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Show 1 IF YOU WOULD BE INC TO CACHE TO DATE IN MATTERS YOU WILL BE A TO THE JOURNAL f THE JOURNAL PERTAIN-OUNT- Y SUB-- R LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY, VOLUME XLI X. r " MORMON OF Pniv NOVEMBER 20, J92t. NUMBER 275. A Personal Glimpse I THE BOOK UTH. SATl ROW, ii -i ASSOCIATED Nbvvs Sikv icE Aim) DalLY MARKET REPORTS MAKES THE JOURNAL TIIR IDEAL PAPER FOR CACHE COUNTY FOLKS EARLY PIONEER OF LOGAN NAS VIVID RECOLLECTION of James A. Anderson OR FICTION IS IT TRUTH B By Wiiford JOEL RICKS D. Porter In the death of James A. J'x Anderson, president of the Morgan Canning companj , iOME time ago I v as asked by one of the ministers in our Caehe Valley lost a vcrv dear! C lo know Mr. Anderson, locality to spend a lew hours with him in a friendly 10 oU' hm and to know Hook of Mormon. of The taken the cussion by himjwas position OJt ill UllStJfish life gives one! in our conversation was that there is no evidence m the ruins of..some io. the past for any such civilization as i.s claimed by the Look of, lt R(,od loI.UiIU, )nu, five .ears ago to spend an Mormon. afternoon in the private office! f Another minister with whom whicli' the iccorci ' malts You seem to .Anderson at the Morgan; I conversed said, true If I 'mention. was doing an artule he an intelligent man, and ..jfaetory. could pot claim rums as),. , L the on tin cannot undei stand how in in-- 1 evidence of the Bool, of Mortclligent man can be caniecL mon lejond the tact that they Pea industi y of Utah. Before away by such a delusion as the! aie the works of a renm.uu of the discussion began on peas Ins heart. Book of Mormon." the historic peoj le. In this Mr. Anderson opened tht1,1 dt'tail The New York Independent,, sense their discovery' would be!a'ld told ory) a- - a poy. ks'arl stl'u-'-Tsaid editorially, The, valuable as throwing light upon!0 (nee as a Book of Mormon is a conscious' the civilization whch prcced.-- , land of his experiences Baud which will soon be ex-- ' ed them. It would he better manufacturer. Years ago he and his broth-- , posed, then Monfiuinsm will go not to claim tbfit an. ruin con- to pieces. Jos(.Ph M. Anderson, now ofj 1 firms the Book of Mormon ; m decided Dr. that Logan late The i'll we know that it lloiirisned Spaulding they, needed .mental moie conversation with one ol our during the period covered equip-- ! y li lends on this subject, said.1 tllt, History. Before this can be ment in order to meet the1 If the Book of Mormon is title mont, we must know something world. Therefore, they obtained! 1 want to know it. it it is not definite in regard to Book of permission of their mother to take a team and a light wagon Mormon giographv. tiue, you want to know ,1. luituiallv statements from thdr home in Peterson,: Such one .ealizes that y L lah ymNiouinev Just the to question Iwigan up would be luring gnatl.v position rogister-- f why do we beluve the Book d st rengthened if we could locate "'here they Neai ly every at the Brigham .Mormon Young couiu prove cdv ,A,j(.1 y With but a few cents Saint, has a College. to the Ncplule period. beionpted in their pockets, three dozen of the authenticity of the Book . st udy of its ruins would of Mormon, usually as a result Uh definite information of egg. sine bread, and a little of dream i or manifestations of the civilization of those times hav for the horses, the Ander-- J some suit; these beliefs are how they built their houses,, son brotheis set out in quest an education. On their way! strengthened when our own how they dressed, what uten-;o- f senses concur with the testi- sils Logan they met with ani used in cooking, etc to they 'accident and broke most of! mony of others, Pom it discoveries the as hu'jjust tver is not always evidence to have given us definite in their eggs. Tli i.s was their! of the others. Pauls vision the Roman civili-- , first disaster. formati()11 was Savior coiivincmg testi zation. Such a discovery ofaj On arriving in Logan they mony to him, but ves not e"' Nephiti- city of the period ofj searched the city to find a nest-denceto Pelx yet ids cai r.j(Ujic would reveal to us place to stay, a lodging that evident l iss and the peculiarities of their arch- - would not demand tlnpr entile imi rest Agrippa jitecture the models and decori), savings each month. Finally Paul, almost claimed, tions of their pottery,' their they were given permission to ersuadest me to be a ;!Lurial customs, cloth weaving, liv e in an empty room on the .j EVENTS ON EARLY ' d. I RS. J. R. P.LAXUH AKP, who re.-ulat .n. 29 west third south, is one of our lew surviving pioneers. Notwithstand-ing- es j the fact that her luur is white, her face fun owed with age, and her fin m bent with the weigrht of (ears, her mind is dear, and her memory almost perfect, at least on the events of her early life. , Like other pioneers Mrs during the trying times when Utah was in the making, and now in her old age surrounded' !y her children and grand children dovvy to the fifth generation, she can only rejoice; in Ihe plaudit vveil done thou good and faithful servant. Mrs. Blanchaid was born in 2. -- lh k"edenand is I)() You Know That now in her 02nd year. Slje ac cepted the gospel in 1856, and Paris has the greatest came to America in 1857. The it y of population ot am War was then in progress Utah ity- in the world, and it was thought advisable for The Dodo, a gi oie.-qtbird the she was with, to company discovered m Maun'itis m 1507, fY in the states, until emain has been extinct since 1681s down, so they things quieted Moosehcnd Laki- iti Maine is Iowa at remained Burlington. tin' largc-s- t sheet 'of water until of 1859. While the spring wholly within the borders of at Burlington she was able to one state. obtain employment with a famso ily at the splendid salary of one Foolscap was originally tailed because the watermark dollar and a half per week. Out j in the paper was a jesters cap of this she was able to 'save and tells. enough to purchase a cow. The The amount of gold used each! cow freshened just before the year in the manufactuie of company was to leave for the jewelry and ornaments is esti-- i west and she sold the calf for mated to be' worth $100,000,000. seventy five eents. She also paid .History records that the first twenty dollars to her uncle as Thanksgiving held in North her share of the expense for America was conducted by an transportation in the ox team across the plains. She held onto l, English preacher named in the year 1578, on the the cow though and walked, and led her, all of the way from shores of Newfoundland. The Tammany Society, the Burlington to Florence Neb-- ' famous political organization in At Florence they joined the who is May Valentine. Americas only woman lmprc.-rio- , Now ex-1 into tvame YfjgK company under the leadership .pity, bringing her famous light opera company to Logan pre1 istence Girl at The May 1789, ballad the scarcely of James Brown, who will be famous ljohentian senting opeia a week after the inauguration rememheyed by many old resithe Capitol Theatre. Tuesday Night, Nov. 23. Miss ValenNo matter lmw dents of liOgan from the facti of Washington as first t,an. beltefanda )Un(jred other things tine will personally conduct the special orchestra. on naee twelve) (Continued o that fifty five years ago the conies, it is the stimulating to us hich would enable which leads us to seek for used to visit us often and lec-- ! where theil. civiliyatiun tune on his missionary vxptn'tem-ce- s that knowledge which brings1 tify until we ever encountered, in the Pacific Islands.' proof positive in the shape of should ultimately be able to evident e. The long pourney across the trace its limits, and identify it Recent distoverits m various where it crossed was without any unusual trails with plains By F. J. MARSHALL The Jared-1 parts of the country, of re- other civilizations. incident, but the cow proved to mains of cities of the pre-hiite civilization must have bt'en rAKL NELTLLOOM sauuteied into the editoiial sanctum as meiiew as dey calls it. Veil, vot could a honest man do in such be a blessing, as the milk receivt iric American races, lias aw ah- - ve"ry different from the Nephite, J rene and apparently as undisturbed in mind as ever and so, 'a pirkles? All I could say as I take some of diss und some of ed from her twice a day provenul a to their ; once e kaineil to 11 cog after exchanging greeting, the editor ventured to lemark dot und some of de odder, chust pointin it oud py my finger, vile ed a valuableoFaddition mnauitd thcoun-- : ,nizc,t.s peculiarities we could scant supply food. T dakes de same mudder saidt recent election. He expressed the opinion that it had reaclilv identifv it from all Two pioneer families of Lo,on .himTTw.n C0TmeS V1 abe.r the occasion for a real battle between the opposing Lnows vat lers. This is precisely what ex- were in this company Wood iss den tollars it, und gan six a paidt himt h scratch n' d result f (jUt. parties despite the rather vas stili hungry pecause 1 dond know vot in der Birdneau, and William Steel. H. arter f(r it ve match de und Demincrats uutscratched responded Jake, not 0f beck i hadt in me und mudder vas more likewise dan I as. iThe company reached Salt Lake Pad dot vins hands up amt it. It mighd pe t mt- - of the American ronton-- j he Rook of Mormon people as odd,e Dots der same vay veii( you election von of dem fellers vot City, August 29th. After a k dld ha iss der best man but who on cut. in fact the angel tnmv them but of the vari- - !saldt d0t,de RePuldlce.f voa W a scnit('h aind got any set bolitieal brinciples ' months visit with relatives and There ious civilizations which have apoud a large maehonty t' dd the prophet that no barty to push him back on der track veil he flies off. uud friends at Salt Lake she came to Dem .voters dev ot a mistake py der hedl apoud dem cm written flourished here. v as a book 'deposited, Thus they (. . Yn animal may pe apoud as goot as anudder vun but ven I Cache Valley, with- her uncle i poll golden plates, giving an have grouped the remains into vant a mule a goat vond do, pecause he mighd butt himselluf into and aunt in September, and i( count oT the former mhabi veil he shouldt kick himselluf oud. So I dakes der mule cated temporarily at Welisville, tllrH1;, und den de' xendt at it mit both handts. Aber de Demicrats n' 1 ants of this continent, and the l vH ' I know his brinciples iss kick. ' lecauhe later they moved to Millville, whence from source they this way archaeologists 'bave vile dey vas de mos tindusterous aind so Smoot as you mighd say So vile my crowd aind got any of der blums diss time, ve Mr. Edwards had d as just built a und vile derefore oud de vins Republicers, dey become Republicer.So it has .'itili are somedings of a happiness pecause ve own a half interest saw milL traced the spheres of intluence and she obtajn-i- n , there, - rt of a habit with us to 'e.L of various people in ttaur der tree, und ma.vpe nexd time ve )e dere soon enough to in his family. In ed employment ve know get who to vere und biam anyvay, got it put der ii every new discovery iHV" tions from one part of the!.ihgH AJjer if dings dond go so righd as they should after a short dis- some of Ider fruit. I know tarn veil who got it all diss time, und (I860 she went to Farmington on .. t'onal evidence of the div in v country to another. Manv Iikevie know vere lie vill pe two years from now vich you dond 'a visit and there she met John tance. Und deres some skit test action py dot I pet you. know oi NakCs are mat)e amj ; uthenticit v of the - Roewrong coir Now I knowspyvotgosh, no apoud dot feller who amd but who iss der R. Blanchard of Logan to mychob iss und dots to vatch dem Republicers Vliole Show bim.seluf und dond gota tambarty ?Immon. Now this may or ma qliislons arrived at, but on the for gif like dot-dea anyding mouse oxcepl his whom she was married in 1861. vatches a cat chUst to see delivers der goots ov n nobblehorse und der rot be a proper conclusion I1; whole wonderful progress is be- - like of office. proceeds bromised. Und -doo us dey of der j Of this event she says, While der puplic is'as x petveen p,n q, ur mind it is an open question.! made. ,p nu ie house oi; dinfK:r von day und in Farmington J worked and as vfldt not to a , , deal. likely get ; as sqvare far y 'e vvould not go as It is more than ninety five Dots a tarn sighd pedder I dink dan ven you election a feller 'IamKf 11JS Jfl'1a.vy )y earned matenal to make me a ome. who maintain lhat the ' Book of Mor- who isschust a mail und the since home made linsey dress in years aind him nor any lllld ie but got Py ook of Mormon is a bistorv of mon as SdmcSe? which 1 wag married. was published, and one can orgleization pehindt him. It peen a double disappointer also Iomj lo American ; i va volli(i sav 1In(i small part of the D 8 what dws estimate y I ,ier might ' which ven dond ' know some earned who f1111 hardly got der iss you yarn vinnor. ',ay continent and confine ihe Jar- have been accomplished during !i into to al''1?hd.py weave like ;,. me Ed. v,' and puthn Tr ven mudder Its f!aypa-ubve ,tseIt von Burgoyne , of vendt hmhdem u ed to and Nephite Lckct is d(K civiliz.Uojij fechuylers ex- - doth, of which I made shirts fw o f the men prow restrants vere dey had eferding on der py bill of flaie in French i L.np ,.L, i r. H smyll region for val;t,nth or "m some or for my husband and his son Ira. Tf ttt'r odder Spinach doeT hadt laugvidge. Dey en'l congsommy und America. If. thev. aie dlckn,fled They w ere the only shills they of Mormon had form- Book the innth und iLen ala mode und table und sooch dote on outrages in for pedd ihen the ruins m all and new s rw grachhn.s " an aS!f0ciation dedicated to had that winter. We were all menca . mjho , L facts collection of fhe labor very poor. In the spring of 1862 gum, and in ancient" inhabitants the we sheared the few sheep we aUey, have t k, T? Our elders continent. this of ownedand Tcarded and spun ATormon er on he Bood and have ac- nations, al, visit w ool and made clothing for the ok Ihe U Onr position w of the great muse- - V a, I bought a spinning the t) family. the of d Mormon m a histoiy the world and are thus of wheel from Hyrum Curtiss- He Taredite civilization man - to make was the fil'd RESIGNATION TO THE America WILL OF GOD Nourished in North f).chaeol()?icHl research, and in Iigan. We wheels Luke And 22 :39. he came and spinning was he O. as to out, R. to went, JH) 2206 wont, 10m about central societv the mount of Olives; and his with the Indians troubled were disciples also followed him. !,C !' a"MVhn honwidvtad of ev.rv new rt and for some ?nthe 40. several he when And for was years, at the he said unto place, them, Pray lion tpn thoU8and that ye enter not into in constant fear lived we time L ke fio temptation. Andes the alleys of teachers would Sun( 41. And he was withdrawn from them' about a stones cast, of them. On one occasion the Titicaca to th- - uthm some such work and kneeled clown, and if reioice two little girls and Maggie, A. prayed. 590 B. C. to 825 had been done. Let ns hope 42. Saying, father, if thou be willing, remove this Char.es were left at home while' from North America from 50 B C cup soon R undertake will t me: thaf not we went to meeting. Two Inbut civ nevertheless, be will, done. my thine, o 400 A. D. Both of these old the discuss can we Before 43. And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, dians came ' to the house, tho dizations were verv numerous American civilizations. t and strengthening him. children saw them .coming and cities with man' thousands of on the Book of PRAYER their bearing of run out in the yard at the back few a and villages, on'v it is necessary to, fix Thy way, not mine, O Lord, however daik it be! of the house and hid under tho which are named ill the; book, Mormon, Travelers reported three feet of snow on the divide between Lead me by Thine own hand Choose out the degree of definiteagon box that wa3 lying ou path for me but tlmv are ad mart of the with somelocation Bear Lake. and Cache county. Nenhite of Remember the the Sabbath ness to tjie Pook Day, it Exodus the the 20:8. Keep Holy ground lxittom up. The Inof vb'oh civilization The election returns showed all Democrats on the county civilizations. Some Jaradite and This dians entered the house and carof Mormon i.s a hstorv. ticket elected by majorities ranging from 1000 to 1200. thai this nobody- knows where .You may It is for us to the will take position what ried off a few articles. At one acconnt read the record, does not take nP Astor, the Astrologer, predicted the coming winter vvould be ...... w ,wonAcf M II. cannot be done, nothing definBoun-mu- st To find me nd has transpired smre 420 A.1 none; you dig long Nephi, Zarahmla, the worst since 181.T Terrible things were to happen which . etcWeane be can known, ite record Udrcn in the street the N e r h i t e . dig painfully to find any. Uful, and Moron, are just as we believeY in ' this of not class, Or real picKed it up and ala.-a Rabif Nineveh, .Tyre ,, a letter iron, ivmhm j. closed. According to archeoK the bible maxium. Seek andVe The history of the Jaredites ndE0t I happened to see willows. nathe succeeded location can , Harrison and Lew McCarj, wbo were lilhuj inLbioiis in the and. Nephilea is written in the,?r Sjdonand yists natiop has knock and it fhaT her with the child as she passbe Lixed just as definitely. tion in Mexico. Central Ameri- shall find, in II ruins East, the of the past, tombs, John unto you. opened ed and stopped her until Mxsv la'd the fore the results of ca. and Peru during my The November nights were full of astronomical interest. Megiving treasur-N- n the great roads, in the forts, her Nature puts 1500 years, cities have risen, teors, like jiojifirianu nn liievrlei, now go flying through the air ( Continued on Page 12, ' (On ink on es in little fissures in the earth,! towers, temples, pyramids, ec. , ' ov j decayed, " i -- of-M- kT 1 tali-Fmrm- er j - - - 1 , , un-1- 1 i ic - t I ! Lat-i0)- e NVL trr-da- I fk0 j j 'le.-timo- j Wol-fal- - , ; 1 i , j t l , iden-foyc- Jake Neuteboom Discusses The Recent Election j j s- j 7 j one-side- 1 j ff 1 d-- v 11 4 ! - j T nros'f j ! j l j j . - J - Vu,,-',.i- - - -- T . , lift i r jlt ( Ji 1 (.r 1 poiertare A11 T& W,le Go To Church Sunday - - s- - - - - : 1 Be-say- - ) flourished end s- "SS : i.-- |