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Show BEAVER CITY, UTAH, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1946 '3 1 L E3 i m SATURDAY, MAY American Legion Hall All State CAP. Units Invited lith Volunteer Enlistments Accepted M!IIIIIIIIIB iBIIIIIIIBfflllllllllllllllM maasntKBHmninmnnnnRminiinTmimiiimmnuimnnii imimmMHHHmHmuiimmillUllimmiHMIMIIimiUHHNIHMUmimillimim County Agent's Corner TAKE TIME FOR FUII! By Hyrum Steffcn, County Agent PROFITS IX GARDENING Of interest to home gardeners is the revised Extension Bulletin N. S. 126, "Profits in Gardening," now available at the county agent's office. Besides giving de- Sec Our PEARLS PINS WATCHES PENS PEN AND PENCIL SETS e GRADUATION CARDS MANY OTHER GIFTS FOR THE GRADUATES 1 n Mitchell Tolton Thompson Murdock mini i iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiii miiiiiiiiii f iiliMiiiiiiMiMiiiitiPiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiinriiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiniililiiliiiiiiililliiiiiiii.2 MINERSVILLE By Mrs. Alvaretta Robinson Mrs. Gus Marshall is in the Cedar hospital. She has been very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mathews are rejoicing over the birth of a baby son, Wednesday iu the Cedar City hospital. Warren Hall received word last week that his sister, Mrs. Irene tails concerning planting, the bulletin has a special section on garden insect control. This section gives effective remedies for such garden pests prevalent in Beaver County as aphids, cabbage and cauliflower worms, corn earworms HOME LOANS, Auto Loans Arcutworms, flea beetles, radish ranged Liberal Terms - Lowest maggots, and many others. Interest Rates Monthly PayAnother excellent feature of the ment Plans. HEAVER BRANCH bulletin is the list of recommendBANK. ed vegetable varieties for Utah. Varieties are listed by name to- TYPEWRITER RIBBONS. ADDgether with the number of days ING MACHINE ribbons and required from planting date to stationery. Get printed stationTHE PRESS. maturity. Those varieties especialery for Mother. ly desirable for freezing or winter CAFE EQUIPMENT For Sale storage are designated. Large refrigerator, sink, big circulating Fan. GRASSHOPPER BAIT hotel range, steam table, heavy At their last monthly meeting dinner ware. Mrs. George C. the Beaver County Commissioners Murdock, phone 18. signed application forms for bait materials to control grasshoppers FLOWERS Mrs. Ella Perkins this year. These materials are furwill be at the home of her nished by the Bureau of Entomolmother, Mrs. May Oakden, with ogy. They are stored by the county Decoration Day flowers. and supplied to farmers according to recommendations. FOR SALE House and lot, located in town. See Ray Greenwood, Large amounts of the bait have or phone 24 been used in the county In previous years. Last year the .great- FOR SALE New and Used Furniest need was on the forest with ture. See Mrs. Wallace Paxton. only slight demand from farmers and home gardeners. Grasshopper WOULD LIKE to trade newly-buimodern home with egg surveys made last fall indicated that farming sections in the oil furnace and electric water county may again expect only light heater, in Provo, for home in Beaver. Contact Knudsen Music infestations this year, although Compan in Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Jamesoa GOOD OPENING. Full time route were in town Sunday visiting relHousehold selling Rawleigh atives and friends. Products. Get more particulars. The Lucky Circle Club met Rawleigh 's. Dept. UTE on May 11 and elected officers for Denver, Colo. the coming season. The following CALL FOR DEMOCRATIC were chosen to help make the COUNTY CONVENTION year a success: Jeannine Carter, Lue A Carter, president; Democratic County ConvenCarol Davis, secretary; tion will be held Tuesday, May 21, Charlene Williams, song leader; in the courtroom at Beaver City, Marcia Carter, JoAnn Davis, and Utah, at 8:00 p.m. The purpose Patsy Woods, reporters. Supervis- of the convention is to elect the ors of this class are ,Mrs. Rachel county officers for the next two Eyre and Mrs. Emily Gilllns. years; name delegates to the state convention, and such other business as may properly come before the convention. Mathews read a poem for Mothers. The school chorus sang two numbers. Mr. and Mrs Ephraim Mecham are home again after a visit up north with their children. Mrs. Mecham has been very ill, but is recovering. Relief Society stake officers visited here Tuesday. A letcure was given on the saving of food. Mrs. Alta Hollingshead was in Heaver Saturday for medical care. Larain Dotson lias opened up his store. He has miscellaneous stock. They are now cutting potatoes for planting on Milford Flat. About 20 women from here are down their working. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Richardson and two children of Caliente, were here Sunday to Tuesday visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 2ic to 46c SARDINES-Impor- ted 29c oil prc-emeren- 4-- H 221-20- 8, vice-presid- ent; MANDERFIELD Chase and Sanborn -l m LBMf Mf rd I I DICK'S . LiUJu IHftR GBOCFRiES ARE Hn WITH SHORTAGE OF FRESH MEAT LET US SUGGEST THESE ITEMS-TA- NG can 37c SARDINES Tall cans i3c DA VIES CADDIES i4c PISMO CLAMS 3oc can Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rawlinson and family spent the week-en- d in Heber City with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thomps;: arrived home from a business to Los Angeles last week eni.S Thompson is contemplating ing a men's and boys' shop u sporting goods store where Sau Appliance is now located. I Thompson said he was pleas with the results of his trip. was able to buy high quality chandise for his store. Open!;: date for the new business has i been determined, pending remo: eling of the building. tr; ope: Dr. and Mrs. E. S. McQuarrie to Roosevelt, Thursday. May 9th. to attend the funeral services of Mrs. Delmar Gardner. Mr. Gardner and Mrs. are brother and sitser. The deceased is survived by her husband and three daughters. The McQuarries returned to Heaver on and went family E me Saturday. Green, Rough miim O. W. EVANS, Democratic County Chairman Lumber RECOXDITIOXEI) PIANOS Per at Ilargnin Prices 1000 Divided Payments for your Convenience FREE DELIVERY Place your orders now We will fill them as fast as possible TAYLOR'S 250 W. Center Provo, I t. REYNOLDS BUILDING SUPPLY PLAY SHOES 33 and 66c I BALLERINAS KRUMBLES 2 for RAISIN BRAN 2 for 25c 25c ic RED MOCCASINS WIIEATIES- -2 for 25c TRAVELING BAG rnv KCUO. Sue. how dl J ar. l CKQUNtt are n?tCKv.i 11 WiVtFtttCKV.IVHt hv HtCK GOT REYNOLDS FOUNTAIN PEN Roys' COVERALLS, 3 to 8 WORK SHIRTS All sizes WORK PANTS All sizes Men's New HATS All sizes SPRING TIES SUNTAN HATS ALUMINUM COOKING $2.75 to .$3.50 $2.35 to $5.50 $2.25 to $7.00 $1.00 to $1.98 $2.61 mmMiHHHrtimmmuMinttii ntllllHHtHIIKIIIIIIIIMIIH GRASS AND CLOVER FOR THE MEADOW SEEDS FOR THE GARDEN DINNER SET 32-Pie- ' JMr. f.rv uum I " We can supply your GARDEN SEEDS all kinds iwix nr,is seed POTATOES .- ce FLY SWATTERS AND SPRAYS $1.75 UTENSILS-MEA- TS ti I lORDtREo'l It takes neither time nor trouble to shop at DICK'S & WHITE MARKET where you find a complete line 0f line quality groceries and nationally advertised canned fowls . . . all at low prices. Start shopping here, today. FOR GRADUATION AND WAFFLE FLOUR COFFEE r- RED CAKE cy il I THAT'S GRAND IDEA .'WHAT ARF YOU To HAVE fjOt 'HIIIIIIIMHIHI)HMIIMimillllltMHIIIMIIIIHIIIIinniMltMH LIMITED AMOUNT of A PICNIC ' My r , lt two-bedroo- m other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bradshaiw and children were Mother's Day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Blackner. Garth Baldwin returned from Provo Friday where he had been on business for several days. Canned lant CDunrxi Te A.NO i 26-R- 4. McQtiarrie, now living in California, had passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Hall went down to attend the funeral services. Mrs. McQuarrie is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hall, now living in California. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Marshall went to California with their son Fay, who will be discharged from the Navy at Shoemaker. They will Clarence Corbridge. spend three weeks visiting there. The Sunday School gave a loveHishop and Mrs. Harold Raker By Mrs. Melvin Edwards in the honor of spent Wednesday in Beaver. ly program Sunday SunMrs. the James Rollins spent Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Edwards mothers. After the program mothers were presented with a pot- day with her daughter, Mrs. Merle had as their guests for a short Fails. time Saturday, Captain and Mrs. ted geranium. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Rollins went Alfred A. Newman and baby of The speakers in the sacrament meeting Sunday were Mrs. Hattie to Salt Lake Monday where Mrs. Louisiana, and Mr. and Mrs. B. Tallace Rollins is to have an operation. F. Pendleton of Provo, parents of Myers and Vana Hoberts. Mrs. Newman. They were en route to Los Angeles for a visit with SALMON H GOirit. Kj fAKlLV TO r ADS CLASSIFIED Selection o Fine RfcHUY NO l.U; MLKl' COOKINU TH6S6 OAVSTHt FAMILY HAS 5PRING WHOLF VFR ANOTHtV t4AKOLY the insect may appear in threatening numbers on isolated farms. In case severe outbreaks occur, adequate amounts of bait material are on hand, according to County Agent Hyrum Steffen. FRESH GROCERIES AND VEGETARLES FRESH VEGETARLES All Kinds WW - I ordcrs now for TOMATO and rYJmv CABBAGE next week! PLANTS-Arri- ving See us, also, for FERTILIZER and INSECTICIDE |