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Show h Radio and Refrigeration ! Repairs 1 i they're here! " 1-ATK;;T Rf:coRDS FOR1 h: -rr SALE f. El r-'' '';An f li -i.' i'ulillr Adilic-s Sstem for ', "" ;, I, i- rit t.,r cliMir-s ;l pari !.; ;.' Come in now for information ' ' . -' r .-.!! I"'- ? 'I p.: J ' , ,,i i; , ,t, , ' , : :j .. - W& niAiila -.id Ld & t '' ' t i K f II i r I J Men curtisI j COLD WAVES j.j All Kinds of 1 3 Permanents ji Charm Beauty Salon 1 $ Phone 2411 for Appointments Vera Laver Helen InabuW b aiW))EfflrMip rsff I ID 0 nr cn nTvn n m a l B i 72fs . 32.59 1 j v";n?r y (f'-U- ' g H c . S Lfi'i 'IcJia Stock. cJj y-Mieljj t !."ik a momonl. How much could you tell a tourist of your iconic historic attractions? Are you prepared to answer questions about j !, I jr.ces and directions? Can you offer clean, attractive accommoda S linns for eating and sleeping? If you can, you will benefit from the j f,lc.) OUO.OOO tourists will spend in Utah this year! I ii't-ii tyoHl&&l ond your business first . . . then- ; d mi.-.! i :ur community and civic organizations are prepared. Start Hr 'Vv the biggest tourist year in our history! ppliit Nv itibeHS of a 4eriesSrS6te5S!pgpt j Classified i FOR SALE BALED MEADOW HAY Call 3212 P. G. FOR SALE Heavy Stock Saddle, A. A. WALKER FOR SALE BABY BUGGY Practically new Phone 2624 P G. FOR SALE Several building lots Apples. Potatoes, Frank Richins Jan 18, 2 t p. FOR SALE 50 Gas Caterpillar Tractor. Can be inspected at SCS Garage 60 South 2nd East, Salt Lake City Bids to be sent to Piute County SCD, ,Rex Whittaker, Circleville, Utah. District reserves right to reject any or all bids. Bids opened February 5. PAPER HANGING DONE Call 2644 Lloyd J. Walker or see Mrs. Luella Walker. ELECTROLUX " CLEANER and AIR PURIFIER Sales and Service CTwen Whitehead, Phone 3811, Pleasant Grove. Will Buy Fraction or up to 20 Shares o'f Pleasant Grove Primary Pri-mary water stock Phene 3211. FOR SALE Equity in Modern HOME, 4 rooms and bath. Full basement with furnace, balance F H A financed Harold Stewart Pleasant Grove Jan 25 2 t p.' FOR SALE LATEST RECORDS 25 EACH P. G. ELECTRIC i-iirr - M riVAiirMV "'"' ;i.j Bullock's , FEED Authorized Dealer for CLUFF FEED MILL We Sell Quality Dairy Products Hog and Other Feeds Hay and Straw NOTICE: NOW DOING Custom Grinding Your Patronage Wilil be Appreciated I C. I. BULLOCK LIN DON, UTAH Phone 3741 Hours 8.30 to 12 1 to 6 Maw! tawa FFvmrmmr j W ALPINE CLUB I I f r MAIN HIGHWAYPLEASANT GROVE M Howard Kearns and I1 His Orchestra Dancing Starts at 9 P.M, Cover Charge: 75c Week Nights; Saturday Nights $1.25 I Hemstitching, Buttonholes and Garments Marked at MOYLES, FOR SALE FARM, FIVE ROOM HOME, Artesian culinary water, 110. acres of land; 110 shares of water; Located 3 miles west of Lehi; $8,500. Call 351 J4 or see IVAN K. TIPPETS, on Saturday afternoons or Sundays. AUTOMATIC SAW FILING re-toothing; re-toothing; Chains and Pipe for Sale Wesley B. Jarvis. BUTTONHOLES MADE Mrs. R. L. "Gardiner, Phone 2264. ' WALL PAPER HANGING 10 Per Cent Discount Dxiring January Joseph Reese, 348 East Lane, American Fork Phone 305M GUARANTEED RADIO WORK Done at my homel blk west of Post Office, Orson Lee, Phone 3341 INSULATE YOUR HOME WITH ROCK WOOL and save up to 40 per cent of your coal See John S. Green for information, Phone 2951, Pleasant Grove. c EXPERT DRESSMAKNG, AND ALTERATIONS ON ANY KIND OF CLOTHING See Mrs. Verl Zabriskje, Pleasant Grove or call P. G. 3185. ' '" I Our Remodeled Dining Room Will Accomodate GET AN EARLY 4? . SPRING START! 4ftM) " lxJl New Spring Frocks ""ik '-- ARRIVING DAILY AT PENNEY'S . VII " v ?Pl colors, beautifully X, 'Vk trimmed. New drama- r?r sSm ' IrlriW 1 tic crepes too! Come, ffpff ff f$ m 1 see for yourself! 21-20. J )jf f Jfit ' ' NEW COVERT Iff f 1 M?imiA AND TWILLS j ' 1 1 For Town & Country! '4? " J 'v ,41 WOMEN'S ; I 'l ;If coats - 1 Zkfi? 29.75 I The perennial Chester- ' tff I I field's in bloom again ' IS I this spring! New colors f ' 1 - j for a new year, but the hf I - ' old time appeal is still ' I' there! Tailored classics f 'i , ' carefully c a s u a 1 to ! ; I wear with your favo- ' trite suit and your new . rT spring frocks. I N. A Good Shoe with a Suit! h w - TURFTAN i A X .V STEP-IN iw s ' JUST ARRIVED! 3.49 PLASTIC AO Tt, f . , HANDBAGS 4.yO Si3t s a smart shoe! Every way you look Carry your glamour at it! with you. THIS RECORD SPEAKS FOR ITSELF! 200 to over 50,000 chick sales in one county was one record built up by WILSON QUALITY CHICKS A hatchery MUST 'have QUALITY lohicks and render a SERVICE such as you want, that makes such sales records possible. RIGHT NOW it's not -too early to start thinking about your next CHICK order. It not only will be good judgment but just plain common com-mon sense to figure out how many chicks you can raise and when you want 'them. Be prepared with QUALITY BREEDS for the best chicken meat and egg quality iprices. CHRISTIE STRAIN NEW HAMP-SHl'RES HAMP-SHl'RES and 100 per cent DRY-DEN DRY-DEN STRAIN LEGHORNS, two of the most profitable breeds. Straight run or pullets every week. Wlrlte NOW for open dales, prices and free literature. WILSON HATCHERY SONOMA, CALIF. j Larger Parties & Banquets I No Cover Charge In Grill B PREVAILING PRICES AT OR BELOW CITY PRICES I OPEN 7 DAYS A VEEK--I2 NOON TO 12 P. M. I YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED and APPRECIATED Alpine Grill I Alpine Club and Grill under separate I I Management j 1 For Grill Reservations Call 3711 1 |