Show IT PAIS TO TWE g 4 IT ma that it pee dols to ad ig is eri gri deuced by en oku article tn in the Re reporter of 0 eureka utah elating stating that those who hare have visited colorado in the miner and had an opportunity of c learning to what extent that state advertised and 1 it now cashing in on ite its natural resources ite ita parka parks and other scenic attraction attractions cannot help but wonder why eo so few tourists are visiting utah those who come to utah are insignificant when oom pared to abot the alter sister tate state col cat orado ie Is attracting annually because of advertising the whole quest ion can eon be gummed summed up in a few word says the reporter Ke porter gaoa raids and the right kind of adver on oil the one hand hana aa as against roads and the wrong lind kind ot of advertising on the other some tourists from iowa who went thru the uintah B aklu said it wae was a wonderful woud erful country and that the natives should let the world know about tt it that many farmers artin the dakota minnesota mich igan iowa etc would better them selves by going there ft it they knew about it steamboat pilot |