Show the territorial aplous at t i t woi t isih couii n NEW BILLS rt OHn chor int way aWson of 1 resolution 0 jbf la COUNCIL ja yn pursuant lo 10 adjournment council was called to order by at 2 pm and after roll call prayer and reading of the minutes of the last days pro ce edings and their approval hs read tha ib inh bythe call for petitions etc A communication from tho may orand city council of salt invitation for that body to attend the aca of tho Council waS received abd read the report of the committee on judiciary waa made returning house resolution providing for compiling and publishing the laiva utah with substitute and recommended that the uit e bo put ubon ltv passage pai Sage rei re i port accepted the substitute names secretary thomas P 8 Kic barda Lf grandc young W W maughan and judge spiers as tho committee on compilation instead af of the legislature mr barton asked for tub reading odthe two resolutions the one received rom the house aud the substitute by alio council judiciary coan attee by air sharp the clerk read both mr barton moved that the ab resolution be adopted mr thought that as a corn dilation pi lation of the lawa they now ex ia tand the those apted at this session as allaud ll aud the work was a heavy and difficult one the accomplishment of the compilation would be by the corn cittee r the original resolution i mr sharp favored lute calling attention tona action of the revision and 1876 would be an ar daous one and the method suggested by tax substitute was one ho thought would bo best alie wi rk of tho commission of two years ago was unfinished and very much needed finishing i lr barton coincided ditl mr sharp the time of th e A assembly was limited to sixty days and hot preferred a committed selected nit side of the legislature td berh nu the work i mr taylor also declared himself in favor of the ju committee and the tute resolution j t I 1 the question being put the sub 1 slature wai adopted ou its curnc reading and on motion of mr i sharp waa taken upon up on its second reading under of ahti rules and passed hat rending abe en put upon its third reading mr Han anond an amendment limiting the giving of only one copy to county each AV SIT hie council then ese cuave ret re t porters and rs i on resuming some little discus sion followed thia ut si llma it meant that ahr copies an provided td for bo of the county whereas alid amendment ame adment proposed that county would be privileged to purchase them at thep rico named and when so bought would be thain property of tho officer eu purchasing pur chasin j i i on motion thye oll was called 01 tha onic substitute tion it was pas edby a unanimous vote andrue clerk waa instructed to so notify the house J mr sharp presented a bill pro aiding for a territorial buard of equalization read tho farat and referred to the oil ways arid means mr barton a billor an act apportioning alie leibla live of the tarri tory of cutuli awl the first timo by its title and referred to tha corn mattys on counties mr page presented a bill defer lug the dis county boundary lines which was read the rf jirred to tho commit teo vu mr sharp oe redan excuse foe the absence of mryr grover til morning which was received and abo ex 1 1 council i t the representatives held a busy which opened in the usual call and the leading of the pru daab journal jo urual mr of IK committee on judiciary presented a a euh bill lor H F n 1 and 4 relating to the fut of juron and its pase aye it provides for the or t iury bobies an original and a supplemental iso that in caad thai natues iu first araj the second may be reported to ii alco makert iona for the year 1886 which the previous bill did not do read ordered printed and biado the samal order fur tour day A from the governor was drawing the attention ot tio house to tin venerable subject odthe debt dup by tho territory io the national treasury for advanced for the running of the united states courts in utah amount as shown by letters to i governor from the department is tho governor alie payment of the debt t in vase thy revenues of the territory arc insufficient the crea ion of a sinking fund to liquidate the account 1 referred to the committee on claims and public accounts the territorial treasurer sent in a communication aing what disposition ho should make make of da auditors warrant for dated in 1876 which had just comein tn alio committee on ap the auditor sub bitted a report showing a deficit of in expenditure account for 1884 5 and asking for an appropriation tor the same re to the committee on claims A communication cil ws read astatine that that body had pas aed the three bills ano 1 anil no 7 and dis closic bliem for action by alie house no 3 wa referred to the committee on municipal corporations no 1 to the committee and no 7 to the committee onri vats corporations rations la BILLS introduced by mr thatcher A bill governing the herding of stock re berred to the committee on live stock by mr woolley A bill amending section 10 chapter 9 laas of 1874 referred to the corn ted on agriculture and lion bv mr king A hill further providing provi diug for the punishment ot sexual crimes referred to the committee on judiciary by mr king A bill providing fr the of free public libraries referred to the committee on education by mr creer A bill amending chapter 49 session laws of 1884 in relation to irrigations reft ned to the on agriculture and irrigation bv mr thurber an act amending alio Rich fidd re berred to the committee on muni cipal corporations auditor clayton presented ft report stating that ho held certain copies of the utah reports subject to orders from the assembly received and filed for future reference A message baom the council presented a substitute for house resolution no 12 in relation to compiling the laws and stated that the substitute had been passed by the council read and referred to the cointa atee on ju H F no 3 he bill for bail pending appeal was taken up on M r hatch read pec ond and thud units and passed under a suspension of he rules the vote was unanimous even mr mclaughlin not opposing it i mr an presented a resolution instructing the clinef clerk to request a statement from each of tho three clerks of the district akouris as to the amount of fines and forfeitures collected in theia districts during 1884 5 the aum of days occupied in civil and criminal cased separately whether jurors and wilned wil neo summoned on bui bucuss had been allowed per diem states cases whether any grand jurors competent to sic on territorial had been dis charged of their incompetency to fit on united states cases and irao whether they had received arr diem under the laws of the territory the resolution provides thai the district clerks shall bo paid sa per day for their labor while preparing these statements lu man said something might 18 des from this which would off ct that government claim mr hatch responded promptly that they admit the rement had any claim the resolution was adopted mr smoot presented the biennial report of the territorial insane asylum referred to alie commit tec on that subject withof treading on af pf mr adjourned till to day at 2 pm |