Show ii t ij f SABBATH 3 11 joseph louys sen cn spoke of the blon bica ing ed consequent upon ft wail wall of ilfe life in acco t the principles sf of righteousness rl referred to I 1 spirits that act upon tho the b human uman far fai family nily ully and the congregation to wall walk lium ilum humbly bly YC andU vein velu the tile ll W hoof truth eler elder a gcorge george corge Q cannon followed 1 olio de maln tou jou tho the manner in which tho ciol acts upon those who receive iland it and the tile result of living in obed obedience lence lenco twits I 1 I 1 afternoon pres B D young reasoned ou on obedience C oyo to 0 the a laws of life and snowed that all are seeking after life ilfe and happiness but the great bulk of mankind endeavor to secure lecure them by striving to obtain the things thal thai perish and chereb thereby iose loso the objector object of their labors labor ile he instructed the saints on various point aoe ade doctrine trine and nd showed wat mat the eager cager pursuit 0 of wealth which too many elve give themselves av op t to 0 tiring ar fr row and disappoint in the dramatized norm form odthe culiar cullar incidents connected with the murder of tho courier of lyons and the I 1 inculpation of n 4 perfectly innocent nian man because bc cause of Ws his wonderful resemblance e to the thic a assassin gives an evenings entertainment that docs does not lack in the essen essential hai hal giu osof of in terest interest chien clam the at tennon and c cite cito tilo ullo feelings of oan otan an Taid audience fence tence that Is stranger alian fiction tile the ex guce quee of every every day das cocito goci coci to prove 4 and fifth if there thore e iv ihnot iP not historical ivl ivi evidence dence t to 0 alu aiu sustain tain it trie which form the groundwork 0 this would be treated as the romancing clo olo cho resemblance of the actual m murderer ur deberto to the innocent so clos close elmot eLhat that his own nather father believes it his son who has committed the decd deed the peculiar chain of circumstantial by Arlich heis 1 ted and sentenced t to 0 the we extreme penalty of the lau lava excite feelen g 3 of pi pits pity ty wonder ert sympathy and aud detestation at t lie the villainy is 16 so sue suc cess ful fui the principal interest of the piece ceso in uko uio juuan and Lesur ques very capitally rendered by mr hir liand uie injured jeanne jeaune considerable power by mites adams jerome thel the tho father nather af lesur lues lucs was committed to mr lund LLAd shy say shoppard clop Chop pard to mr Margetts Foun lard tard to mr A r ar to mr graham didler to mr Sim moris daubanton Dau benton to juile julle joliett to lie and Jo liquet to comiss miss mibs forini forming nil nig a very powerful east cast T as gs very well played playe though thong h there thene mag bilg ai bc anh pra rement at mhd cuate coate li 0 eipl rudl t and aud unexpected the irish broom maker mauer followed mr and mrs it MO 0 clawson clavson stirring of tho the tio audience audie nw there thero wasa was a slight departure from tho the text at tild end nd which was wail called tor and we hoo hote vill viii be te remembered it Is to say the leaa leak discourteous to the actori actors I 1 in 1 I the audience trump to jump up ul from meir weir seats aid landmake M nile alle for the door when wilen tue the last tew few sentences of farco are being spoken pale paley has bm baid bald said that man Is ta bundle of habits and this M 8 one ne of the grav growing habits that chat ought to be fr jt coynes neat little comedy ot blace black sheep was again y presented resented Saturday on even exen evening to the gratification of the tle audience the tho he points were weLe carefully made and el lei iel ted much applause mr dunmars Dun bars andor grahams shorter were capital performances es the elgh comedy narce farco of id lu on oix palle raile li cals cais succeeded and afforded much ingeb gennine genuine ea en joy roy ment RE 1 dr IL bills returned to the city on monday evening irom from a trip to arnd arid oilier parts patta south J in g goodbe rity almo alfo andoli and iri fri ts Ls J f tue THE electro ELEC elee rios the polling on OH monday was carried on with the quietness customary here although v we understand there waal wava large at of voters the returns were word not nol coin completed before going to press TIME TELEGRAMS grams GRAus the following telegrams to prees orres 13 young have haxe icen leen been courteously hauled to jo u us nohie shoe fc we vve pass here boid today all rights 4 i T E hicri noree shoe ia if t littia over owr ya d antles this I 1 C Li laramie ramie I 1 i I 1 I 1 T plum creek creck al 0 I 1 am bat at this rily urlin wain tache the haltli iti itt of tue camp is good stock brood condition I 1 J D irol LADAY creer creek Is abai simile 30 malics malies west of part dud mud ori G AND IMPROVING Q Kimball 6 law jail rence have workmen busily kai moi ing their tin fireproof fire proof covering taking the lb e place af the old shingle roof other alterations and improvements are bholi will add tao to the appearance odthe place 1 TIIE tim viv Vit THEiOn ou sunday banday afternoon isas ivas a v very cry heavy storm si orm grm of thunder lightning and maln aln ain in this valley moli 1011 followed owed owea by others on a sma smaller her scale in the evening and on monday monay s repetition of them though not quite guite so akk aft leavy teavy ilat hiat damage ilas lias been done to hayand stangl stand ing irig wheat we have not learn learned cd but presume it has been considerable emmr C Q P listo LISTON q writes tes from flom fl om SL jo coimo 1116 i july 9 bobr to br george at smith that he an excellent trip across the plains in capt capt whites train alithe all ali the elders who vrho went with the trains had nad agni 0 forward except foun four and piti brg urr br allston expected I 1 to continue their jurae jurne an in the ulc even exen avenins ing of july juls juls july 11 TELE telegram uRAm gram through the tho kindness of pres B young we aro arc enabled to publish the following te degram to him INTe nebraska braska pity city JulyS july juls tb imd ism viall thompson with about five blvd hundred bundred emi grants lert left on toe too ath lf 41 I 1 i IV W riter lTER iter amonn lle IlE ports PonTS at smithfield cache co they had a celebration oi on the zith including artillery firing music holsti hoisting the stars and stripes a procession ot oc dl alt nit 1 ries ties representatives ot of israel aged and young i schools ac with banners mottoes and ral fal emblematical designs atter after the procession abey adjourned to the thib new meeting house honse teni roofed in with a bowery for the occasion where refreshments were provided by I 1 br by joseph orton horton II the exercises con consisted consists d of orations songs recitations music musie ac after which there were races raees of various kinds dancing was commenced in the evening and taken up upon on the following evening for the when br by s liberality was wag vw I 1 again ex at midway wasatch co thea the tho 0 opened P ellea the day vili m musketry y raising raisin the national f flag la 1 0 and busie busic by capt geo cleo W wardies ardies bras brass band baud at idal 10 aana m a process procession lon ion was formed under marshal ira T jacobs after marching through the streets the people assembled in meeting under the bowery where they had an orn ora oration tiou tion speece speeches S longs bongs songs toasts music musie ac ae the afternoon was spent with much satisfaction to all committee of arrangements emen ts john huber G geo eo wardie wardle Y R beeler S 8 john T gerber reporter D avan yan ian wagoner fillmore Fill moro had a celebration opened in the tho usual wa way follow cd by a procession embracing dignitaries representatives of noted associations association and circumstances s schools bolg ac after which the people assembled in meeting had an oration from froni br john kelly speech by br by R 1 mcbride Mc bride BrIdo music singing and toasts lu in th the tho afternoon the children had a dance and in the eved even lri iii u was as a grand ball hall we ire are ind cd ally for the report in virgen city rang hang hano kano cloi co cioe they enjoyed them tham a pr preceded pre cedeA ceded by the customary I 1 exercises hild and followed by a meeting at which all an oration q was delivered by wm win 31 11 mirt Miri martindale Mar tYndale fudle then there were speeches eclie ecile music bongs and toa toasts orten after two hours intermission meeting again assembled and there were dan recitations toast sentiments ac w mh tho afternoon was dalig delightfully wilfully fil rully fully lj was harmony the ably day committee co of arrangement 11 S daie dale iuria A P hardy harcy the latter gentleman an proceedings i aily Ally mm cacilo chello co they opened the dd arfy witha vitha with salute and hasting the tans etain tars and strip stripes teg n there nias vias was a by a meeting with oration speeches son sou songs toasts and music afternoon and evening were wece devoted dancing danting thomas potts G P ward and james committee of arrangements alien allen marshai marshal of af the day JO john bu orator oi alor ator I INE lne valley from the tho distant region legion of co wo we have a report oath of their eln celebration of the fourth famished furnished by hrell ta hneil eft rue tue days proceedings were lna ina inaugurated with a salute of thirteen guns followed by music musie and hols ting the national standard A drill and inspection of tile the militia succeeded gom commencing at fl 9 am then there was a I 1 procession kon ton and a ine meeting eting after where the exercises were conducted ina in a spirited marner manner ana and L ca anDr an oration atlon by hon wm sno snow W extemporaneous addressed addresses songs toasts and musie musie music in the afternoon there were wore races and other kinds of 0 amusement and aud dancing in the eve evening ln g till all were satisfied t t magoki br george reports that tai reuben ames peter reter Christe euson guson and ana hans P olsen committee of arran aryan arrangements ge ments james and charles charies kemp orator the good people 0 ot of moroni celebrated the in spirited and aud enjoyable nna fla proc islon ewon emon speeches lles lies toasts songs music a and ana ri d dancing bi ity john TA I 1 smith writes it is a general time of prosperity here cre ere grain it ia loo looking kingwell well welb the range llaine and hays a mor wor it has been for years past euer emer of north ogdan agat on oll priday last lasi favored us with a call and says the crops enthat Jn tuat that region are ont ent with alth levith very ery in tho the wheat and good prospects for iel lui lei variety and quantity weare a learn that fruit raising Is so go general and z ifor ivor fon for plenty of fruit in its varlet varieties fos los and seasons la is both agreeable ag to the taste and con eon conducive to ogreater a greater de health MATCH tha athletes of smith field andis andin fand wells nelis fifie vule vuie had a elicke el icke 1 t match on the nit uit which 1 with wells Tille boys r s beina being the 1 victor elia isune ame abc occupied from 10 0 IO O a ani m 10 lo 6 61 p m tiie tile club making 5 53 runs rang and the tile club cipu ra ga runs Ther there iwas was a aarde elarge concourse of spectators and consider considerable able abie interest nas wag naf manifested in the game thie Tn alu aiu clubs s design playing some union ev september T september ep IR nned r A mitchell 11 Nals bett and W t esq rs returned fetui ned to tue the city by betas betag 0 on wednesday edn edday at r t enst dinst f r ra n a bu bom bos aass tr t r to tile east easi sow now thaltha atlantic cable Is a gr arand grand narla naria success i ils lis Is to be hoped that extra estr k exertions will III be put firth forth to keep the single wire across the plains in constant working order the public expect that at least that much will be done and are ready to help heip along the second wire which we are pleased to state Is expected to be in working order at tho the earliest possible date this event Is anxiously looked for with the fair presumption that a week at a time will not then pass without any dispatches nor that they will so often stop just j as they have caught up with the current date late aa as of late lato has so often happened r FATAL ACCIDENT ACCI dexton denzon DENTOn NT on wednesday everil evening ug about half past six Oclo ocio dk four wa wagons g ons were stala standing ding the store of morris drog droe brog bros corner af 2nd ind south aud and east street mid and a little iri tri dirl girl irl daughter to A huntingdon was on the tongue of ond one of the wagons when the wagons sUir started ted and ahe little niri giri ili lii trying to get oin off was thrown brown under two of the wheels passing over her head she died in ili about fifteen minutes after I 1 from the injury received T PI sanpete county A friend writes that the ith and were appropriately observed in mount pleasant the ceremonies amusements ac e belu belus beius participated in abyo us ly y and generally ili the of nume numerous romi other othen labors they completed a good sized forkla fort n six days which will servo serve to check ebeck the operation s of oi vagabond ajzid Ind indians laus laul rains tc have havo increased ason on hay ground and ranges benefited the thol crops and made all au excellent open opening vii lii 14 for re apers mowers hi ethers more grist gilst mills and a much mauch larger population especially of mechanics and manufacturers in all branches there isa is a small smail furniture factory atilt att at mt lt pleasant a beginning in the night right direction an and d ft a help but they want factories of all kinds cooperative stores alores and the dhe various other aids for buIld building ln lip tip intelligent comfortable nea Wea pleasant sant and self sustaining the rich valleys of sanpete and seyler sevier which increased numbers cari can do with the tha energy and rud skill hlll without much additional capital for g alry airy any given gl en enterprise b NEW TOLL tolt It dP the road from this plis city to van yah shIp sui sul maut baut co has by virtue i e ot 01 anict an act of the legislature been made a t toil dil road this benig behig one ap tile great thoroughfares into th this 1 city eily wo we might say into th this ls territory necessarily to bo be kept deptin in bod good repair lir that travel may mav notte now that it has lids been put in bagood goo a tra traveling veirl ednd gra ard alq glad to seii seti that those using theroan the toaia lix vill agn be required to pay for that use tuat that it may be kep lu in go good 0 d condition r tf i WANTED jy AV U D WILLIAMS will WiLt IAMS rams hward byard hy ard G SIC S I 1 ty of gai 4 dt VIEs to be a tailor tallor by trade who wio emigrated to this territory tio iSo or 10 years ago from dowlais iron works Glamorgan shire wales ALL who wish to learn the art of cutting and fitting clothes of all ail descriptions lu ili afew a new few hours will dowell do well weil to consult mil mii mi i curtis opposite lath ward school house I 1 heb SEB after aftem the estraya Est Es trays ANSWER TO CHARADE IN no 0 CJ 69 friend He heward howard Nvard legare has lias solved your charade although although im to his noddie guia somo trouble troubie it made the welcome visitor so many peruse ya here have the answer THE DESERET EW I 1 now will remind them 00 too oo many decline to tend io 6 their duty ii as in my last line although they neglect it 3 yet et still they peruse and forget to t PAY ray Is IN FOR rub TUB NEWS NEW IV NI |