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Show k V - ,v i iiA Mi OipyHfbt, .s tm, AD Parisian Trotting Gowns. For morning saunters short skirts and long Jackets are most popular. 'And every Parisienne who is a woman of fashion deems it her duty, as well as her pleasure, to walk for an hour in the mornings in the Avenue des Acacias, and so smart broughams and victorias are drawn up in a double line near this favorable promenade along which the elegantes love to loiter and meet their friends. The only frivolous notes in the build of these tailor suits are the touch of color in the velvet of collars and cuffs and a line of embroidery velvet waistcoat. upon a light WlllLB THB Tea Dkews 'twined surah is having a renais- sance. Cashmere is becoming the vogue in Paris. Aurore is the name given a delicate pinkish blue. Bloused jackets look particularly well on small women. All the muffs are large and most of them inclined to flatness. Old rose, shading to a brick red, is a popular shade for a hat. A few are wearing bright green net face veils,. with curious effect. The pearl-lace- d cap of the Juliet is again a popular ornament. Women with very plump faces should never wear a thick neck ruche. Apple Sauce. small ' pieces tart apples, put twelve them into a sauce pan with half a pint of water, cover and stew them all till tender; add one cup of sugar, press tt through a sieve or colander; pour Into a glass dish and serve either hot or cold. Apples should never be stewed in rusty tins or iron pots, as they will spoil the appearance of the sauce. good-size- d Ladies Costume. Fashion has decided that all smart costumes must be made with waists and skirts to match, and a charming crepe de chine design in The full waist is Is here pictured. made over a vest of embroidered batiste. Graceful fullness is given In front by tucks in the upper part, and the wide shoulder effect is successfully carried out by the shoulder straps that extend trom the neck out over the sleeve. The full puff sleeve is prettily finished by a small turned back cuff. The skirt is one of the plum-colore- d "Who ere you? But he had heard that voice and knew the man. It was Paul Miller transformed Into a wild man. Paul glared ferociously at the men whom he had first welcomed as friends. "Dont come dont approach me!" he hissed, hie eyes flashing jrlth fire. I understand your devilish, malicious designs upon me, and I will shoot you dead it you come too close." "I have come to find you, my dear friend. The dog courier bore the message to us that you were perishing in the woods, and we set out to find . you. Paul grew weak and dizzy, and, sitting down on the snow, gasped: I didnt know it would fall Into your hands, or I would have perished in the woods before I sent it." Lackland gave Cummins a wink and continued to hold the attention of Paul, while his hireling slipped behind him to attack him from the rear. conYou misapprehend us, Paul, We dont intend tinued Lackland. any harm to you. You are sick; you are almost perishing, hut we want to save you. ,. I dont want to be saved by such as you. Go on, I say, and 1 will make my way to Dawson City alone. Cummins at this moment seized him from behind. Paul made a desperate struggle to free himself, but famine, suffering and toil had overcome him completely, and he soon lay breathless on the snow. I am sent by Miss Laura Kean, who is in Juneau, waiting for you, to conduct you to her. Its a lie! Oh, my heavens, I know it is a He, and I am unable to resist The name of the woman he loved pronounced by the lips he bated most seemed to have filled him with rage, and he struggled like a madman to Two break away from his captors. more came to the assistance of Cummins, and they threw him upon the snow with such force that when they lifted his body his head fell back. Paul was insensible. The blood was trickling from a wound in his forehead, and dyel'ng the virgin snow. "Thunder, Im afraid he Is dead! Bohui toss. ky Roust Mehta isaarval. CHAPTER XIII. (Continued.) Information about what?" Bout the youth as has slipped an eccentric and started to take in d' Mils last winter." In a moment Ethel was on her feet, her pretty face all glowing with interest and cried: Do you mean Paul Paul Miller?. That's the chap whose name I was flirtin, with. What of him what of him?" asked Clarence, eagerly. Well, we don't know; old Glum Neck and Hat Sets. or Evening Waist. Theater thought as how may be you better With every hat there must go someBodice of ivory colored silk, tucked come down and interview them mumthing for the neck these days, and at the top and draped below the bust mies an see what ye can git out o the most beautiful creations are The slightly cross'em." planned to go around the throat and to ed fronts are borYou say they are at Ralston s fasten in the front. dered with a fine shanty? There are lovely art noveau boas embroidery of silk Yes." made of ermine and decorated with cord to match and Why didnt they come here? art noveau buttons, which are set on ornamented at the 'Well, ye see, they're a little off about six inches apart. And there are bottom with rotheir feed. Their peddles are bent dressy things in peacock feathers to settes of the silk. an their feet don't track all from match handsome breast ornaments for The plastron is goin' over d' rocks and snow until the hat. It can be taken as a settled of lace, also matchd skins worn off. the thing that neck trimmings must match ing waist, Ethel seized her own and her hushat trimmings and that they must be and is ornamented bands cap, saying: alike no only in one way, but in all with bows of lilac Let us hasten to Glum's shanty, ways. The colors, the materials and velvet ribbon. The As you Bay, my dear. Come, we the general style must match. little collar piece and the shoulder will go at once and learn all we can. Perhaps the best hat and neck straps are composed of narrow bands They closed up their house, and, effects can be obtained with crushed of the silk, fagoted together. The accompanied by Dick and Gid, hastenvelvet. A hat can be trimmed with a sleeve is composed of two puffs, fin- ed away toward the shanty of old band of the velvet and the very same ished at the elbow with a little frill Glum Ralston. of the material and a deep frill of lace. material can be used for a They reached the lower part of the necktie. It must be about five camp, which had grown to quite a were inches wide and finished up precisely village of shanties. Great fires Vitality of Wild Mustard Seed. built fires were These as though it were made of fur. Its in pits. In the Seed Laboratory at Ottawa, blazing ends are trimmed with fringe or with thaw the ground so the miners to one hundred fresh seeds of Canada, tails. could dig it up and wash It. Wild Mustard were planted in good A small knot of people were gathHandsome fluffy neck ruffles are soil in a box, and under the most favered in front of Glum Ralston s made to match hats and there are ruf- orable conditions of only thirty-fivfles that are In the most attractive them could be induced to grow. The shanty, talking in strange whisper!! manshades of green to go with Charlotte box was then placed in the open air nodding and gesticulating in a some matter Corday hats that are made of green for a week with the thermometer be- ner which indicated that of great moment was under discusvelvet with (lutings of green muslin low zero. When again put in the and green chiffon. seventeen more of the seeds sion. Clarence and Ethel passed through produced plants. The soil was then the throng and entered the shanty. allowed to become thoroughly dry and Here a sight met their gaze calculated again put out to freeze, after which to awaken their profoundest symt elve more of the hundred seeds geryoung men minated. This operation was repeat- pathy. Four once robust frames had been whose ed several times, until finally every to skeletons were reclinseed demonstrated that the mother worn away of skins, filling their on piles ing In vain. plant had not lived beempty stomachs with food placed them. fore To treat paint spots that painters Lace Robes in Favor. Clarence Where are you from? have left on your panes of glass soak Lace robes are growing more and asked. in turpentine. If they have been left more into popular favor and they are From the island of Metlakahtla, long enough to be very stubborn shown in all varieties, from the ordi- one answered.' ' t scrape the spots with the edge of a nary machine laces such as Llerre Have you come direct from there? penny. It will not scratch as would a and Alencon, to the very costliest No." knife. hand made varieties, point and duch-essWhere have you been? Mice have the greatest dislike to the and Irish crochet, which latter We were lost In the woods for a smell of peppermint. A little oil of varieties, by their costliness, are forlong time and almost perished from round their ever debarred from the average pur- cold and hunger. We wanted to wait peppermint sprinkled haunts and holes will soon make them chaser. until spring, ut he did not. He had look for other quarters and forsake Iridescent effects in silk are also been detained for so many months those which have become so disagree- high in popular favor. They were first that he would wait no longer. He able to them. developed in taffetas and louisines, said months and years were rolling A piece of camphor forms a popular but they are now shown in crepes, over his head since he had seen her barometer. If the lump of camphor re- eoiiennes and voiles. Along with them or written to her. mains dry when exposed to the air, are displayed iridescent spangled and Of whom are you speaking? "He called himself Crack-lash.- " dry weather is to be expected. If, on beaded embroideries. cried the other hand, the gum absorbs moisIt is Paul! Paul Paul: ture and appears damp, rain may be Child's Winter Frock. Ethel, clapping her hands In delight. anticipated. "Hush, dear; let us be sure, whisChild's frock of dark green cloth. To renovate a black feU hat brush The skirt Is made with box plaits and pered Clarence, then turned to further the hat to remove all dust and then trimmed with a interrogate the stranger. What kind of a young man was sponge with equal parts of liquid amband of ermine monia and boiling water. Rub this and straps of black this Crack-lashLike you, only darker; thats all. on the felt thoroughly, then set the hat braid. The blouse on the table or some other flat surface is at .Well, how did he reach your to dry, for if this precaution be not the top (where it island?" Come on an ice boat? taken the brim is sure to get out of is trimmed with Ice boat? shape. straps of braid) to Yes great mountain of ice. He a yoke of black asOpen Work Belts. trakhan bordered was on ice. He surely means an iceberg, said Patent leather belts, so glossy and with a band of erhave fixing his eyes on Glum in Clarence, their mine. dainty shades, alluring man nodded his not escaped the fad for open work noThe yoke is fin- Ralston. The old tions, some of them showing off very ished around the bead 'and said: There aint no doubt of it. He Dold designs, through the vacant neck with a little means an Iceberg." spaces of which gleams the color of collar of the cloth If he does, then this man he calls the blouse. tabs in Crack-lasforming Is none other than Crack-lasfront, ornamented Paul. Is maof In Gray Velvet. the vest The buttons. with Youre correct, mate, Glum RalsA fascinating frock of gray velvet terial braided with black soutache; ton answered, with a nod of his head. has a Bklrt that fits the hips perfect- and over this is a little scalloped The Indian then took another sip waistcoat, also of the material, emly, and plaits are let in at the bottom or two of the soup and told how on to give the fullness desired. At inter- broidered with soutache. ' the way they had captured one of the and are sleeves of are the The vals from below hips strips braid reaching across from one seam trimmed with the braid at the top, men who had robbed him. They had to another, and then a space. The then are plaited in at the bottom to crossed a mountain range and were next breadth has the space filled in form cuffs finished at the wrists with making their way toward the Yukon, were all four drawn off on with, the braid. The skirt frees the- hands of astrakhan. The girdle is of when they moose trail. to match. loosea silk or of round. The material the the way ground all On their return they were unable to find neither the prisoner Crack-lasBRIDE8MAID8 GOWNS. nor the mysterious captain, who had years before been on their island, but had been abducted by two of hie own sellors, one of whom they had caprecognized him tured, and Crack-lasas one of the robbers. It was a long story, and took a long time to tell It Paul's fate was unknown, hut the chances were he was a prisoner or dead !a the forest Do you believe this story. Glum?" Clarence asked. Every word o' It is the gospel the color of the hair will often offset fitting Jacket has a girthe trying effect of the gray fur; but dle holding it closely to the figure, where the hat comes close to the foreabove which it blouses all the way head then an underfacing of round. Braid Is applied at each side chiffon, of geranium red velvet, of the back seam and over the shoulor whatever especial tint in pink or der and down the front on each side red will prove most complimentary to of a waistcoat embroidered in the wearer is used, with the result that black white and gray. Full puffed sleeves a rosy reflection is cast upon the face, come below the elbows, and they are and the hardening result of the fur is caught into deep cuffs of the embroidentirely overcome. ery. loose-stitche- d rose-colore- d four-in-han- d e Pare and cut into A not go alone, erled Laura, beginlng to fear treachery. shouted the Esquimau, and Holt! crack w-- nt his whip, and the dogs bounded forward like the wind. "Stop! Hold! the shrieked, hul her voice was lost on the raging wind and she went soaring away into thi night and beating snow. . Meanwhile Paul lay on his hard pallet of skins asleep, with his faithful nurse at his side, her eyes on the face of the sufferer. He was sleeping The fever had almost peacefully. abated, and his brow was less flushed. The woman held the lamp closer to his face and muttered: He is getting better. FIRST 8LAVES whispered: "Where am I? I dont know. Somewhere in that everlastln cold, snowin country called Alaska; but I couldnt give ye the metes and bounds if I was to try. Who are you? he whispered. Tm Kate Willis, the woman that washes for a living at Seattle. Im to start a Casas, bishop of La Concepcion, in Hispaniola, that more negroes should be Imported. He said: There are already many negroes on the Island. This was In the year 1514. SPREADING THE NEWS BROADCAST. That Dodds Kidney Pills cured his Diabetes. laundry. Who are you with? Well, theres a hull passel in our crowd, but I dont know many o em. Yed better be quiet, an when yer better ye kin git acquainted with em. Paul acquiesced in her plan by aim-plnodding bis head and closing his her work. eyes, and she resumed When he awoke there was a marked change In his manner, and he was reShe brought gaining his strength. him, some more broth, and, after he had taken a few spoonfuls, he said; Did you say yeu came from Seat-tie- ? y "Tes. Provo Year 1501 Date of Importation. "One of the common, everyday errors which is taught In the schools In America is that which relates to the Introduction Into the western hemisphere of African slavery, writes a critic. The school histories which the school girl and school boy study say that it dates from 1620 or 1619. when a Dutch sea captain sold the English settlers the first African. The year 1501, however, is the date of the earliest reference in American history to negroes coming from Spain to America 122 years before Albany, N. Y was settled by the Dutch and 106 years before Jamestown, Va.. was setIn 1505 King tled by the English. Ferdinand of Spain wrote to Orando, I will then governor of Hispaniola: send more negro slaves as you request. In 1610 fifty negro slaves were sent to work in the mines of Hispaniola. There is a record of King Ferdinands response to a request of Las Document CHAPTER XIV. Kate for Harmony. amid a raging dawned Morning snowstorm, but thanks lo the logs and frozen mud with which the little cabin had been daubed, the patient was comfortable. Kate brought some warm broth and gave him a few spoonfus, and he on my way to Klondyke IN AMERICA. After long suffering Remedy. Port Huron, Mtch., Jan. 30th. (Special) Tortured with Diabetes and Bladder Disease from which he could apparently get no relief, Mr. G. Cleg-hora bricklayer, living at 119 Bub tier St., this city, has found a complete and permanent, cure In Dodds Kidney Pills and in his gratitude he is spreading the news broadcast. Dodd's Kidney Pills made a man of me, Mr. Cleghorn says. "I was a sufferer from Diabetes and Bladder Disease. I was so bad, I could do no work and the pain was something terrible. I could not get anything to help me till I tried Dodds Kidney Pills. They helped me right from the first and now I am completely cured. 1 have recommended Dodds Kidney Pills to all my friends and they have found them all that la claimed for them. Dodds Kidney Pills cure all Kidney Ills from Backache to Brights Disease., They never fail to cure Rheumatism. n, "Who brought me here? "It was the boss of the train thats goin to the Klondyke. I reckon hell be here after awhile an then ye can see him yourself. I dont think ye ought to talk too much. Yes I ought not They struck me on the head. camp. He shut his eyes and tried to said Lackland, now Cummins, comes the finest scheming we have sleep and she went to the door of the little cabin. All was clear. She saw ever done. one of the Indians loitering near and What is it? called to him and ordered him to go We must keep them separate. Ancient Literary Work. to the next camp and ascertain what Who? The book of Job Is believed to b The wounded man and the girl. I had detained the dog sled. the most ancient literary work la (To be continued.) also want to separate the old woman existence. It Is known to have from the young woman, and I think been written prior to the Pentateuch, IRI8H DOCTOR." and "WITCH I have hit upon a scheme that will AN prior to the promulgation of th be sure, to win. This fellow will need law. a nurse, and I will coax the old wo- Strange Story of Superstition That la GRATEFUL TO CUTICURA Vouched For. man to stay with him. At Ballygore police court, County The sled was brought and Paul, who Instant Relief and Speedy Cure of had recovered, hut was delirious, was Galway, Ireland, a few days ago, a ForRaw and Scaly Humour, Itching witch doctor" was charged with havplaced on it. He had every symptom Day and Night Suffered of brain fever. Lackland began to ing obtained money by false pretenses. Months. The accused was a small farmer in speculate on the chances of his recov- the district and the another prosecuter were and decided slim. ery, they I wish you would publish this letfarmer named Moore, who had been They conducted him to a place on ill. The accused met Moore and told ter so that others suffering as I have the lake two miles above the present him if be carried out his instructions may be helped. For months awful camp and set his men to work build' he would be as sound as a rock. As sores covered my face aud neck, scabs lng a hut for the wounded man. a first installment he demanded about forming, itching terribly day and After seeing the sufferer comfort- 12 shillings from Moore to get through night, breaking open, and running able in the rude shanty constructed the preliminaries and when he came iblood and ratter. I had tried many for him, and setting some Indians to to the real "cure he said it would be remedies, but was growing worse, cutting wood to supply him, Lackland necessary to have gold, silver and cop- when I started with Culicura. The went to the camp where Laura had per coins. The sick man provided a first application gave me instant rebeen left. piece and a pen- lief, and when I had used two cakes sovereign, a Then with a face deeply furrowed The witch then stripped of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of doctor ny. with anxiety he waited on Miss Kate him, wound him up in a sheet and Cuticura Ointment, I was completely (signed) Miss Nellie Vander Willis and said: placed him sitting in a chair In which cured, N. Y. t Wiele, Lakeside, two bricks. were The I came to a patient ask woman, "My good bore terrible but he underwent agony, of favor you. New Decorative Stone. Kate gave him a doubting glance, it patiently, while the witch doctor , or Is being Gallalithe, some on his knees and uttered went and said in a snappish manner: for used much and promdecorating, burnAfter the unintelligible prayerB. "What is It? ises to take the place of marble. I almost hesitate, for the request ing the doctor put the coins separesick into mans the There la more Catarrb tn this section of the country mouth, is a serious one. We found a poor, rately all otbar diseases put together, and until the Inal to allow him to touch them than fusing few on moun the year wee supposed to be Incurable. For a great wandering Klondyker with his hand. Then he buried the many years doctors pronounced It a local disease and reason bis bereft of and tainstde, local remedies, and by constantly falling coins and told Moore he was cured, inscribed o cure with local treatment, pronounced It incurable, nearly dying. He needs the tender but warned him defence has proven Catarrb to be a constitutional die for against looking ease end therefore requires constitutional treatment. woman to care of some Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney the coins, saying that if any one dug Rill'i nurse him back to life." cure on A , Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional It Is taken internally In doses from Id Where is he? she asked, her man- the place up they would very likely the market. u I. It acts directly on the blood a to teaspoonf drops Instead find a couple of "dharkdiels and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one ner at once changing. for any case tt fella to euro, dead Insects credited by the Ignorant and hundred dollars Ha Is at the grove a mile or two for circulars end testimonials. F. J. CHENKY CO., Tolado, Obta. superstitious with the powers of evil. Addraui back on this trail." by Druggtata, 75c. The police subsequently dug up the Bold Take Hall's Family PUla for constipation Why didnt ye bring him here?1 "Because he is too weak to bring ground where the coins were supposed to have been buried but none was Fakers Ingenious Device. to far. Besides, we have built waa held There was a man recently who did shanty and made him as comfortable found there. The prisoner for trial a tremendous business at French as possible. So skillfully did he manage It that fairs, selling a powder that was harmA Boy's Protest less to men but deadly to rata. He Laura was detained in the camp and The boy was young, but he was a would spread some of the powder oq Kate Willis sent flying back in her He knew that the a slice of bread and eat it; then pul dog sled. As evening came Laura de- philosopher. did not recognize the a portion under a glass case, in which clared her Intention to go to her grown-ups- " female companion, but the rascally rights of boyhood. He felt his wrongs, was a rat, that died as soon as it ate Esquimau, who had been posted what but he also felt the utter uselessness the bread. Here is the explanation to do, could not catch the dogs to of struggling against the Fixed. Some of tho trick. The powder was ordiday he would be as big as they. In nary sugar. But the glass case was harness them to the sled. She found herself alone in the camp the meanwhile It was futile to cry out connected with an electric battery, with those strange men, and her soul against the Inevitable. But one morn- and as soon as the rat touched tho ing Hunger, the great primitive In- bread the current was turned on, and was filled with dread. But morning brought Kate back. stinct before which even Philosophy it waa electrocuted. Her heart was filled with sympathy shrinks and shivers, wrung from bias Important to Mother. a protest that betrayed him, ahowlng for the unfortunate young man. every bottle ef C ASTORIA. . "I will go with Kate, declared an agitated heart beneath hla calm a life andcarefully ante remedy for Inflate sad chiMna, to a mind revolt exterior, ready Laura. nd me that tt No, no, child, the shanty aint big against the despotism of Fate. He waited for his breakfast longer Bean the enough; besides, I dont want ye to be had Signature of boy should, worryln yerself. Stay here. Hell be than any healthy-bodiebetter soon, for I see a sign In bis and at last, smarting under his Dm For Over SO Yeare. truth, he answered.' Tbo Kind Ton Ban Alwaya Bought, favor. The turnin What are you going to do?" point Is bout wrongs, said bitterly; It our hired man had been wait I am going to look for him. Ill reached. Deaths Caused by Opium. She was easily persuaded to wait lng all this time, you bet hed have find him dead or alive. If dead. Ill estimated that every year Is It kicked. another him before she called on the day bury him; if alive, Ill bring twenty million persons dis in China sick man. Laura little dreamed that home. from the use of opium. Up or Down? Clarence arose, and, taking the the unconscious stranger whom her Even teachers sometimes have a hand of the blunt old miner, said: companion was nursing was the one her fond, loving heart longed for. sense of humor. One to whom that Glum, Ill go with you. "And her, cried Glum, nodding Thus, in blissful, ignorance of the gift has not been denied teaches la school, says the New York toward his wife. peril of her Paul, she waited for the an is the cheapest of lax-one- s; "Oh, never mind me; never mind train to move on. She had not long Times. Not long ago she was struggling I to wait Next morning, long before me, the wife quickly answered. good tea is a luxury. can get along very well alone. I want It was light, she was awakened by with a class tn geography. Writ (or mr Knowledge Book, A. BnhlBlug What is a compass? she asked him to go and try to find poor Paul, If the noise of Esquimau teamsters and Campus 7, Ben Frencisoo. wide-eyeana child, who promptly such a thing is possible. yelping dogs and cracking whips. She hurriedly dressed and gazed out swered, with the confident air of one Few Finger Impressions Alike. "Ill go; Ill do It, he declared. Clarence Berry then proceeded to Into the starless night She saw an- who knows: There are over 70,000 finger impresA compass is an interment for sions at Scotland Yard, no two of Interrogate the Metlakahtlans, and gry clouds gather about the mountain which are alike. drew from them the story in detail. peaks, and the air was full of flakes. finding directions. "Sled ready, the Esquimau chatter-edThe teacher gasped, but John was Next day. In company with Ralston, not detained, as were the others who , he set out to find the men lost In the She made haste to get ready to take answered Incorrectly. forest For, as she her place on it. All was bustle and smilingly remarked: Where did you get this Tradition would uphold him In his It had been nearly three years since confusion. Laura looked in vain for Theodore Lacitland had seen Paul the face of some one Bhe knew. For belief that at certain stages of mans , tea? Miller, and no wonder he failed to rec- the first time In her life the face of development an interment la necessary find to In sufthe direction is which would he Lackland been Such have had him. a welcome. ognize change Significant question. Where is he? Where Is Lack-land- ? going. ferlng and hardship marked on him Your grocer returns your money if you dont she asked. that he more nearly resembled some like Schilling's Beet There are just two things I like ferocious animal than a human being, Um, boss gone, the Esquimau anValuable Oyster. Uncle a f about remarked swered. a vacation, pronounc-oand he uttered when cry An oyster containing pearls of the Where Is she? Where Is Kate? eij Lacklands name that Individual Jerry Peebles; the goin away and 250 was found by a fisherdo not want to go without her; I wtyl the gettin back. asked: Chicago Tribune. value of man at Neumunster, Germany. Lackland declared. They carried him down the mountain side for a mile, where there was a grove of pines, and, calling a halt built a fire. He then sent for a sled to take the wounded man back to dark-skinne- d , ? d red-ho- "milk-stone- kind-hearte- Co-- h d latest models and Is exceedingly graceful. The fullness in the upper part is disposed of by small tucks around the hips, although the pattern provides for rows of shirring or for a plain gathered skirt It is cut in seven gores, and wide tucks at the lower edge assist in giving the fashionable flare. All fabrics that are soft and pliable are suited to the mode, such as voile, chiffon cloth and liberty satin. The medium size requires three and yards of forty-fou- r inch material for the waist, and inch material six yards of forty-fou- r for the skirt eta-min- e, one-quart- ' Cashmere Very Popular. The very latest fabric employed to build midwinter frocks is cashmere. This material has been, so to speak, put upon the shelf for several years, but its popularity is now reassured. It is one of the most attractive of light weight cloths, it lends itself readily to drapery and it is especially suitable for house gowns. Draped waists and full sleeves are now universally worn, and this sort of light weight material is particularly practical for the purpose. Perhaps the most popular is red, and cashmeres are found in every shade from bright scarlet to the deepest claret or dahlia tones. The pastel shades are as well modish and chestnut brown Is also fashionable. Velvet and silk braid is the popular trimming. Velvet is fashionable in ruches and in flat bands the same tone as the corsage. Another fashionable material is crepe de paris. There Is The gown at the left is of white as well a soft serge that has made its The skirt is gathered at the voile. new in and it appears appearance, trimmed at the bottom with and top weaves and designs, and the diagonal of mousseline de sole roses, wreaths serges in fine checks are much used which are united by blue ribbons. The for street costumes. blouse has a yoke of guipure bordered with roses and the bretelles are of the Fur. To Offset Gray ribbon. The short puffed sleeves blue to prove The gray furs are apt with bands and knots ef finished are lather trying to most complexions, and The girdle a clever milliner gave this hint anent the ribbon. or whitewide, draped blue gtlk. The other their adoption for hats and headgear. is of is of white mousseline de sole. Where the hat Is such that the hair gown full skirt is trimmed at the bot The the and face. hat shows between the i h h d h TEA Tea n d . tom with little ruffles of the material, In two , groups, separated by a band of guipure. The blouse la entirely covered with the ruffles and is finished around the. low neck with a All these ruffles band of guipure. are edged with white taffeta, of which the girdle Is also made, tjie latter fin- ished on one side with a knot of the silt. The sleeves are each composed two puffs, separated b a drapery of the mousseline de sole and finished with frills of the same. Mr. Cleghom found a permanent relief In the Great American Kidney G. TEA |