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Show flV E H i Vi fi ilEOtlliSilllGali AND A w l ran be tax en 01 moajmoui ,u n E'neeVccompaiiy tnelr communlea- ,vrr 1BrXrilT lor publication, but as a to announce to the People BEO rpetfully Utah the Flnt Arrtral .......of Larje naa Piy of "TheReut Day." celebrated picture of "Hw Rent Wl and Distraining for Eat,M will be pres-- ", T,. first time, "with a cast embracing af-SLtor the company. It will be toll ow- tiie Cn two-ac- t drama "The Golden 5 otr ' Tnis U a strong bill, and should draw inustrat-kittl- e' tof , - 'VrvWded i - will be a the lata si I, r : ... .1. - ; and Margetts, and their reputations. In jluwAdamaiustalnlug White debut was not MrBeauchamp'a jrnnr . tfapsr CJraham, Lindsay "' Wfclte" af""vu part performed here by Air. whtch-probabtin tul(licfc. and HaBTiAttharMM. theft he Ut.lstands aJaw o con tn nectloa with the fact beeomade. This, np-,- ,t consequent ft-that fee a somewhat nervous on new tmrUcea uia selection oi . y, i a and appearing stage in his playiug. with his ttrt effort lVers lapse fresh actors a strange before and nsi among . m from tli inMnu irratrr we itrtMl have no doubt, nu lint appearance. fcUil, rua tae gentlemaa's long eJcperleAe on the ol character, that in vtaie la almost every line characters which we expect he will short utur rv fsar, be will do more jostuce to his and himself much utter toau he did laat nljht; Tsickness r , bare put apples up to Tue grasshoppers veceDia a piece In Utah." the store we clip from the Xathvllle (Ky.) jirpuMitxvu That Is the way "lUmi" are often Hiaaafaetured. It Is news to the people here; haw ttiea. that nothing uausual, 1 he 'hop- inamsetTes pretiy ireeiy, yet tue putt nipanot su very scarca but there are a , ;. ttw tuibets u spare, and some to make elder off. W usa Msxoss. Helena folks are luxuriate iu la Montana grown. meions. Th OatHt sLAii la this fashion concerning them of water melons should make the mouth roar! water: A , a wagon load of water tue.ont was brought to our city from Bitter t: Mrs. As Valley, which was purchased t taeior. who a frntt store on by Main street. keej Tue meloasare of tha finest qnaltty, and make i.ur ruooth water every time we pass the store." Nr Fwu. Austla, JNevadi, had the log, or otn.iice. which clouded the heavens here at the of last week and beginning of thl one. Bat the knowing ones there found out that It nnt fojc nor hase, but veritable smoke rmm burn ng forests,' as we stated some peo apposed It to be. la tnU netgbborhoud the HtveUUx and add:was"indeed, the Rys smeiled by Mnoke was so palpable that it more than one pair of acute nostrils in this city;andintlmate that sosae noses are umitj-- And will be furnished with a Large and Com-- 1 piete biock oi -- ! ao! e wickedest mao la Kew Back sxaox was converted after a fashionhad a tit of backsliding!, which was deemed of a advent importance to send over the wires with In the almilar bosh;tik.an"4 gotona .ther wttaat way. F. Ooii seessprae" The tha through "Joogo" an adverUslng one to get Increased to the dance house, and hits the nail Mirnuz a the head thus: "Tbe 'Wickedest Man of New York, has suf its ed a relapse in his reformation. lie requests, in an advertisement, that no curloslty-aeeker- s rxil upon htm unless they wish to spend at bill at his bar. The minisleast a ters who exerted themselves so hard with John Allen have now their entire work to do over &$aln. We believe this Allen to be one of the greatest of living And his convenors (?) are either very silly or egnally knavish with himself. Ehl ilaim JOtrrar a. Near Binghampton, Solano c anty, Ca!., two men named James Walsh, or Welch, and Thomas McMillan, .had a .quarrel a claim, when McMillan Utely about Jumping iitiot Welsh dead, as the quickest way of set- tllng the dispute, lie gave himself up. , ... SC5DAT 8cnoox. CxxxBaATiox. On Bunday Ustthe Sunday Schools of Lehi, American Fork, Alploe and rieasant Grove, held examinations in their respective wards, accompanied .with recitations and other evidences of the progress made by the pnplis. And on Tuesday, tha Vcaoo.'s of the four settlements, with the Bis Hops, their uonnseiors, ana tue principal cltl was. asiembled In a grove of timber at Amerl a Fork, to celebrate the fourth anr itversarr of the organization of the American Fork Ban- tfay Hchoot. The exercises consisted of various for the Juveniles, and kinds of recreationwere addressee delivered. The appropriate which pervaded the large assemblage of adults and children were of the most .nature, and happiness and enjoyment pleasant characterized the entire celebration. Bach seasons of recreation and enjoyment are beneficial to ail. are attended and. when properly conducted, with the best results. r ; fi PoLicx. George McCracken was throwing himself around this morning, heavily under lhelQflaeae of Uanlfled strychnine.10 Tie was arretted, had a hearing, andand paid f Into tha the treasury for drnnkness disturbing ; public peace ;. 1"' from Bra. CtutD.-- We had a call I. W.Nixon, of St. George, lie has brought in for tale 1.C00 pounds of the xuack Hamburgh variety, and one that Is fast besrape.ahardy coming a general favorite among the KUGeorge grape growers, who pronounce it a splendid bearer, and a most excellent grape for either wine or table use. VcrS. : sans. xiocKets, Asm ana i- v k OUB MOTTO IS: F. W. Rockwell, fciec'y. , m. tha line. BW Fldredge Building, one deer south of Overlasa umwi anil is asaaajaf For Terms, etc appiy to Ski mm Salt Lake City, Sept. S3, 186. pIraM v i JUST OPENED I. . IARGE. STOCK' OF A ; Last Tbaik ix. Thla morning Captain ',7 - , Are a Home Institution ! 1 A S) MANUFACTURE! v Lawrence's stare, Temple Street, whiKUcalu ere sand to the markets from hntrr001 Imported, and do their own sue wnicl1 ' CHOICE TEAS, SUGAR, COFFER is also wise. Ve wish all it' ULEQELY IN i AS THE ! ' Stove ..). - I .. 1 gratlon Square, ' in t ho market. - -- 1 r, . .Cordage, &c. s to Contract for BUILDING and The Charter Oak is the cheapest Bpeeial atUni ton gi ven to Order fivm XJlmh and ABE prepared the work equal to the- best and with stove ever made. Twenty-eigh- t mna sires, mdjaem TerrUorie flavin g as without Extension as the Top, sold wholesale and TTs refer to th touting JTeretoamU pf 8ali cheapest, cheap . , retail by first-clas- , - (; l . . . SHOES, v i ' JC ST. XOUIS, MO. d227:3m JSTtt DEL FIELD, SAHIBB OF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. WIOLLS; and Jobbers of And at the Lowest Cash Prices, suitable to CHEWS,Importers GZ36Sand Q UEEJSHJ1ILE, nanus. . uallroaa ana - ' lianyon NORTH MAIN STREET, Between JHne and Olive, (Old JV.63,) 1 W.San Wm. St.I9y-0-LOUTS. ford, I X opIvaii a n.iMiA. oi or ttio ELanulactiire or jjoot and French llio finest quality filxlns. German Call" andana liJpme nest oi ItlCE, tu criaranteed. Trorli A Good Fit No. 214 Hodnev D. WeUs. m. a Orr. D. B. Undiley, ,, . OnB A LUtDSLEY, Successors to J. It. Llonberger A Co., FBWcmi . keep constantly on band and Make to order, at the Shortest Notice, DOORS, BASH, j BLINDS, MOULDINGS, Eta, Eta. Wer COVERT. Manufacturers of 1 ' Plaini Stamped, Japanned and - v 1SIUEE k DAHE. : 'Of the Best Quality, spices, ";;V . " -- PUNISHED TINWARE; 3- - TERMS to SUIT; CUSTOMERS. I A.JST SHOES, BOOTS MAIN STREET, ST, LOUIS, No. i dlOiily 5 . ..." - , SOS SOAjP, PRODUCE TAKEN Aud SJouspIets rtment af d2l31y 111 EXCHANGE. JAS. L. DUIITIIIG. - . diss-sm '. : lTTJItT, IIELLMERS A VOORIIIS, i . Wholesale Dealers in jDlarrhcea, JDysentery Cholera, , and Flux, tj . r-rr-- -.; j VINC1WT. Midwife and Medical iLd. Ndrae, TENTH WARD, SALT LAKE above, for furnish a cure for25 the AND NOTIONS, CITY, can DRY GOODS Cents.-- . 50 for Children, Cents, 222 MAHT Adults, an No. STREET, of nine years ine has Withfailedexperience Cor. of Olive. York, CCLHellmers, New effect a cure with UilaMedlclne, to never ' LOUIS. SAINT . G.Hurt, ' lnMedicine sent to all parts pf the Territory, Louis, CVoorhls, di9SMm a2i3 lm W.Glesecke, j Doctors and Druggists supplied. t TC-fl- - t' ' W; , . t. Fnnev ... GnootiuiLic! CfiAS. A.XC7AXB, IOOO v T Also Opened, ,T7o Pieces of . WM. SFXAB, ; ; Wm. KPEAIl A Co . cash paijd fou WAIITED 300 ' ' . St. jLOUU3,IIo., . 1 Brashes, Ornba, era. Violin ana strings,drc. dJf stationery. Trlmxntns-- Thread, d229:6m BRIDGE, C2AC1! onomro, .0.' : '.-.,''..'- d CO., Manufacturers of . d2ii lm : KAWJ. UlF w &.C., TINNERS' .8JOCK, ; 120 riortSi tlaia CtrCt,; k dJW-C- m . (Esteblished in I 1W2.) LAX1X. CCca, cnLtAimcOT. 7 Csclcnt 7cr TV -- ther wis a wawiw Importertand Dealers in TKT PLATE AND METALS, r County. - "a. -- 1 1 and Stamped Tinware, Japanned Tools and riachlnes,t Tlnnera Cheet IronCheet ZincdrSheet Copper TTlre, Civets, Ac, also :- r. 7cer County. ISsVdoW wiUbe on tVe ground to rztiA nn and aftzr taa 1CU lrt. II tn r.-it must Ibe prepared to go to wortt forthwith If J 6m 179 and 181 Randolph Gtreet i CHICAGO, IjLjLS. ; L CfiO'S. QG.ODGG GODQAraD.: SIDE OF SALT - : -- BT NOBTXX -- Importers and Dealers in ! , 1 1 FBilEraTniil-fiiT- j . ' i Aajents for the Celebrated TTOJIE COMFORT STOVEflf. i - rLFir them at tae rate ef tteetnraar cable yard, aceordlns tf te the dJrslncr.to T3Torls SPajr! PfT snada rxonly. te w nsrmU rserva te "T J b eent. anly Contract la rally acceptedAppUcaUons sanst be.node to - conn crv tha Suspend- - a 'CCUZIS ' - . . VfX3T OF TEfX PHOSXOJrTOItT, On ; IjLIiINOIS. CHICAGO, , ii Central Pacific. Railroad, Direct Importers and. Wholesalers In - 1 3s Mollow-war- o! 95 Michigan Avenue, No; USSJ lmrsSO at C. SPECIX & Co., No. 211 North Alain St.; DAniscnr,. Stoves . JL. - MKN1 To VOBlX on thGllX3aofilio , : Guard) Wholesale Dealers in " I ' infiUIWIK!, 3L,OO0, BOOT SN. ANDSt..SHOE8, LOTJIS. No. 500 Main St., Mass. at Spencer, Factory . d220:6m (With Loose Globe & Detachable wrxn Manufacturers and Dealers in ; Wesllake's Patent jLanlern, JAS. B. rOBBIS. "ANUFACTURERS of all Grades CHEWING tobavuu ana ueaiers m r uxvcau u )MESTIC CIGARS, and General Commission Merchants, 113 Olive Btreet, St. Louis, Mo. reiitiest tho TSTholcsalo and 10 ceV.T?: CHICAGO. CARP EN T E R S co-irfU- vB IT.? down; and have been in- t will VWaiitMdllT.tnM Inina nnlbi with n.rr,ncaa since. Aipiu r ork in thU enterprUe. They isdesign ' 9 a strictly aah business, which wise; ' ' 6 & 8 Riyer Street, i .... .. . BOTS-w- onmcr Xtetail Trade to fjlvo tia a have organised a 5,5 aad store keepers, at 125, In the with shares was ociety, at which the Society organized i,U?g money lrJ u ahares was taken up and the '4 Cigars, Tobacco, OJR1Z State Read, Half Block Kortn ef Eml. Yooden Ware, JYJBW CII1IZTJEIZ Klmvall Kast ,:): Comprising -- CMpgaATivK. Bishop L. B. Harrington, o ! WHOLESAIiE ONE IaTCVIKJEI THOUSAND , goods tnoTions,.BOOTS MOES, American Fork, informs us that the people of tilat Ward, determined, to be their it l"JRIGHT CUSTOM-3IAJD- E yivcaiseo. , TAYLOR are In dally nse, and we offer every stove as reference, wherever it may be found. When our new patterns were made, all recent Im provements were umteu, ana we connaenuy offer the in lt .1 d2371m;s3)3m i&c - NUMBER SOLD DAILY GREATER : than any Stove In the market.' Over Where you will fine a first class Stock of of C2 wagons got in, jPREfTS, : bringing a littloorcr 1300 passengers. He had with his train the Immigrants that crossed the Atlantic: in the IZincrald Jsle, a 1TIC1XORY, number of whom had to go into hospital on reachinflr New York, and anions whom there had been much sickness on the sea voyage. Several were sick when they left 7 iae cars at lieaton, but the mortality on the RESjKIS, from was considernot that point trip high, ia theso circumstances. The passengers are nearly all in excellent health now. Accompanying his train were also six in And Fall A rtment of Fine dependent wa&ons, and some 50 persons not COO left in the mciuded immigrants, lie 'fenton with bis train on September Island, madQ. the trip - in about DHESS wnseqnently, twenty-fou- r there wero days," although verai detentions on the way. This is the s immigrant train of the season. tDtaiaarsa.--- We notice that Mr. Lindsay's Benefit la underlined for Tuesday night. The THE LARCCST OTOCIC IN THE CITY gentleman Is a painstaking actor; and a full bill ox-tra- O I Best Constructed,IiIost E. B. TRTPPS Old Stand, first door nerth Rcavlcst, umiorm anci unicuesi uaK-ln- g sk r j Lock Stlch Machines, with points of the net on any many vaioauie improvements etber. office. at this of Work, may be seen samples r i Sold at Chieaarn prices by . ROllEKT C. SLFATEn, I Agent for utan. ajLTJES', THOMAS A Co General lforthwetrn Aeent. CHICAGO, ILLS. SMITH BRO'S. Stoves Oalc Crxoartoi" AT . V c CALL AND SEE. Cooking the public in the year were first introduced to 1852. and at once took the lead, and nave ever since grown in xaror, uniu mere are now a BOOTS MD SHOSS AT for slmnlicitv. dnrabilitr dlZfcly -- I . i J. Ilplman'a WE W WE E 0 . A. d2S8tf . j TUB FOR CASH OR GRAIN. great weigut,uisiriuuieauivuo ineyoomoine - I best O with CAl4JDJL.lt, advantage, JfrlllClpai beauty of design and per- d237Aw33:8w fectlon manufacture. of UTAH CIjOXII-JLN- HOOTS, SHOES, Made for and specially adapted to the wants of western people. . a a S a SI Mi J S. it.. I Teierrspo site Kimball CHICAGO. ly:d20 Sm sC9 wjiieh we will sell Very Low m sr.-1- 1 ) 8.043, Tics Pres. V 8. W. Asuts, Secretary. J C. s, . r ; ts - to-d- ay It. T. Caxirx, President.-- TBI i. zmr. ' . ir, " I. II The Products of this Establishment are guar- - I REAIY-?IAI-E antedInequal In quality to the best manoXae-ture- d tbo conntry. Lombard Orrica and Works Cor. Main and . KtndenU will be' first instrncted in the theory of Fenmansnip, v m u rm VrcihtrsL Graders. Hotel and a.nl Aetna! lluslntss." as taught iiihmtti. Reataarans Keepers will find It to their Inter in n and after aattsfsctoryBusiness Col leges; ....... est to give us a can. will ta suslgneci a Pce of buslxamlnauon, v the commercial Cot nsa in Transactions to way of the give lege feigned Mera B becomes Indent The real business. are no longer with in fact, His dealingsare chant fellew-Btudenwua uie ruwuv. bis they 11 now has an opportunity of becoming ac ail the details of business as with QUIOK SALES & SMALL PBOFTTS quainted x mta mw v uimcivi.'- asset transactea va i Btudenta woo, enroiiea las wm S : . anaioriii ireaa itansre or r'ork, stitching equally well on tbe thickest or Quest material. Belxur NEW. it combines all the desirable OLD First Claaa, Book-keeptn- i 10 North JefTerson Street, .1 well-knsw- and-practic- e f J - . . 3 ; Attttuun - W BLEACHED the we frm wbiea win ebsst JKllla, And n:CD 3 y LJ- T Which will be offered for sale to the Public at Streets. BDCn IAJW ftUUMU win cumiuwiu Wm. If. Gregff, .ltKADYHALLH. FLOUR Pres't. n . Herd2n3nl war-ra-ni S. S. ' ' sewevg niLicmxE: . EITM 4 t 'TAND3 at the present perfectly Unri valled FANCY GOODS We shall also keep fully supplied with - STEAM WAEMING APPARATUS Consisting of And a Great Variety of mails & Glass. ? . v Iff BTCZT- - CxOOSJ " . for Utsdx. i GL013EH, MAPH, PAITG, 4 ! ' Just received an excellent Assortment or HAVE 4 GOAL OIL & - - . . self-advertisers- - As " w one-doll- ar ; ' i Naaeest jlrtonui Wants Hoards. ' Fwr Public and Private Buildings. CstabUaned 1807. : ' ; f iTHTE LEAD JHD. COLOU WORKS, SOUTHERN rretldrnt - i . rFortija and Domestic STATIOXERIV .' Splcc, Ficklc, Ojstera, Canned Fruits, Candles, u Raisins, Ciixraixts, Flffs, "v SCHOOL FURNI O HINCS, Honey, Haplo Sninr, etc., SCHOOL BOOKS, Tt'oreeater, Jockey CI a a and Pepper ; . , Cntlery, Coal Oil Lamps, Lc. Jfo. 53.1 Mortft 3Ialn St., ST. LOUIS, 3IO. Malleable Iron Castings. i L. HUNT, General Arents d211-S- m - . Brass, Iron and Malleable Iron Goods, for Steam and Gas Fitters and Engine Builders, - "" j 3 WALKER BROTHERS, f, . China, Gloss & Qaccnswarc, lVookinfr- GlaaseK, Table) d229:Cm Agreney. sSBBBBSnssi' f Secretary y i Wronglit Iron Pipe; . A. J. RALSTON, ! B&ZftAB '' ."a.'" ueaucea naies. . i GENERAL MACHINERY Property. 3 Insurance effected onandFarm at! Mills, Merchandise, : Risks Dwellings i -- -f ; VrUy Soap, Condlca, Tobao " Soda, SalcFOtUA, : Yeast Powder, Icppcr, G gtftedl H. Weber, Jos, t A3n I - -- - . ... All TJosaec adjoatad aad paid at the Gen- c rat. . - STEAM FTlilPS Currency as may be oesirea. j oV - established, a General Agency in Salt XjSKC City, for the Territory of Utah. Policies Issued, payable either in Gold or MO. St., LOUIS. uranam xmrutnni STEfiLl ENGINES n well-know- I has - COanEnElftL - ' : mSlinfflHllMSE! rrvniS Wettermann . E.F.W. Meier WFJSTFJOaiAJrN fc MEIEn, ' Importers of A Dealers In IT. have been fitted up as a Rice, - last Jiioffi a thxatsje. JLaat night the jYtDS went off with .considerable "Tim," Mr, McKeuzl playias & good Golden Farmer, and A. dZ&Om tOOUIIOIL HOUOE at WllOLraU'K and RETAJIi. coxtxo Home. we nave been eour- teoasty informed this morning that Elder rranMln p IUcharda wlegraphed to Fresi The Stock consUU, In jart, of jent Young that he would liSve New York S n cars Teas, Coffees, last night, on his way home. lie is accom-- i Klders Charles Widerborg, and panled by Starcli, Syrupat, , Henry Eroum. i . Aets, Gold, 81,433,037.81 s ? , Sow uuve, cast Hide,) . the Lbwer Rooms of the ; - ' : 5e, 2iox.sd rxne as 1 ; i BCOTOf, WOFJt A GBA1XAXI, Importers & Wholesale Dealers in ; DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, raoRoramYkRACTicAi Which we offer Low for Cash. Floor. G rain, Ac.. . ,m f, OCTOBER, 1CS. -- i Oairital& s xouis, Mo. - : wi Of San Franc!$c6 California." ) ; j met. St. Charles and Locust.) To make thla Institution FOB THE TK iDE, 'V ORSTEDS, ; CHICAGO-TRADE- insunnncEcoppanY, " Y R W FAMOY GOODS AND NbTIONS, JSo. 413 IT. FOURTH STREET, " ' Reaumed r 1 and Jobber of rter Z ERH - The Commercial Department house. i r Tiie Claute and FANCY- - - Youso'a- - Movjocejcts. 1iuidkst"bToanzl axsdi company loft !Jent B. tuis Gunnison morning at 7 o'clock," andto trcach NepM this evening. ToHarrow ho calculate driving to Provo, 2 at Parson for dinner, and holding ! laACIS, E2XBBOHIlIS, Hteryt GIoTes, Fane, Freneb Cersets, 4f h rrr-- r Ul-iLJL- Jii DRESS ANDOLOAKTEHHHNGS, f v. Oon-aignmen- " J ( A; C. PYPER & Coy cum B n; GurincaEix, sr., :o:- - . .t -- V-Ru- inn ere wie2its .writing. iefororpublication the paper only. COit7 11 lif-- September S3"XS3i .V.; , '.eXl. W fi i "rr (kvU'UlO 0v1 s m ":i ; ' EhelT Hardware, u' V ' liable and Pocket Cntlery, 1 TT. XL '.' Co. -! bats lha Larjeat of Hew Yorh, and Harriet Cates. Orders by nail Cliad promptly. mt Lowest y 31 . d:c, Axes, Nails, Chains, '.' ' ' , -- ' . etoelR-TTe- st prleea - : - y - |