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Show THE REPUBLIC. ISSUED SATURDAY MORNING Awarded Jupiter after much palaver it was granted. In thi the cltycouncil acted Highest Honors Worlds Fair, with wisdom. The taxes should be Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. disbursed in making public improvements, and as the merchants are ths principal taqpayers of the towa. they should have been given these benefits long ago. Kick No. 2 was an excess of license. terms or subscription: It seems the ciiy council, or ita emIvarea $2.00 ployees, are segregating the One Year which are carried by at least two stores In this town, and are placing a license All communications relating to news or n the different class of goods which be addressed. Editor, editorial matter should they have. In many cities a man can Rrpablic. carry hardware, groceries, fruits, ice cream and even make coffins etc, under All remittances and business letters should the heading of general merchandise be addressed to The Republic PobiisbingJ Co., and only pay one license for it. . Here, Nephi, Juab County, Utah. in t his era of strict business discipline, a butcher or green grooer must py two HE REPUBLIC PUBLISHING COMPANY or three licenses in his business. Let ns ask a questioa! Do merchants in this town pay three separate licenses Application has been made at the Nephi post on their goods, or is it assessed at the office for transmission thiough the mails as amount of stock they carry. If the city mail matter. assess the merchants on th amount of stock they carry according to the c:ty Her Body was Found in the WatTS of ordinances, we warrant they cannot or Salt Creek. dare not segregate their wares and SATURDAY JUNE 19th, 1897. place three or more licenses for them to pay. We don't think the city council of D. Pexton of this wish to be pickyunieh but we think it The mother J. a came sad to ending Sunday last. Jndge Haynes will now proceed to arrest would be advisable not to put on this city seems deceased has not that the It all infringers of the spraying ordinance. excess of liccme. some well been fur time and last Kick No. 3. This is the most she spoke to her son and Wednesday Thera are a few people Chat. Andrews has not received a telein thia tawn, who, during the summer he aiked her to come down to his house gram s yet oa his appointment as United for a while which she did. Everything months.sell 6trawherriesand other small States Marshal, seemed all right when Mr. Pexton fruits, (which are perishable articles) to morning at 4.10 a. m, rose aa keep them from beiog a burdeu on the Sunday was his custom to take the water, and Excellent likenesses of President and ward or Relief Society. These garas he was going out of the bouse was Mrs. Sperry were published in the Herald deners are now to be taxed, or licensed his on the of of Saturday and Sunday. forsooth, because they help to upbuild mothers point whengoing through that it room, thinking Nephi. Because they help to makethe would disturb her decided to do it. not desert bloom as the rose. One case at lie went out and got someone to take If the City Council would be a little issue is that of a lady who had rented the water for him and returning went more enterprising we would still be able to a place and had a few more gooseberries te bed but make a fine city of Nephi. again got up at 7 a. m. than she needed for her own use, and Ilia mother not coming in to breakwho asked a certain lady In this town to search for the started fast, they The sad ending of Sister Pexton wi If elie wanted to buy those she had to lady but found the room empty. Mrs. The lady said yes. This got to James Pexton noticed Will quite a shock to the people of Nephi, at spare. Buckholt the ear of one of the city employes and has thrown her family in the straita road in an. excited and the up coining he notified the lady to appear before deepest sorrow. hurried manner and she realizing that the council and eee why she ahould not was the matter directed her something pay a license. Suffering Betsy, what husband to go to meet him. Mr. Oscar Goldsbrough is now prepared to are we coming to. Who is the party enBuckholt then imparted the sad tidings liny the sprinkler and rnn it, if the council gineering these matters. Let them an- to Mr. rextonofhow his mother had will pay him 15 a month, and not place swer. The city ahould and must have been feund in the creek by Sam Winns nny strings on the council either. revenues, but the city should proceed boy. to get those revenues legitimately, If The baggage master on the morning you place this burden upon the people train noticed the body and telegraphed The city council are the servants of the you will have peddlers come in here, city and the city demand that their ser- (who have better soil, better facilities, up from Payson, but before the telegram arrived the deceased lady had vants give them the Improvements they and wbo can make by these advantages, been got out of the creek. ask tor. a surplus to pay for a license) and overIt was a sad blow to the family as ride the home producers, thus cutting the lady was held in the highest off your own source of supply aud givof esteem by all who knew her and it is a Barney Banato, the South African diamond field notority ing your money to another county, mystery how she got into the water. slmflled off this mortal coil by throwing Then again, do farmers pay a lioanse? THE FUNERAL, No! Nor should they. It is high time himself into the ssa. that the people of Nephi should be proThe funeral services were held at the tected. Now is the time to start. For tabernacle Monday at 2 oclock. Quite Dave Felt, the bright editor of the Inde- once the Republican doctrine of the a large number of people were present pendent, Springville, has been called on a foreigner pays the tax should be made to attend the last sad rites on the demission. We are pleased to note that a local issue with us. parted lady. The speakers, Apostle Brother Felt has accepted the mission and In California the people in some if not Teasdale, President Paxman, Bishop we wish him god speed in his departure to all of the counties, there, ore allowed to Warner and Councillor Harley spoke sell their wares without a licence, if on the life and characteristics of the foreign climes. they go over tke borders of their deceased, and were eulogistic on respective counties they have to pay course of life which the lady always Thera is a fire hydrant needed at the for that Then why not pursued. priviliege. south school building. Gentlemen of the grant the same The deceased was born in Englahd privilege to our home city council will please see to this at once people. We believe that wkeu that May 6 1830. She joined the church a and save us the trouble of writing about it ordinance was passed it was directed few years later and emigrated to Utah again. to those people who came here peddling arriving in Salt Lake on the 3rd day of laces, silks, calicoes, clothing, etc. in October 1853. She moved down to The merchants pay taxes, they pay opposition to our own merchants and Nephi in the year 1836 where she has for no other purpose and if the city since remained. license, in fact they are the main stay of council The lady leaves behind quite a numimpose this burden they will the city and yet tlia city council are too receive censure of the whole peo- ber of children and friends to mourn the st ared to expead money iu a sprinkler. We need a more enterprising city council next ple. We believe the ordinances are all her loss. right but by the piper that played time sure. before Moses they have been sadly ; misconstrued and that those parties The Temperance Association. Dont the city council know that the who are pushing this business had more money they expend iu the city, better halt before the people call an greater incentive it will be to have new indignation meeting. enterprises to start iu our midst, and the Tha fourth meeting of the Nephi more enterprises the quicker will their Association was held iu Temperance Notes Mining bonded indebtedness be paid. See the logic to the tabernacle Monday evening June of the argument. The saltpetre claims owned by J. W. 14, President Booth presiding. :: The following program was veiy Ellison and others in Goshen canyon have w. L. BOE, Editor. ... - ecoad-clas- s unkind-estcutofal- l. multi-millionair- e ours. We have distributed our circulars announcing that we are closing oat our entire stock. A great many people have gotten some of the greatest bargains and ualuee for their money ever seen in Nephi, in fact we may say in Utah. Now we ask the question, DID If not YOU GET YOURS? values left yet for just we have a great many such oases. Value all Want it- - SO DO OTHERS. Some want goods for nothing perhaps you are amrng that number. We hive gib th em.You can get them because we have got to get rid of them. The Thing You need we have agreed to give you less than wholesale price; not prices that will freeze in the summer breeze, but prices that will make our stock melt like July ice. te been sold to Colorado parties and a nice sum of money was the purchase price. The parties who now control it will put up works right away, and begin the reduction of saltpetre. The deposit of saltpetre is a tremendous one, iu fact there is a whole mountain of it, and it assays 72 per cent in saltpetre. The enterprise of Councilor Ellison should be followed by other people will meet at the Court House, at, Nephi of this city. creditably rendered. Juab County, Utah, on Monday City, Mr. J. W. Paxman poke on the June 28th, at ll a. ru. to act as a board We have seen a sample of Nebo ore that moral effects of intemperance, handling ol Equalization, and will there he iu went 33 iu gold. his subjeot in a very able and instructi- session and continue to be each day thereafter up to and including Monday 12 th. Councillor Ellison went over to Eure ka ve manner. July Mr. W. I, Brown gave a reading enWednesday on business and returned Ne reduction can be made in the Ha reported that big improvein valuation of property unless the party cil last evening was the Thursday. ments are beiog made In the mines there, titled Satan and the Grog Seller, affected thereby, or his agent, makes than ordinary notice, and that while they are suffering a tem-por- y very effective style, and files with the Board a written apfrom disbensflt clash the with the A vocal duet by the Misses Minne quiet and unprepoaesaiug rail roads ths prospeo's are bright for the plication therefor, verified by oath, or character-.ephi- s great aud Maud Abbott closed the evenings shall appear before the County Board . are the general mining camp ovir the border. of Equalization and show facts upon city fathers, there was Miss Stella Neff who reoeatly graduated piogram. con-- . atthe aoademy has gone north ia the An excursion ia being arranged for which it is claimed such reductien ; a more business-lik- e ehouid be made. interest of the Yonag Womens Journal about the ; 4th, of July to Corays ranch the chamber. J. C. Kirkendall, with Sosa Young Gates. Miss Neff will Chairman Board of Go. Com. e were kicks galore. The uter-i- , attend the Utah Teachers association to near Mona. Look out for future bs held in Logan to commence on Monday F. W. Chafpeu, Com. ever mindful of the prosperity Jane 22. All those wishing to attend can E. Taylor, Com. J. and by get half rates. town wanted a eprlakler, , Potatoes. ' je DIsolutlon of Partnership. Notice Th partnership heretofore existing name of Notice to Creditors. Redden under the etyle and tirm All Sullivaa ie tide day mutually dissolved debts from June 1st, to June 8th, inclusive Notice is hereby given by thouedl to be Sullivan. J. J, must paid individually All debts prior to June 1st, mmt be paid under Administratrix of the estate of ej, Semervllle, deceased, te creditors of the firm name of Redden b Sullivan. persons having claims against the , Signed; to eeased, exhibit them with the n J. J. SUu.ivax, vouchers, within Four months after intereetingly rendered. J. A. Rbdden, t publication of this notiee, to the said Dated thi 31', day of May, 1827. An instrumental piece by Miss Neva istratrix at her res.dence in Mon, County, State of Utah. Booth. F. W. Chappell spoke at some length Administratrix of the Eute e Board of Equalization. Somerville, Deceased. on the Physiological effects of intemDated May 6th, 1827. Wm. A. C. Bryan, perance on the body, illustrating hit Atty. for Admitli remarks with charts. No'Jce is hereby given that according Miss Zina Sorensons, recitation en- to law the Board of County Commistitled Hate of the Bowl was very sioners of Juab County, State of Utah, Gentlemen of the City Council should not try to wipe of thecity bonds, altogether. There are future city councils. It would be a shame if they were not allowed to assume some of ths indebtedness. In the meantime, the city don't need any improvement. For the lands sake, No! The city can :gle along under the existing neck yoke - wise economy which the present . hare instituted in our midst. -- UTAH. IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DUS Court of the .state of Utah, In and minty In the matter of the estate fo, btarr. deeease,l.-No- t-e is hereby gfve the petition of Q. o uftWs the estate of John A. final distribution of said estate?? w and that the 28th daof m7 room of said hai l a,ra; the duly appointed by hearing said pet, non, at which tfrne cm eon interested in eaid ! tile his exceptions, in estate may and contest the time, writing, to said P1 C JuVd! ar-ne- Joel F. Grover, C came u p" V ? Will aganst ten. It seamscomplaint that they have bad over some dispute iced repeatsdly threatened to "nBre th, Ae ehe was driving land ia tloa Patten flrtd past the t her Th will coma ap in the gB. near f uturt VrA?beth c 90nh |