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Show ! ADVERTISING BOX ELDER Nwg reaches all parts of Box Klder County, and as an medUua is unsurpassed. Batesonadvertising application. BIG Wall Paper ON SAIvlE WALL PAPER at prices youbuy Monday Morning, Jan. 23rd. Come early and select your patterns and then start a bank account with the money you save. Stohl Furniture Co.. 7 First National Bank Building. Mr. Foster Held Up Mr. A. 0. Foster of Corinne had quite a thrilling experience last Thursday evening about 6.80. as he was passing through the l' A lineofctot the 8ath' h,jHK27. rail, 01 yard., To Find piL OCTOGENARIANS. How many persons have we In Box Elder county eighty years old and over? Wo know of a few. AmoDg them are: H. E. Bowring Third Ward. Third Ward. Ingeborg Nelsen E. R. Chase Fourth Ward. Christian Hansen Fourth Ward James Nelsen Second Ward. AneKlrstene Cramar .. Second Ward. Gerhardt Jensen ....Second Ward. It will be Interesting to koow how many there are. If you will send In the names we will be pleased to publish them. - According to the Ogden Standard Is again being awakened in the Oil Fields of this county. The Standard says that the points' at which experiments ire to be made are west of Ogden, and north of the Lu-ci- n Out-of- f, which in other words, means BoX Elder County. There are two syndicates Interested la the work and if there is anything In the way of oil to be found in that locality, these companies will, no doubt, succeed in finding it. It Is quite an important matter to the people of this county in general. There are also a number of Individuals in this city who are particularly interested in these developments, in that they have claims In the most favored parts of the oil sect Ion. We trust that the efforts of the above mentioned syndicates may be crowned with success and that we may in addition to our numerous other resources, become an oil producer interest Our Responsibility. Occasionally it becomes necessary for us to define, our attitude toward We favor letters communications. from our citizens upon all subjects of general Interest, but It Is understood that where these articles are sent in and properly signed we do not assume responsibility for them. It may he that seme of the letters express sentiments that we do not agree with at all. However, we do not wish to exercise undue censorship, but we re tain the right to reject anything libe- lous, obscene, frivolous or profane. theiWeare determined to maintain the Ogden were here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A N. Fish burn went to Tremont Saturday Lorenzo W. Andersen made a trip to Dewey ville Sunday. District Attorney Fred J. Holton went to Logan Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hughey were visiting in Brigham Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wade went to Ogden Wednesday. Wm. Lowe of Willard was in Brigham on business yesterday. Gordon Nichols and wife of Willard were in Brigham Monday. Gash paid for veal and chick ens at M. Hanson & Sons. John T. Hansen of Dewey-vil- le was a Brigham visitor Monday. P. G. Christensen of Elwood the first of the week. Mrs. Clara M. Garrett of was visiting in Brigham was in Brigham Tre-mont- last oa week. Joseph Madsen and wife with their little daughter, were up from Ogden Sunday. Hon. F. W. Fishburn and J, W. Sheffield came up from Salt Lake Friday. A. L. Nelson and Tom Davis of the Promontory Ranch Co. are in town today. J. W. and G. M. Steed of Poinf Lookout were in Brigham Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Blackburn went to Nephi Sunday to attend the funeral of his aunt. Fair. ju 4 St. tf. i i ii ii ii 19 00" WASHER- Simplest, easiest and most efficient machine for washing ever invented. The 1900 Washer is a thoroughly practical machine for washing all kinds and grades of materials, from the finest lace to the coarsest fabrics. It Is constructed on scientific principles. It revolves on which renders the rotary movement as easy as the wheels of a high-grabicycle. The 1900 washer will wash any garment without boiling, without scrubbing and without wear and tear, There Is absolutely do need of using any chemicals. Soap and water are the only necessary things to do perfect work. UPriee $12, returnable in 30 days if not satisfactory, -- THE labor-savin- g s, de t JOS. F. HAIISEII FURNITURE CO.:: Lewis J. Andersen is home again from Canada where he has been visiting for some time past. We have a few Stewart Hot Blasts that we are selling at cost. Stohl Bros. Furniture Co., Tremont, Utah, Miss Ethel Isles of the Camp Mission School, attended the Melba concert in Salt Lake City Friday. Tailor H. Rasmussen has become the agent for the Brigham Laundry. Leave your bundles with him. Mrs. Hansen, wife of Rev. J. M. Hansen, and their daughter Ella heard the renowned Melba In the Salt Lake Tabernacle last f-- Friday. After a short visit with relatives, Mr. C. S. Nichols left Tuesday to resume lus labors as operator on the S. P. Railway at Wells, Nevada. For Sale Ranch of 160 acres patented bench land, S. E. slope, preE water, open land on all sides, also stock and implements. E. T. Boynton, btene, Idaho. The Stohl Furniture Co. is certainty giving good bargains on Linoleum . f: The reason the First National Bank continues to grow is because its stockholders are composed of money lenders not borrowers, Al First Steps Taken For Bringin It to Box Elder. The meeting of the fruit growers of Box Elder County was held last Saturday, according to notloe given In the News. The meeting was called to order by John P. Christensen. Mr. A. W. Valentine was made chairman, and James P, Olsen, secretary. The bill Introduced by Kuchler of Weber, providing for an experimental station in the Salt Lake Valley, was read by the secretary. Mr. A. W. Valentine, chairman of the County Board of Horticulture, explained that the object of the meeting was to take steps towards securing the station for Box Elder County. Hon. F, W Fishburn, who was pre- 14 OFF 14 & all ouiw5 Chime, Glassware and Stoves For a short time ONLY Christensen & Knudson. J FOR RENT! 321 My Beautiful Suit of Rooms Over the COMPTON ART GALLERY Will be FOR RENT on MARCH 1st, 1905. The nices location in Brigham City Comer 1st South and Main Sts. Inquire at Art Gallery. Comptons W. Proprietor, COMPTON, Tabernacle Services. Melba arid Creatore. At the tabernacle services Sunday Pres. L. A. Snow presided. Singing, "When earth long la bondage. Invocation by Elder Jacob Jensen. Singing Reverently, meekly now." Sacrament was administered by the Third ward. Elder Jorfn S. Bingham read the eighteenth chapter of St. Matthew. J. C. Cutler bore testimony to the truth of the Gospel, and urged that we acquire habits of keeping the commandments of God. He said that all habits were acquired by practice, and making a practice of keeplug these would commandments develops a habit. The choir sang Say Not I Journey Ye Editor" was privileged to hear renowned Melba In the Salt Lake tabernacle last Friday evening. Of course we were highly pleased with the singing, but are compelled to ack nowledge that our enthusiasm did not overflow to any extent. We might ex Alone. All kinds of stove repairs SC WS HAVE bail nf - THE RIGHT TO Edward for sale: B. MAN- - Kirk of Ogden baa FINE FRUIT FARM COMMERCIAL ORCHARD. 21 Acres, Bearing Trees, years old. Full Ind. Water Rights. 2,300 On sheltered bench Just east of Sprlngville, Utah, one mile from town. Ground and Trees in condition. 9t,000. A real bargain. first-class Prefer to sell for cash; but will sell on time, with half down, to right parties. EDWARD B. KIRK, OGDEN, UTAH ee & Dunn, Brigham, can furnish detailed Information. . FARM LOANS CALL OR WRITE, The Bank of Bsigham City BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH City. the WILLARD. the independent fire On Jan. 25th at Almo, CassiaCo.,Ida. Mrs. Nancy A. Niohoas,wlfe of INSURANCE AGENCY OF Joseph Nicholas died. Deceased was boro In BOX ELDER COUNTY, Wlllsborough, Essie Co. N. Y., Aug. 8th 1827. Came to Bountiful, Utah, The very best Insurance at consisIn 1852, and came to Willard in the tent rates. Not too low this year and spring of 1855 where her home has toohighnext-n- ot too any thing-ju- st been ever since. She has been staying right. To call or write Is convincing. lately with her daughters at Almo. OFFICE WITH . She was the mother of nine ohlldren six of whom survive her. Her body The Bank 0! Brigham City was brought to Willard and the funBrigham City, Utah, eral services were held in the Taber nade Sat. Jan. 28th, Remarks were QARTHEY & DUMBECK, made by Elders Geo. Cook, Omer Call M. W, Dalton, Sisters Jane Owens, Mary Harding and Bishop Facer. She died as she had lived a faithful . TBLBPHOKB Latter-da- y Saint. She was beloved 219 State St - - Salt Lake City, Utah by all who knew her. Besides her 0 ohfidren she leaves a large number of plain the situation about like this: When we see a horse going a mile In 2.00, and another one going It In 2.01, we are at a loss to Say wnioh Is the faster. We are Just us likely to think that the latter Is making the better time. This much we can say, however, if Melba were booked to slDg In one hall In our neighborhood and Nannie Tout In another, we would be pleased to pay twice the price to hear Nannie. We also had the pleasure of listening to Creatore's famous Italian Band in the Salt Lake .Theatre. In this instance we were able to appreciate the treat. Creaiore is a whole enterLOBENZO N STOHL JOSEPH N STOHL tainment by himself, and his oompany grandchildren and of musicians Is simply superb. We wish It were possible to have them and Sunday Saturday evening oome to Brigham city. afternoon, Elder Joel Ricks delivered AGENTS FOB a lecture on the Book of Mormon In HOTfl. UTAHNA. the Tabernacle, He also told of some The one place for comfort, elegance of his experiences while In South and convenience. Excellent meals America. served at 25o and 50o. A party was given at the home of Mrs. Mary Harding In honor of their INSURE AT HOME. daughter Sarah, who was married the Room 22. previous week to Clarence Horsley. Telephone No. 22 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. A good time was had by all and the people of Willard wish them success. Mrs. Charlotte Cole Is lying very 111 THE BANK OF BRIGHAM CITI of old age at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Rachel Morgan. CAPITAL $50,00000, T.M. ' Continental Life In sur ance Co of Utah Jos. F, Hansens 1 Car AN OPPORTUNITY STOHL BROTHERS. at JUST sent, again read the bill and commented upon It. He scouted the Idea advanced In a letter published m last weeks News, that there had been bartering for the State Auditorship. He thought that nothing definite could he done at the present time, but believed It was a good thing to keep up Interest among ourselves. The matter was discussed from a number of standpoints and finally the following committee was appointed to work with our representative: II. W. Valentine, James Jensen, 0 Holst. M. Jenson, and W. O. Knudson. John P. Christensen, president of the Fruit Growers Union, thought that we were not at all premature regarding this matter. In fact, other oountles have already asserted them selves. He thought the appropriation of 125,000. should be Increased; and that the most important point of all was that a really suitable place should be seleoted for the station, and be believed that place should be Brigham promptly executed. PLUMBING. Elder Nels Madsen said that when he occupied that position be feared and trembled, not because he feared man. nor anyone of those present, because he did owe any of them anything; but he feared God because he was Indebted to him for life and being and all that he had. Choir sang the anthem Jesus Lover of My Soul." Benediction by Elder D. P, Burt. Homer J. Rich, J, M. Jenson, and C. W. Knudson were Salt Lake visitors Saturaday. W. S. Hansen and wife of Fielding were visiting in Brigham Sunday and Monday. tS Newt See the big ad of the Academy on the gth page containing full N L Hansens shoes are better particulars concerning the Mask and Character ball Feb. 8. it EXPERIMENT STATION Great Sale! ! Crockery, ' - neatly Personal Mention. Leo Madsen spent Sunday in Brigham. Peter Nebeker was up from Willard Monday. Apostle Ruger Clawson was in town Friday. Rev. J. M. Hansen went to bait Lake Sunday. John Lee was down from Cache Jet. Sunday. K. H. Fndal of Elwood was in town last Monday. Mr. Parker, agent at Garland was in town Sunday. W. B. Bronson of Elwood was in town last Monday. Miss Rose Christiansen went to Ogden Tuesday. J. M. Jenson, Jr., went out to Mountain Home Sunday. Edward L. Hansen carries famous Tennentshoe that tookjVSi?SSJeJSa the gold medal at the aws job Offlca is ons of the tb ,tat6- All kinds of ftr,eQVppe,.ili and Fred J. Hillman and wife of Foster started to walk from and Mrs. Emily Knudson home to Brigham to catch the When the organization was dis5 20 train south, but arrived too solved, Miss Mary Baird, who was late. As he was coming up formerly a counselor, was made president of the association and as through the yards opposite the such officer it devolved upon her to Brigham City Cannery, a man make the speech of welcome. She jumped out from between two did so in quite an enthusiastic mancars and pushing a revolver in ner, not suspecting that she was one Mr. Fosters face demanded that of the honored guests. It is needhe throw up his hands. The less to say she was surprised and gratified, when, later in the evening, hold-u- p made the mistake of low- she, as well as Mrs. Watkins and ering the muzzle of his gun for Mrs. Knudson, was made the reci a moment in attempting to go pientofa token of esjeera . A nice through his victims pockets; program consisting of eleven numbers Mr. Foster took advantage of the was rendered after which the crowd to the basement of the buildact and turned the tables. The repaired excellent refreshments ing where hold-u- p then entered into an ex- were served. planation as to how he had gone for days without food, and had UR, RICH ENTERTAINSno prospects of getting any and Dr. E. A. Rich gave a very pleasant little party Tuesday evening at his was driven to the act by oozy retreat In the Compton Block, In desperation. Mr. Foster did not hODorof Mrs. A. W. Taylor. The present were Mr. and Mrs. like his company, however, and guests Peter Edwards, Mr and Mrs. J. C. told him that if he was a good Knudson, Mr and Mrs E. W. Dunn Mrs. Taylor and daughter Edith. ruuner to get out and dig, so he and Mrs Taylor left yesterday for her home In Santa Barbara. dug. - JOB PRINTING reqbiveb NAILS Sill BARBED WIRE Jan. The Oldest and Strongest Bank la Box Elder County. 30. 1905. GARLAND. Accounts and Correspondence Solicited, In this part of Box Elder County are having our January thaw with All business given prompt attention aveogence. It Is almost Impossible to get around with a team the mud Is J. M. Homkb J, Rich, Jenson, so deep. But, while It may be a little President, Cashier disagreeable at present we are glad to have the ground well soaked as It InDO YOU WANT sures good crops for the coming seasHomestead we COME AND SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY OUR PRICES ARE THE VERY LOWEST. CHRISTENSEN & KNUDSON. OUR STOCK OF.- FRER - Baby Carriages has just arrived for the spring trade A large stock to select from It will pay you to see Our Gairlages and get Ur before buying. 2C Stohl Bros. Furniture Go., UTAH. J. IIOLTOII. DENTISTS WIDERBORG BLOCK, - lf PliCS TREMONTON, Entries and proofs; on. To buy or sell Real Estate; Rock Is being hauled for the foundTitles examined and conveyed ation of the bank building to be erect ed here in the spring. It Is expected Reliable legal work; that work will begin In earnest by the IF SO first of March. A great many new CONSULT buildings will be erected in Garland this season. There are a few cases of La Grippe among our people at present, but nothing serious. The dreaded TyBrigham City, Utah, phoid has disappeared, and those who were 111 are almost entirely recovered. Dr. L. H. Harding 0. L. Wiloox Is able to be out again Dr. L. H. Berg after bis long selge of sickness. Our meetings are well attended considering the long distance that some have to travel, and the condition of the roads. Bro. John D. Peters Stake Supt. of Sunday Schools, made us a visit last Brigham City, Utah. Sunday. The general meeting In the afterSugar Beet Land For Sale. noon was very ably addressed by Ei100 acres In whole or In part, In. ders George Austin and John Lewis. cated ooe and one-hamiles ntclh of A man led folks dance was given In the Garland Sugar factory, r0r in. the social hall Tuesday evening. formation call on . Jan. Old Settler. 31, 1905, Dont forget that a costumer will be here in a few days from Salt Lake with costumes for the Mask and Character ball at the Academy Feb,- 8. it - PAUL STARK, tr Brigham cuty, Utah. If you dont buy shoes made HAMILTON you S0LDby sy If you don't buy shoes of N. L. HANSEN tat you boy ,bo (TWo Guaranies Every Palr.jo dont buy by BROWN shoes right. N. L. HANSEN We Guarantee Every P.ir.T WANTED. Hides, pelts and furs. Highest cash price will be paid on delivery. Apply flO FRED HILLMAN. |