusing because human nature is not equal. Our sense of values is not equal. I daresay there are not two people equal in everything that goes to make up character. We a-gree a-gree or disagree that ' does not make us equal. Or so I believe. So I find the statement confusing! Reminder to a certain person in town: When we're both sober (your words) you're going Xo giye me a good talking to on equality. I'm sober, are you?? One of the best days that I've had since Christmas was Saturday. Athena and I went To Town and did we have a good time. Many thanks, Athena, for being such a good friend and providing such hearty laughter. 'There is one telev'sion ad that so completely enthralls me that I have yet to discover what it is advertising. ad-vertising. In the ad a lady comes out with a little spray bottle and begins spraying and says "This is wonderful for nasal stuff "ness" in such a confidential tone that my mouth drops open and ears start flapping in hopes of catching a choice tidbit of gossip. So I stand there and wait for the secret and I never do find out just what is wonderful for nasal stuff ness! I have been rather unfair to Herman Her-man Munster. Girls, he really isn't 93. He's only 39. I just couldn't resist re-sist doing that to him. I was pea-green pea-green with envy about his trip to Florida and all his wonderful talk Tow CHAINS Acce Tow Choini for via whtn only Chain will do th ob or Chain will da tho ob btrttr. Tho drop forgtd frob hookt hold M-curoly M-curoly whtn looptd back Into en of tho link of tho chain. Each tow chain II packed In a tturdy cloth bog marktd with chain, slio and trrongrh. $3.25 VERSATILE Clamp Fixtures REG. $SJ0 $2.97 PINT Vacuum Bottle $U7 'Lively Luxury" might debuted at the Chicago Auto Show on February 17. Offered in both convertible and hardtop hard-top models, the 500 XL features Thunderbird-type bucket seats and console as well as custom designed interior appointments. Unlike conventional cars, the control lever for either the 4-speed manual or 3-speed automatic transmissions are mounted on the console con-sole where they provide the driver with the greatest ease of operation. Available with a complete range of performance options, including Ford's new 406-cubic-inch engine, the new models w ill go on sale in Ford dealerships early in April. Word of Appr.cia.iofi . . Since I am soon to retire from the position of District Judge of the Fifth Judicial District, I desire to express my grateful appreciation, and the grateful appreciation of my wife and family for the privilege privi-lege which has been mine of serving serv-ing in that office for the past twenty-five years. It has been a high privilege and a rich experience to serve as judge in this choice section of the great state of Utah in this good, free land of America. It has been good to know the character and integrity of the people peo-ple of this district; their loyalty testate te-state and country and to the principles prin-ciples of justice, truth and righteousness. right-eousness. It has been good to observe their public spirit, their willingness to devote time and talents and energy en-ergy and means for the furtherance of the common good and for worthy wor-thy community projects. It has been pleasant to .travel the highways of this scenic, sunlit land, and to walk the streets of these friendly cities and towns. It has been good to think of the faith and sacrif ces of the pioneers and their descendants and followers and their efforts to make these valleys val-leys fruitful and beautiful and to build communities where goodwill and virtue and love of God and His laws would prevail. It is good to remember the courtesy cour-tesy and cooperation of members of the bar and officers of the court, of jurors, and public oficials and citizens generally, and their cooperation coop-eration w th the court in administration adminis-tration of justice and maintenance of law and order. It has been good to see the willingness will-ingness of lawyers and litigants to settle quarrels and controversies; to avoid needless l.tigation and Its about water-skiing and that is my excuse for telling such a way-out yarn. Of course, Joe Snow didn't tell me one word about Herman's trip. Joe wouldn't tell anything unless it was the truth absolutely. I have it on very good authority that he never even stretches his fish stories. Neither w 11 he stand still while a friend is telling another person some wild yarnl Not Joe. He is a stickler for the TRUTH. He'd never stand still and smile his angelic smile wh'le a tall tale was being told. I admire such a man greatly. There's nothing like the truth to cement friendships. New Styleside Pickup cost $32 less than Chevy's pickup.' Also, Th "Big Ford laiest tests nave nown a rora six rickup competition with lower prices, bigger can save $228 on tires alone during trade-ins from now through March I Save 100,000 miles of operation. Total: $2601 big buynowl DELTA MOTOR COMPANY - well describe the new Ford Calaxie 500 XL which will be resulting ill-will and animosities. It has been good to know that in the Fifth Judicial District the rate of d.voree has been less than one-half the rate in the state and the nation. It has been gratifying to know that members of the bar have been conscientious and diligent dili-gent in discouraging divorces and encourag'ng reconciliations in doing do-ing whatever could be done to relieve re-lieve misunderstandings and to remedy re-medy sources of domestic discord and marital unhappiness. It has been gratifying to have had the generous help and cooperation coopera-tion of judges of other districts of Utah in carrying on the work of the court in this district. It has been good to have the cooperation of newsmen and reporters re-porters in these communities and to witness their efforts to promote the welfare of the people and the growth and development of the communities and the state. It has been good to see the diligence dili-gence and devotion of church and civic and educational leaders in working for the benefit and happiness happi-ness and salvation of the people. If I have the choice of one final order as District Judge before retiring re-tiring from the bench it will be this: "Let there be continued goodwill and friendship, brotherhood and integrity; devotion to truth and justice, and reverence for God and His laws in the hearts of all the people throughout the length and breadth of the Fifth Judicial District." . S ncerely your fellow citizen, - Will L. Hoyt, District Judge Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller Saturday and Sunday were Mis. Miller's sister, Mrs. Amanda Nelson, and Miss Ellen El-len Anderson and mother, Mrs. Oscar Anderson, of Grantsville. Miss Anderson was Millard County health nurse and resided at Delta some years ago. She has been called call-ed to serve in the Eastern States LDS Mission, New York City headquarters, head-quarters, and enters the mission home in Salt Lake City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ekins and daughters, Kathryn Black and ! Margaret, and son David spent Saturday in Provo, in celebration , of Mrs. Ekins' birthday. She was j honored at a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Black Sun-1 Sun-1 day. save $ ym S- mm V- i n teres gi '.vn- rn2jfl(i 3!j&h'iLVG'jinii, i.ts WE SALUTE NATIONAL 4-H CLUB WEEK MARCH 4-11 West Desert ROUNDUP SHIBLEY ROBERTS Our show is to be March 3rd. It should be a full evening of-movies. Mr. Greenwalt is bringing some wild life films. The main show is a Navy feature. Everyone (is invited to come. We held our literature lesson lit Relief Society, which was very well given by the teacher, Hazel Falken-burg. Falken-burg. Five of our members were present. Our Primary was also held and enjoyed by all present. Gail Parker and daughter, Colette went to Lehi this past week. They brought Eudeene home. She is feeling feel-ing fine after her operation. Inez and George Tripp have some of their family with them for a few days. Isn't it wonderful about Lt. CoL Glenn! SHOPPERS WISE ECONOMIZE THEY SHOP WITH THOSE WHO ADVERTISE FOR... ' TELEVISION NEW OR USED I Come to . . . ' DELTA AUTO SUPPLY lor your best deal In the next k inn nnn m f w w milcsl Puih" is on fo outsell oil DELTA, UTAH |