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Show yyrM ''rO 41 TW nnwnp. npi npi y wra ff'iyw iiri "i "fwlH X V ,Tam O'Shanter Golf McCreary Best But Louis Gets Gallery t Do-- f , CHICAGO. (AP) Art of Chicago ' pi champion in 1940, equaled ) par 72 with today for a total of 148 and a tie another Chicago veteran, ) with Frank Kovark, for the early lead in the final qualifying test of Tam OShanter's. amatenr golf tournament. . Kovark, one of the leaders at the half way mark, yesterday with a. 73, took a 75 in todaj's final round."'1 Trans-Mississi- Time Out! By 35-3- 7 Chet Smith Beau Flattens Foe In Sixth Round By Sid Feder PHILADELPHIA (AP) Beau the Jumping Jack has a lot Of his Old bounce back, as Indu cated by his job of flat- By Charles Dunkley CHICAGO,. July 20 (AP) Sgt. Joe Louis of the United States Army does not pack the dynamite at golf that, he does In the prize ring but he's the world champion at .drawing the , galleries. Louis, playing his first major golf hv the opening round of the " Tam O'Shanter all American, "amateur tournament yesterday, alt of the spectators-wi- th him w hen he teed off In a three- - some "with two of his white brethren. The champion w as attired ' 7 In 'a "pair" of KhakTpants, white undershirt, and a dilapidated straw hatT tBerbrinT'of "w filch flopped with every step Louis t Funeral services will be conducted Friday at 12 30 pm. in, the Twenty-firs- t Warp Chapel, 1st Ave. and K SL, for Frank M 82. of Castleton, 5 29 3rd Ave., pioneer Salt Lake Merchant who was activ e ln the retail grocery business until 1942. Bishop John , Angott Next Tuesday, July 20, 1943 Page ,11 Castleton Rites property situated in conjunction with the Forest Dale golf course, today asked the ,City Commission for permission to close down for the remainder of the season. - Under the terms of the lease of the property, if the premises are not kept in playing condition at all times during the playing season, the penalty is repossession of the land by the City Commission. The club is requesting that It be allow ed to- - closewithoaV bewg subjected to this penalty. Reasons for the proposed discontinuance are given as inability to get balls, labor shortage and the fact that 75 per cent of the- - membera are now "in 'the army The petition, which was submitted by V. Ross Sutton, president, was referred by the commis-- , sion to- - the Parks Department, Fred Tedesco, commissioner. Jack Wants Salt Lake City, Utah 21st Ward - The Salt Lake Tennis Club, which has possession of the ; lug DESERET NEWS i Forest Dale Tennis Crack Amateurs Far Over Par For Opening Round ! THE Would Close 4 P Greene will officiate. Mr Castletont a son of James Joseph and Frances Brown Castleton, died in a Salt Lake Jtos, pital vesterdayat"430 p m of Bronchial pneumonia He was born in Lowestoff, Suffolk. England. on March 5, 1861, and came-.tthis country with his parents when he was two tears old, In Salt Make since" ent to work foe the S P Teasdale Company pioneer organization, when he was a bov, later going Into business w tth his brothers, operating the firm of Castleton Brothers A member of the Church of Jesus Chi ist of Latter day Saints, he was one of the original members of the Twentv first Ward Mi' Castleton died In October of F)35 Sulv Ivors Include two daugh ami Louise East Won-- a son Flank B Castltfton all of Salt lake two granrlch'tdren and one greatgrandchild, two bioth- - tening Johnny Hutchinson, but now he wants to make sure it s the real th,ing msteadf just some synthetic stuff that was cooked Up on the rubber program. So, after he put "Trial Horse MAJOR WA1NE F. RICH-ARDMERCHANT DIES Frank M. Hutchinson aw'av last night in is now the official title Shibe Park, after chopping up pioCastleton, 82, of son of the Mr. and Mrs. Johnnys face like an order of neer Salt Lake jmerchant who Joel Richards of Lake.the round Salt steak, ground Jumping died in a hospital of bronchial Jack didnt start any Immediate S. L. Pilot how 1 for a return rassle w ith Bob pnenmonia. Montgomery and. the hghxu eight - Far..his participattan iil- - five title Bob took away from him bomber combat pilssions over ers James S Castleton of Salt two months ago enemy occupied continental Fu Lake and Arthur R Castleton of SL Man Promoted Instead, andjust to prove. that rope Lt Raymond E. Brim, son Malad he s as good as new as well as of Mr and Mrs. Ray Brim cf Wayne-Fe- lt Richards, $or)pfJ to pick up an odd buck or two 1145 lotjt E. St. is the recipient Mr and Mrs Joel Richaids of Bouncing Beau announced flat- of the air medaljDresented in a 177 S Street. Salt Lake City, B 17 an to citation entire group has... noth. bean ly .Mi Lke..lQXangle. prmotd-fFm-.captain sw arthv Sammy Angott, w ho used Flying Fortress crew of which he to major, it is announced in a is pilot. to be the boss. to his father Major Committee telegram Recruiting Work "I've been teachin' his nibs, the Rajah, how to shoot crap!' Still Debating The citation received by his Richards is personnel director at took. reto tenant up to and including lieuThe committee special read; Mather Field, Sacramento He has Of course, it may be that hes parents men into the tenant colonel are available. business The honor is awarded for ex- been located there for the Whether it was the crowd or On The Line sult past sure of his September 10 shot The men, he stated, must be meritorious achieve- two years In April, 1942, he was imv s rmlitarv government just an off day, Louis carded a with Montgomery, although Phil- ceptional 3 held its first . meeting from 39 to 55 y ears of age. be in ment while participating in made captalnr 87. The Browm Bomber adelphia Promoter Herman bomber combat missions over Before entenng the service, this morning and alieadv has good health, be graduates of a ran into immediate trouble to (Muggsy) Tavlor and New York enemy - occupied Europe to college or recognized professionThe two years ago, Major Richards begun to end applications the surprise of a crowd of 300 Impresario Mike Jacobs are still courage, coolness and skill dis- was supervisor of statistical re- the cecietaiv of wars pei sonnet al school and have at least five that trailed him, getting a seven debating whether to hold it here played by these officers upon the search at ladio station KSL in board in Washington, D C Fred vears experience as officers or on the par-fofirst hole, and a or in Pa Knickerbocker s lllage missions reflect credit Salt Lake Citv He is a graduate A Caileson, chairman of the com- heads in a business or industrial five on the third. This But the Beaus Idea offers some upon themselves andgreat field the armed of the Umveisitv of Ltah wheie mittee announced today upset him, but he managed to Adams Caswell By he belonged to Theta Alpha Phi bewildering beak busting possibil- forces of the United States Members of Mr. Carlesons will be sent over Businessmen " finish playing no worse than ities, especially since Bobcat Bob, A former student of the Uniand Delta Phi fraternities While seas to do .approximately the International .News Service Sports Writer which will work with many of the touted amateurs, ina is slated for fuss, with versity of Utah, Lieutenant Brim at "the university he took an ac- same Jobs thev do in civilian life, C5pt Dilwerth S Woolley, in NEW YORK (INS) I believe that cities all around the himself, cluding favored Wilford Wehrle. fearless Fritziq Zivic here August enlisted in the Army Air Corps tive pait in school dramatic pro- he of Racine, Wis.,who had trouble pointed out, with experts on charge of the army's- - Salt Lake country ought to adopt the scheme announced by Bill Corum 23 provided Promoter Tay lor in June 1942, and received train- ductions supervising that work, officer procurement district, are mining can finding the courses par level. Luclle a out few wrinkles Richaids r iron married to have a service ball team play a picked team with Major ing at Luke Field, Ariz . where he leaders overseeing the Walter M. Jones, L. K. Nicholson, education One Hits Par the If shoeshine of late the boy received his wings and commis- Cannon,' daughter C. of foreign schools and Eldred M. Royle. Raymond field war bonds as the price of admission. If each major league city should reopening Only one in the Cannon of Q the Elder his with Sylvester sion go Angott get the Wilson and Orval Adams. administrators civil doing WiniCouncil of Twelve and the managed to play par golf. He would follow along, the Axis will have a real headache. and hes asking Jacobs to make it His wife is the former Patricia work in other countiies. was Richard McCreary Jr., of for New York, August 2 and if Condon, daughter of Mr: and Mr. fred Saville Cannon. He has two same The game at the Polo grounds Commissions- - from second lieu- sales 26 will be betw'een scramble Indianapolis, a his should eggs, Wade M Condon of 17th 12th E. daughters. Sammy executive, Indianapolis district Norfolk naval station, which has then its going to be "every man St.. Salt Lake. titleholder and the Hoosler btate such players as Pee Wee Reese, for theirself in the chase after champion in 1937. The margin Phil Rizzuto, and Dorn DiMaggio, Soldier Montgomery. Swarthy Sammy is of McCrearys advantage was as and the Bond League team of still quite a chunk of landscape Mrs Eleanor McLeod, 19, of small as possible, for only one our town. The Bond League, you in the lightweight scenery, and was repsrted Tooele, fairly House Barracks Old Stroke behind him, tied at 73, know, is that league made up of too. at the is aiming jackpot, good bv the attendants at the St. accomwere three youthful challengers all the players on the Giants, with is at The Conservation the Not YORK Paid Roy largest, Marks Hospital where she was Civilian Copvmcing (AP) The $1,128.50 all from the same nearby Wau- Dodgers and Yankees, who were for 400 occupants. for the batting leadYet, the Beau insists he can treated for severe bruises about Corps, created during haid times modations A J Mrha state sum ofPv as of the $1,128 said m the care of without take kegan, 111 , golf club, and another sold to merchants for ormammoth the the Hyde ership American face, neck and head received granted Sammy of the League so back. to the nation, a ad month youth from St. Louis, Bob Cochran, bond pledges hasnt broken down. $20 000 in making the when she was assertedly beaten aid of a ball bat or any such today by the city commission expended v buvs fan a baseball to as coming the camps available, bit the rentals, by a soldier who entered her E again today St Louis district open champion Every time Guy Curtright, the rookie blunt instruments, except those to George H Shoit, Ben hz and one of the ablest amateur a bond, even the small ones, of the Chicago White Sox things hanging at the end of his Roberts and Owen G Reichman, aid of the nation It was disclosed amounting to 25 qents a day, are room at her mothers apartment playvote favorite for his casts a for their services as committee in a report that old CCC build- expected to fully relmbuise the at 164 E. So. Temple St. at 1 43 swingers in the country. frnmSvbbede.the brass nng away arms. How'ev er, the 16 978 cus- mem Dei s in charge of investigatstate. The camps are adminis- a. m The others just a stroke off er and that vote is tabulated ern Stephens of the St. tomers who chipped in to a gross ings are being moved and conan time And also, every Police said the w o m a n's Louis Browns a few the par pace were Frank Perpich, weekly. ing the Victory Theater fire. vened into barracks buildings in tered by the Farm Secuuty Adof $50,057 60 last gate weeks does individual ago something night screams brought M J. Stocks The who three plaver men, have been also and which then receives Utah for of former member of the golf var- like ministration, northern so his show agricultural sure werent back that to him last an a'djointng on the investigation for workers getung a homer, a hit of any week, ,?USgave it apartment, a small amount from the occu- from sity at Northwestern University; the lead regained the league brute strength and not much else cariymg sort or pitching a shut-out- , who overpowered the soldier and 15 days from June 28 to July ElecGordon .333 Chairman a Frank Kovach, Hyde Hutchinson veteran Taylor pants. the mark. of the plaver of the against Stephens arrival the held until him original each a $25 17, purchaser Comm's-sioreceived One additional camp owned by per day, of the State Finance tric company worker who went has to was any indication that Jack sum Pped ,mne Pom in more money for dropPed e amounting to 51,125. In ad1,000 agthe state at Price is now being police. to the semifinals of the Chicago bonds chip said to second place. could play the 6ame polka to approximately dition. 53 50 w as paid out to Mr. ricultural workers, In the National League Stan National Amateur Championship Dixie Sells High of either Sammy or Bob, nearly all ot leased to Kaiser Shipbuilding Final Rite& Roberts for photos of the fire them Musial of the St. Louis now are s i a year ago, and William Chamh Company for $500 a month and is Bob learned even Japanese, each Cardinal? though The fellows in position Only negative vote of the com- housed in these buildings.being used to house coal mine workers. Hutchinson. from bers, a storekeeper from the who have the most points based succeeded m stabilizing the fighting Held mission in gi anting the commitConstruction of the camps was Knepp problem by increasing his These worker camps are locatGreat Lakes Naval Training Sta- on bond sales due to performance Making his second start since tee that amount of money was Tremon-toof W. was done the to under navtribute 338 ed at t0 Huntsville, Rov, from him supervision the tion face Emf.neV?n High and will .paid Montgomery punched ?Ints and popularity, by Mavor Ab Jenkins first place with Billy undet his crown, Jack timed cast and Spanish Folk The camp J Eustice, state project director. George L. Knepp, chief criminal al team in the August twilight Hetman The committee will meet again Bark of Leaders of the Brooklyn Dodgers loose his same old woodpecker tomorrow to continue deft ty sheriff, during funeral Dixie Walker of the also Back of the leaders came John Right now on invetiga John-nvservices conducted yesterday in r -boosting his mark four points left to gash is tlon top, but Mel Otts Lenzim, Hlghwood, 111, who shot Dodgers the beltEighteenth Ward Mr, Knepp ??d remaining in second. and his habit of eyes and bloody his face, a 38 36 74 w hile enjoying a brief popularity died last Frldav. is mak- 6envr Marks Soar accuas the ball was about into pews his the but right He was a man w ho counted his vacation from bricklaying Then ing a real race out of it. Batting'averages in the National rate as his multiplication tables, For Soap ing followed Dale Morey of MartinsDrug friends by hundreds because he The promoters of this gams League in general soared during And the Beau tells you anything The com Salt the cost to retailer was himself a true friend, rethe week and the tenth mam over ville, Ind , the Hoosier champion, have set the bagatelle of $10,000,-00He Designed to force two is tough. with a 75. Art Doering of ChiLake drug stores to sell soap at mission asked for a temporary marked Attorney General Grover Augie Galan, of Brooklyn, had a missed about nine out of every dollars million hundred one one of the speakers, state laws, and permanent restranmg order A. Giles, cago and Earl Christiansen, Mi- to you as th desired goal. They lusty. 306 In contrast to the 284 ten of his right hand "S u n d a v Dealers may sell any four per prices as provided in ami, Fla . policeman, both shot have set aside the field boxes as whohwSter, Laabs of the the State Trade Commission to- to prevent the stores from con- addinghimself wide cent shots, leaving Browns, of their stock of women's He loved his work in the law 76 s hile such other favorite the horseshoe, and these day had filed a suit to enforce tinuing their action. Amencan open, and while Johnny was in shoes and not enforcement department as well ThM.n fnt,h m,the contenders as Wehrle, last year's will golden for a cool million apiece. just odd styles, compliance of the concerns. ln sell he each all the there way. pitching league: as in the association devoted to runnerup; Steve Kovach of Pitts- There will be 9,000 reserved seats However, OPA authorities said didnt hax-- the natural stuff to old fashioned makes and broken out door recreation and wild life. was for the purpose of Pickering burgh. and Jimmy Fnsina of Tay- at a $1,000 bond each, and the CjSnrtt,"iSl suit the of this take a sizes without 34 advantage ration n He had a keen sense of Justice stamp, for other 111, each went lorsville, 69 grand stand chairs will sell error. The Beau would discover during the two week sale which forcing the drug companies to Rites Wednesday and fairness in his work" Detroit 78 78 s. to comply with for an $18 75 bond. The bleachers Wakefield raise their record that u?orld time new in prices Hoekett, 69 Cleveland Harold E Wallace, county atFuneral services, for Franklin started Heber G. Tav- law , but if OPA regulations fore Todays 18 holes will pare the will be free for service men. if Applinf, Chieeeo 76 making the same misake against lor. stateye'terdav, .were and B S torney, Johnson, Wghijtn 80 field down to 64 qualifiers who some plan for tickets can be workmiscellaneous products" ed the sores to ell at prices Harper Pickering, 86, pioneer speakers S DilworthYoung either Sammy or Bob would bp IVtrou 76 Young conwill begin match play tomorrow ed out They also expect to have Hirnn law , these officials a state different below a gaJohnson horse car anLake New Salt from stieet 78 motorman, York m was Burial ducted rationing the service representative, the day the $10,000 competition a souvenir program in which ad- Culienbine, 69 Cleie said the federal statute would who died Sundav will be con- Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park rage nounced bond Laah t for today. Lom 77 be can starts. bought vertising NATIONAL LEAGUE Dealers mav alo sell tw o per prevail. ducted tomorrow at 1 pm pledges. The actual manufacture PUtt Stand Club GAB Expects High Scores Defendants In the suit were the Twentv firt Ward Chapel to $15 000 Musial run book will of their stocks of misses To Beard On a cent at Named such of 81 Louis 320 O , of Nelson Toledo, ComByron shoes and one per cent of their the Seagull Cut Rate Drug 1st Ave and K St. by Bihop Brooklyn 85 and the boys are out hunting for Herman Bot- Gov ernor BOISE Hark (AP) 80 winner of the 1941 and 1942 Tam some way off Chicago Drink of writing that stocks of 'mens shoes, he added pany, 2115 11th E St, and the John P. Green. Dahlfren Phila 81 tolfsen today opens, believes the scores in the without appointed O P 73 Interfering with the Frev Cincinnati Friends may call at 260 E So A warning against the sale jof Although it is true that manv Pay Less Drug Company, 27 E a 1943 tournament will be considCalvin of member Nez Perce In Kurowski St Louia 88 of the shoes now being offered 3rd So. St. bond sales Is there an angel Temple St. today from 4 to 8 pm bottled carbonated water 73 Cincin McCormick, of the Lewus County draft board. as "rationless are outmoded erably higher principally because the house? The stores are charged with and tomorrow from 9am until and and beer at higher than W Cooper, St Louis 61 of the lack of tournament com- 6 mailer Leagues, too. He succeeds Harley Huggins who ln odd sizes, this is not necessar Vsurhan Brooklyn 84 violating state law by failure 12 30 pm. Interment will be ceiling prices had today been Isin Nelson has engaged 82 GaJan. . petition. resigned. Brooklyn There are service teams galore to add a 6 per, cent markup to in the Salt Lke City Cemetery. sued to taverns and restaurant ilv the case, he stated. only one tourney since last sum- around the country, and It strikes operators, by Mark H. Greene, mer, the small Kentucky Open me that all theJ smaller leagues 6tate Office of Price Administrawhich he won recently. along cook could up something tion price officer. Nelson, considered an authority the line of this big .bond game. Persons charging more than on Tarft OShanter Open events, And war be could A new ward of the Granite Ninth East and West on Parkway saving stamps the maximum were advised in a has won $4,901 in taking the two used, too. Every ball park in the Rookie Third Leads The Way Stake was created Sunday night to Seventh East Street. letter from Mr. Greene to reprevious tournaments and has no country doesnt have to have a Leo H. Young was chosen as at services in the Forest Dale 44, of 1237 duce prices immediately. Sieg Jadson Kellersberger, one idea of missing the $2,000 top this even If if and he By Bailey he doesn't But horseshoe. year, just of the bishop of the new ward w hich E 27th So. St, was Chapel under the direction Beverages may be sold for no reported in time. . . . There will be a father golden day were set aside this summer In Associated Press Sports Writer will havetomade a glowing con- Pres. Lorenzo H. Hatch, is not vet named. His counselors poor condition at the Sait Lake more than they were in March,-194- 2 and son combination in the open every ball park in the land, when the Yankees pennant The New York Yankees are not tribution The new ward takes in a por- are LeRoy J. Chapman, and Har- General Hospital wheie be is be- LJ Thepriees at that time tournament with Joe Kirkwood the onlv way you can get in Is the bombers, but theyre effort soft tion of the Forest Dale Ward and old L Henry with Alma Andiea-somg treated for cvanide gas poi were five cents for bottledwestand Joe Jr , competing, the latter bv buying a war stamp or bond up to their tricks The tryresume as ward cleik major leagues will drinks, 15 cents per pint of a small part of the Nibley Park sonmg while on an army furlough . . . of some set denomination, there,! ing to break the back of the cents .Mr 20 was found w ith a ern beer and The bishopr.c ot the Forest Dale per pint Kellerbergei heavy pro- Ward. The boundaries of the True to its tradition of providing be an awful lot of additional American League in the middle play tomorrow, v estQi day at 4 p m in for eastern beer Jvar-4arWarnock Avenue ta Ward remains unchanged gram of 11 games,. including m this, moneytrr the treasury. everything-imagina- ble OF the" "season Robeita a home at "l4i0 St, but the Phillies seventh South on Green golfing extravaganza, the Tam When they swing back into and Pirates in the National Twenty Green which had just been fumigated Receives Street to Ninth Street, When the Yankees plav the action tomorrow, came up with a 120 round. The Scholarshipof usual after the cvanide with gas, according to of of North Carolina Cloudbusters League will get a jump on their East on Tw enty-seenth South son two-daJ. R Larsen, 16 year-olproducer was Arthur Snow on that precedes in rivals police reports layoff to an In 28. t a numeffort reduce with le South Stadium. at the seventh trouble xvho game ran tonight Street, into night the Twenty July navy Chicago, Artificial rbspnation was ap- Mi and Mrs J Ruben Larsen of tersectlonal series in the major at ber of fires some fair the will w to on meet Street grass with to Avenue ind thev. Pittsburgh. hole pretty requiring the second up Parkway bv the rescue squad of the 987 17th E. St , has been awarded leagues, this year they will be assistance of the fire department plied a 17. . . . Joe Louis started open- hitters. The sailors will come up Salt Lake Fire Department, after a scholarship to attend the Banan eight-gam- e to nursing be owners of Hassett Buddv named a man winning extinguished, with off right by purchasing which the victim was removed nock School of Dramatic Art at ing day streak, the longest of the topsyvacant lots in Midvale today, to the hospital. a $50 war bond before teeing off. now hitting a gaudy .472 and a turvy Banff, Canada, during a w ere reminded of their obligacampaign. shortstop named Johnny.467.Pesky summer course. An eight-gamas provided by citv ordiThe string in itself neat a tion, is who whacking International League nance, to supervise the burning Yankee first baseman Is is not overly important, but it is Soldiers Run Five Miles Each former Day Buffalo 4 Rochester 3 of noxious vegetation within the the sparkplug of the team be- worth noting, because at this time (Only fame scheduled ) each and every day of those 18 - city limits. By Deak Morse sides being the crooner, and Pesky last year the Yanks were in the streak that BOSTON. L. C. Canning of the Midvale The re- months.' (AP) is as good as a navy freshman midst of an Eastern League He continued to explain that City Fire Department, w ho urged as he was with the Red Sox last quashed any question about their porters were lounging about the A meeting of th4 adv isory comHartford 16 Spnnrfield T. Seats Are Selling fast finishing on top of the American airport and the talk was mingled his native land is tremendousiv residents to comply with the or- mittee year, which was good. (Only fame scheduled ) on venereal disease conwith soft Sw edish accents and the track conscious and pointed out dinance, said that the heavy League. of Social the Utah Hvgiene They now have won 12 of their contrasting stacato phrases of the that the firemen, for instance, growth of jveeds and the present trol hold meets regularly and that drv season creates a definite fire Association will be held Thurs-dalast 13 games and this has been news men. 4 at the association pm in It was a big day for local sufficient to stand off the amhi the world's four mile relay lec-or- hazard in the area ffice w ith H L Marshall as Is held by a team of firemen for tlous Washington Senatois, who Gunder have won five of their last six Haegg, running marvel, was Bos all of whom come from the same By the Associated Press Flans Honor chairman Plans will be woiked out to carJuly 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 with GU Dodds. Satur- station. games and still lost ground. of out the ry The conversation Maj. was interAside from the very creditable day they would run in the Harsuggestions For Inducted Boys Nightly, 8:30 p. m. Wavne C. Sims who is in charge American League National League and Haegg coun- rupted as the plane glided into pitching, the biggest faction in the vard stadium A to fete the of program control special venereal disease in the Yankees midsummer heat wave trymen were proud as a kid with port and in a moment bedlam 00 broke loose at the photographers boys of Murray and vicinity who Ninth Service Command to carry Adults .610 has been the slugging of rookie a new drum. were into on inducted the service educational an active o.i proBUI Johnson. .537 Naturally the talk was about blazed away and the reporters June 9 will be Kiddies (under 8) .25 held at the USQ gram among the 50,000 war worke.519 Th6 young third baseman hit a running, and the newspaper men started firing questions. In many ways the racing kings Club of Murray, So. State and r.- ln Industrial plants and army three-ru.500 homer and four singles were doing a lot of listening, for Box . . . were learning the reason are much alike for each continu- dan Y. M. M. I. A., said. and navy installations through.494 Sunday to climb right into the they The program will be under the out the state .474 middle of contention for the runs why Haegg had to guess four ed the caution they have shown before he hit upon the right along about predictions of direction of the USO Club and .456 batted in laurels in the Ameri- times name of another Swede who breaking records or who would will be attended by all boys .415 can League. who or anything of that called into the service on that Driver Is Floor-Munici- pal Nick Etten, in the best first-bas- cracked whis mile record 'while beat sort Yesterday's Results as Gunder these vv ho are endae, Sylva Reynolds, 18, of 111 Frebarnstorming including ha3 of tradition the Yankees, No games scheduled. "Well have the best runners So games scheduled. Haegg wasi emphatic, however, tering the navy and air foices, mont Ave , suffered lacerations been at or near the top in run In the world after the war is when he said that he liked Amer- Leon Roer Land, dnector of the when the car in which she was Schedule For Today mow is all and along production much c'ub. said over, one of the Swedes said ica and Americans very . riding drlv en - by-- Lj le Kuusaki No games scheduled. Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, 9 leading -- with-58. MARCUS CRITCHLOW Bybatting In. 17. of 133 Wilson . .Hotel, revealed Shdhe Considered Gilbert Dodds Jr, four Sunday, Johnson went into vrtthassurance'ashe p.m. come just about tops' his countrvmen have Into a crashed last why pole utility Avditcr (Only game scheduled.) .second place,. with 57, and may to the fore in distance racing- 10 30 at the Intersection Swedish American relations Flowers For Kearns I nightat Tomorrow's Opponents t ond be the first rookie "to drive in Tst" GaN "Flower Tike and The a Swede over arent being done bit of harm of 1st W. "Murray Gunder, and Paxton Ave, every over 100 runs since Ted Williams 16 years old, has NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston at Chicago, Philadelphia at Pitts-burgbeen in the by this pair, for Dodds showed den Club will furnish flowers to according to police reports. LOG BOX OFFICE broke in, with 145, ln 1939. Brooklyn at Cincinnati (2), New York at St. Louis (2). Policesaid the car went out army 18 months, the spokesman even more clearly than he could decorate the seven chapels and If he pouches this, peak, John said, "and do you know the re- put into words AMERICAN LEAGUE Detroit, at Washington (night), Cleve. that his feeling hospital at Kearhs basic training of - control and struck the pole son will rate consideration for the quirements for v every soldier? for Gunder Haegg is every bit as center on Sunday, Mr. James because of the high rate of speed land at Philadelphia, St. Louls at New- - York, Chicago - at - Bo, - run five. miles deep. Powell of the dub said today, at which It was being driven. ephemeral 'fronor of rookie of the ton (2). ; S Air Medal - Cited car-fle- d 4erjsr-Mvr- Starts d Spreading Bond Leaguers Sell For Plenty par-thre- e tle Business Men Officers An Idea Worth 44-4- MadeMajou -- well-know- -- com-mife- t all-sta- 262-ma- n Girl Beaten Curtright Back On Top CCC Buildings Are Used Investigators Arrested Jap Workers merry-go-- round - out-field- f dis-pos- Services bat-tin- g n Globe-Trotte- State Trade Code Vs. OPA s Stampless Shoe Stores Cited Prices Sale Explained 0 e V3 little , ' Warned Overcharge bev-etag- Yanks Win 12 Of Last 13 Granite Stake New Ward Sacker Poison Victim Reported 'Poor' old-tim- e old-tim- e -- - Must Burn Weeds y -- Swedes Trained In Army e k Venereal Meet Called Buy Now! v Major League Summary Ogden Pioneer Days Rodeo d Murray d SI. Seats n -- e Cited .$2.00 Ticket Office Third Bldg. J- 25th and Wash.Blyd. Why.-hehasH- . It i t i y b |