Show World Monetary Plans Seen as Boon to Trade Funds Would Help Restore Production and Stimulate Exchange of Goods in Postwar Era Treasury Says 4' Combat Training Is Part of Extensive Cadet Requirement tittle Known Stones Peoplet About temporaries thought They Roosevelt was conceUed this one on him hc to heaven went died and had been discovered the famed choir r He told SI Petei it disbanded and that he should be reorganized conduct Teddy would Old Fellow The said "Very well" we have? "How many tenors should ten million tensuggested Teddy etc baritones ors as many asked "How many bass singers?” Hi Sd Fe rEKETEATES to with Its special tubes mSSniK mZS chest faces hke a warming poultcn misery oftlwmldSsgaiR nation's newest service sends its undergraduates to ses at part of their normal CKimomCivesYolS course of training During war they cial double action it’s go to sea Just toe same consequenth the i warIn sea BAUKIIAGE ly they're participants By fare They've withstood torpedoes fng miseries of W 1 firm AnnlyU and Commentator children's colds v ? bombings strafing coast artillery on how the money or credit is toj WSV Service Union Trout Building and firs from enemy raiders Theyvs be handled Wuhlnton D C performed heroic acts under fire which would do credit to I have Just come from a luncheon Relief for U $ St Peter pencil poised veterans of creamed chicken and rice green Bankers Ritkt Upper Graduating regimental commander WUlard B Kitchen and "Oh" said Teddy 'Til sing bass" In tot United other cadet officers salute as tape Is blown la honor of former salad and trimmings The food was FACT: as to One of chief the arguments not however the interesting part of States merchant marine cadet corps vessel 'or lost in action Left: Emery Training missing tot of the direct value the program FDR’s guesting at the former ABOUT j have participated In every landing Rice nnder full sail Right the affair The "food for thought" ° taking observations for Czarist Palace to Yalta bring is this: it is estiend invasion operation of toe war longitude that went ‘With It was And so was the United States in the postwar peduring training cruise mind the yam told and hay’s reflected creditably upon the aettlng We were served from a mated that While in will tour world States riod the United bankers Roosevelt's e large oval table In the conference have to do the bulk of the world the cadet corps while serving from easy In order to live up to toe our vicinity One had our number Stockholm he lived at toe royal Got to make sure on It and struck the ship squarely room of the United States treasIboard merchant vessels Seven creed " was Estimated on the amount have won When "Mr distinguished service that no boy's ghost will ever say to No five hold killing seven so- tskiri ury The hosts were Secretary of lending liked he how we did after the last war perhaps newsman ' by a medals more than 900 hays been If your training program had only ldiers of toe stevedore crew end a the Treasury Henry Morgenthau and as much as 90 per cent Rather forced to abandon the sensation of living to a palace " Dire or two big "unknown J Ship as a result done its Job' merchant seaman" squad of his fiscal experts g loss "I don’t lik them snapped: Because of toe sea duty requireThe subject of the conversation than have the lenders risk the bet- of enemy action more than 150 trying to onticipat th Steedley was busy helping to Teddy would a bell and complain be as it last did time they bolone of powr" killed In action many ments on ths You cen’t ring been have was the same one which was disman an cadet antiaircraft gun every midshipman v ter to bave tha government and tha have been credltef with ral and synthetic rvbbv room!” cussed at many of the more than saving at Kings’ Point actually is a vetridge and Wood was assisting to about the of the rest of the naIon of John L Collyr PrwiW 200 conferences which took place governments lives of shipmates and others have eran of tea warfare and many wear extinguish a firs on deck When the of the risk The I P Goodrich Co Thst tions bear One of the staff offered Ms resas 40 days in lifeout Wood went below to ribbons wj ks service was around that same table and’ which This ire spent many indicating known or rtpctlv editor they would do under the inter- boats preW around the world led up te the Bretton Woods moneignation t the executive ielp remove the dead men from the oosts and lb relative valu of national bank It is pointed out by or toe old New York World He The United States merchant mahold tary conference last July Today of rvbbr In differ Among several type will officials hot that only te treasury rine cadet corps includes the U S who participated in the Invasion of ©f product that same subject is before ConThe concussion had ripped large explained that he was going vral yjn hsocs most of the money be borrowed merchant marina start his own little country newsacademy Kings France were Louie B Wood Jr of toles to both aides end the bottom gress In the form of pending legislafrom private bankers In this coun- Point L 1 a basic Boring the manufacter school at San Atlanta Ga and John F Steed-le- y of toe ehlp and she settled fast tion which would authorize Ameripaper "I’d like some advice five or ten yesrs for the next try e variety ef synthti ruilateo Calif one at Pass Chriscan participation in an international from you" said the reporter Jr of Tallahassee Fla who iha stern resting on toe bottom to bber (since we have most of the money to tian Miss and a revolving materials most b bf bank of reconstruction and develop"on how yon think I ought te run group witnessed aU the fire and action of seven fathoms of water” he rebut most of it Will likewise be of 2800 to 2000 art temperature ef 100 fcj ment and an international monetary loan) American warships and planes and counts It" here since we have most of tha spent grees below sere at lea t all times Upon adcome te the wrong to abandon ship was J( "You’te order fund The serving things foreign countries need mission to ths cadet corps a Use ef rayon has Improvtd given after aa much gear at posUpon the passage of this legislaperson" said toe exec "Ask l ‘ny s There are two chief reasons why is assigned to one of sible had been removed to nearby tion and the creation of the bank one ef enr Indignant subscrib performance of synthetic trad W financial sn international prosuch ri ado toe basie schools for training of s on es natch os 375 per cent comport and fund the vessels ers" tffiiln gram will bs to the disadvantage of shout four months after which be wMi tires mod of cotton cord to Next day it was tnought that money matters tell' me depends the no banker although I by ifla private authorities wss Industry of to a report ses save minimum six Roosevelt to for President here might be a chance the success of any world security means When ' all bankers oppose it Ons goes montoa This sometimes lasts as he 'ship and an emergency volun- Governor of New York a film salesorganization which may come out of is that the governments of nations as 12 months because tha the United Nations meeting at San will teer crew waa sought to go aboard man named Moe Schenck (b control the world fiscal policy long in Introbe tha t Brat was volunWood and Steedley Francisco may loth worked out of Albany) and not toe leading private inter- Indian ocean when ship til for his fix month! is teered but after a few hours all duced to him The other day national bankers who had the conAim to Stop ceint course must of see he to and of saving the vessel was abanWMte House the to completed Moe was lope trol before The second la tost In serve until his Economic Warfare ned doned The two ship returns to the one of the secretaries about a film of run as the the plan sponsors long ' The reason for that statement United States were returned to England and were jei As he came out of the office rates Interest will lower boiled down to Its essence is this: admit it ack to New York on July 7 one FDR came along j Frit: Has Sea Training First Those two reasons sre not stressed you can't stop international warfare month after participating to the i Cabot After sea duty a "Well!" well’d Mr Roosevelt i his p unless you stop economic war- by toe vocal opponents of tot to Kings Point for is "How are you Moe you old greatest invasion to history Their measure Mont member of con- - dvtBCdassigned fare whlch ht V ship had been lost but the precious what are you doing to Washdurlng 4 and Economic warfare in this sense gross Many other objections aomt cargo of soldiers Jeeps and guns ington?” lrnjlllte knowledge acquired in set are The technical forth means International trade practices highly "data tad been put ashore to France and laboratories with classrooms Moe explained Ms mis slop briefly main suggestion in toe report of a that which results from sea trainnot in the common good— speThey're at Kings Point now and started to go FDR said: "Good cifically some of the practices in- committee of toe American Bankers ing to qualify himself to become a luck Moe Don’t be such a strangDudley Example ef Sea Heroes dulged in by nations competing for association is tost because of lav deck or engine officer to America's er Come see me sometime" two on Almost earlier the years foreign trade before and after the settled political conditions through' merchant fleet’ t "Mr President" Moe ' intoned other side of the world another out toe world any action ought to ‘‘f grand smash of 29 a Upon graduation 'Tm a very busy man" had played a drabe postponed until these conditions How is this warfare to be rela licensed as third mate a to matic ' part landing operation stabilize They say that toe Rations or third assistant strained? engineer and is He Is Robert H Dudley of Yonkers At a social event which ThomQuid pro quo of course In the should agree to certain changes in appointed an ensign to toe U 'S N Y who was assigned to a transas Edison attended reluctantly vicious fight for trade after the toe program before U ii presented maritime service and to tot U S to at his wife's urging— the Inventhe task force which took port y war a large number of nations will to the congress naval reserve Many of the 8000 tor finally escaped Ms admirthe first contingent of U S marines Some of toe changes suggested are have three strikes on them to start graduates to data hava gone into to Guadalcanal Dudley waa placed ers to ait to a corner A friend They are wrecked some physically prompted by honest conviction active duty with the navy to charge of landing boats from noticed that he kept looking at end a great many more financial some are due according to treasury The U S merchant marine cadet his vessel and the disembarking his watch and drawing closer ly politically economically Those officials to a misinterpretation of the corps authorized by toe merchant laying aloft was proceeding he heard Edison sigh deeply and successfully when which will emerge less affected by program There la a group in the marine act of 1936 is to be a pertoe main mast 23 Japanese torpedo planes atmurmur! "If there were only a the war acourge like the United United States which says that the manent Institution serving the natacked toe ahlpi dog bore" and coast artillery States will be equay affected if United Statei will come out of the tion Just as do West Point AnnapoGerman arunder the horn the little end of Antiaircraft on with or have merchant the firit or three gunners four days nobody money lis and the coast guard acadtmy they during The home ef Beethoven to Bonn1 vessels and warships alike went rangement and that the British sold credit enough to buy their goods The academy at Kings PolnMs of the historic landings Therefore In exchange for an us a bill of goods There is a group situated on Long Island Sound "Our ships moved into the Eng- into action immediately and skip has been converted into a memorial ' of toe varioua vessels ordered museum In one of the rooms roped agreement to abide by certain fair in England which says that 'Brit- two miles from Great Neck on what lish channel on carrying pers off from curious hands is the piano paactlces as we might call them ain will come out of the little end was previously toe site of several trucks Jeeps small arms and about maneuvers to dodge the torpedoes from the enemy planes The accu- upon wMch Beethoven composed and contributions in cash or its of toe horn and that toe United swanky estates There art 400 soldiers ' and we of course a sold their most of Ms famous music A very States Woods fire of the representatives Bretton from the under American racy new and modem buildings on toe were exposed to the German bombguna equivalent snooty girl visited toe shrine with a agreement a nation would tecelva bill of goods Wa excelled that of the Jap aviators and coast campus which also includes ers That la one thing which quite parade grounds an athletic field and didn't worry about theartillery Sht membership' in an international Nazis too however and every one of the 23 party of American tourists looked at the piano with awe and was shot down bank which would guarantee pri- aside from tha arguments pro and an obstacle course which Is quite much planes ws looked tip I One ship in the landing force asked toe guard if she might play vate loans— make some direct—for eon on toe various disputed parts of tough At toe academy's private and saw our own filers to action ' the purpose of reconstruction and tha program demonstrates tost It dock there are half a dozen vessels and watched American and British wss lost— when a flaming Jap plane Just h few notes on it She sat down fsc-- “ must on be few Its struck good ao and a deck can Moonbuild pretty bars of the and set afire played it they development This was Dudley’s As she left she retorles and dd other things necessary vessel from light Sonata Some weeks ago in this column 1 which all marines and cargo had marked to toe attendant: 1 supto create goods to sell and earn CODZN FLAKES Cf been disembarked pose all the great pianists who have money tq buy These loans would tried to explain "why Germany Its to defeats be loans in which the risk is too cams back" after Dudley wss assigned to another come here at one time or another have played on It" ship- loaded with provisions bound great for a private institution to France CaUBNBD WITH for Tulagi and a few days after The guard replied: "No miss not take and which If they were made May I be permitted to explain toe Guadalcanal episode Dudley at alL Paderewski was here sev-- j and bonds offered to the public the why toe Nazis couldn't come back cvcar-swzfor to second time? oral years tgo but said ha wasn't again heard the order "Abandon public wouldn't touch But guaranOnce again wa have to consider 7TA?£X KASISS teed by the International bank over ship!" as toil vessel was torpedoed worthy to touch It" sflnk Gerof would and on August 21 not toe military organization a long term private bankers lend the money and the public with many alone but toe civilian orDudley and 12 members sf toe At a dinner party Bea Lillie (Lady crew spent toe ensuing 14 days Peel to tha word of 44 nation behind the ganization as well Nazi discipline delicious NEW breokfad private life) was wearing the to on a lifeboat would an with toe most meager bonds because It was built entirely hardly be skittish family pearls A feline meowed: foundation finally col The monetary fund would be Good? It’s delicious! supplies of food and water "What lovely pearla Bea Art they "On toe 14th day we sighted land created for the purpose of stabilislapsed It wss a discipline of (1) degic combination of buUws genuine? Of course you can always end naturally exerted every ounce of tell by Fost'l 40 2 ing exchange and facilitating the ceit (2) force Both were bound to biting them Hera let me r our Flakes plus lots of etdle growth of International trade The fail in toe end because it failed energy te pull aee" ashore" Dudley reported members would agree to tie their to take into consideration one thing the am in sins right "We said Lady Peel prof"Cladly" to which toe Nazis on landed admit a coral reef and refuse exchange to the gold standard and age Better ask your every fering her Jewels "But remember ' not maa fell face forward exhausted p®2 ths big change It unless the governors exists— toe human sold Duchess you cant tell rsal pearla The sharp edges of ths coral Inflict-Nazllsm with threats brute force and director! of the fund apwith false teeth" today Your whole family which could would ' severs cuts about the body of stop among other and an organization prove This Htoc go for Post’s Raisin Eraevery one of us but wt Just didn't things what amounts to Impos- carry out toe thrsats and exercise One or the important seem to bave toe strength to move Washing ing hidden tariffs on foreign goods the force wae effective up to a certon once newspapers it failed Then so we lay there on toe reef reported again by changing the rates of exchange tain point (en Its front page) a mild Inalmost unconscious Its strength was to "bending toe of a country's currency in terms of for several disposition sf President Ros hours The natives found us and other nation's currency In their twig" as I tried to point out to my velt with: Youth "President us mad efforts to export goods at any earlier analysis worshipped water" brought te HI Rooms by Coed" Kept Dudley spent to next two months price and get credits abroad’ the the false god of Nazllsm as long as FDR heard ef it and to army and nsvy hospital befors Germans had ail sorts of different Us clay feet could be concealed requested everal copies which he shows But toe no Youth one other of knew marks that had value kinds god Also overboard rescue practice at Paas Christian Mist returning to Kings Point1 wher ho t visiting diplomatic moment the clay feet crumbled to here and another there bigwigs to graduated on February 3 1943 retheir moments ef relaxation As to the administration of the the defeat of its armies (ie force whlok afford the best possible means warships taking care of the ‘coast ceived his license es third mate and of learning tost multitude of subwent back to sea as an officer bank and fund a Very careful failed) youth deserted emplacements" Wood relates help This Is how one of the world’ Even toe older people despite the jects and details embraced to the "A day or so after toe toltla tag deliver the goods system has been worked out regu- das lea was written: Laboratories landings we were ordered to anNathaniel Saved Shipmate's LIT latlng the amount of financial numbing fear of toe espionage of toe term "seamanship" are equipped with actual Liberty chor a quarter mile off Normandy worked as a An txamplt cf valor responsibility each country would gsuleiteF the tear of toe bookkeeper One and have The figure would be based on camp tear of the firing Ship engines and boilers Diesels and discharge our cargo Into LSTs cf his own safety was shown day he was fired and came home depressed But Ms wile wasn't She the trade of a nation over a certain squad began passive resistance radio and other signal equipment This Job took about 12 hours" he by William M past period with some other modi- The Voikssturm (the military unfli refrigeration units and machinery said "and the ship pulled away an Thomas Jr of Alameda Calif who told him that she had secretly saved money from household expenses so anchored to await formation of fications For instance the United drafted by Himmler) refused to and equipment of all types enwas awarded ths Distinguished h countered aboard ship Administo return to England on day afford to convoy fight refused to assemble when orStates would assume roughly Senrics medal by President J?1 book writ t b was "On of Die financial rcaponai- - dered hid Regulations were evaded trative officers of toe cadet corps plus four ME 100s for his heroism to planning dramatically make the training thorough and far were dropping 500 pound bombs to laving That la how Hawthorne of the votes Taxes went unpaid blllty and have of a ahlpmate wrote Scarlet Letter” THE f 9 V Cf SNAPPY RUBBEr bet) pGooflrid- mzArwoBW BARBS by Baukhage O'Hara Distinguished Servirc Medal Hero No nam is regarded with more respect to to U S merchant maIn spite of ths shortage of nurses rine cadet corps than that of Edwin On reason why Stalin can’t leave who Russia to meet even toe world's doctors dentists the health of th J O’Hara of Lindsay Calif awarded toe Dis-- i to OW1 shows no was posthumously bigwigs was reveulrd at the Yalta nation according ' conference — he makes all the mili- serious decline Probably Just a tlngulshed Service meduL One morning case at supply and demand late in to full of tary decisions himself 1942 two enemy Just at dawn Tli General De Gaulle says that surface raiders appeared through Japanese government has "fine the mist and started firing on token over all toe airplane factories France needs 12 million In the next 10 years He O'Hara’s ship Th gun crew lm-- I giving the Jap Industrialists who babies’ want pear another reminder that may not get 12 million hut they will mediately responded Th enemy Br was ffectlv all b "fine"— ask however and sli mothers ther Isn’t murh profit In war the personnel manning one after fun installation were killed or wounded by one explosion O’Hara took over this gun by himself and managed to lire it flv times with every shell striking the enemy vessel at the water ime O'Hara wss credited in th D S M citatum with single handrdly sinking ’ tola raider Th was morin toe action howtally wounded ever and went down with hi ship IWdST4 ftfH' teenM A 10 ha'd at !'V' midwest hd plumbing th broueh b‘ luncheon h"n ched torrr etiquett In u the big peon! Ev daughter to ul5’Ior4wd SLMkon mpany of tryihlng L Ccmesb inighty h to went Well until h Waa In r"1 ’"u' ' Krtt honor- Mr V DV!dnt' r brd father apeak rai many tirrrs" wouldn’t b hu f it tn h flora IWlhrod Orunnv'i neurulc1 fMrPa littl Jim's j Tffy'i I wrpl I tend In jar arnl h" pr |