Show utah dry goods grocery store L lowenstein 1 I tike take pleasure in announcing to the public that M im winter stock purchased in chicago and new york is all in and now ready for inspection my bly stock of or DRESS JL I 1 api R T ass 4 GOODS cannot be surpassed and are cheaper than any other house louse in the city my aly I 1 lush and cloth capes ladies and misses jackets ladies dress skirts wrappers pliers and ladies S baters I 1 haj have e llie the best selection this side of salt lake CLOTHING and GENTS furnishings I 1 can sell cheaper than anona an one children s school suits from goc up of those 50 cent blankets I 1 rcck received ed so 0 pairs other stores ask for them hie rhe bt b st L lidies idies slice shoe in in this country for st i 15 and all other slices shoes in proportion all I 1 have to say is if ou wish to sae mono mone on oil purchasing our winter supplies call and see me before ou buy it ill be to your interest remember m motto 1 I shall not be undersold by anyone C our ell was the conclusion arrived at by a famous american general b aeri eral be that as it may there is no getting gettin b c around the fact that we have all competitors on the run as these low prices will show the stock is clean new and nothing shelf worn or back number compare these prices with any store in utah salt lake city not excepted coffee lep d 6 a agee for or moo s routs loo tomatoes Toma tow can to 10 corn to 10 baor lit pea peas lit 10 tea tree and 3 packaged gep I 1 W M corn bf beef 2 cans 25 5 i 1 IS 15 salmon from ua 12 and one halt half cents up sardi sardine a ev 20 boxes 1 saw IS 13 houi pound da tor for I 1 ou 0 all klo starch it fickies Pic kirt kies aquart dottl mem 7 pounds for 1 diamond C soap VI ban barp I 1 oki X apices all lind kinds per pound ts raisins Rai eloa 3 pounds for 23 salt lake floor flour per tuck sack 11 I 1 ill japan pan rice the left 13 12 lounds ondi aci I 1 00 L canned d fruits per can IS 13 Jel liell all kind per can 0 parlor Malc maleties ties per package 10 0 ili be tt bf et per wr pound ii 14 breakfast Bre kast bacon bacon the best per pound IJ 1 salt hide bide bacou pr pound 10 the beet bt J coffee 41 1 flannel FIjn Del from 6 one half op up C cuco dico 11 bicenta cents best line of dresa dress dooda IS 13 cent cents up lavrna lawns from lit 10 co cent ailts up furnishing gooda biens at n woolen underwear Par anita stiffs ac up ladiew underwear ar 25 23 cents and dp up AND everything IN proportion krall ire lire ask is a ehst consumers of down to date fint first class goods inspect our stock which is unusually unusual lj large and select there arc are mana man other bargains not quoted here bua du goods of ue us in same quantities n d we will DUP duplicator LICArE tR SALT LIME CITY PRICES A AND ND BE BETT IL mail anti express orders receive prompt attention IKE GLASER CLAISER HELPER UTAH 1416 lajla hd chilt Caf crt tully it ba has wen our desire for a ionic IOD time to obtain a etric lly high a grade eatn fowler powder that tha we could sell 11 II reon ably and bare have mt ut it ike the gennine brand named I 1 perfect we guarantee every ounce and al will refund purchase money it not eu entirely y emery co coonly a nty MereAn mercantile tile co if alfa br art magnna ij la is etive cure a cold I 1 gappe of the stud na acute ant ethma litria for sale at emery county company toree storm use alana a orant for pleasant plea p prompt ro apt and certain relief for coughs and bold D the price trading company are mil sell lux arm be ow talt tall liko ra rao 48 GIRLS o bitsi lilse 4 0 ie ill to COAT COAL mirt miles 14 4 4 lyer 9 ita eel it 5 I 1 I 1 yx 7 C lit 4 1 1 4 it itt misted BALC arnn AROUND THE TOWN J fri 1 to IU at price trad fog ug vom pally 0 blanket blankets 60 cent cents per pair at price trading comp company anys school book books aid ald applies supplies at t the he price tra a linx coar iny is bhones and bat hats marked down to coat cost at the prim trading company take your produce to the price trading company and pet the fice ice remember Kein ember the pi ice trading company pry 19 tre ate highest market price prim for pro dew impure powder powders injure the sio kon risch vf U the pure brand named Ver perfect and lave no indigestion the parity y of 0 the baking powder r t ina 1 a guarantee Kuar autee against seamed low complexion caused by ludiger dou every woman in anstice to health and pocket book boain try the perfect Peri eci bakich powder once used always need used we print or tike take orders to for r every thinie from a card to a county record to tub and get price prices it pleas ever my to know bat that ibey they ran can buy the pure baking powder poder perfect county mercantile 1 a yo yon n cannot better your condition by buying goo Is in halt lake an nod chap d wb n yon you can bay buy as cheaply y of price trading mul parly the stomach to I 1 oar our atut friend and the next neit b bt st la is the I 1 perfect I 1 baking pow der it III to ally pure and assists digia ion ina emery county co Full 11 tock stock rf of aulgur an 1 guna ling coll colt a rood good merlin marlin and remington hot gun kept in block stock b the J C wetter umber company coia pany price utah mah ajr elect on ot or ramps 1 ler war the closest inspection NN comparison and solicit ibe the opinion of the tho beet judem jud irea prices rang froin from 41 cent to 9 IS the lit ery county 0 mercantile alt compary by using abo baking powder named perfect yon you will 1 I bow show appreciation of iture food 1 the perfect emery county mercantile co the raab kider rider ladye ladys bats hats at 1 00 are raja jail t thu the thing all who tee e them admire amir them dont wait but ft got them belore they are cone gone emery county mercantile company II 11 will be to interest inte reel of adynne who deal desire i good underclothing for frown grown people or to come and examine our remnant outing flonnel we W have jnet just received recel Ted a whole caw cam it cot nothing to but you will arely I 1 boy buy emery county mercantile bitile company Ul ac acme cholera syrup isabe the safest and on great rest reine reme ly ty lu in the world for eb ebolya olra antum autum cholera corbu litt ions coi c and all troubles of the bowelet for sale ie at emery county mercantile company a store torea acae bolera ho lera byrn P j curve colic achue cholera holers byrna anres diarrhoea rl I 1 II 11 LU l atlon caf care ungto ille pile I 1 lotion a positive po eitle cure for piles ting sting arms scalds well swell p 11 for sale le lit sit D emery county mercantile compi company nys urca wren mag 11 c pile vile lotion cures piles either external or internal locern lo tern in from 4 to ft 5 day days price trading company to 19 oc for loose 1 oata oats bring anni IQ in bour a louse 1 oat oats and get for or them price trading com pa y e WN r 11 cle C 0 c o N but a few arc are here presented but these 4 2 ill suffice to give an idea odthe of the beauty of the V 41 garments the utility of the patterns will not be necessary to mention every intelligent i housewife knows that before these NEW nim IDEA PATTERNS we keep in a very large variety at the small sum of 10 cents each cah wit wt give gi V c you oil the fashion sheets 9 gratis the counter bauks which are very 49 elaborate we ive sell for the nominal noi ninal sum suni of 10 cents nothing like it before in this valley come and examine them and have your pick pi ck 1 4 EMERY EMER colim mercantile CO 1 D alto A J I 1 IKE ICE livery and boarding b 6 stable best rigs and stock in in eastern utah stable in rear of the hotel clarke PRICES L 4 MODERATE katr SERVICE THE TIM ever thing new nev modern and up to date in aery respect come and see what we have price utah THE all xo ON NICHOLS EGAN proprietor proprietors ab nb LEST LINE LNE OF old whiskies brandies alcohol and cilas i ag a r s IN 1 CASTLE VALLEY gihei to the ami and fire gallon trade on which we re make i men com come ta IM mod get I 1 11 I 1 ice are to be right THE t OASIS i SALOON A HI M RN proprietor i u amr LINE ue ol 01 good whiskies liquors beers aa and kigais ci rais in castle astle C valley vahey JUC AND BOTTLE TRADE A A pool tables and all appoints appointments ants ofa of a first class house E everybody er body made welcome elcome THE HOTEL ft EL V LARKE HOLLADAY proprietors PRICE UTAH 0 0 0 0 0 THE BEST IK IN EASTERN UTAH LITAH filtered water stage stages worth north and south livery in connection handy hand to depot sample room for commercial travelers liberal rates Ra testo to parties a and nd regular boarders nine out of ten traveling salesmen visiting price 7 slop stop at hotel clarke SMITH GENERAL blacksmithing carriage Oar riago eind anci ei nd wagon worl work HORSE HOkSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY 1 ALL WORK ALD d T ITO SS dt u |