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Show Fyyn' inyuy 'eywy r V i y-- y "W NMTjifw V, y rr,wwwrrw Why Grow Old? omeNowLefeR eview Rules for Good Health By Josephine Lowman pnce In a while It Is a good idea lor us to review the simple rules for physical and mental fTT-healt- h which we all know so well and neglect so often. ' 1. Exercise is becoming more and more lmportajjJ 1 n medical opinion pr- every day, .because life is, after all, made up of days. jprinteJ Pattern , 4897 asi measure hardeventative ) SIZES 1414-2- 414 Miss Lowman - against problems are universal and that many of the people whom you think are so lucky have more trouble than you have so, be tolerant And I wish you a happy enlng of the arteries and Heart attacks and the general deterioration which accompanies the aging process. Of course it must be suited to your age and physical condition. 2. Gpod nutrition.' Every year more and more evidence is being discovered in the research laboratories concerning the importance of the food we eat. It is not yet known how far reaching this may be. 3. Sleep 'and relaxation. We all know how chronically tired we become when we ourselves in shortchange these. The Emotional Side The above are perhaps the first three on the physical side. Now for emotional and mental health. 1. Avoid boredom as you would poison! This affects not only your happiness but your health. Everyone becomes bored sooner or later unless new interests are added to daily life. .This is especially important for a woman from middle age on because the heavy responsibility of rearing children suddenly drops away. 2. If you have the worry habit, take real measures to break it. This can cloud every day. Today is Better 3. Do not live in the past. Today is better than yesterday and tomorrow may be wonderful 4. Be flexible. Do not brace all of your brain cells against new Ideas and new experiences and emotions. 5. Develop a sense of humor. I do not know how folks live without one. 6. Remember that your Dont Crowd! crowd a refrigerator! Air should circulate Never freely. 'Am Count on this shapely casual to take you everywhere now right through spring. Cardigan neckline is smart-stylnote above rippling skirt. Printed pattern 4897: half sizes 14, 1613, 20, 22, 24. Size 18, 16 yards requires 4 fabric. Printed directions on each pattern part Easier, accurate. Send 50c In coins for this pattern add 10c for each mailing. pattern for Send to Anne Adams, care The Salt Lake Tribune, Pattern Dept., 243 West 17th St., New York 11, N.Y. Print plainly name, address with zone, size and style number. e h lst-clas- s SJSVlS mu CHERRY OR PINEAPPLE LARGE SIZE EA. ADOBE) ENy?0 JOHNSON'S (LEAR SUGAR OR C GLAZED, lylY, DOZEN "lADGE JUDEA WHITE OR WHEAT 5-L- BAKERIES AT 470 SO. 9TH EAST AND IN ALL GRAND CENTRAL MARKETS lilUmq Si B. CAN |