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Show f IJ!!EI!ALJOTO. I'EIXGlTES OF W1.BEK tXHSTV 8uggtiooe About Nominees ior Ubend Bprwauotauvw to &oa Coctom, Hw rarvtrs1 Fr-Ita:- St Hm Hr w4 SKrur fvat TW aim mly-- a TritYr. ladkaiiua U Ultra ef tW oStr is opes until S.iurdy trLt at 10 o'ck-k- . 11 biu wLs 13 ad if U puund, tr&u ta suiJt a ftue fvLC TU I t U of hobm IkAAj LtM to ituriif t koj uy usg quJ- t-- o-- Oat ta Vn of the liberal party, The dv4tVl which were selected ia the nineteen precincts of Weber county, on Saturday, ill meet in the City hall at 2 o'clock this afternoon to choce a county 111 seven. This commit toe art on and after Uxlay. A full represeottuo will make 56 of hom eotne from dW U prweutjl" tbeing from the IStxxmd Ogden, eotn-niittee- of pre-iiie- The Territorial Convention ia at Salt Lake City tomorrow, the Sth. Territorial lfclejjat. The Liberals of Provo are reported to be h favor of Hon. David Evans, atwistant United States district attorney, of tills city, m the Liberal candidate fur territorial delegate. Mr. Evana aim haa many good friends in this city and few men would get more vote in Weber county than he will if nominated. Mr. II W. Smith ia aim spoken of aa one v hose name may be proposed to the convention, though whether by his consent or not may be questioned. Mr. Jaa. Kimball's name haa also been suggested, but as far as ascertained without consulting him. Either gentleman J would make a strong candidate and a lively canvass if he should be nominated and agree to tun. M'MXIT THE w t u to iiir MEET AT TWO OTLfiCIL -- CtH XTV Ai Eitraordiury round ly 1. Mr S. ktj ut EWS. tf Nitint Marhai. TERRITORIAL ly Bumpea His Heud. On Sunday evening a drunken man from Plainview, named B. Staples, was riding in a buggy with another man near Twenty-fiftand Grant. A sudden movement of the horses threw Staples out on his heud, the force of tha fall landing ovfcr his right eye withfpuch force as tol stun the man into iiEenei-billt- y for; a few minute. A piviee of skin was Knocked on his foreheadf about the size of a silver dollar. JP eN'utt's The man was curried into wound was tho where dressed drug store and he soon revived ro ' as to be able to talk and le carried nway. A level head is the best policy." h A Star 7fr Snortiusr SLvent. The glove match bgtweoa Billy middle weight champion of the Pacific coast, and7 Billy Woods, heavy weight sluggor if Montana, at the opera house, on Thursday evening next, tho enortinjj promises event of tkrwouson in Ogdon. This i9 of The editor the opitii j.i of ppartiug Commexcial, after looking the men over insneutinr the situitbn critically. Billy II iriaossey h is a reputation for bainga very clever man in the ring and ho deserves it. IIj is a fine boxer, a hard hitter, quick as a cat, full of tactics and a gewd stayer. This m ikes a line combiaitba. IIj puis oj glove tights at 135 pounds. Billy Woods lias tie advantage of Henneesy in that ho strips at lTOpounds, fifteen pounds heavier than the Coast man. Ho has tho disadvantage of much less experience in real eettos, but he is in fine condition, has good muscle, has taught boxing a good deal, and is not green in the ring at all. In fact, he seems to be a man to be respected in a glove match by pugilists of very smooth accomplishments. So, all things considered, the match will probably be about the best of the season, possibly the very beet. Woods proposes to stop Honnessy in eight rounds. The stakes are $100 a Bide, and the money is up. Ilan-nesse- f y, gilt-d?o- Amada Ohon Oat Amindi Olsen, the girl who shot Hill at Salt L ik City, h w baon liberated on abwdof $,0JJ, JimM SVirp, P. W. Mwlson and a mia named Peterson hiving Bigaed her bond. When thus givan hor free lorn sha want homa. Tde order was mvla by Jud,je Z iae. The City Schools. Following is the first school report for the year. The average attendance is excellent, all things considered: For Month. Number t any time in cbool during KJO month boys in school at any time during 833 month girl 736 Total i. 527 ATraffftnnmbrr of pupil belonging111 attendance Avrngo daily Per cent of attendance on average number Number - bolonRini; ; Number of days of attendance Number of days of ahseuce Nnmberof tanly pupil . of case of taruineae of pupila neither tardy nor absent of caw of truancy of truant pnpil A STMKEK f'F Ml'MuXS IX M1TTED iES. ij J w MB b eiatt-- k iiiAiiu-- la a latnaM t Twaplr of t-- arl UVi-- r n la tk PuUw i5iLnitr, -t roll v4 by cZrni ui'v, f F4J,. In-tur- detidl Judge under advumutct oa tMturday.ua yesterday, and th court altogether did a large busineea. First, Wm. English, a native uf England, Albert GuodlL a native of Engnative land, and Rasmus Ruotitkien, of Denmark, were made citizens of the United States. Samuel Taylor va. R. Chrutopherst et aL, demurrer overruled and tea days to answer. W. R. 8 wan Union National Bank k Co, demurrer overruled aad ten days to ausaer. 8. T. La veil va. Pen?) A. Co. 4c. de murrer overruled and twenty days to answer. Prank J. Campbell, et aL vs. Oregon Short Line, et aL, demurrer overruled and ten days to answer. Samuel Taylor va. Hannah Taylor, et aL, demurrer overruled and ten days to answer. Sidney Stephens va David Rice, statement for new trial decided to be incomplete and permission given to withdraw same. 1L Carr v. A. IL Swan, plaintiff, ordered to give security for cost. Martha Neilsoo vs. IL O. Haver. Case changed from 4th to 13th of October. IL Hirschberg Oj'tical Company va. Dalton, Nye Co. Trial continued from Friday; verdict by jury for plaintiff of . e, The rolice Record. is reported more extensive and excellent than ever before while the attendance The mild monotony which has preyesterday was large. vailed in the police department for a week past was disturbed somewhat yesIleal Estate Transfers. The transfers reported in the office of terday by one or two cases in Judge Precourt of some interest. the County Recorder yesterday were as law's One was the trial of George House, follows: who was arrested on a charge of robWm Barlow and wife to E N Eraman, bery, the complaint being made by Gus part of the uwU of sec 21. tp 6, or 1; Vogusof the IWr saloon. The crime was committed last Friday night, and House was charged with robbing one A Clark to Geo F Colton, undivided Herman Brown of a silver watch and interest in lot 10, blk 14, plat A; 1300. 1150 in money, J W Hill to O E Touble, part of blk chain, valued at S50, and the "stuff" having been taken while 31, plat C &000. John A Boyle and wife to James Cros- Brown was drunk. On hearing the case Judge Preshaw by, lots 18 and 19, Central Park add; held Hohse in the sum of 12,000 and in tm. default or the bank account he will proba Total, Wi20O bly go t the bastile at "Zion" today to wait ioff the grand Cjurt House Notes. . Thed ther case vmV lof J. tVeUi and of W. J. Mcintosh, Ogden City, der turn is Ashton, the erfvud- Miss Anna Hemmings, of Ogden City, ant be ing charged A'ith an assault to commit great were grantod a marriage license by with on injury bodily' lieorge Mo- Clerk Hollingsworth yesterday. County 'his is the affair in which Kinney. The following probate business was Ash ton strtiek McKinney in Pender's sa transacted by Judge R. W. Cross, as loon several days ago, with a revolver, shown by papers tiled in the otBce of the and broke his jaw. Ashton tried to settle the matter with county clerk: Willis Brown was appointed guardian McKinney yesterday but the proprietors of tho perron and estate of Lafayette of the saloon where the disturbance took Brown, a minor. place would not allow the matter to pass M iry M. Dibble was granted letters of by. Ashton appeared before Judge adminiitr iti jo of the estate of Elen L. wnived examination and gave a Dih'jle' d so tsad. Helen R. Dibble was granted letters of bond of tl,000 to aRsure his presence at administration over the estate of Justin the regular examination. S. r John Gobhardt paid f 1 as a plain drunk djaoised. G. F. Rornrts liquidated in the sum of $10 for using indecent language in the The Lost Officer. presence of women. A picturo of J. J. Murphy now may be George Brown will appease the dignity 8enontho east window of Hurlbut's of the Territory for his being drunk by days of his time. drug store. With it is a description of contributing ten Michael James LeBry, Enwright and t!io man, and an offer of a reward of ?50 for information that will lead to a dis- Mrs. Leary were having a hearing for disthe peace, yesterday evening, covery of the lost man. The reward is turbing offered by Mr. J. E. O'Brien, of Salt but the trial was continued until this morning. Liko City. A New Lafayette. Kooms to Let. New Oct 6. The Comte de York, "Reuben, Reuben, I've been thinking and left this morning for Paris party is cares. of full life That this Why do folks burn coal and kindling; Philadelphia. The comte expressed himself delighted with the cordial reception Why do woman climb up stairs?" here. The first stop will be at Trenton, if "Cynthia Cynthia, you're thinking, where the comte will visit the tomb of or dress Not of bonnet, hat, General McClellen. Yon would have in mind a story AtWooten,his country seat,George W. Fourth or fifth in Banker's flat." Childs will entertain the party at luncheon, and the mayor and other officials E ich convenience that is modern. In the evening the of Philadelphia. Elevator and steam heat, Loyal Legion of Philadelphia will give a Water, air, and pleasant sunlight reception to the party. No more tired hands or feet. It is the intention of the comte while II you'd not be more weary visiting the old battlefields in the South to visit the manufacturing districts and Of the things that trouble you, collect data for a book upon the condiThen just call on J. S. Peery tion of the mechanical classes in this National Bank block, room No. 2. country. When the party reached the Trenton PK0TECT THE CHILDREN. cemetery the Comte entered the enclosure about McClellan's grave, acoom- Those Afflicted With Contagions Disof State Kelsey. Eanied only by Secretary his hat reverently the Comte eases Should Be Kept In. knelt for a couple of seconds on one It is reported that children in the knee. On arising Kelsey presented him northeast part of the city who have with sprigs of woodvine plucked from scarlet fever are alloved to run out and the grava This the Comte kissed and to the lapel of his coat play with other children. This is not only pinned On his return to the city the Comte unbut and very both illegal punishable, sent a cablegram to the widow of Gon. just to parents and children who suffer. McClellan. A Philadelphia delegation who have then met the It is a criminal offense for those and tendered them diseases of this kind to run at large and the freedom ofparty of Philadelphia, the city expose well persons to the malady. and after exchange of courtesies the There is danger that whole neighborproceeded to Wooten, the country hoods will yet have to be quarantined if party residence of George W. Childs, where this loose business goes on. Each of the Frenchmen in dined. The health inspector should see that they accordance with the custom at Wooten, ended. are once at these irregularities planted a tree in commemoration of the Pre-sha- cr.r.LML ora-- I evening uf Sept. Vh and tlly g aahed his a'k. The uloud tkiwed freewas wound and be ly frum the greatly exhausted when txiiid lying on the nVr uftheruuoi. (iraham had suffered lutig from malarial fever and to the elTerts aualarial fever his family arribute L'u death. Jii K iea ! iudw ia the upivr tory io the w c ground and He alakes An Argument on Tism of the a of Poewl Paool-bilil- rliu injured. The eitkruirLed and the rettuler of tbe iu.frtunat family v were uuk Mrs. returned. k'.y aud her Mt-iie- e 1m ageJ 14, !ugh-te- f dL Tli Bertha, aged K,aad aere youtureaa daughter. i Charley. gtl 2, were Muoubwtioua. OtrnmnX The hoy died thw afternooa aad tha ('alivlaac ta TIrfrA Umm b girl raunut live. MoHee aaya that he la a Very AW Iire-r-4 as awakened by a eeoee of auflaeatkin a&J the ruooi fall of stuok. Ha !4r arouaed Lis w ife aad they giofal their IV C 4 suafter WMNiMmw, ay to the w uidow through w tiwh he General Wanamaker VucigLt made pub- leaped or felL It aife ww ckwe him but reiuembericg the children lie a letter rereotly aldreMieJ to the to try toaata have gitia ba-mutt on House committee rhairmaa of the them and eriiLd. Whea found the t ar family was ia a group with their arms pit'!liv, edibudyiiigan gument in favor of Lis lioiite.1 pita for about each other. ntal tekgruph. Ap(enJeJ to the letA Tia Firtirjr. to ter was a miuM of miiiter pert-iiiithe making alUvether 'Zl !Ntge Ot tober C A morning yaer Chkmoo, clueely iTintedL Tlie ptuuuter general is It ways: kmv d!initely atamiiad that io part: til the letter After standing fur a year Must in the plans fur an evtablUlmient f extensive tulluf a controversy over in Ud tele tin plate nianuf.wt lire in Chicago have graphy tlist for over forty yeurs hits been formeiL For n. than a year ton and widening with hr-r haa beeo ast such an enterpri-gteciiI :nn nnre thiui ever rtii iiHiel mtii-b'lt theii'iduetiua of tlie i of the acd T;icti.bi'ity of rtv M Kin ley lull vt-:. on tn plate, . ...ihitufAfl Ifjt storing the teUvraiili U ; the iMwtal ser- - m: . lirrwli!- immir. , a ...ii.. .v . to..v .i .,tof tbe p iy- .- t.ti,n tut-- ;.u country in tha faneof iitendadto be the plan assumed deli- muy bite wiape. 1 say this after closely studying the The passage of the bill settled all argniueuts against the bill niaie mi vig questions and the last donbt if removed. orously by the great telegraph company The concern will be capitalised for which is now its only visible opponwnu i;iO,om and give employment to V'XI I dont believe it is posbible x argue this men. The ore will be got from tha faris and dow n. Tliere a deep question ArBlack Hills and South Carolina. convict kid ths among reaching pople mour, Swift and other large packers of that telegraph service is by right part canned meats, are said to be among the of the postal service. The measure is to promoters. vast of a give the country enlargement the puetal system and bring boms to the Breaking the Will. p ople the cheap use of one of the most Snurvsc, N. V. Oct 6. Justin Glenn, powerful agencies of modern commerce and civilization. a young man of this city, oouaiitted As to the constitutionality of postal suicide last night by plunging head foresays most from telegraphy the postmaster-genera- l a window. Uia widowed been learned haa ia part: "It argued by in died mother for of a score Anguat, and by the terms years that governlawyers meat telegraph is unconstitutional. The of her will the son was to have aa allow. motives of these gentlement have been anceofSlOO a month in addition to TV i'aaiitiwalitv at the ln-a- rr. - el-b- ba-tiit- id orn ag A Sad Arridrst. C Hiv Alio, Oct. 6. The passengers on a BurlingUw train that reached here today told uf a strange ati horrible a vi dent that ooeured ahurtly after the traui a left GoWurg. At that woman with a baby got on the train. She was coining to Chicago and from there intended to Journey to M xico to to meet her husband. Her name was not learn ft! A few miles from Galesburg the trail was running at a high rate of sjieed. The woman was seated about the oeuUr of the coach and had bar face close to the window. A freight train bound for Galesburg came along just then on the opposite track. It was running at the of twelve miles per hour. rate train was thunThe passenger clip. dering along at a forty-mThe roar of the passenger car and the loooaened from shaking of the roid bed its fastenings a door in the side of a freight car. It fell outward and struck the window through which the unknown woman was peering. The oorner of the thick door struck her full force in the face with crushing force. Her features were smashed into pulp, her skull fractured and the back part of her brains exposed. She died instantly. The train was stopped and the body of the poor mother and the crying child were taken back to Ualeeburg. H-tt- il The Anstriuns Rave. ViCKH,Oct C The Austrian news- paper are full of angry articles on the new American tariff, which receives most downright abuse than genuine criticism. The government is trying to allay the excitement over the measure. The ministers of commerce in addressing a deputation, frankly declared that he was unable to exercise any pressure in Washington because the American imports into Austria were so small, but he promised to try and induce President Harrison to grant facilities for the mother-of-pear- l industries. Thousands or mother-of-peaworkers camping in the forests near here are in a destitute condition. Funds have been started for rl them. fin Vof lprjjtr'k IjIverpool, Oct p- - Fifteei 6. hundred cartmen have struck for higher wages and shorter hours. 5 Bank Clearances. Boston, Oct 6. A table compiled from dispatches from the leading clearing houses of the United States and Canada shows that the gross exchanges of the past week were fl,280,.r)70,r.)8, a decrease of 1 per cent from the corresponding period last year. He Left. N. Newark, J., Oct. C Herr Most had been liberally advertised to address 8 Socialistic meeting here tonight. At the appointed hour a crowd, mostly composed of Russians and (jerinans, gathered in the hall and greeted the anarchist with loud cheers. The police then entered and to the discomfiture of the audience escorted Most from the hall and gave him half an hour to leavo tho city. He complied. President Harrison. WmuaTOK, Oct 6. The President left Washington this morning to attend Grand Armv reunions at Galesburg, Topeka and Kansas City, and incidentally to visit St Louis, Indianajiolis, Peoria and other cities en route. Hen of Iron. Phiiapelphia, Oct 6. Visiting . A t d, e ui'-lr- h ! 1 h.,.i i .i ---- i ttl ri.iulm, t-- one of two in all cases. Tbey have been paid attorneys of these interest corporations, whose special have demanded that monopolies should in no way be interfered with. Other opponents were those who imagined the constitution would be exposed to every sort of outrage were they to fall sick for a day. Courts of highest aiieal have settled this question. Congress settled it in advance of judicial action, by making the United States the owunr and the postofllce department the manager of the first line of wire conatruuied tor commercial and public use. The old government telegraph scheme were constitutional; what ahull lie said then of tha limited postal telegraph plan which I have been criticised for bringing forward. There in n doubt that it is constitutional. The attorney me that the conclusion that the Hicme is const ional and general for the department has assured cannot lie rutiNied." In concluding the pontm;wtr goner .d says he has always invited tlmmost rigid scrutiny and criticism of the measure. "It is not. he says, "a proposition to make money from the tru.iPurv or employ additional civil pervantp; it is not a proposition to put nny power what ever in the hands of tho government which is not at present greater and more dangerous whore it It is a proposition to simply dovetail together two great machines so that ouo shall do business equitably and by that means make more niouoy (which sha'l willingly be accorded to it by tlio people) the other to utilize its nroseut skiilea and faithful energy Io lielitosuj;)ly tho people with still lietter racinsnf communication furnished still more r.iiiJ!y. It is not a proposition to buy the niiroad or coal minop, saw mills or bako shops of the country. If others speak out for teleftnph stock holders, someone must stand for the mo-pin the interest of choajior telegraph that they want. I believo it belongs to this department to take this ptiuul and I promise intelligently aud ierpitoutly to keep this subject lwforo you in strong confidence lh.it it it will not bo long before your commiltco will tuka steps to give tho people tho relief prayed for." living eipensee. The amount was not sufficient to satisfy his f.incv and was quickly spent each mnnti). Jnel night when be retired to bis room be took out tha will and pored over it for hours, reading tha clauses which kept the property out of Ins liamls. J. ins morning a ciollcemaa found his dead body stretched on tha sidewalk under the window. The skull and neck were broken, and the stiffened lingers of his right hand grasped a crumpled piuoe of ths will. WANTS THE DELEGATE. Summit Comity Thinks the liberal Nominee, Should be Selected There. T.irk City Oct 4: Tha repre. sentatives of the LiWal party of Utah will hold a convention in Salt Lake next Wednesday to nominate a Liberal candi-dat- e for Delegate to Congress from this Territory. An equitable and fair appor. tioiiinimt of delegates has been made and out of the entire number of represents tivos to tho convention, over 400, Summit county has 32, and while the delegation from liero will not likely be able to make much of a showing on the first ballot we think tho votes from enough outside del. g ites c in bo socured, if projier efforts be inmlo to thU end, to secure the nomina-(io- n of u Park City man for tho Congrewiotial Dolegateship. The binnor Lilxral wunty of Utah is justly entitled thii time to name the candi-- d ite. A Libcrnl from nearly every other b x)lio:i of Utah has from time to time been nominated, and now we think it is our turn. It is certain that if some n and jMipular Liberal, whether ho Ixi a Democrat or a Republican makes bi.tvery lit! io difference, be nominated such a ouo will (Kill a larger vote throughout tho Territory than any Salt Like man, mainly for the reason that tho S ill L iko Lilwrnls on account of loc.il ililTorences would not likely unite so well on ; candidate from the metroK-1- h as from Summit county. We believe that it will roquiro but little effort to huvo the honor given this time to a representative Lilx-ru- l in this section of the Rome elegant Bush pi.inos just re Territory aud we hoje our delegation ceivod in French striped walnut. CjII will be succnssf ul in securing the nonii. and see them lit Chubbie Arnold's. nation of a Park City man. i. well-know- le THE UTAH GROCERY AND metal- lurgists and iron men this morning made a visit to industrial establishments and other pointa of interest ia the city despite the heavy downpour of rain. MISSION COMPANY Suicide. St. Louis, Oct C A. Wanamaker, suicided a cousin of postmaster-general- , this morning with morphine in a hott 1 on Market street. He left a note paving simply, "My life is nothing to me an more. Hj had been drinking frei ly. I s' wasdiMvtvred to be oa trm at t arly Lur this amrniiig. Whra the arrived MrBr junjiSKl from th M.-Be- e aa WlMMA-kF.- Telerpbr. w!thiti Bt r4Cl j Sr-AM- Hi Tiruat. tvi 6. oourge k. rk arvii;tVt- - Tbliou-et- t TiLkS. for and Lam, one uf HklLuuure's lorn littua's Kj4 w idely know n eituie&6 and cousia KiUrs si Os 1Vw-w- i4 uf the wect hetui uf the brm A Wxander Umm KrU W iUbfery. Brown A Suiuv dinl tuday at hi country Miner several casus, rtidtDoe. Grhaai was kliaviiig uu the Xtr&f SIM ptiSTMlVTEli Fire ia I'slusar. ' rxuuty. Ott Drrof j cuc-trt- yxar-tju- (htd ea FAIR. a ftuir ar f.ur ) r ! A G. Omrrp-n- y. from ajtii.ljota oaiwkl v jjjijO 8rvfcB wk.s iusue U dn. and vireihia five d s. ai ; Ewu any t f'U K b Will open Monday Morning1, October 6th, at No. Washington Avenue, a Complete Line of 2300 I That were Hought in Eastern Markets for mmm visit SP0T CASHEE And will Positively Sell you Goods cheaper than any other house in the city. All we ask is a trial. 1, y w tr-- ck aLia fit rule diis UtU, t, wcrr Tbe KlractbeiY Optical Company Won it Suit Aftiae Daftoa, Kye i And Jones Pay the Freight. Bixohamton, Oct. 6. The long, bitter struggle between the cigar:nnlr8 and 1 U crht, tbe ) en their employers A Sporting: Match. docidhr tonight U d.jciare t'.e men Mr. James Harrington yesterday de- strik off. Tu Huh lias been the most in disastrous ono ever experienced here. posited with TnB Commebcial 550 match of Tht fr.jtorios have been compelled to cash as a forfeit for n gl' imd vn the ot'u r side ,,n,lci fnr fSiiO a uiite an" ! " trif lw assignments t,nnfT, ;'. ere has ' iv j much suluiug among championship ot Utah botwear. ;i x i.i.nt strikers. About three . thcun-T- ' man, light weigni, am; Jvoueii, out. tho present lijutwoigulchanipiou. Ihe thousand employes were Number Number Number Number lb to ue 734-48- In jerking the can away he spilled some of the stuff on his clothing, thus adding to his danger and injuriosas that also took fire. By lively work he avoided being burned, but his face, hands and clothing were badly singed and his escape from serious results was by a small margin. There are no flies on gasoline when it baa a chance to blaze. I truCUvl fOl'IiT. K4-t- rVputy L. S. Marshal J.Jib U WVU. aMwted by dtutk A G. Dyer and Jaa. A. Doyle of Klt Lke, unxarthed a turn of uuitiatMs Lu4 Sand it at Ptua, ia this eounty. TWy had a warrant fur ih arrest of Walter Walker, said to be a brother of the Mormon bkhup uf Pnua ward, on a charge uf inceM, but the brute was not at hin home and ehenlf Weber located him away upua the north fork uf the Provo river where the ui&c arrested Lim. The brut is charged with iuotwt ootnmituxl with his four daughters, the ld4 of which bus a child by him, and the offeoMs date back five years ago. The grand jury is now coiibi during the evklence in this caae, and if what is allvd is true Walker, w ho until recently a Murtuun, w ill Kpend the balance of his life in jail, that is if he gets half the punishment he dreervee. Parties jiut in from Uintah county report the meeting of drunken Indians on the edge of the reservation, w ho were quarrelnome and extremely dangerous to the traveling public. It is reported that these fellows get their liquor in Heber and Park cities. The officer ahould be on the alert to detect parties w ho ttus tamper with public peace and safety. The first enow storm of the season came cloee upon the heels of Thursday's rainfall and everything hereabouts was mantled in w hite, but as soon as yesterday's warm sun came out the enow soon melted leaving the roads in a mass of mud. A long, late autumn is predicted this season, THE DISTRICT It Wm Formally Opened Ye.terday The Fire Started. at Salt Lake City. Mr. D. Dougherty, of North Ogden, The. Territorial Fair opened at Salt Boyd Park, et aL, va Lucy M. High-bewas in the business of starting a tire in Lake City yesterday. Governor Thomas dismissed at plaintiffs cost so and in on he stove his doing Sunday, IL Hirschberg va. Dalton, Nye k Canmade an address, dwelling particularly used gasoline to make it begin operation-Wh- ile on the excellent mechanical exhibits and non. Plaintiff permitted to amend comhe was pouring out the flashy evidence of a growth of manufacturing plaint. Tbusa Nichols, vs. ths Union Paoiflo liquid that which he had already poured The fair was then formally declared went off, filling open by Mr. A. W. Lawrence, in the stove suddenly oompauy. Trial to a jury. Railway the air and Mr. Dougherty's face with of the Society. The display ofpresident exhibits flame. 5 OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: StSDAY, OCTOHER 5, A T thi E3il.T I i Challenge Accepted. f 'IVts ('."MicBJtcux. OcDut, UtaL, Oct. G. la your iflsue of the Lsl inst, I notice thai Mr. Press Liair, owner of Stone .;, is yearning to Its Miporior exoo'loncc proTon in millioni r.f n quarter of a century. Il for more th-match his stallion Stonewall against any homos H oml hy the Unito l HtaUM stallion in the 2:30 list in UtahTorritory. Kn lornd by tho he vlx of tlut (ireat Where materfal is so plentiful an attempt n th" NtrouKnxt, I'unxt, anil moft Healthful. should be made to alleviate hia sufferings lr. PricA'n Ciwim linking I'owdor iIik" not itain Amir"mn. Limn nr Alum. Sold on.y and to this end I accept his challenge, rt in Can.. PRICK liKlSO l'OWDKU CO. and name Elector &97t, the race to bo Naw York. Chicago, Hon Franc Ukvj Si Louis Prompt Delivery our Specialty. Remember the Place, Washington Ave, Cor. 23d St, rivim urn in lilKi rmnrwiw p. nmn UlM.UllUlfiilnKlUJl!' |