Show Page 4 October 14 1993 Movie preview the end only one remains: Demolition Man In Producer Joel Silver and director Marco Brambilla bring lo life an starring Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes set in a stunning future freshly portrayed on the motion picture screen An obsessive pursuit and a war of vengeance between two men takes them from the year 1996 into the year 2032 and a bewildering society in doc- s- happen which anything can-a- nd 1996 Los Angeles A psychotic criminal named Simon Phoenix (Snipes) is holding 30 hostages in a heavily armed compound LAPD Sgt John Spartan (Stallone) known as the "Demolition Man" for his determination apprehends Phoenix in a daring attack that destroys the building The diabolic killer then swears that Spartan is responsible for the incineration of the 30 hostages and Spartan cono victed of involuntary manslaughter is sentenced to "rchabilation" as a frozen inmate of the California CryoPcnitcntary 2032 San Angeles A peaceful more gentle society led by the enigmatic MayorGovcmor Raymond Cocteau (Nigel Hawthorne) His years of innovative work have put an end to virtually all forms of crime and violence until Simon Phoenix enters the picture Sylvester Stallone atari aa LAPD Sgt John Spartan (loft) & Waalay Snlpoa atara aa diabolical kilter Simon Phan lx Thawed from his cryogenic state for a mandatory parole hearing Phoenix overcomes security guards escapes from the cryoprison and begins a savage rampage through die peaceful city Cocteau orders the chief of police to use any means necessary to apprehend Phoenix knowing that the police are unequipped and unprepared to deal with this by Marck O'Donnell left a lifelong legacy His expc- - classroom is undisputed and even savage from the past kachca one or two classes on him the no ft But one resourceful police officer Lenina Huxley (Sandra Bullock) Roast Yn not iust somethin? r‘cnccs His leadership skills js aware of someone who can deal with PhocnixJohn Spartan the WOf- - His mother an vauc year that mom makes for dinner everv kind of clcmcnIary school teacher instilled jw® soon recognized and in 1984 "Demolition Man" a 90s kind of cop to bring down a Sundav nieht with maim and l Iove f fascinated Hualcwlio's by thehlettih century removes 'Jarn“rots Roast is alsoaTevent of choice of a career in draws CEU y Spartan from the Cryopnson to once again face his making one person the purpose of in where be'i new -one is a time world lhis But strange Sparta" On October 7 all your jokes :j r rrf i bartaric “va8e wh° °°“ ev“ CEU celebrated its SSth anniversary Dr Peters ‘ his Without boo contact family without his past a against personal or in short the roast of President must hit the ground running is his stranger in the present Michael A Petersen president of the College of Eastern they've been experiencing It began with his older brother j Phoenix and have been receiving radically in Kent describing the President as a President Petersen has com ution' prison Spartan is even more dangerous and nowPhocnix programming baby Petersen was well liked by an aivUUerecoid of accom- him that the he was in spawned century his older brother Kent Kent Phoenix down forever ’ the dogged cop to As races bring Spartan expressed his admiration by trying f T -- r more rapidly than at any can what lies behind his s enemy astounding ncw abilities andjvhat to burn Mike in his baby buggy on both his love of learning and (jme jn history of CEU: pro- - secrets thc gcnilc benign San Angelenos hide just beneath the surface arid nu- while hearing up a bottle Brother ability to work hard grams at the Price campus shining new city Sparian knows he s gotten a second chance Mike was a student at the mcrous outreach centers have been Kent also made it well known that And the future isn't big enough for both of them Petersen believed that a surloin College of Eastern Utah in 1963 jnfTpacflV fariiiiu hav tv td 1964 He earned his Bachelors n steak was a steak scholarship awards have increased st Petersen was accused of having University of California dramatically and community and the Ohio State University smirk Berkley and his Masters and eycm Utah economic development which is believed to be crooked and Doctcrit at Ohio State University mart g priority Retired Judge Boyd Bunnell gives CEU's President boyish Mike Geri and their three children in where lived and smooth Georgia eight years ended the evening commenting on ways talking Petersen was bom in Price and he taught at Clayton Junior fact that Petersen never quits wry active year In 1980 the Petersen’s and rcffcred to him as “Never Pecs Requests for performances have been received for “Desecration of lived in Wellington until age two College when the family moved to Fcrron returned home when Mike accepted pttersen" “On behalf of the Board Innoccncc" 81 Mcsa State n January the Capitol Theater in March and state PTA Convention at BYU in May The company has also His father operated a dairy farm a teaching position at CEU 0f Trustees Fatten up and take a been invited to perform at Weber State in February and at the BYU Dr Petersen's talent in the hreak" ended BunnclL there Growing up in rural Utah Dance Symposium in March The dance department has expanded The Ballet Repertory Ensemble involvement An A company and to provide more a B company totaling 20 women (12 community and 8 college) and 8 men make up the performing group All are in rehearsal for a 18 Christmas concert on Dec On the social scene the dance club is busy preparing for their -10 “Disco Fever” dance cm OcL 22 after the volleyball game The dance 1993 club is open to anyone interested in dance AH o 90 ft uu UCiUDer OA ft wiI inventory sale on Sat Oct 23 at the BDAC BDAC In Surplus costumes leotards tights and other properties will be for sale "It is a great opportunity to get ready for Halloween” said organizer Carolyn Gwythcr action-adventu- re sub-zer- - The roasting has finally begun - wiMBSSirf?tataL arch-enem- - ’ P1 “ fac dif-plct- cd I” - """! j Sir-Lio- rDance Department Sale Rumage am 4 pm Saturday Oct 23rd Dance Studio "Get Ready for Halloween college-communi- ty 16-D- ec Dracllla tho musical OrfAhor the Geary Theater jprrj |