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Show THE BOX ELDEP NETS, THURSDAY, Feb, 2, 1905 PAGE FOUR, ' eUturs and company of pi'up'ctiVi' equipped as he is with a thorough knowledge of the country reinforced LEE & WIXOM, Proprietors. b ahpiciidid map, he is eminently TERMS or subscription: aole to furnish as sauoe. Our reas91.25 on for mentioning this mni ter to Mr. One Year, In advance .66 .. Months Page was lhat we have received so 35 Throe Months many inquiries regaiding the opening Advertising rates furnished on application. of the reservation, and as to what tLe requirements of settlers would be. Entered at the Post Office at Brigham, Utah, as Any one wishing to communicate eeoond "lass matter. wiih Mr. Page will And lit in at No 123 Keith building, Salt Lake City. NOKMAN LFE, Epitbk. goje Ifccr yews, INSTRUCTIONS TO CORRESPONDENTS: Iteme of news are solicited from all parts of the county. All communications mush reach this office not later than Tuesday morning to lnsuro publication. Write upon one side of the paper only. In order to protect the publisher frotr impositions from irresponsible persons, the fullnamo ef the author should be signed to all communications. The identity of correspondents will be withheld whenever desired. Our readers will remember that a few weeks ago we wrote an article asking if parents knew where their children were at nights. - Among other things we called attention to a number of young girls who made a habit of going to evening dances unescorted. We further said that they were a source of considerable anxiety to the managers of these dancing halls. We were informed yesterday that this practice has become such a nui sance that the managers of the Academy will hereafter refuse admittance to such girls, unless accompanied by their parents or reliable male escorts. This should be a lesson to parents It is evident that there is some thing wrong when it becomes absolutely necessary for people to adopt such drastic measures People whose children have caused the managers of the dan cing hall to take this step shoulc be ashamed of the condition. That Tickling In the Throat. One minute after taking One minute Cough Cure that tickling in the throat Is gone. It acts In the throat not the stomach. Harmless good for children. Bold by the Eddy Drug Store. Uintah Reservation. In an Interview with Gave Birth to Four. Mrs. Don C. Benson was a party Ayers Frenzied Finance Tbe Boston News Bureau speud-li- g Is to Lawson's There is articeg on finance. considerable inconsistency disp aye by them when to begin ridicule the Idea of his articles having So far as we are any effect whatever. disclosures Lawsons Mr concerned, and reading, make very interesting whether tbe people believe themselves there is personally interested or not, in given a good deal of information be a would Nobody articles. tbe said on the coo loser by reading them, but to the in an insight would get trary V this tPrnal workings of financiers of trickery same game The .untry. worked throughout breadth of this land. It is contagt vilous and reaches every hamlet and We could reremote. however lage. our city fer to Instances right in conducted where business has been with as little regard for ligitlmate business principles as any that Mr. Lawm describes in 'Frenzied thUand to a most wonderful performance Saaurday evening, she being the principal in a case where four For coughs, colds, bronchitis, infants were born, asthma, weak throats, weak a girl. This is and three boys lungs, consumption, take Ayers Cherry Pectoral. such a rare occurrence that Dr. The Best Physic. years Parkinson in twenny-twWhen you want a physic that is of practice has never before come mild and gentle, easy to take and certo act, always use Chamberlains The tain into contact with the like. The Sunshine of Spring, For and Liver Tablets. Stomach form The Salve that cures without a scar children were of perfect Store. sale tbe In It of a bottle by Drug Eddy Always keep Is DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo. all alive, but were of prethe house. We have been and Cuts. Burns, Boils, Bruises and Piles mature birth and died within a saying this for 60 years, and disappear before the use of this salve few hours, the first one passing FUtMliL STATEMENT OF BRIGHAM CITY FOR THE TEAR so have the doctors. as snow before the sunshine of spring. I hr tiMd Ayer'i Cherry pectoral In mf beat medicine Miss 11 M, Middleton, Thebes, III. away within twenty minutes, family for year It i the in the word, I know, for U threat aud lung EMUXG DECEMBER 31st, 1004. was I and the last at the end of two says; troubles seriously afflicted with a Mbs. J. X. NoncbOS. Waltham. Mata. fever sore that was very paiuful. AYR CO., hours. According to the pracJ Brigham City, Utah, January 14th, 1905, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured me All druggist, Saints they for tice of the Latter-daand City Council of Brigham City, lu less than a week. Getthe genuine the Hon. Mayor were named and blessed before To Sold by the Eddy Drug Store. Gentlemen: death. The babes were buried We submit herewith a financial statement of Brigham Renece-arIn The LegislatureDaily action of tho bowel la a Pill" yesterday afternoon. Logan the year ending December 31st, 1904, and ask that for City, Utah, Aid nature with Ayer publican, Feb. 1. A bill by Kinney providing for an a committee be appointed to audit the same, amendment to the constitution In the Mary Johnson, Treasurer. Ar You Restless at Night Knowlege.-Yo- u Necessary matter of taxing mortgages passed And harassed by a bad cough? Use Lorenzo W. Anderson, Recorder. the House last Thursday. The bill pretend you dont like politics, Ballards Horehound Syrup, it will Disbubskmints Genkbal Fund, sickicts provides that the matter shall be sub observed the doctor, but when secure you sound sleep and effect a Salaries: 99 1903 (6207 mitted to a vote of the people at tbo Slst. Dec. hand on 50c, Cash cure. a5c, radical $ 900 Mayor a newspaper the first prompt and 6 Councilman 1160 8618 69 760 Taxes for Sold by all druggists. regular election In 1908, and if voted you open and $1 . 00. Recorder the to poturn to do 'hin 916 will 1903 lDto is amendment effect the Taxes . 160 go for, Treasurer you Delinquent 160 Attorney 1388 90 on Jan. 1, 1907. Note and Interest.. litical page. Marshall 600 Certainly, replied Advertisers! Attention! 16 814 480 Deputy Is License This a move in the right direct the I dont like dead When you buy advertising 260 Night Wtchman.... professor, 899 06 4 Special Police 420.00 80 Ion. The tax on mortgages has had do you go Water Tax a in newspaper, on space one if Watermaster and Road Supervisor.. 400 913 60 an effect the reverse of what was In cats, either, but theres to determine the Waterworks trouble Tender 86 the to Park 80 00 Dog Tax Collector tended when It was embodied in the my premises I hunt for it with a "quality of the goods, or do you Note Sexton 40 8 00 26 Constitution, The object was to get good deal of interest till I find it. just take the publishers word Dog Tax Physician Chief Fire Dept 26 at the money owned by Individuals, - 66 46 Irrigation Cemetery Lots for it? We are under the 728 22 43 797 Streets 40 68 Hdaeh-Thifor the purpose of taxation, but as it when you buy grain, Siek Estray Pound Fines Litigation: 88 88 from R07 has developed, the owner of the results Fees Fines Justice or other ailment Attorney's merchandise, you fruit, distressing 608 40 Witness' Fees.... 13 80 Old Lumber.. money, unless he be unnatuially hon a disordered condition of the stomach see that you get what you bar1899 46 Street Lighting 299 93 luxes 60 Collecting est, pays no more taxes than before, before out Rock for you pay your Fire Dept, 768 06 All that is needed to effect a cure gain 91 16 while the poor man who has to borrow 8 a kick coming. County or Cemetery theres money Chamberlains Street 860 of two or Sprinkler is a dose 71 76 the money pays double. space is just as Unredeemed Warrants 40 Street Sprinkling Advertising In fact, much of a Office Desk 81 16 Tablets. commodity as any of A hill has been presented in the stomach and Liver Counell Room and Office Rent ,... 84 be warded off, ot these. The value attack the 16 197 and may on Printing Stationary.. depends Legislature providing that all private 117 46 Police and Prison lessened in severity, by taking the size of the subscription list. greatly 86 87 run a aud under whether Quarantine Fumigating banks, private as soon as the The Box 16 76 Town lock News has far Elder name or corporate name shall be sub- a dose of these Tablets Note 8000 Bank FlrstNat'l of an attack appears more subscribers than first Water Works Bonds 721 25 any other ject to examination by the State Bank Sold symptom 89 96 Cleaning Parks, eto Drug Store. tne Eddy by 69 06 Examiner. We ure Informed that the paper published in this county. Estray Bill 261 Miscellaneous We invite the most careful inmeasure Is meeting with general ap1000 John W. Johnson note NOTICE. Balance vestigation of our subscription proval by owners of private banks, as ....$1792 07 list. Call on us and we will inIt will place them In a position to put 616884 13 Notice is hereby given that the form their true condition before the public you how to ascertain the stockholdof the annual meeting number of subscribers a country Disbubsbmxnt. with better grace. The claim Is made Box Elder Academy of for the bill that ir, will create greater ers of the (1390 Supt. Electric System paper has at any time so that you 1200 (800 00 I Electricians oontldence In such private banks as Music and Dancing Co. will be will know as well as the publishCollector 220 are shown to be solvent, ami mil com- held in the Academy at 3:30 p. m. ers themselves. 220 Supt. and Collector Water Works of for the not couditiun Feb. is the whose those 1905 purpose 30, pel Interest on Water Work Bonds 720 58 best to keep their affairs In better electing a Board of six directors Interest on Electric Bonds 1360 335 16 Expense on Waterworks. for the ensuing year, and transshape. Oregon Overdrawn Cheek 240 business as such other 1829 80 acting Expense on Electric Plant Th Pneumonia Sason. Electric Light Extension ..1987 89 may be deemed necessary, Claim 667 10 Coughs aud Colds In children as well C. O. Andersen, Lease Qen. Electric Co 4109 as adults ars frequently dangerous at f 16 In Effect June 19th, 1904. 760 SlnklngFund Secretary, full-fledge- d Cherry Pectoral o 40 C The Lungs y. UO SCO i 177 i TIMD PtH CflPP Anderson-Rom- er balance ,....$3468 53 118410 Outstanding Claims Jam. 1st, Electric Light Bonds Waterworks Bond... Ik a 99 1904 Outstanding Claims Jam 21000 130000 WANTED. LEE . GO TO RbaTEstate Bargains, Early W Tfcfmou$ Risers little pUIi, U .... Utah QHAS. E. FOXLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Office (County Attorney) at Court House Brigham City Utah PEED J. HOLTON, District Attorney ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT Law Boom 23 First Nat. Bank Building Utah Brigham City, JAMES 8. FERRY, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Office W. Court House. Brigham City, Utah. ANDREW FUNK, Architect. OFFICE OVER N. C. Mortensen & Sons - Brigham City . - Utah BROWN'S 127 feet of erty on Main 20.34 acres business s prop- street. pasture with indepen RICES He LOW. LEE & at room 24, 1st Brigham City, - Natl Bank shoes Brigham City, Utah, Jan. 24th, 1905 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, . Brigham City, Utah, Gentlemen: We your Committee on auditing Treasurer's and Recorders Financial Statement for year ending December 31st, 1904, beg leave to report as follows: We have audited said accounts and statement and reccommend that same be accepted. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Practices In all the State Courts and 20--21 Brigham B. H. JONES, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAB Practices In State and Federal oourts and b fora united State Land offloe. Office over Rosenbaum's store. Brigham olty Utah ... L. BERG, JR., BARBER, SHAVING HAIR CUTTING J. NELSEN. LEWIS J. LUND. --H I I I I 1 -'-- No appetite, low of strength, nervous headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, (our risings, and catarrh of the stomach are til due to indigestion. Kodol cures indigestion. This new discovery represents the natural juices of digestion as they exist In healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonio and reconstructive Kedol Dyspepsia Cure does not properties. only cure Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remsdy cures all stomach trouble by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining fill the stomach. Mr. S. S. Bill, f Rrrenewood, W. Vs., sayi I waa troubled with aour stomach for twenty years. Kodol cured me and wa art now ualn it la mi tor baby." fl For a Sale by Eddy Drug Store DYSPEPSIA CURE DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT 1111 V JU Tha $1.00 bottlaeontalna 2K ttm.atha trial SRIFAXED B.C. DaWITT 4c Mza, which aella OHLT AT THE lAEOXATOXY 08 for SO cents COMPANY. CHICAGO. ILL. mm uuu have apparently recovered from an attack of la Grippe are stricken t0 BrOOChiil p left weakened PeVStVe Salvo Fer Pile Burns, Boras, 0. ANDERSONS C. harness store Repairing of all kinds in mv line promptly attended to. Mall order have my personal attention. Flrit Door North of Went aid Main at ? TAR L.J . . 4 prevent. Pneumonia, but the thev to the development of serious lung troublestrengthens a Do not take chSeS wtth k,n0Wn pr'Paration ttat may contain some harmful drug when FOLEYS HONEY AND you no more and ia safe and eure. Contains no opiate! . wffi not be susceptible a. Tto. . ISC, .. Kc, ujp.cl RefuM Substitutes. First Nat1 Bank Bldg. . Brigham pit. r0IElSn0rlEFTAR fir tkUiruni taft, r 4 ! SOLD HD RECORDED Eat $1.00 Six holding 2K times ths trial Ms, which aalla for 60 cants. DeWITT OO.. OHIOAQO by I. DUNN, la the city will be found at 25c Delivers Freight and Express to All Parts of the City Rrwwd (SW w a Harness and Saddle Exhibit lBo City Bell Express Bottles enly. N. Lmany popI THE FINEST U. Court. First Nat-- Bank building. Utah .City, Supreme Rooms Real Estate Agents. Room 25, First National Bank building, Brigham, Utah. Tel. 39-- 4. It is the persistent advertiser who gets results. Look over this issue. Consid er our subscription list. Dont you think it would pay you to advertise with us? You cannot reach 1000 readers in a better way. We will kindly ask our advertisers to get their ads. in not later than Tuesday noon for pages 4 and 5 and Wednesday noon for ages 1 and 8 to insure a change. Utah NELS JENSON, Kodol Digests What Yon Respectfully submitted, while you LA bldg - - VALUES GOOD still repairs wait and makes guaranteed custom dent water right near O. 8. L. depot, shoes. 100 acres land all under cultivation ITSOUTH MAIN ST.JSI at Thatcher, Utah. Good house and fences. 1 acre with orchard, 3 room house and good barn, about 60 rods from county court house in Brigham citv. On easy terms and at low price; will sell this place on the installment plan. ATTORNEY. Office no, FOR YOUR -P- D. CALL Sour Stomach FELT SUPPERS first-clas- J. John Funk, FOIEYSHONETHCAR Bt QUi Fnmiili Popularity ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Brigham City, 24000 , Deervd GEORGE R. CHASE Orders Filled Promptly. Charges Reasonable 1st, 1906. Electric Light Bonds Water Works Bonds 130000 if M 4 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WOO el To cure Constipation and Liver troubles by gently moving the bowels and acting as a tonic to the liver, take Little Early Risers. These Famous Little Pills are mild, pleasant and harmless, but effective and sure. Their universal use for many years is a strong guarantee of their popularity and usefulness. Soil by tbe Eddy drug store. vuation cards and programs, and can fill all orders on short notice Call and see tnem and you are sure to be pleased with the price and quality. - 1 suitable for meo with small capital, with pluck and vitality, to make themselves comfortable and valuable homes. A man with a family should have at least $1000. or its equivalent. It may he eighteen months . before one would realize from crops and Le Should have enough finals to buv the .necessaries of life for that length of time. The outfit should consist of a span of horses, harness, wagon, cow and chickens, and $300. to $500. in cash. Quallfled residents of toe United States, male or female, over the age of 21 years, and persons under that age who are heads of families are qualified to make homestead entrys. Mr. Page Is desirous of conducting a e1: y Mr. H. D. this season of the year, aud a little Page, who, with his wife, spent Bev' precaution now may save much trourains arrive and depart at looal stations NOTICE. oral days In this city visiting relatives dally as lollowi ble, worry and expense. Kennedys last week, we learn that he and Us Laxative Huney and Tar, a combined NORTH BOUND. Notice is hereby given that Ur-spartner Mr, Swan, both civil engineeis, cough and cold cure a new scienS. Rose has purchased a one-h- alf have prepared a complete and accurate tific discovery in medicine -- is a & interest in the general mermap of the Uintah Reservation short- certain cure for Coughs, Colds, chandise business of W. L. ly to be opened for settlement Cioup, Whooping Cough, ec. The Grover at Garland, Box Elder The Cln tab Reservation is situated coughs aud colds are cleared county, Utah, and said business a in the northeastern portion of Utah. out of the system by gently mov- will be conducted after Jan. 1, o9 Noll The slope of the m mntalns Is tow ird ing the bntvok and at the same 1905 as a under GollInstOD, 2 55 a m 835 pm the south and east thus giving them time the throat, chest, luugs and the firm name of Grover, Rose & Dewey 243am 825 pm the advantage of the direct rays of bronchial tubes are so strengthened Company to continue indefinite Honey ville 2 33 a m 815pm 16 am 1250pm 7 58pm the sun. While this greatly modules that there ts little probability of dan- ly. All debts due said business pithm 22 01 a m 12 38 pm 748pm the winters, the cool oreezes of the ger Kennedys Laxative Honey and will be payable to the new firm Perry 1 65 a m 12 33 mountains so tempers the heat of the Tar is pleasant to tRke. Contains no and all liabilities of said busi Willard. SOUTH BOUND.pm 743pm summers as to give a very even dim opiates. Sold by the Eddy Drugstore. ness will be assumed by said f-- 2 ate all the year round. The moun firm. tainous portions are covered with fine growth of pine and aspen timber The successful advertiser is the suitable for all purposes of the settler, one w ho keeps hammering away The higher bench lands are covered 10 acres good hay land or pasture The longer and harder the ham jFolO Nou Sol with cedar aud pinion timber suit- close in north. Uallinston, 9 15 a m 542am 410pm meripg the greater the results. able for fence posts and fire wood, all 025am 560am 421pm Dewey & DUNN, of which Is easily accessible. There is 558am 433pm Honeyvllle935am Real Estate 'Agents. also a growth of nutritious grasses. Brigham 9 55 a m 615 am 603pm The lower beuches and bottom lands Room 25, First Nrtlonal Bank build0 1001am Perry. 24am 610pm Willards 10 05 am 6 30am 620pm In the western portion are suitable for ing, Brigham, Utah. Tel. 39-- 4. 11 and 12 can be flagged for WNos. stock ranching only, as the elevation passengers at all stations; No. 8 can Is from 7,000 to 8,000 feet and is only be flagged at Honeyville and Hot quite cold and frosty. The bottom lands Springs, Brigham is the regular stop; No. 10 can be flagged at all stations ar now covered with a fine growth of li acre lot in 4th ward; orchard and except Perry; No. 7 can be flagged at wild hay, which If protected from all stations except 'Perry and HoneyRUBBERS, herds of stock would produce a crop barn and sheds. ville; No. 9 can be flagged at all sta 4 acres orchard; house and sheds this year. It Is estimated by the tlons except Perry and Honeyyille. OVERSHOES, most sanguine that the reservation good water right; Immediately south Through Pullman Palace Bleepers, Latest improved Tourist Sleeper, free Reclining WARM GLOVES, wiii support a population of 100,000 of Brigham. chair can, Elegant day eoacnaa. ' W. W. Bmownson, Acre lot with 4 room house and people. The cost of reclaiming land Agent, Brigham. MITTS, D. will be very low as Bublit, Genl Pm. k Tk't. Agent, compared with Salt Lake City most arid lands. The rapid flowing LEGGINGS, 200 acres bordering east side of water of the streams lays close to the Bear river about 4 miles west of BOOTS, SHOES Surface of the bottoms and can, on Brigbamv Prevent account of the great flow be 'easily 25 acres good hay land in Big conducted by gravity ditches to the Fields." , bottom. Bench lands without the construction of great head works such as dams and reservoirs. This land is The News his received sampl'.elegant weaaing cards, ,n n BY THE EDDY DRUQ STORE. fl. |