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Show DAILY UTAH STATE JOURNAL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1907. PAGE THREE KNOCK PON T BUT BOOST THE BOOSTER CLUB CIGAR Ask for It. Sold Everywhere. home made WDMEI BEET TO HIS DEMID BIG GATHERING OF SUFFRAGISTS N CHICAGO. campaign had woman suffrage planks in their platforms. At the last VerHELPED mont legislature a woman suffrage bill 130 house to 25, passed the by a vote of and lacked only three votes of passing CUPID A the senate. As an evidence of the of the is stated it movement, growth that in 1870 a woman suffrage hill before the Vermont legislature received but one vote. Reports from other WAR DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL AS states prophesy a victory within a few AN AID TO SAINT. yeara gout..: laciv UNION MADE sad they were umen to the office. The war secretary attentively to the spites) of tiiv young woman and her legal r the statement of the former beUTILE ing ;he nature of a touching appeal for change in orders to Private Kelly. The young woman had hia application (or permission to leave the sen ice with her, but she was horrified wh-tieneral Ainsworth told her that the should have been addreonl to the commander of the ar- Ainsworth tumod from tllb ry and forwarded to the division Tho Stem Realities of Hia Position soni'.uander. ' Anil, he said, it seems rather late To Earn Tha Gratituda of Young to accomplish anything In that way Lovers, so Ha Did. before the boat sails for Cuba." Again the hopes of Mias Hill were cnM.-dbut she was told to keep up General Ainsworth gave her courage. 14. Tort Monroe, Ya., Jan. son - further hints aa to what might Lawyer Campbell Carrington: Married this morning by post chap- be done, and the young man, who was at Old Point, dreading the sailing of lain. Answer. Mrs. Kelly. which would convey him to the Upon receipt of this message by Cuba, was Instructed what to da Next he immediately Attorney Carrington M r. from him received day Carrington wired hia congratulation! to the a dispatch which read: Wilof told of It the couple. marriage Have presented application to my liam M. Kelly, Second battalion engicoast artillery, sta- commander, but special order from neers. Thirty-fifttioned at Fortress Monroe, and Miss military 1 secretary absolutely necesor must sail in the morning." Hill, whose home la in Washington, sary A special delivery letter also cams by tho post chaplain. Major General F. C. Ainsworth, military secretary, from the soldier at tho fort In the had played the part of secretary to letter the writer Implored the recipient to see the military secretary and have Cupid in the matter of the marriage, him send an official dispatch directing and had made It possible for the couple to leave the fort and go on their hon- the commander to detain btra at the fort until action could be taken upon eymoon. his application for a discharge. Mr. Carrington had also played a I am booked to sail, he wrote, conslpcuous part In the transaction, and if 1 will have to Is done nothing the efforts that and It was due to hia sail." military secretary became active and Miss Hill waa on hand and she wan and of Kelly prevented a separation hia bride. The first Mr. Carrington advised by Mr. Carrington to hurry to knew of the affair was when a sweet Old Point and get married. She took faced young woman rushed Into hia the advice and the receipt of the mesoffice and wanted to know If he would sage followed. General Ainsworth waa told of the marriage and he assured not help her to get married. counsel that all will be well with the attorthe To get what?" inquired waa ney, thinking he had not understood couple. The order of detention PriBailed without and the sent ship the young woman. vate reKelly. was her to married," get Why, It seems to me," telephoned Gensponse. eral Ainsworth, that you are making If tho asked attorney. Help you?" I didnt you would be the first on I me secretary to Cupid instead of war ever refused. What can I do for you?" secretary." "And If you fill your new position They are going to send Will to well as you have your old one," reeould she before aha hut Cuba," began, finish her statement a big lump filled torted Mr. Carrington over the wire, her throat and tears ran down her "you will aatlafy the country and your cheeks. It's too bad, aha managed friends. And you have made an excellent beginning. to say, overcome by grief. Mr. Carrington soon Induced her to tell her story and aha said that Will Senator's Lucky Btrlks.. Kelly, her sweetheart, had been order Since the close of the last session ed to Cuba and that under orders be of congress Georgia S. Nixon, of Newould have to leave tha fort next morn- vada, has become one of the richest ing. members of the senate. He waa one Rather short notice," remarked of the original boomers of the Tono-paHere It la nearly four counsel. district, having picked three enoroclock and with but one more working mous prospects that have developed day before the Bailing of the vessel, hut Into properties of vast value. His inas you are ao anxious to get married terest In three mines alone represents and keep the young man from going to a cash valuation of $20,000,000. He Cuba 111 do tho my best to help you. made and lost several good sized forMajor General Ainsworth was the tunes In the cnttle business before only man In the war department going to the senate and when he went whose name suggested Itself and Mr. there two years ago he was a comCarrington entered a carriage with the paratively poor man. He had been dabbling In mines 20 years before ho finally struck it in the Tonopah district ad-vl- s ; .V, Grand Opera House j thusiastic Major-Gener- i at the Prospects For Feb. 14. The thirty-nint- h annual convention of the National American Woman Suffrage opened in the music hall of building this afternoon, Arts the Fine and was called to order by the Rev. pnite Howard Shaw of Bwarthmore, Pa., president of the association. Brief addresses of welcome were delivered of by Ella Seaaa Stewart, president the Illinois Woman's Suffrage association, and Minnie E. Watkins, president of the Illinois Federation of Womans clubs. Responses were made by Fannie J. Fernald. president of the Maine and Woman's Suffrage association, others After the appointment of committees on credentials and finance, a symposium on Municipal Suffrage for Women" was held, with Mrs Charles Henrotln presiding. At the session this evening the visitors will he welcomed on behalf of the city by Mayor Dunne and on behalf of the clubwomen by Gertrude Black-welde- r, president of the Chicago Woman's club. Hon. Oliver Stewart will apeak, followed by President Anna Howard Shaw, who will deliver her CHICAGO, annual address A meeting of the executive committee was held this morning in the Palmer house, when final plana wen made for the observance tomorrow of the of anniversary eighty-seven- th the birth of the lata Susan B. Anthony. The reports of the various committees presented to the convention state that the movement for woman suffrage has made great galna during the paat year. It la pointed out that many influential newspapers, representing all political parties, have recently favored the granting of the ballot to women. The American Federation of Labor has gone on record as favoring the movement,' and the National Grange of tha Patrons of Husbandry has Indorsed it unanimously. Suffering from Piles Unnecessary Pyramid Drug Co. Have Found a Perfect, Quick and Painleass Remedy. You Can Try it Fro. We offer you a trial package of the Pyramid Pile Cure absolutely without cost. There Is enough in the sample to give great relief. Do not hesitate, fearing that it will harm you. - Not only does tha Pyramid Pile Cure cure piles painlessly, but without inconvenience or the interruption of your business duties. It acta as a healing balm to the Irritated membrane of the rectum, giving new life to the deadened blood vessels and causing the ulcerous condition to pass away. Immediately upon starting to use the Pyramid Pile Cure the patient will find the congestion relieved and the swelling diminishing, as well as the disappear? ance of that awful sense of Itching. Read the record of this wonderful cure: "I bought 5 boxes of the Pyramid Pile Just before leaving the U. 8. for the P. L last May. I had as bad a case of piles as there could be. I suffered from piles since the ' early spring of 1900. X contracted the piles from a mild case of dysentery in Luaon, P. I., and carried them all around the islands, China, Japan and back home for 4 yeara I used all kinds of pile cures known, hut I could never get a curs or even a few hours relief till March, 1906, a friend gave me the Pyramid Pile Cure and it gave me instant relief. X uaed 6 boxes all told and not a visible sign of piles have I now. X dont know how to begin to thank you. X remain, your faithful believer in Pyramid Pile Cure. T. T. Heffner, Co. I, 8th InL, Manila, P. I." There la no method so safe or so Inexpensive. If you are a sufferer from this disagreeable, distracting, painful and dangerous affliction, writs us for a free trial package, which wa will send to you at once. Wa are aura that you will be ao greatly helped that you will continued thla treatment until curued. Pyramid Drug Co., 71 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich. 60 cent packages. Just like the asm' pie, for sale at all druggists. various states are Statements both the Reatate committees of Colorado have been received, emphatically denying the newspaper report that woman suffrage was a failure In that atata, and that tha leaders of both parties had determined to nominate no more women for stats Youd better paddle your own canoe, offices. It is pointed out that Miss For that's what youll have to do. Katherine L. Craig, the For when you are In hard luck state superintendent of public instructAnd want to borrow a ion, ran thousands of votes ahead of All youll get la her ticket In California, five of the Unless you take Rocky Mountain Tea six parties participating in the last T. N. Carr, Phar. Reports from enthusiastic. equally signed by the chairmen of publican and Democratic newly-elect- al The Swedish Dialect Comedy ed Saw-buck- aym-pa-the- ." e. fir j h STATE JOURNAL is now equipped to do afl kinds of and artistic AND JOB PRINTING in an ate manrer. The progressive business man demands first class printing. CL Would you patronize your friend if his stock of goods 'was several years behind the present style? Would you use printing that was ten years ago? Would you, if you were attracted by a handsome piece of printing, throw it aside and forget it; or would you hunt up the printing office that did the job and give them your work? up-to-d- ate The Journal Delivers the Goods Especially are we prepared to handle BRIEF WORK and TRANSCRIPT WORK, insuring its delivery on the shortest possible notice. If you need any kind of printing call us up. Phones 664. CL Prices Consistent WitH First Class Printing. Supported by a Strong Company A COMEDY DRAMA OF THE I NORTHWEST Played over 100 nights in Chicago. Special scenery painted by F. W. Hamilton, of the Broadway Theatre, New York City, See Sweet (Swede) Tilly Olson She Bane so Yolly" Peat Sale Wednesday Prices 75c, 50c, 25c W I Grand Opera House SUNDAY, FERUARY 17th THE ORIGINAL! NEW YORW.CHICAGO AND BOSTON SUCCESS with THE JOURNAL JOB ROOMS WILLIAM A. WILLIAMS In His Original Role oflQuincy Seat Sale Saturday Prices $1.00,1 75c, 50c, 25c UTAHNA THEATRE TONIC IN A SUN BATH. In Moat Casea Better Than Any Medi- cine Taken Internally. Borne one called the sun God's antiseptic and sterilizer, and certain It Is that not half the people on the earth realise how large a part sunshine can play In cleansing, purifying and making whole. No one can overestimate the value of n sun bath, and each year yon see an Increased number of children, wrapped up from the cold and comfortably tacked Into the persmbulsr tors, on the sunny end of the plana, getting the benefit of this greatest of natures tonics. Bun baths that are taken as n remedy for rheumatism, or to ward against sleeplessness, have better effect if they are followed by a warm sponge. If they are taken for any kin disease (and In inch troubles they are exceedingly valuable), they should be followed by n warm bath. Even when there la no special disease to fight, hut Just a sense of lannerguor and fatigue; and a vous system, the snn bath will do good work- - better than medicine. Boston Herald, run-dow- n A STITCH IN TIME win save nine. Bo will a bottle of Bal- lards Horehound Syrup always kept 1 Adelaide Harland as the Funny Swede Girl h Great Investment, absolutely safe, brings returns, giving surplus earning power of youth till old age; securing eomfort and health In your declining years. That's what Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea does. T. N. Carr, Phar. up-to-d- S ! with j Do You Need Printing? THE TILLY OLSON , it- 4 THURSDAY. FEB. 14th - Various SUtoo Show Reports From Are Growing Enrooted Into Pooplo ?! on hand save many n speU of sickness. A sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and Whooping Cough. Mrs. 8 X Hot Springs, Ark., writes: keep n bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup In my medicine chest, and thank my forethought many times. It has prevented many severe spells of sickness." Bold by Gea F. Cave, cor. 2Srd and Washington. ALL THIS WEEK Saturday Matinee at 2i30 The Lyric Stock Co. PRESENTS 'I SEALED LIPS I Seats on Sale at Utahna Drug Store 10c, 20c, and 30c. PRICES: Auditorium Ogden ROLLER SKATING e Ladies' Rseo, Friday Evening, February 15th, Miss Eva Turner; Ogden, vs Miss Blanch Ogg, Balt Lake. Grand Prise Mask Skating Carnival Thursday Eve, February 21. Valuabl Prizes will b awarded for Races and Costumes. Prise on Exhibition in J. . Lowio A Co.s Display Window. Costumes for rent at tho Rink. Half-Mil- Ladies admitted fro ADMISSION mornings and afternoons, except Saturday. Afternoons 10c, Evenings 15c Skates, 25c .1 |