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Show DESERET EVENING NEWS TP SAM IjAKE CITY, UTAH fERKITOKl, THUKHDAY MEXIIVtt, FEBRIABY 2, 182 the appropriation for compensation of railway postofflce clerks and route H ESTATE. agents and an increase in the sala1. Petitions were ries of these persons. WASinsaroN, The general debate having clo-epieeeuted foif the supression of polygthe committee, without further acamy. The bill waa reported favorably ap- tion, rose and the House adjourned. propriating $15, 00 for free vacciue. On motion cf Mr. WJntlom a resolution was adopted requesting 4 CONGRESS. FORTY-SEVENT- H NEWS, EVENING ; d Paae. wttk 3 mx ,. THE DESERET - SEMI NEWS w1th ctT .. Safurtfca. Prataga, u lu menu, . ; WEEKLY. jttfUAtd ararv TWelay go NEK1CAN. the President to communicate the Aaafatamea. Execucorrespondence between the tive Department and diplomatic 1. The following Washington, agents of the United States relating telegram was sent this afternojn to the proposed congress of all the Hoffman Minister at St. through American nations, or !any of them The Senate then took up Morgan's Petersburg: Washington, Feb. 1st, 1882. pending resolution calling for an authentic statement of all the tests To Dancnhoucr: made by the mixed commission in relation to heavy ordnance being Two officers will be sent. If your built by the United States and also health admits remain and continue for printing testimony taken in the the search for the missing parties. last Congress on the subject of heavy (Signed) ordnance and projectile. DiscusHunt, Secretary. sion followed In ex- - LOO tare month, NEWS DESERET WEEKLY. W sine Jay. v rubliilud T EB MS -- 4 POWDER Pasta fi with at qMDths, on 1.75 60 I Pure. Absolutely Tartt. otbr Made from Grape Cream No ieparatiOD uiaket uia 11 h. flak r hot breads, or luxurious pastry. Can b eauu i wltaoot fear of the Ulsiesult- food. aaarT Sot only fca un, by all Orooera a Kt I. Hot Rakixi Powdib Oa, York. ADVANCE. i tnaia-estibt- nritE tor oar of Sntli (Hreet. Tcanpl Be Ins Book m Jos Hx. 5uiierkjr fa$UUi8 Klnda AJ1 :id r the executioo CX of KEITH BROTHERS, Bwk and Job Printing:. BO0K 0I DI A ." MAJfCrACTTRUIS PAPER R I I.I.N Q HEW TOBK & CO., Mauuftotuivrs of VEX' IS S-- 05 9S, mimi mm, STRAW BOYS CLOTHING. MEN'S BKOADWAT, 1ST S3 TV row lev m: BENEDICT w'taotal YORK. HALL & AHD JOABStiS Or Hats, Caps, ZETJ TRADE. fflOS. M. ARGALL tUO TRADE. 1914 Pernio Office a BUCK GOODS. ETC H0. aa, 200 A 252, Hadlan Street, dir OTITOAGrO. CO., Manufacturer of in WRTICLE BOOTS OF REROW E WORLD-WID- Ii mum SHOES. PURE R E F I H E LABI. 0 IS4 and 1M Oft ANT) 8TRB1CT, Oorosr Crosby. YOR EC. & COOLEY JAibm cf ten BILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, BATES, REED 1 in i or Iocludki- - aud a full ait oomplete line of Prints, Ginghams and Domestics, MS, M. V! BI'",ti'W,T. a, Hand H IF0NARD arruKRT. wr.w miH 'ity Ouoe uaed Uwaya N. HEMPHILL, HAMLIN & Co. CAREETING, una in ciams. I maui iuts, ltc ta a jit BBOiDff.tr, IsTEW YORK. L C. It. aod viaoa :inl ! IT& T3r2X" L FAIRBANK KorSaeh. M. dwiied in th rote?, Oa. CHICAGO. its Branca r. 9f . I. and e.ilei Oenerauy. z. i I Wat. VAWPffTSZff, LB mat. which Morgan d jlained his purpose was to have matters which the Ordnance Bureau had suppressed, lie had been informed tiiat the Bureau was in the hands of a ring, interested in certain inventions, and its chief offl-et- r held intents upon inventions which the ring had caused to be patented, lie wanted to have the whole matter sifted tu the battom and an opportunily given American inventory to compete with favorites of the Bureau. The resolution was finally laid aside Informally without action. Tho Henate tnok up thopi per cent, bend bill, an i M. reuu advoca'ed as additional section an amendment as follows: That the agreement made with the holders of bonds of the United States since the adjournment of the Forty-sixt- h Comzress. bv which the rate t f interest on such bonds is reduced to 3 per centum per annum, is hereby fully ratified and confirmed according to . the terms and intent of said agreement. After long discussion on tho sug gestion, Iugall'H amendment was modified by the insertion of the express recognition af agreement as valid and binding upon the government. The amendment was then adopted without vote, as also the provision ottered by Davis, it declaring that nothing in the act shall be so construed as to authorize an increase of the public debt. The bill was then e ported to the Senate from the committee of the whole nd the question being upon agree ing to the amendment as a whole, Sherman asked for a eeparate vote upon Plumb's amendment, applying the surplus revenue over $100.- 000,000 to reduction of the public debt. He said, if tho proposition was not stricken out, he and others who bad acted with him, would le compelled to be against the bill. He urged upon the Senate to appreci ate the importance of maintaining a sufficient reserve in the Treasury, as heretofore, In order that sudden emergencies might be: provided against, and argued that if the j ro. posed reduction was now made, it would open the door to further at tempts in the same directions. The next move, lie feared, woull be to dispose of tile revenues in excess of o0,000,000. H had fceen Informed that even to day the How of gold from our own .country had begun. and-hwas apprehensive that the balances in our favor neretorire might be turning against tbe United States. He added, that on the pre vious evening, he had felt like imi tating the example of the French Ministers and resigning the charge of the bill in favor of the senator from Kansas (Plumb). P:umu fcaiu tho senator com plained that sOiv.ebody might some day reduce the redemption fund to $50,G00,000. He (Plumb) knew one man the Secretary of the Trea.-ury-) who might to day reduce it to. nothing, and he wanted to restrict this one man's cbwer. The senator sought to alarm the country by charging a panic might occur it sur plus revenues were reduced, amd had spoken of tho outflow of gnfld. and in this he was helping to bring on every evil he professed to fear. He (Plumb) believed how was tie accepted time for applying usefully tne revenue. which had been lymg uselessly in trie treasury vaults. teller said financial statements laid upon the desks of senators from oltlcial sources, disproved Sherman's assertion that gold exports had oegan .Bayard here took the floor, but yielded It for a motion for executive pub-ishe- 1 Tha Fnualns BUI. During the debate of tbe funding bill, Sherman and Ingalls had quite an animated (lilt. Sherman maintained there was no fund kept at the Treasury for the specific purpose of rtdteming outstanding legal tenders. Ingalls replied that a sale was made of f 95 .000,000 worth or bonds, to provide such a fund, and the Ohio Senator, Secretary of the Treasury then, told the country tbat there was not a dollar of that fund in the Treasury. Sherman hotly declared V sit the gentleman purposely misunderstood him. Ingalls maintained his saying there could be no misunderstanding the Secretary's language. He then read fr jm Secretary Folger'a report showing it had been for years the policy of the Treasury to keep on hand a reserve fund for the redemption of legal tender?. self-contr- ol, Pentloa Matter "The commissioner of pensions, answering the House resolutions for information as to the amount of appropriation required annually to pay pensions the next 25 years, If all claims for pensions says: arising from the war of the rebellion shall be adjudicated within seven years, the period terminating June 30, 1838, and if at the end of that period survivors of the war with Mexico and their widows shall then be pensioned at $S per month, the commissioner estimates the amount required for 25 years ending with 1906,at $1,317,051,593, of which 11,264,229,977 are rebellion claims hied after June 30, 1880, and 51,- 91,616 Mexican war claims. The amounts grow gradually less ftoiulua tloua. The President has nominated Wm. H. Armstrong, of Pennsyl of Congress vania, au from Williamsport district, commis sioner of Pacific Railroads. The President has nominated John J j. Wilson, of Indiana, Receiver of Public Moneys at Colfax. Washington Territory. 40,000,000 Onllaai Ahead. The Commissioner of Internal He venue reports the quantity of spirits in distillery warehouses on Jan. l.jt, 73,806,914 taxable gallon which is about forty million in ex cess of last year. Baiineu r.6t Iit. Nuw York, 1. The clearing house exchanges for the week end ing, as compared with the corres pon 'ing week last year, show the following galas and losses in buai ness transactions: Gains New Yerk, 4,4 per cent.: Philadelphia, 15.6; Chicago, 21.4; Cincinnati, 29.9; St. Lou s, 22.5; .Mwurieans, zo.a; Han Francisco, 19.5; Pittsburg, 24.1: Milwaukee, 29.9: Louisville. 1.9: Providence. 10.11 Kansas City, 35.1; Cleveland. 43.3; Minneapolis, 7. 7. Hartford, 8.1; Columbus, 26.3; New Haven, er nun mortem examination of the brain, and id confident U will discJove disease. The question is raieed ks to the right ot the relatives to have and to dispose of the remains of a person executed in circuinstante-ilk- e those of Gui lean. Booth's bpdy was not surrendered to lite relatives for several year?, an-- 1 then only by the special order of the War De partment. a Oxkuru, lows, 1. Several build- ngs were destroyed by fire th morning Loss aud insurance uu- known. Drowaed. Broadway Depot, Va., I. Tlirce younx ladies Were drowned in attempting to cross the rlter in a frail . boat. Mltat. Philadelphia, 1. - The Women's Silk Culture Association opened its first exhibition at Ht George's Hall. Its aim is to enlist general interest in the advantages of Domestic silk growing and the pecuniary benefits to he derfved therefrom by women of mail mean in rural homes. The society has been in existence less than two that time has sent years but silk worms, eggs and slijis of mulberry trees to iersons in ucarly every Stale in the Union. Cocoons spun by worms at tho hou?ej of those who have taken up the new industry have been purchased by the society. An ounce of esrgs cost $5, and worms liatched from thm will make 40,000 cocoons. The society pays $1 a pound for cocoons, from which silk is reeled ofi. each pound of cocoons making about a quarter of a pound of r.iik. The reeling Is done by employees or the so lely, as there ate no skilled American reelcrs. At the opening this evening, Mayor King, ex Gov ernor J. Pollock, James .Neil and Rev. Dr. V. H. Tlilany were among the speakers. Of the officers and founders of tho society there were present, Mrs. J. Lucas President; 51rs. W. B. Eltonhead, Chas. D. rhumb and Mrs. Bishon Simpson, Vice Presidents. The offer of a tho prize of $5C0 by a city firm for best exhibition of cocoons ha - call ed out 25 com;ietitois,includingthree southern States, In all (here are about 30 exhibitors of c coons Floss silk,reeled silk and cocoons are shown surrounded by floss as spun by the worms on branches, and also as spun separately in small paper horns ao cording to the Culular system, as well as packed In bottles denuded cf the floss. Single, double and pieced cocoons are exhibited with silk worm eggs and specimens of dead worms and moths. An especiehy interesting exhibit of silk of foreign and domestic worms, and of the , silk of a new species fed on is made by Prof. C. V. Biley, of the United States department of agriculture. The process of reeling waa practically illustrated this even ing, and plufh taffeta and satin looms were In operation. There is also a large variety of manufactured silk goods, Including many screens and banners. A Fraud. JaOkson, Miss, 1. Col B. H Evers, who has been in Jackson three or four months, claiming to be the agent of the English firm of Marshall, Phillips & Co., represent ed as heavy capitalists, and who have been negotiating for the pur chase of a large body of swampland, has proved to be a swindler, and the Impression prevails there Is no such firm as Marshall, Phillips & Co. Thos. Watson, of Illinois, is a vic tim, and has suffered to the amount of about $100,000. Evers has left the State for parts unknown. WHO First BUTC3II It. ro t, S,, S"Uth 01 t:it CurtKr, A Daaier In all hin or ,M 1 .h torn 1 i: T in ea n. Meat Oidered bv leiepbOne wrltl rxwiv prompt attention to thu mi isif 40(100 ot All kinds cf 2 SI TV J A SPKt l.M.TY. an ia. a AUS AmBi'K A. . FOR SALE HQtTSE ANIonADDTE Tib Fast CF RIX taaTrbr ttirtber QBB H)kx:k KOOMs. betwten First and htn-et- , Micoad South Street, ELKNOK 0. JON rM. ! " i; j T'lK the piojeity of Mil?. jrucu1rs enquire of HT. COULAM, south 0f 11th Ward School Hoi aa. KKPll.M. Hl'RlNOEK. ' Vi-enu- a says that the question of the failure of the Union Generale will be brought before the Austrian Ileichsrath at an early day, as it is hinted that the Minister of Finance, who la expect d to resign, had something to do with Mr. Benteau't schemes. At the Paris and Petite bourses stock under the influence of the syndicate of bankers, closed steadier, with a slight reaction iu prices. A judicial inquiry has been commenced into the affairs of the Union Generate, and a corps of experts are now xamining the accounts; Iu the Chamber of Deputies, today, Mr. Adrlent moved that the government intervene to check the m-rke- ts, panic. Paris, 1. It is believed legal proceedings will be commenced against the Union Generale. 1 is stated suspension was caused the refusal of the Lander Bank ty to pay 17,000 000 fraucs, which has been depended on to enable the Union Generale to meet liabilities. Thirty-onstrong I oxes in the Union Generale's vault were found empty, and an examination of its nooks proves that when Bon Toux stated its profits were 67,000,000 francs there was really a deficit of 1 NEEDHAM & SPRINGER t ma in :ilacde - V llcoper sthi:i:t, Buildlftug, laketo their saj.i general city, ltetpectfury call th attention of the l'ubjio lof Xew and Tl Dry &oofls, Groceries, fI 8Ject Notions StockIN .fir ,11 In, I 1 ; I r I J i '! i MX hmiiM (Ms. ant) i I; DRY GOODS AND NOTION DEPARTMENT cents up. Callcoe.- Csn be found DreM Patterns ranging from S Ohevlota, Sheetinas, Muflirif, Table; Linens, Toweling, Cotlonar's and Flannels In great variety. Also Lace, IRibbons, Krnbrolderies, Uand kerchieft, Uloven, Kut hiag, Hosiery, Corbet, .tc. We would particular, ly call attention of Uie Family Trade,- tooulr ' 111 m i . l . , t- -. l I Grocery Doipartinoiit We keep on hand a Choice Stock of Fine Japan and English Breakfast Teas, Choice Cofleen, Sugars, Hnices, Currants, ItaiSlns, Jellies, Jam, nned Fruits, Canned Fish, Ftc., in fact everything needed m the household. You will do well to g've us a call. Orders by Mall will re osive prompt and careful attention. . e P. G. Bos 974. BAlLT LAKE CITY", UTAH. st sjnj na 98,000,000 francs. Troops guard the offices of the Union Geuerdo at Lyons, to prevent the populace from entering them. i he Uu ion Generale paid all engagements at Borne. It is asserted that Count deCham-boriud- , as well as persons of high i , lasition, Austrian clergy and oat heavily by tho failure of the Union 0eueia!e. t lie Bank ef Frauce. I. The specie In the Bank Pakis ol Franco has Increased forty millloD francs since Thursday last. A passage in the ministerial statement, referring to the financial situation says: It shows nothing that ought to alarm, but defends certain precautions for the present, states it cannot entertain the question ot conversion, etc. Another Snlcldal Banker. 15 k 1. A leading banker of klin,committed suicide owing Hanover to the financial crisis; aiis-tocracy- osage-orange- band-painte- WAITIO. UNDERSTANDS MAN of IH Dlst KEri aces. ASee Iiulkimg TboBwa Taylor, 14th Ward, City. FOREIGN The fatten tienerale. LONDON, 1. A dispatch from e. mo d O TaW ill L W aajsaaMaasaasaasaMaMaMi final REMEDY 2p ) ml FOB RHEUmiSat NEURALGIA. Haider. SCIATICA, Kinqston, S. C, 1. Anderson rilng tton and Lucinda Tcsdale, yes I LUMBAGO, s M x terday brutally murdered Phoebe NEEMES JOHN CO, BACKACHE. ail Baa lesdale, slsu r of Liiicindrt. After had crushed in her skull Smgleton af A JJ ITF A CTUBIMO with nn axe, Liudnda plunged a BRIKCKERHOFF, TDRNER & CO., knife through her sister's heart. SORENESS 100 Duarw Street, New York, They then threw tbe body in a deep or TUB uuficturri of and Dealer! In COT- cause. was the gulch. Jealousy GHEST to HAIL Ultli, " Woodberrv,' Druad Both were arrested. and other favorite UW, olkxinaqa SORE THROAT, Liancester, S. C. 1. Tho body of 1 MtHilllMHB3,--m58f- flll tram, all number Hard,MdUim ana orz-Thomas Backins,a prominent young KClFie OTEBV.LS. BtQE.UHW IJB 11 TEE EBE? QUINSY, man of this place, was found in a COTTO CAN'T AS of all number- -I with his throat gold pit here to l'XHncbes w1d,for Deck Car Trunk- SWELLINGS tod agou Cove rlii cut and pockets rlrled. No clue to Machine Aproosaod AM other rur 20.7; Memphis, 3.2; Springfield, 2.t.6; the murderers. cmitar.tly la store ana Our Goods aie keut biZ. C. M. I.lt Bi So order. SPRAINS, Worcester, 2.8; JUoweil, 1U8.4; 8"yra A&iU M V, S. Hunting Co., "Standard" Stores aud IValera generally in tbe Han Consolation. cuse, 1.8. od - ta,'ltf v Wse ('tis or (cat quantity. FROSTED FEET I. at. 1 Tawwi z uwd- wii be at u Chicago. 1. The store of Maik Losses Boston, 8.0: Baltimore, is Airo Simon, on South Franklin Street, dlttly JL 6.5. TI I I D fSJ C EARS. scene was Ot ternoon al I, tho The Public says of tbee figures: yesterday a decidedly sensational episode. r B W MERRIAM & CO HTJH3VS DKAI.I BS IN Exchanges for the last week of Jan of this city, at Aaa uary are rather more favorable than Miss Celia Beiimau, ofheld an interSCALDS. those of the previous weeks of this tbat time and place with Morris Simon, nephew of year, it is true the decline at Hus view QHEaUUt the merchant, r during the tuurseof ton waa larger than it wa f the M I BODILY her remarks which she emphasized P1IH5, OF , preceding week and at Baltimore. EVERT; DESCRIPTION. TUREBV li001. JB4t h number of vigorous strokes of by of rail tbe settlement rbe Eae. TOOLN. Etc.. O. 877 URI4IWAT. TOOTH, EAR road war has not as yet produced a cow hide anoul lua nead and Mr. man. sStouldersof the Ann young at but ISrEW AND exchanges YORK. any improvement, SHOE STORE Fi NDIN9S SimiB, for b Z (A M. L HEADACHE. dill lr every other city are larger than Okes, brother in law ottheMiss Bell session following gives Aaa those of the corresponding week last man, Wttoleaale ni: f .rtnrara facts: it had The House rtmion, Young resolution tbe appears, S at and other r fixing a MarUliir year, every and nearly city All other Fiio. CLARK BROTHERS. 27th of February as a day for the the increase is greater than tbe ad cast some reflections on Miss Bi ll, WO A Garfield memorial services, wasccn vance prices, so that the volume of man's character. Mr. Okes hearing FormarlT Draper, Chirk 4 Co. came from Cincinnati to decur red in in quantities of this, of business, measured on ftaxth aqoala Sr. J a com Oil hlioon satisfaction, lie No Frerixraticn HAT WAREHOUSE. waa greater. is not maud KK. BIMI'I.B ,BQ CHRif LXHrMI WBW.T. it Adjourned exchanged, Ml,. some Miss Bellman found A trinl uiitaili but tha oomparatirelv trifliDK cratlar M nuturaPy HORSE NliLS ! unusual nor significant that the 2t with pua oaa uu aud she proposed i CiXTa, ana rerr on oiiuifarin HOVSK. t 156 Bxo.tDn.tr, 4 13 t UO.SI1T STREET payments in the fourth quarter of what incensed, xu otauaa. cava; uj posuiva prooi own tattles. l.er They month are much lees than in the fighting D1REITIOX3 IS KLKTKH LAlOCifiBa. POLISHED OR BLVEO INTEW YORK: Washington, 1. Monday, the the of young Simon's presence tClO BT All CRU3QISTS ASBStMUS ! learned cities third. gener Manufacturing anno was 27th , inst nted for memo aforesaid store, and Miss Pell- viu lurid a sfacwoo Ixaacar A. VOQELER V CO. ally make aooJ reports as usual. It at theattended rial services upon Garfield we uuaraal otftar. by her Bister, Mrs. mau, HoUiuiore. Md., V.S.JL that must be remembereJ, however, A. W. FABER'S Hill introduced a bill reducing the last week to be ICqual a QuaBty Okes, and a younger brotherj who was of 1SSI, to uuraotmr any January, on FOR SALE D.Y sealed letters and postage pack one of unusual foTIHEI! UllGUS 4 llTISTS. IlIUIUS. along to see fair play, sallied to- two cents for one-hal- f by went for interruption on nee ages scene Several of action. the tbe FOUND o. M. L, Sole in Lake City. and under, and tor each additional storms, and business here was esneof fcrth UT.aa AD AT Iroai. r I n la bed Already were in tbe store. Miss Bell CLOTHES. OP CHILDREN'S persons affected the by cially breaking t drive, by tit ounce or fraction thereof, two half AfUIT or It can at ner obtain callingman by tne otject telegraph wires and stoppage of rail wrathconfronted cents, iteferred. pojlnfir cuargas and provtoeurt and demanded an explana- iblaoOioc, UM Ik sa3 HflBSE IJlll EMPIIT, ONION The Houe then went Into com road trains. no satisfactory re terty. tion. Receiving Kat p.,,. eod. Lnd cow-hidmitteeon the. postofflce appropriaI'isnaer from a under she drew ply, dim. tion bill. It appropriates $43,52B,0O(); The Trunk Lines Executive Com her :cloak, and proceeded to lay it X estimated that $12,741,000 c. it b being for Sdh acting as a standing com about the face aud shoulders of her Braoeb 4Uhi revenue will be derived from the de mittee, of the Joint Executive Com accuser, with a zest that soon drew mittee WH wlllie the ;i!oto reward for anr cav PECK BROS. & CO. Sty partment. The committee cut down ml t tee?, at Commissioner from the youth howls of pain. f Ivor (Vinnktlut, lTtr1a, flclc HovV refused , luil'vieilon, and of acli I'oitMlmhOa or Cosiiye- several the estimates, resolved that first and Friends interfered and biuion pru attKrrAcnmaKg or Fink's offtee, s wu cstnnot cure with West's VegetAb' to at propriate over $50,000 for ex second-cias- a f scene. torn the The retired passenger rates, east dently when the direct Out ar ktriet ly l.her Pill, lUSSUIPJIEHINFeiVmi sas.stehi I with. tending the carrier system west bound, shall be restored lady, after calmly surveying the de. a ini1 and They are purely Vegetable, The Department asks for $l5U,ouo. to the following basis, February 0, sorted field, witbdiew again to the at iK'ver fall to rive wn'rfactlou. JQBBSIM 1.1 urtr & Co., ( outeil. Large oontatnlog Ai Pfl. 2R THE HOST DURABLE UNO PERFECT COOKING STOVE Palmer, At the conclusion of Caswell's rc 1882: Chicago and new xork, lim retirement of LAfiin Street. Hhe o MIDI For Beware ol all aie PLUMBERS' MATERIALS. DrnggMa. marks a three hours' debate follow ited, $30; unlimited, $23.25, except will demand further consolation in oimtifeits andbyimftaUOna. Turn gcuulnr of WbcleiaU A MaradketM ?S BEEHMAX SI BEET, inai.iitkrtured onlr by JOHN C WEST ed by the Pennsylvania and Baltimore the shape of $10,000 damages. " lhe PHI uiakera, 181A MW.Mafl- Ol. referring to the approiri- - A Springer, be which shall Ohio $28.50. roads, on - t., bleago. pec trial paoaage aa. t by A story. Strange UNO o S7.240 000 BLINDS, at trans n .wr of for Inland SRSH. D01S mall prepaid on receipt of a 8 cent statu ti all lines, $17. lSew Second class 'L'H HI IsTEJWESO? dj permfreloo to David Jamaa, BBSST. Miss Belle Metxger, ef Oakland, L. u. M. I. - to be Star- routes, staled En h land ra"e- by the iw Mtor, by on portation Agent. ay. a basla . . made dlr aeTi w .a d MOULDING, told a at sensational it me Cel.. po at story would proper lime that he mi ted, from Chicago to $22, tHnUk, Btair; offer SfittttfU, PVw. rt-lice headquarters of some curious to that clause the following of all routes crossing the adventures. Boston via Stair Kailimj, Bnlter; NrteU,Cte. She left Oakland, she no that amendment: part "Provided, River north of New York two weeks ago, intend CHICAGO, ILL. about HAZARD POWDER be raid to anv contrac- - HudsonNew thereof shall said, rates I through England City. eonatantht kept la f , Our it lends at Tucson, Anzo OVERLAND HOUSE, ing to visit New i orK tjiiy snan ne maue uy na. -cue she met a hand were Uu not """7 on band a mptete itock of thn rJai aty aoVeeo. embraced aaa Law which j performed w Pric to New York rates as above. some young tram Three flair XnutA 4 known and JurJ celebrated who gave the fellow in the original contract; and no ser adding MoukHua Uooc.1 aent treu upon appunum or xora ne east rates oy liocal vV a f w cum alter H. Chase, and who MAIN ST.. SALT LAMM CITY, vice shall be expedited or increased rate of tickets, together with 7d name of succeeded in capering her affec Larr.VO, KEXTVCKY RIFT.B, beyond the original contract; and nj cento transfer in all cases. tions. He induced her to come on 4TM contract shall be enlarged or modi DUCK, TKAMK. EASTERN Tate wlth Body. Aw.lu'a hits to Chicago, promising to Batter A xxiii coodataoaai i Ivan E2K taaa adveror after released fled until FirSK. KLKCTBIC, any other g nai Claw &TZ ner immediately on arrival. g m thereof marry and tisement Foat's The dJEL J?Z Washington special by B . C' . SI . I. and all tbe I ..t fPKafaTT at nBt na a. a f K., tmra Term (S.O m.m as r? iu tbe Territory, ai.d by the same manner ui the original says: rteiemng to uie report mat v"c . ' Lemett & Myers ToUUcco Co. contract U. B CLAW MIX . Agent. ia advertised and let; bat ScoviUs bad consented to sen uui-- 1 " W7T tJUZAUa &m 5SlTB. ire. auu SINGLE a BurcrACrcaaaw or th no new contract shall mease any teau's body to a Philadelphia ipecu- - m""" V??"3 riuni aaav W. a. mxs, contractor from his liability or the i.tinr for tk nnrnoM of ox hi hit ion. wife. Chase suggested that they BiitEi. Cmkuge. Cuppu. f srt pom ea otaf rraat nca iiu S bould tMT in (rati the or ms man a in tne spend Sunday sureties from seeing a origi jays he received letter jiaoimy TV i i Iff 3 and theya. .would nal ton tract." an offer, war J bout town, ajro othkk aaAVM or him sometime asm . .J . . making . 1J nantarsH at Hooker notice he uau uewould, gave aio Would uay. and he he that replied briefly 5Sn her satchel offer contains an the amendment $1,400 proper time, tke it into consideration. It la the posited tn taU tv Z.C M.I and Branch Store, dly limiting the power of tbe Poet made r only letter he has ever answered. It worth of Jewelry and $143 in money V liEan General to the discontinuance of would I e a matter, he says, which in the safe of tbe hotel. At n CO hour Mondav & mornintr. how mail service on steamboats. M.RUMSEY would be for Guiteau and his imme early Holman gave notice of an amend diate relatives to decide. He thought ever, he left his affianced wife quietMaaiaaauirera atad Jobbaal or ly sleep nir, and going to the clerk ment which he proposed to offer, they v ere disposed to consider it asseo r jr the satchel. He got it and be As fur wnicn railroad himself, that favorably. compaprovides pomps nies whose railroads were construct should recommend In case the offer they looked udob hit facr no mora. Of the Very Dost Karefagam V, ATSON . bee ed in whole or in part by land grants was accepted.that so much of the arc-- 1 Miss Metxger ft a light-1- . aired, inte- - rivaled for Flexibility. DnraSlllty, and rt Pipe aeat mm -BROS., WITH OR WITHOUT RKESVtJR " made by Conaresa on condition the cceds as might be necessary should resting giri about 23 years old. Her Evenness of point. f iBinocr AND CLOSET. IWIlln. Braaa GoHia, wvw jbm ner ahduteiy penniless, , should to malls be be STaiECUTTERS & BUILDERS Gul teau's V. over the ACTIO H applied Rrhlaa-i satisfying WAN transported UU1LJ, lloatana ne.ii. aer roads at such prices aa Congress debts, and any surplus be donated to fnu TltooaantU Ln lally Cac Lh 4ao TerrlUrj. baggage was sehei by the on account ot ner In SO Hnmasn. A com hall direct, shall receive only SO per some asvlum for the Insnne. HCO-AttRICDjAlTOX IimSffNTS, 0 Hnmrwnmi wiaai jurujea on Inboard bill. After rer wild for trial, br mail on receipt of TOR BALB BT MA" all of had to not cent, be the vlJIesakl HEW MAKTLES, paid compensation up Fena Wire, Barbed Wit, he U d aurally shy Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co. railroads wh Ich did not receive aid hoota of ret tin? thegiven aTXl KKAETB tTONEB, vnrdict set ?Pde AND AU ITS O- - IjVC. v. Etc., Et. , to menus in can- for correspond In e costal service. a"lde: but recoaniaad that traeeJiattice w"lJlJmg foroia. Williams was an in advocated He small. on a will increase post w nmioRosT, wiaOrwiu InsUt !. OirCordiftraktiJtby L, Ml & C. 'f I CONFECTIOHEHS ( OHIOAOO. 14 PAV Tr UnliunP VSmSSm Mi? !? MI-I.KT- COUT lb: ce to-da- to-nig- ht OHICAOO, IJaT 9SM - BU -- - Agents - Salt . e $500 Kcward! I to-da- CHAMPION MONITOR . 1 Fuller OT ; 1 . AND THS a S- - 1 e sub-lettin- a -- av a. 4 a, I aa I . VsaaaaallaaaaaaaKBaaaaaaaaa ia. ."- . a I I no m anus, ih - BSSaaaaaaaaB 1 SPENCERIAN VsaSBaBai aSaaaWa STEEL PE N8 MfgiJ! -- ; i Z. I. BnfflR aBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaB |