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Show V CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEET SLATED SEPT. 2nd The City Planning Commission has scheduled a business meeting for Wednesday evening, September 2nd, at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall, it is announced. Miss Jeanne Hausknecht To Be September Brida Announcement is made of the betrothal be-trothal anod approaching marriage of Miss Jeanne Hausknecht and Charles A. Engberson. Disclosing the nuptial news are parents of the bride-elect, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hausknecht, Copper-ton. Copper-ton. The future bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Engberson, Engber-son, Oakland, Calif. The bridal couple will exchange nuptial vows September 24 in a Salt Lake Temple ceremony and will be honored that evening at a reception at the Cottonwood Stake Center. Matron -of honor is to-be Mrs. Stephen E. Hausknecht. Miss Dar-lene Dar-lene Carpenter and Miss Kathy Hansen will be bridesmaids, while Miss Lynne Wankier and Miss Judy Larsen will be junior bridesmaids. John Ostler is to be best man. Tha bride-elect is a graduate of , Bri;ham Young University, where ' she affiliated with Cami Los and Orchesis. . The bridegroom-to-be is a junior ' at BYU. He completed an LDS West Central States mission. Janot, Susan and Michael Rekou-tis, Rekou-tis, children of Mr. and Mrs. James Rekoutis, left by plane Sunday, tha ; 23rd for their new home im Stockton, Stock-ton, Calif., after a two-months' visit with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mannos and aunt, Mrs. Sally Taylor." Spending Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Sanderson and children, Mai Kay and David, were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Duffin from Washington, D. C. The Duffins are enroute home from a vacation in the west. Mr." Duffin and Mr. Sanderson Sand-erson were stationed together while serving in the army. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Swenson in company with Mrs. Swenson's parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Laird of Payson, returned last Thursday from a very enjoyable 12-day vacation vaca-tion that took them to Ely, Reno end Virginia City, Nev. They also visited the Redwoods in California and traveled down the coast to Los Angeles. Mrs. Ruth Jacques entertained at a birthday party for Mrs. Rosella Rauer;on Tuesday, August 25th. Besides the honored guest and hostess, hos-tess, guests present were Mrs. Helen Cranquist, Mrs. Teckla Mitchell, Mrs. Ada Carriaan, Mrs. Lila Dahl-strom, Dahl-strom, Mrs. Esda Tobiason and Mrs. and children, MarKay and David, attended the Nielsen family reunion held at Fairview Saturday, August Aug-ust 22. Lynn Ann and Celece Swenson, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Wally Swenson .returned last week from spending 12 days with their grandmother, grand-mother, Mrs. Edith Archibald of Eureka. Mr. an dMrs. Scotty Robertson and son, Malcolm, motored to Og-den Og-den Tuesday to attend the funeral services cf Mis. Robertson's cousin, Mrs. Myrtle Oram Painter, 42. of Ogden, who died last Thursday from injuries received in the Yellowstone Yel-lowstone area earthquake. Bingham Ward resumes weokly primary starting next Tuesday. Sept. I at 3:30 p.m. it is announced. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Householder Jr. and children, Susan Jo and Steven Stev-en Jon, returned last Sunday from a very enjoyable two weeks vacation. vaca-tion. They toured the northwest, going up the Columbia River drive to Seattle, Wash., crossing over to Bremerton and coming down the coast through the Redwoods to San Francisco, returning home by way of Lake Tahoe, Reno and Elko. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kenner, former form-er Bingham residents, now of North Fork, Calif., are visiting two weeks hers with family members. Their son. Gray, from New York City also is here for a two weeks visit. A family fa-mily dinner was held Sunday for the first time together in two years, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde M. Hettrick returned Monday morning from a very enjoyable two weeks vacation in Nebraska and Minnesota. They motored to Omaha where they picked pick-ed up Mrs. Hettrick's sister and husband, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Joe Vranes and the two couples went on to Pelican Rapids, Minn., to spend a week fishing. They returned to Omaha and the Hettricks visited there a week before coming home. Mr. and Mrs. Tak Mochizuki and children, Ronnie and Diane, from Seattle, Wash., are house guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jiro Mochizuki Mo-chizuki and family, Connie and Jerry. They arrived last Thursday night and will be here three weeks. Mrs. Shirley James of Midvale, president of Rebekah Assembly of Utah, will make her annual president's presi-dent's visitation to Ruth Rebekah Lodge of Bingham next Tuesday, Sept. 1st at 7:00 p.m. at the Civic Center. All members are urged to come out. Mr. and Mrs. Jiro Mochizuki, daughter, Connie, and son, Jerry, Annie Disnenza. Games were played play-ed and a smorgasbord luncheon was served. Prizes wen won by Mrs. Tobiason, Mrs. Dahlstrom and Mrs. Mitchell. Special birthday cakes cak-es were mado by Mrs. Cranquist. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sanderson and Mr. and Mrs. I'hil Sanderson returned last Thursday evening from a week's vacation in Los Angeles, An-geles, Calif., and vicinity. They made the round trip by plane. While there they viuited a son and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Min Mochizuki and attended the wedding of a daughter and sister, Jane. Attending a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Kettering Ketter-ing and family, J. D., Terry Lynn and Chuck e, in Kaysville last Saturday Sat-urday were Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Anderson and children, Shawnie and mike, Mr. and Mrs. Ilosmer Peterson and sons, Danny and Rus-sull, Rus-sull, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blundell Jr. and daughter, Rozzie, Mr. and Mrs. Verl Peterson and children, Ricky and Buddy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ro-bert King and family and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blundc-U Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clark and daughter, dau-ghter, Lois, and niece, Carolyn Mc-Cormick, Mc-Cormick, from Kempton, Mass., left Monday to return to their home in the east after vioiting here a week with Mrs. Clark's brother and sters, Mr, and Mrs. Jimmy Mc-Cormick Mc-Cormick and family and Mrs. Evelyn Eve-lyn Prigmore and children of Bingham, Bing-ham, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd J. Houston Hous-ton and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Johnson and family of Mid-vale Mid-vale and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vranes and son of Magna. The visitors stayed with the Johnsons while here. |