Show WHO IS WHO IN AMERICA The other day dar the public schools of New York lork opened and there were children n ready for fOl enrollment t. t Think of it 1 Seven times as man many as there arc are men nien women children and dogs in Salt Lake City So many that despite the tremendous efforts of the cit city authorities to provide Pla places es of r them can only go to school half days das this tIllS winter A picture of a group of them shows apparently Italy is in full every ery ra race e on earth represented force so is Greece so is China China and and the thc man who controls Who Vito will havea have a deuce of a time in the next ten years rears to tell who is who in New ew York Cit City The new noW race that will come up will be American in name but it looks as though it would be a mixture of the black bluck hand and the high highbinder inder with a sprinkling of progressive Amer Arner- American lean ican The mixture of the races in the United States since the mighty immigration set in twenty five e years ears ago is already changing the character of the American people There arc are already thousands of them as flighty lighty as Greasers thousands of them themas as unreliable as Cubans thousands of them as cruel as though they had been brought up in San Domingo Do Do- mingo And we w-c have a few in Salt Lake On the J most loSt public l' l residence street in the city it a young oung lady lad suffering from a sick headache was roused I fl from om the lounge where she was lying by a burglar who gun in hand threatened death to her unless sh she gave gave up her money She was shrewd enough to say she was simply the maid in the house and had Iad only about 10 She gave him that The city eity is pa paying ing a good deal of money for Yar various ons purposes It seems to us it ought to give department a little more and anti have some mo mounted police ride up and down so often on the back bit trets that burglars will have to confine their work to the nights It is the thc greatest wonder in inthe inthe inthe the world that the little lady was as not frightened to death She was in a house close chose to other houses on either side These prowlers watch a about bout houses just as did the man who broke into the Karrick house and killed the boy bor two years rears ago and all through the countr country are arc unnatural crimes crimes that have been imported from Ironi the old world in the thelast thelast thelast last twenty years crimes that the old hardened ruffians of America never dreamed of fifty years ag ago And if we were king we we rc would from the thc I Ip p public li treasury buy a great tract of land laud in some I Latin American state build buil a railroad across it so 50 th that the people could get their pro produce uc to market martet and would by law di divert elt the hosts that arc are flooding flooding flood flood- ing ins our countr country from southern Europe and give gie the American people a HI little tic chance to regain their nationality |