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Show THE HOME Ss, S; 5 ' SEimm Pc.hlithel by the ed play the compan exhibitemiiidcrabletn eat. The Mi.-s-- es Rratt wore weli received and commented generally Manti, au le(e County, Utah. .on. Miss favorably Udall would lw? much hettvi-iJ n e k l'j Xoinp'i ier, ,hc did not elevate lyy: Nr c. Hudson, Dpvoted to tlie general incrert of eyes so much. . mode all out of his til people at ?:ui Pete and puit tlieiv was in ii and ME Hyde had no chance whatever for playing. i MBs Clou Prat! was the favorite ?2.(iU of tho One year, oyening. Taken all to1.25 gether the entertainment gave jix mouths,. 75 satisfaction and as The Lady .of Throe months, Lyons will give ths company a Adveitisiug ratfa.on application. Ali Communications intended much better opportunity to display their ability we hope and .or this paper should bealchess-j- d anticipate a good house to see Tub IIouk Sentinel. them. - W fc 5tt . l COMING SOUTH! surround-')Count.ie- , srzscx r ro.v: 2 tc, 1.1 i (. L dv i VC U1 . Oil, T- .- DRAMATIC CO. Jas. T. Jakeman, ?' th:. Manager, f. to!' oalu epjt. : TEMPLE BENEFIT. 0. Box ji,7, Manti, U. T. -- MANTI and. OTHER ITEMS. edet-- t Dont forgei the lecture night. The -- T.adv cl Lyons evcrr the. to Don.t forget the Theatre tomorrow night. The snow fell to the depth of from ten to twelve inches on Sunday last. The merry jingle of sleigh-bell- s is heard on our streets since the snow on Friday last, . The Hyde & Bailey Company jvill go south by way of Richfield tmd Beaver playing in the various OPEM. The Hyde it Bailey Dramatic Comdany have very kindly otlyred their services one night for a benefit fur the Manti Temple. They will play two nights Wednesday and Thursday and give one half of the proceeds of both night the Temple, thus giving one nights entire proceeds for the above purpose. Tiie Company present Lord Lyttons great play The Lady of Lyons on Wednesday r ight, which will be followed by a select Olio. Tickets are for sale at the Temple Oliee and the stores. Considering the object of the performances as well as the merits of thoconapany the hall should he filled to its fullest capacity. (to-morro- BEWARE Miss Margaret Pratt, Miss Lue Udall. Miss Lena Schroder, OF U71ITAT10FJS Mr. Ed. Udall. Mr. Wm. Bailey, Mr. Langley Bailey, Anl Salt Wm- Ijqlcei Yqhiiij and Actor md Artrex Fa-cori- te H. Hyde, totynsou tlvU' route. i nrrirTiTrTBijV"r HmrreraiWi Through the enterprise of private individuals and the city fathDANIEL HARRINGTON. ers our sidewalks have been partXotary P iiLlic. ly c leaned ,of snow and are in a All Notary work carefully attenAnd Xtjihi Lcoilimj Actor v rv good condition for p'des-tr'- .. ded to. Office at Sentinel office, Manti. ns. Utah The HoiisekoCTers Friend On Sunday last Elder Fother-inghaaddressed the .congregaASK FOB,, Harness! Harness! tion. lie gave a 'Very entertainAf2D TAKE FJO OTHER ing description of the travels and sellharness is the maker, Sold bv the Grocery Trade teall?. history of the Jar-- lites.Brother F. Quinn, in at bed is traveling through tU'is county ing every tiling rockprices.' Second Juuui harness oh his way to Salt Lake' City. taken in exchange fur uew. HighHe will Fpeak Iq the Conjoint est price paid for produce, Hides, VFNTII ATOR pelts, fur?, ami CBS. i warned.' Re- This Cvihjinny has been selected meeting this evening. with great care from different T pairing a specialty. Call and be PATENTED. convinced that you can get good Mother Bench, the mother conami the of Territory, parts ofFuelS work, cheaper than cheap, aud a any-kin-d John. sists oj an array of talent selGeorge,' and Willia sxuare deal at QuiutRs Harness Bench of Maiili South Ward, di dom ext riled in Utah, llteir SOFT OR HARO COAL. Shsp, directly east of the Meeting on Friday' Inst, after a lingerii includes Lord Lytton House, Ephraim, Utah They- Itecp the air In Repcrtoir R. 8. I will not he undersold hy a room pure bf illness. The Sentinel symp The Ruhccds beautiful Drama, any other harness making suful) in th izes with tho bereaved. Perfect Ventilation Utah. Try me and see, Q. The funeral services of Moth SAVE IN FUEL L.eiioL were held in the Tabern THAW THEY COST jfiOSS ele yesterday, and alargecorte A.RC1IITECT in carriages, wagons, and sleig 11 vp fire, longer than attf otiuT h iinl of Hove, followed the remains to their la C!VE NO CAS TAYLOR BROTHERS, MANTI resting place. BUT. BURN IT ALL antiffrwB-fiiii-iT- Miss C. Pratt, EV mi CRM- - L. L. Hudson, m L2R The above Company are coining South with the following well t favorably known Ladies A Gentlemen. l r axis-- - (111 hki-Un- iruurcu ,okfoi STOVES Bum tilar ' 4&tCS,ll - with usaes rliicano; of thoT itsclrs: toClobJ. rhiblwnen? Patent than e P' 0f id awy: fed Sfi 3 mneev. to mre3,r, lates, p, THE WANDERING TIIERI Mrt BOft-- - ANS. WH i laiiv-y- -' The entertainment of tholly Bailey DhunaticCompany h was attended by a ve !?. cyeumg fair house considering the di: tho deep sne OHAieCafCn?t ire play passed off smootl ,roiits.ajuc for the opportunity. present (c tj Lady of Lyons! Ingojnar! Female Detective! CotDesigns for ScLool-huusetages, Barns, Stables, Porches, Cornices, Interior Decoration, and Remodeling of Old Houses, Ete. furnished on short notice. Estimates and specifications accom- And tlie'highly Dramatic and Sensational Drama The panying plans Special attens, tion given to the ventilation ol Plans furnished by buildings. mail Correspondence solicited. Two Orphans! T3Sa:Y S1XTRE Ie.iT.lLFtiIno. by IVrfect Ventilation, . S'eonotiisj Hr Perfect Chbcrtulm-HH- , t.'omtort, Combustion. By Open Fir. by Ibiuorm, Equable Warmth. As low in price a tlio cheapert Illumination t from Fire. Worth e tlun the moat oontly. an Open-Grat- e Ventilator Sitoi e. ith Hr in It, before Bee an Open-i'trto allow yt buying any 'ov. A sk yuar ator. dealer cne; if he hits none aend b ns for patahOTe and GOLDS HEATED if EG. CO. 624-64- 2 fow York-East 14th |