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Show ANNUAL TRIP T 0 BE TAKEN JULYJ7 The entertainment committee ot the Commercial club met on Friday evening und decided that tho annual iflp of the club will be taken on July 27th. The routo this year will bo Salt Lako City tho first dny, July 27th, Park City and Heber tho second sec-ond day, Morgan, Devil's Slide and leturn the third day, July 29th. The Commeiclul club at Hober nns sent a special Invitation for us t? come there and thoy will show us a good time. They Invito us to como and see the little Provo valley, and take a dip In the Hot Pots at Midway. Mid-way. Tho committee Is very enthusiastic enthu-siastic over the1 trip and a special effort ef-fort will ho put forth to get n good representation. Tho cost will bo J 7 per passenger for transportation for tho round trip. On tho trip tho passengers may stou at the hotels or restaurants they desire. de-sire. TIiobo members who desire to go as passengers or take passengers should notify the Commercial club. Going as a club has many advantages advantag-es aside from the social. It would not bo posslblo for a small paity to get the permission to go through the mines, factories and other Institutions, Institu-tions, but tho club gets any of theso concession and many other privileges that a small party could not. Tho probable itinerary will bo as follows: 1. Lcavo anytlmo for Salt Lako City. 2. Bo ready to start for Park City from tho Hotel Utah Monday morning, morn-ing, July 28th, at 8 a. m. sharp. 3. At Park City tho Silver King and other mines will be visited. 4. The little Provo valley, Hcb-e Hcb-e and tho Hot Pots at Midway will be vlsltod. 5. On tho return the poa cannery at Morgan and tho coment plant nl Devil's Gate wll he visited. Aside from tho recreational part tho trip is highly educational. Know Utah First is tho slogan. You cannot can-not tako a bettor outing for tho money mon-ey and tho tlmo spent. |