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Show It Y TELEGRAPH. the Savannah r.ver above and Jielow Au JChe lady delivery tk-r- rosa up to de8tructivtboth gtista, prsving equally look after the old woman, and when laying waste everything iu their track, a second letter came she was looking trees were broken like reeds, and in AMERICAS'. a whole some instances cariied three quarters t and watching for, ''mother" Washington, 23i. was before the letter passed out. a mile. The tornado was preceded by a day The attorney general has instructed Dan like heavy artil'ery heavy roaring, "It's from my little again." the district attorneys to institute suits dull, in the distaDce. It spent its greatest cried the old woman, as she noted the against seteral of the Pacific railroads fur) in about three miuutes. An "lie's in Buffalo, fur the amounts certified by the eecretn. superscription. says the Reuses were utterly ry of the treasury to be due the govern, deadened and aptalled. There was a learning a tirade, lie's only a bit of incut for five per cent, of their respeca roar and a mingling of J 00 ter a boy, and there wasn't a show fur tive net earnings provided for by the act crash, rifio and unearthly sounds. The. great, him in Detroit, and besides, he was of July 1st, 18(32, or by any other act or devastated dictrict embraces . i counmu out mgnts anai going iio 'ii.. uc'i in relation to the respective railroad ties in Georgia and two oreight in running ' three and he's comhim bad; The are I sent the following companies. awiy The destruction of South Caroliua. panies and the amounts: Central Branch property is immense and the list of working hard and trying to bo good; Union Pacific railroad, $47,197; Sioux maimed and wounded God bless my Dan ! I'm a lone widow appalling. t ity and Pacific, $21,101; Union Pacific, Lowell. Mass., 23. with only him to love, aud 1 hope $1, 040,050; Kansas Pacific, $308,830 An atrocious wife murder, followed he'll be good!" The following are .the poiuts at which the suicide of the murderer, occur"I hope' so. too." added the clerk, the suits will be brought: Kansas Pacifio by red at Dr. Martindale's boarding houxe. and central branch, in Kansas; Union in this and after that the two were friends. city, this afternoon. Mrs. Sarah Pacific, at Boston; Sioux City, in Iowa Low, who hud, left her huyband, a disso- Sometimes the letters wore far be Senator Sargent, who has been urging lute New York, and tween, and when ihe old'woman in the matter, is promised by the interior was fellow, inFredonia, Martindale'e house, was working and the department that a patent will be iiesueil shot by her husband, Chas. J. Lowe, be- would worry over the delay, would Jamesin a few days for the townsite of cause fet'e refuoed to return and live with big tears would fall, the lady The Tuolouine applicatown, county. him. He fired one shot from bis revol- almost shed taars with her. "Mo tion for tie lowusites of North San ver into her head, inflicting a mortal ther'.' would open her letters at the .Juan, Sebaatopol, and Freuch Corrall, wotiud, though she is not yet dead, and window, an j if Dan was feeling must go back to California in order to and killed himself. then (hot and getting along well, both have excluded from them by survey cerIn the Beecher trial, Bessie Turner would rejoice, while both would still tain placer lands, which, contrary to occupied the stand yesterday.. The forin have been induced the law, plats developed nothing materi- be anxious if he complained and was warded. corrected some mistakes anxious. She new. Senator Booth goes to New York City ally in previous testimony; couldn't rememAlmost every wesk for a year and After stopping there a few ber several items of her evidence before a half the old lady received a letter, days be will visit friends in Indiana, the committee, and told of Tiltou's of California first the and and return tc by just as regularly she came to po? t locking himself up with bis wife three Pacifio have The Senators ether May hours at a tstretch on several occasions. to an answer. $he. wrote in a quaint old nit fixed the time for goiag home, but scold her. Tilton was in the habit, of hand, but the boy could make out will remain in Wushingtou for the walking about the house at night in his every word, and once when he wrote night clother, hanging picture..,. Witness that her writing was improving,"she Chicago. 23. was not angry with Tilton for coming to A Washington special says all 'the'' pride which a school girl her room the first time,, but was angry felt ( baudler's attorney yesterday sent wit. lie improved as when he put his hand on her neck. Had could hare shown. lusaes before the grand jury for the pur- been Well. him bad with :. and since, i.: friendly jt pose of obtaining a new indictment of written to him to consult with him, on (be By and by he wrote "Detroit'.' so Jtuell, the Washington correspondent subject of her getting mnrried. Tilton charged with libel on Chandler in dis- had told her of Mr. .Tiltou's having sex- plain and fair,' and he took: extra patches to the Detroit newspapers. The ual intercourse with Beeeher and others pains to commence his "Dear Mo new indictment is sought to meet the wasn't ure whether Tilton saidt bis ther" with a grand flourish and to defects which Judge Treat at St Louis but wife had confessed it to him. Didn't re- add something extra alter the words eld that the first indictment contained, ' member whether the had suid so before "Youi son Dan." one of them being that it did not charge , committee. , the ' Those letters were food and drink " the circulation of the libel in the District ;1 to the old lady, and she seemed to ac of Columbia. If in the bill now pending v " '"' Judge Druuimond shall decide that Buoli ';' FouEias. tually grow younger. Little Dan had ' ' cannot be held under the indictment London,, 28 many friends in the post office, and upon which ho wns arrested, an effort The Paris correspondent of the Tune9 had the mother been ill any carrier :ll be male to arrest him on the new that General Cabrea ana ortelegraphs till have would hunted , midnight to one, if it be secured. ganized a etaff of twenty Spanish ofceis looked-fo- r find The same dispatch says Gov. Osborne, nt Biarritz, for the baud and the her her purpose of communiof Kansas, is in Washington endeavoring "., letter.. with the Carlists aad obtaining cating to obtain the removal of Enoch Hung, adhesions to his programme." Members icThree or four weeks ago when she superintendent of Indian affair, fur his of ihe staff 'letiter Spain every day.. her letter she wept and smiled alleged interference wi h the Governor There is no doubt that' the i premature openpd an bvef the first. Dan wrote that he in calling out troops list year for the publication of Catrea's fiist manifesto of the Indian the on 'was home for troubles a week, and her suppression decln ri ti j f;r Alfonso greatly marred coming it hern frontier of the State. Secretary the success ff the movement. Ii Ta m-- , heart .was lull. .She said she d have Delano, however, Btoutly sustains lloag, m rpil t!iHt Merdini has deserted Don the cottage looking like new for him, and Got. Osborne will not appeal to the Cat lea and arrived in Bayonne; also that and she'd be at the depot to welome President. Lminarra has been arrested on suspi him first of all, Everybody felt good New York, 23. cion oi treason, The President of the Juvecile (juard Iu the l!oue of Commons last night with her, and the lady clerk was to i n Society has written a note to the 0 Clery, member for VtexforJ, gave e go up some evening aud have tea Bererend ilalliday, pustoral helper of that after reocss be should offer a with her and 8t-- little Dan and praise Plymouth Church, in which he says: The motion in favor of a recognition by characterization of the Guardian Society Great Britain of the bellignrent r ghU of and encourage htm, tor the more kind words a boy can have the better will i.i bis testimony last week in the great the Carlits in fpain. scaudal trial was a "mauoious etlort to . The funeralof John Mitchel took place he seek to, do. d image our reputation." It is an inadey at rsewry. was There no letter the pextTues iate reparation after the wrong has The Nottingham spring handicap was day, and the two excused its absence li:en done to say "I did not intend it." run "Munden" was 'first, but by saying that Dnp was getting ready V'o shall protect our good name by all but being disqualified the race was given come home.; ' That was early in to the legal means in our power. who was second; to "Castle Captain James Mitcuel, son of the re February, and he was t3 come the 1st at. Patrick and 'Matpiaquist 2a;e John Mitchel, arrived ln'ie last spectively third and fourth, were plaoed of March." Ihe next luesday there He learned of second and third. evening fro.u Ireland. a was but the handwriting was letter, t! a death of his lather from the pi'ot Bayonne, 23. Don's. little not It was a Strang !io boarded the steamer on which he Don Carlos has issued a decree declar vas a passenger. The different Irish ing that Gen Cubrea has forfeited bis business hand, and the clerk felt a tiitioual organizations are active in the former honors, and that he shall be de chill go over her as she turned it over. preliminary preparations for the funeral livered into the hands of a military tri It might be good news, but she feared procession on Sunday. bunal if be be captured by the Carlists not. ('"Mother" came in at the reg Andrew Johnson's speech has rather 23. Santander, ular and she turned a3 hour, pale she disappointed the public expectation, as (Jen. Cabrea is expected here on Wed' is is verbose, common place and egotistitho took tier fingers trem envelope, nesday, eu route for Madrid. cal. Still its practical, independent as bled she and she had t opened it, Havana, 23 treatment of the Southern question is Venezuela advices of the loth state wipe the mist from her eyes before claimed by bis friends as calculated to that the President has disbanded the en she could deeipher a word. impress the masses with the danger of tire army, and pease is completely es She hadn't read over four or five Grant's policy, tablished. lines when she uttered a moan and Bessie Turner's testimony yesterday is generally accepted as strengthened by sank riht right down, like one crush- her correction of statements before the d br.vi"ie awful weight. They lifted "Little Ciurch committee, as all efforts failed to her up and took her home, the letter trip her on her substantial statements in You ce, the people at the e retereuce to Tiltou's conduct towards his clasped in her stiff fiugers, and soon recojruizo tuoesaud names, though she came out of the faint in wfo or witness. The following are the rates established and after a man or woman has ap- a short time, her heart was broken by the Union Pacific for freight trni peared at tlte general delivery three and in a week she was sleeping in her ChioftRO to San Francisco: First class, or four tiraea are well rrsve. pretty pnrewt.; second class, $1; third clans, known. It is a they urns rral pleasure to band fourth class A. $2.&0; class, $'; letters to gome, while the clerls The lofter sail he had been taken ciass B, $2; class C, $1 75; claes D, out $1.50. care little for the calls of others to suddenly ill, and that nothing could New Orleans. 23. hold of their epistles. save him. 1 he blow was too heavy A destructive torna la visited Ou tchite get One day a year or two ago a funny-lookin- g tor one with her gray hairs and child valley on Friday last between Southland little old trouian, wearing ish heart, and her littl old aad Kay's point. The loss of life and cottage faded garment?, bat having a mo- is without a tenant. property is reported very great. Mrs. Iraos Ala'r and child are among the therly face, appeared at the "window No more letters commencing "Dear kvlei. . bimtmand was levelled to the aud asked for a letter. There was Mother" conie for the dead, and the ground, and at Ray's point plantation one for her, sent from a distant city, trembling hands which used to linger buildings, fences, mules, horses and cat-t- and any one could have told that an fondly over the words : "My dear wero scattcrtd for miles. The track the tornado was three buudied yards unlearned boy directed the envelope. boy, lan," are folded over a lifeless wide and fifteen miles long. There was a little d" in 'Detroit," breast, there to rest till the angels 23. Ga., with a big "T" to nd the word, and Augusta, ? uaclatp them. The path of tie recent tornado was it seemed wonderful the that letter from 200 to 600 yards wide; it was cylin-Uri- c ever ranched its' destination'. shape and rotated with fearful veloThe old lady felt 80 good that, with city from the north to the south.' The front cloud was as black as night and tears in hrr eyes, and yet trying hard A Williamsc-unman woke his wift about half a mile high, the rear wssiliu to Binile, she head her into the other the in a startled tone ninht. anv put initialed by a Irighl light. It traveled ' s..id: and window, voice of that he had informed her nearly due eatt, veering a little to the I i4Thauk from It's swallowed of dose a north. After devastating Caniask, the strychnine ay boy, Dan, just tornado seems to have divided, one por- and you don't know huvr much good "Well, you old fool," she said, "lie tion going east ly north aui crossing it does me'," still, or it may coaic tip. - IX STKEET, OGDEX. eye-witlie- tis . Wholesale and Itetail Dealers . IN ALL KIXDS OF - We wish to make especial mention of Goods just received and opened. CARPETS, New Styles brave-hearte- CLOTHING, all sizes, qualities and Fashion?. cross-examinati- on t. pre-Ban- . t. Gent's FURNISHING GOODS, Splen did Out lit . . Several ; CROCKERY, '.'Marked Low. . 1 of Crates LAMPS and CLOCKS to suit every body s Taste, ! - ; , ,.' , , ; . Cutlery, Hardware, including Butcher's Cleavers K. and F. Tools. DEPT GROCERY FULL ALWAYS . - . . WE ASK THE COUNTRY STORES TO give us a call, and perhaps they may find our figures so low that by purchasing a bill of us and submitting it to iheir respective IJoardi of Directors, they may gain their sanction and , approval to buy at the ' CHEAPEST HOUSE, a course due to the shareholders. 1 1 , " , WALKER BROTHERS. uo-tic- BlGly e , ' ' Spring Confer ence, 1875. , - to-da- . to-da- y. Well-.ii,- " TAYLOR ' . Ijui.' & CUTIaEB, SALT LAKE CIT, Have received the most complete assortment of bpring Goods ever brought into the Territoty, and will open them for inspection and sale during April Conference. Country Traders Should sec them without Fail. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS' to ' . CO-OP- K .A. T IYE S TO RES. E $-'.- U s r OBSTACLES Cutler. & Taylor Post-offic- IV.. 11. TO MARRIAGE. MEM FROM HAPPY RKUEF FOR TOV-Jth a'Ject of Error mid Abuiteg in early life. MAuIi'hhI KtwtorwL Impediment to Marringe Nw method of treatment. New mid and CircuUm leent renicdie. . HOWARD ftw, in Healed cuvelnpct. Addi-es2 Ninth South No. St., I'hiadeil-ph- i, ASSOCIATION, P.. n Institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct aud pruktfdioual .till. l'k. (lipp-rlo- n, ATTORNEY AT ZAVT AND KOTAKYPFBUr, Offio, Maiu Strwt, opposite Jr Boyle' furniture Store. Otdou, V. T. sSStf. ilUi-Ui- C. FUllNACES, Ranges and Stoves For Wood, Hard and , Estimates for Heating and Ventilating (81 A lVAIiTJ,SS for Cireniara.) I-a- CHICAGO, LYC READER 12 AND XT 31 LECTl'KER. o ,.; THK LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. Registers, Ventilators. &c. I1I.LSS (G I LEAD.) Travels and Gooi Sense, Spiced up with Quaint Humor ani ,f Amusing Anecdote;. JI is new Lecture on Hislery, !rU Coal. WITH W. STATXElt, St "THE X O S THAT HUMAN BAROMETER. Literary In8tilnl?a will please, always in writing. Addreea C Stayner, Box G8T S. L. Citj. |