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Show " I DLiSEKLI NEWS THE 3 PROVO k , $ Carrier Drttmry Imnlar rtfartM t Tk ahaaU Praia Carrier IVfaniaaat. Tka Daaaraf Nataa, al Lake City, ar Oliver Maaarry, Clre la Ilea TaL Raprcaantatlaa. 37 W. Oaaaa Urrter DelfTpry ebc1d Imgalaf rcfrlc4Tbto Oefrf Cinttf "few, H.t MniaM(. Tel. City, or Hartty Uka S3H. 1 d kaaaikt. Bit. Lift WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY r 10 WHlllara Feb. Henry LOGAN, Meacham died at his home in this city services will at noon Tueda Funeraward chapel at be held in the Fourth m 7. Joseph Feb. Moroni PROVO, Brown, agM pioneer and Indian war veteran, died Tuesday forenoon at tbs family residence f31 north tniversity avenue Complications incident to old age was the cau" of death Mr Brown vtaa born in Hancock lie county, Illinois. Feb. 1, l&5 crossed tb fifrains wttirfaw parerrrs tnd came to Utah in 1852. moving directly to Provo where he has since then resided He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Nel. lie Mitchell Brown. thre$ sons J Al- Thursday Feb 8 Mr Meacham was born at Little OF- SI. ton wood, bait Lake lounijf Lee 1K51 the son of FresLus 8 and MArth North Dgrtn Meacham mowed to junta e irly manhood, and mirned m h In 187 he A.m AprU I, 187 Kct moved to Bar Valley where tohe lived Lagn until 199, when he went Idaho In llo. he gave up farming and came to Logan, where he had since rc- Mdd Mr Men ham was active in Church affairs and was b hop of Park Val-to ley, he later served as counselor the Bishopric at Lago, Idaho Mrs, He is survived by his wife, and the follow , Almira Rose Meacham, In children John E Meacham, La go, h Ingram, Salt Lake, Idaho Mra Lago. Idaho" ..Mrs Tu H Jia Arnold Mm' ham Port Orchard Mash Mrs. A. Wells Harii j. MeaciLam andMeacham Logo Anris, Levan Lcro drew Mean tn Soda Springs, Idaho. Mrs Verdi Hiriley, Logan; Milda Mes-- i ham, hail Laki m p , . p w ; 7 Feb j 1 j j j Parent-Teacher- lhL Hear s rotTMIt ljn, "Hy-'ru- i - pm uJlfbi 4 lt ' 1 C . i 1 4$': v ' 19-- 11 cm-ze- te ge a ' V - "' at ri I t 7 n ? gin r te ij-r- r I r g ser-Jai- d -, .. D' ! it i rcT -- -- r state set-i.- al -- d l i in-- rk l - m.,Tn olo-ra- ik LI " rairof hus-bun- d 111 vniy w -- j A V x , v . n3 i er pimples or other fcj4 erupnon,. jciu wut accut n Pre.BJt.?o gtitute" for Resin'jl iimlbr in name or apjearancc ar Restnot.,, not 'mst the same Althouji a frst unscrupulous dealer may offer them as of for Rrv intrf they are often crudely made, ! little healing pirwer and some ma) even be danyetcus to use. Buy in the original blue package. 1! vnu want to get dtT,? Last Respects Paid iorlrs. Ada Williams (fi, Ketincl U never oTJ ia LVTc" f.il W K V Pi j B ' tu F, 1, i 4 ' B News) Mineral serv- u for M- - s AaI M 'll yu 1' was furnished by the ward rh ir with a violin -- 0I0 hy Mis Dons Thorn ey and violin solo hy Harold Lark ns. Tb speakers included Rarriuel Mor- pan Mi' Emity Brough K P Elhson, Bihno Frank Hxde of Kaysvllle ward and H H r loxd The invocation was offered iv David kiyton and the bene- w diction pronoun ed bv J W (5x m The 1. du at.iv prixer was of- - ,y- fldr ,1 ki u'pi w - 'crtii casnet C Mr a 1 B Mfa Arruu ural extension service M Wis dams w1)! ccndu r,iecl lesdcr train ng echoes in the north end of the county Feb 21 to 2 inclusive on tbe foo work. The towns at which the training schools wil be given will be announced later tjollege Ciaxton and m Bilious Liver 1 . fiapla Mr be Small Betkl It Is bailton reason. Bdentifie author ties admit its powr! 8. &. 6. builds d blood power, it bu Ids That la what makes dgbuag-bleod- . Fighting blood des'rujs iu:j uriucs, It fights It CghU pimbolla It always win It fights akin eruptions! It boQda ple' nerve powr, thinking power, the tight hated power that whirls a man up into aaccesa It gtvF women tbe health, tht angelic complexion and tbs charm that moe tbs world! These are the reasons that have made 8 S. &. today the great blood cleanser, body bulkier, scene builder and Its why result have made t rs f Joy flow from the soal f thoe dI Mr. V D Sefcaff, 06 Y X5U fit Washington. D C . wrties; tnU or pwwv to get rwAtf frwm bad' mat at botZa SaarwOunf fmlad wmta I toad d I am maw oW mXat$ owaad, I, FOm COCFLBS AUG UfRVED POCATELLO, Fh. 7i Mondsv bnsy day In tbe marriage lleense at the office of the county clerk . and Hcenees to wed were isau.d ,. DUowin Lh four couples Lester S A Anthony and Frances (.hewer, Jvan Carl arisen and Alma L. Hicks br.th of Pocatello Isaac Henry Mower and Dorothy Mit. tektedt both of Robin, Frank April-ant- a of Moore, Idaho and Myrtle Falagi of PocateHo Jh the of the three couplea, tbe applications hnde in each under age and the written consent of parants tha Hi vu accompanied appljcattoM TRIAL DATE 9BT. PtATKLLO, Fob. 7 Th following war taken Monday aftarraignment ernoon in district ooort before Judge G R Btum Gomes Green, with assault with intent to charged murder entered a plea of not commit and hts case was set for trial forgutitv Feb !2 at 9 2A a m Robert Lee Jones charged with aasault with a deadly wreagon pleaded not guilty and tha court appointed Attorney D D Mot to represent th defendant at his Feb 12, Marie Bali, charged with trial. possession of mtorjcatlng liquor, pleaded not gutitv and her trial was pt for nest Mondav W T Pope .pkea of guilt v A rhr chant nT P' ss ston of liquor and will be sentenced at M i iSIS tka dd 1 1. 8 8. fi. i sold at al Try it yourself drug stores in two slice. Tbe larger aim economical. more is the bottle S.S.S. ,i" w f"' ntej QUiTTOBACCO latef HZ tHIEF rUCRK a WED. rorATELLTirf Feh 7 A W Ie, AAXiat&ui xhief clerk- - of 4 fires of the Short Line has been an-- 1 rk to au . pointed chief Havsett who left Kundav frr edLos j An--y it I gelaa where he- - ha kr rep ted a uon with the S L A I. a Mr has been with the Union t'aejfjc In various clertci and ccoWptin n positions atnc UOO he was stationed at Larami jn Wvo , iater be-- r transferred to Cheyenne In 90 j pr. t Sorasytodrop Cigarette, Cigar, or Chewing habit f No-T- '' break tl B nr bss e cogtlv nerve-shatteri- 1 ea. fr-n- mr-ic- n electrical home con-ervalt- Instantly! End Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn, Acid Stomach THESE gait Lake ftnu Lre 1 members aA the lateraatlsaal. tall Elsrtraataia them whes seed of eleeeriesl wrtlca Art af Ughdag Stadlo, 42 Fast First ftaafb. Apex Eleetrle She. 1S70 East gist R. 6. Eleetrf hsp, X7 East First Howtb. Dodge Bros. leetrie Cs, " 8sih Hfste. Fardley Fleetrlr VI Exebaage Flare Hndpni irrirfr I2M gostb State M. Salt lake (a, . 131 t. Wasafeb Kleetrle (a.Regeat S East 4tb Noatb ' Today, the house-aifplans with minute details the appliances that are to make her work lighter and her home life more enjoyable. It is in this planning that. the are able to assist, for it is the privilege of this body to be intimately acquainted with every last appliance that may add to the , comfort and economy of home.. Vou ar- - pri iirged to cal! on anv Electragist for aduce and assistance in supplying your home with things electrical. , Look for the embl-ask your electrician if he belongs e Mrle ?. helped thousands t ou have a Whenever habit. lvpg(pfr for a smoke or chew Just place our In tablet No a harmless mouth instead. All doatr ktops- Shortly Mon and KHwell. brokenwor,k. you L, nd ws rhe babiF4 empTeie)y ar letter rtf mentally. phsirally. ft so alrrp'e Get a tieu divisionthe MpMintendeiit of the nanc aUv It 0 From 1907 10 uja h box of Vo To Bac ard If it doesn't rhltf craving for tobacco airt Of ',rk!n n1 rhl'f In anxyouform vourall druegut offirtn will refund ohiof Clerkj)c. t vour without question Adx ocateuo 00 July I 111 1 wrs-te- nj M V' . CHEW A FEW!! 24S - g This is an age of conservation in the household as well as in the realm of business. The electrically equipped home, therefor, has ceased Jo be clashed on of as a luxury. Its die iU con cn.erlv ab'of energy and cMnfort has made it an ec GK k.- -t n j housewife! better shape , TI DENT PkU. For KATVILLE Feb 8 The Junior huh school will iftxe t mnua! enterTaate pieaxant! Work wondertainment Vedneerfav. pvi 21 with The' The nicest cathartfr-Iaxativ- e to tonirh will empty your howeix com- - performance both ip the afternoon moment you chew a few tablets of vnfhg 'byte our bowel when you have pletely by morning 'and you will feel Pape a Diapepsin all the mlery of and disordered splendid "They work while you stomach CH U FFECR J 4II.ED, Headaches Biliousness Cascarets never tlr vou up ends sleep or Your stomach need this harmless BRIGHAM CITY, Feb. Colds gripe Jike Salta. Pills. Calomel, days Indigestion or Oil and they cost only ten cents In Jail waa the aenteoce imposed on o. bep Get relief for a few cents MilDizziness B Jensen, former local taxicab driver, lion of Boor Stomach a box. Children lovo Cascarets too.- dyspeptic and stomach suf-- . who pleaded guilty to lasuing worthI candy-Uk- s ferers never bothered any more Any Cascaret. Ons or two Advertisement. less checka Adv. store. drug Bowels the best raTins for bread and all home cookmg uses Had our Iron Today? the dream of the 20th century RECORD HOWFALL AT DELT. DEiLTA Feb 8 A heavier snow fall is reported here during the last storm than for several years past The enow fall will put the winter wheat in Constipated Seeded Raisins Ce tt a-- d Quit QuicK! k district ' r1 the rUidpoint of an cnlight-anad human.tv It ia ro' unfair to! of the affair as outrage 1 am skejftlcal about the Claim that the subsidence of the radical is attributable to these law-!e- s raids." he. said, ''particularly an The same chlnge is noticeable Year aot over 5,5. S. Will Prove to Yoa. Kurt rpf the How" end Why" Owo At the time of the raids o ill. RjCtOArkeLle.tljeje seas bebeT 4hhT bolshevism was" Power! about to overrun Europe and engulf 8 fer rrytbtcx tkt Tbcr America. If Europe ever a as alarmed uiU-- r Wilis totuo on ktppcna at the prospect of beutg overrun . sens alio staiys boliv' 8 by cumjon tne arms or the ideas of Ru&gie, Jt't ik common ne remedy lor bo Urn, hee fuiiy recovered its tsonnai state, j If there ever prevailed any that the people of Europegeneral r. va v to embrace boiahevlam it hag bften dlawlpated It Is only In uch Unu that tb guarantees of the constuuUon as ti the protection of individual rtphta ar, of any practical taluc" said th, Walsh report. In of calm no one thirl, of denying them they are accord aa a matter of eoSrre It is rare cept when the public mind Is stirr f by some overwhelming catasrroph. Is aghast as some hideons ot ' otherwise overwrought, thatcrime one to appeal to his constitutional rights (laxton goods specialist Adams Kithertne bom dcm reiralion agents Tuesdays program at Gunniton Will he handled by Frof Btron Adrr, poultry special-- " Koxma blcidmore rlolh- anl M The Tuesday speakers ,n,r lPe0M!,s for frrmfrr wtH brat Mxntl ftn Mon- nrl Jun nisona Mondav speakers Thar wjt bc at Manti on Tuesday will be demonstration work given aa much as possible tn the various lines. In connection with Mondays program at Manti. wool grading demon- (01(100 which will be handled by national expert in wool grading Mr. Wool Ware- acett of the National Storage Co. and Mr James bu uni former Hooper president of the Utah Wool Growers These asodation by-amen are being brought re are Sun-Mar- ibpar--raen- t tVatb Be sure to get real Resinoi the ra? il - t r tro un-j- !': look w4th of JuMjre of the who ea e raid by former Atuirnej c;. ner.ti V. il i The Newa ) fSp MJtchej palmer, during the win-- r jf Ms Feb 7 -- The Pir-ISs- k waa eoundrd tod U b t.enat"i if If.n of the hlith M nda ho the met In high Walal:. Democrat j Montana on.ng Va sn 1fCi nj atii.it tb rouJn auA an interesting j r jrrsn, wmPrincipal FUbmltteff a report bv a ''ub romn enjoyed ( told rd Gcorse cf the hign tee of the Judiciary comm. fee sharp- -' e eh u the eighth and iv hk tba attacking the arpirun., f.r Ilfgn lgh jiehooi pup 1. enrol ed nambered practKee in condui tingtb- raid- - The belong to one of Thpe A vctfrtt ona. yroui whl'h are taught report i n.gnnd b mi,,, or Borah. N'orn 04 nd current event tioni gii uni r,i tm . l any repetition Qpon I -i Ccmrfcu-jil- Address on High School aohint-stAntl- ii!, witn V -- ( Doesnt hurt a bit Drop "FrrtiZone on an rf genera) us'ercst Carche County Fair Walter R F d r aae an al that corn stap hurling ttren re-- s on lraham Llncom m whbhIn you lift It right off wih fit. Association Meets whortty the important events Suspect Bound Over on ,he refewed gera. Trnly; .f Lincoln from childhod life tn Tour drugmst sella a tiny bottle of At the annual meetLOGAV Feb 7 Statutory Violation hs ' Fa j associa- "Freeaone for a few cents, sufficient Itide and How f?i Develop ing of the Cache Count'ccn.ua PROVO, Feb 7 Sari Chase, known was the the iol to remove every hard com soft com It Among Our Young People tion held Am Monday ele ed to serve or corn between the toes, of un address by Rev C H hero as FJarF MrKehrie. war bound over' lowing dre tfir' we the of three term board the on He for the that the stated steps In calluses, without soreness or to the district court fTotn the city court f civic pride are years John T Caine HI B T Cardon. IsubRot Plow and The culture esterday on a statutory chkrge rand C M Harm eriOganJ leisure I " M At the bearing" yextrda Velon of; man of FmithfieM raid ( htef of syvtwm- - erf edtjca-floT'o ice Wren Wilkins testified to an 4N?vth Ijeganr Y W Tftraefsbrt of a social quality gives Dixie Poultry Men Are Pame! Butters of Iwiton I alleged confession saW to have been which Is not known in adult fife f nt v of Seaton ard Th mas Butmade a few das ago to the police from xperence and I'LaraClarke ?!-.r o Clarkstom Thiwtcher was r the young man. Chas w& placed The is not found in books, he said Urging nder a whkh was gtvn of a free pubht llbrar ejected to fill the vacancy caused by development (Special to The Newa) the rwsitfnat ion of Jceph odelL tends to build up a civic pride system The direetore will meet net Mondvr ST GEORGE, Feb. 7 The annual The high school P T voted unant officers for lb to aw Bannock county s sen a Craig Funeral Services evening and select the I tjwunlv at that time Fred meeting of the Dixie Poultry aoe was to vote for ard year, ensuing represents "was preceded by several rcc Cl Will be Held Thursday the dalr exhibit amend- Merrill will of constitutional jaubroiseon to be made at the state fair next fall poultry films, in the auditorium of thertmnts permitting the Bible to be road PROVO, Fob. 7. Funeral s services to hooD There has been a renewal of interest in Dixie Junior ccUege also the fuMic express The report as a to the county and federal officer ihcr for George W Craig, for many years dairy matters in this county of director showed tha theoard Mr Merrill and efforts of of the of th enforcement rterewt the in pro ays- g?nrrTiere- fre the TTaiop he hones to see a fn dtpiav from association began operation hibltson laws tem and who died yesterday mfmlnVT"j this county rxt fair t.me Ho wants ago without capita! and witm nv the Fair association to help keep the market for Its products m a Salt Lake hospital, will be hld in Dunne the Tells Kiwanians of Coal j firet as pot boiling year of its operatio hk Mmrome temple Thurda afterfound s marksT which it h pr may The spf ak'TS noon at 2 Jfl o cock Measures in Teton Basin ' 1 and sa? n steady proe School U. A. will be the Rev Charles Mrf oard of Project take rare of all the prdut the ommunlU church and the Rev (Special to The Newa.) For 1923 Arc Annorniced tamed much in TM wav' s H Ooodw n Tr Feh 7 At the meet POAtEIJJi Fr'ends mav view the lod at the t tt is ga nine a Mir a 30 Ing of the Kiwanis club held Tuesday and Vaontc temp'e between (Special to Th News ) u felt want tn in the H R long o clock on the dnv of the funeral The Turner, chairman of the Tb project school LOGAN Feb 8 the line of etandardta ng ih j appointed at last weeks meet-- r A C extension diDCS of the I body will le sent to bteartsiile Mo for and tn offer r esiblc it making to Investigate the Jegal and phv the birthplace of Mr t raig for burial, vision started wih the weak of Jan 10 consumer eggs of aured qua! fcwal of the coal mine in the 3 (atua to Feh when fkt eider. Morgan inr Wednesday reton hasln gave a detailed andpom-P'ehenlAun.riMt ryuntje- - heni aenoots During the The W Citizen review of Grow to subjectweek Sait tho present laVQtfe' eter, Fav1a, Urged Talks to New York. co 3 from the Teton mtnes is reported Lakt and Utah count e are being visa quality suprior to either the to of he More in s Fruit Dixie ited school The Dr Dean R Brim coming project 12 17 PROVO Feb 7 f tah or Wvommg oats and placing Is as fol ws Feb Beaver, hall of Now York City waa m teie- 'I on the cars at the mines, Inelnd (Special to The Near Iron and Mtiard counties Feb with his parphonc Drromrrunuation nr SIT royalties is estimated at 12 a GEORGE Feh 7 A committee Sanpete Seier Vuie and GarfId and Mr George Bnmhal! ents trv tne r ion. Various agencies are working on counties Feh 2fI Match 3 Juab and has rerL hern appoir-of this ettv, Mondav evening Accordb t ater In the 'ear Ma. of p f'arhe roiin Grwtrge rjrv e mm, and o'ans on which the mine max b al th onveranon ing to Mra Brim) rMrd of enrourag rg fcmmfrial rr ire care, md If t if satb Thiele ifVii ard L ier coun- means was as plain and audjK a fui cullitatmn of ur t tv )ot and ' ,t'r,pfu) this cf on of state will ties a ll h reached the eannlv had been cried on Y The folowirg , ' ialists wiM farm andv to nrfee me fruit outS a,i,,,rd a supply rf superior cna home Instead of on tte wirs acros TTaat. XTeat reduction in present price choo.s fnstroi tlon In he put by encourag-mth The continent hhe said that it wa plam.ng ail more G of l1 the committee consisting of p E fj. ftkFlmer Tefersn college con some grapes much plainer than porregrarates telephone sr r f 'n H Rnvder and W R Ferthe extenston dl pearhex apples rector R J t per of cherries and ersatione within the citv r also prean. alrnd Sdflofl Jo)-- T ' r,r III livestock sp- - fruit was apprinted Tuesday to invest! walnut to tc fv J th h' met eat and report back tr th club on Hoviivn affrcnoTuv 8peclaHt trrprov and beaut. f ib cialist Utliisrn Peterson, director ex- and to plant more mM lawns Dairy Association i subject of the managerial form HL.r-flowars of various kinds around hjvI Len R. Kldredge station This subject has the cf citv government periment in Formed Wayne County ben presented before manv dairying spcip1,et Bvror Mder n house of the YenaJ feasor of poultr of the city a various husbandry. orrartaations to News ) The (Special Will e asMfctant In pou try hasbandry. and (he movement time was given Davis Gardening Already Wilson the new Impetus by the action of th Alnta To foster BICKNEIaL Feh superintendent Park City Elks Observe Hancount' experimental firm W Emil club Tuesdav dairy industry in Wayn conn'i and Starts Wan-- s St. L land an sen architect zation In cattle ape organ George ship dairy Annual Old Timers Night hool of commerce was formed recnU with th follow dean of the M I (Special tn The N Dispatcher Wife Die and tutncs adirinistratnn Ing o'f'cers Walrr E Hinks presient omojogv ST GRGR(F Veh 7 R H i of lev (bp or U to Th( News i dent Will, am Ie - ' c r 'c pM'fehsor At Pocatello Hospital a read' VKK MfrM Tirgr Cl n J Dalley sc DMewart pr 'fesor of asrr r.ornv Vtb t old t mera begun aud an itrr rge of irngation made thts xer t cupph T i Mn treasurer e fui a lewis L ks ma o W Draelsep professor lode- to The New ) nisht 'bpe V r H I Frederick profe-n- r to the norther tables Brin dr ird decree hvtpeiJ M markft i.age Thj ' r t ' he doming of the ratltoo .rlidtf t eiJar t)f of veterinarv science T H Abell rorMm krhof? F r ieetc' Jane. Tire and the!' Firma Fb - Mrs r ( work were5? L r vniHh wfr of , ty ir i h,,evd th-.- t of horticulture a great im B. s.mi,h w!' Oyler d rect rs thev w f ir jw'h i!if reels professorvetennar.an 1 l.i be known Richard will h Sbf to f tram dispatcher ictus a marketi until the o and up died Mnda n pht a a c It wjU of blologcal siurvcy, D A, Shoe- - cardsiUng in thta vlc.mty Menan Resident Drops to com- - bureau mititite-the ttme Ljt a oe forest servirs, I M. H Hooper be possible to gt th product on thn rin Mra the t lyi. Kvailed Frink maker roene Salt Iskc rulv Mr an Mrs Utah in oolgrowers parent condition former good president enrgo Dead of Heart Disease Kitr had hirK of the work aiuvsted asocation. E A Forsllng forest tbe prpL should h her- - frr C tine beer nt uraged Durg tt ha r luiiLh ofT as to . the Ae enjoytd vjce by raise products to suppty t D C Fawcett, of S D (jnra will be !d rnd atfb 5 after the W!e ssion FhiaI dii-L(Special to The News) Woo! Warehouse & htor- (ne jm7 t were nTl for the ni r ice twn. B, rtrGBT. Feb 7 Walter Poole, SO, men w'll Rn f unilr the auspices of OnOW Oianket Xreeted hetT jl Put! rbapter Orde- - ..f Tester a prominent resident of Menan drop- ,sl.'nt mnmmia of lloxina SklUmore Victoria Star B domestic arts, . . hT KfT rel dead from heart faDure Tuesdav prefesor SL George Thursday VTian'iiin'1 B tJavton, Me- Uhnstenaen. Thnstin waikinK nr ir whn Held rmng runeral oervices n n Katherine Adams and Lillian blder, hospital M' Foot had (Ppcc.nf Tic Nws ) home demonstration agents, r Heflin for com p l..'rir WhiteFarm-Loa- n For Mrs. Clara Halverson Heme tire but ht Association former home demons-ra-untTTFRnr- Dm TTnt; cnditHtn as nut conde.r4 for Utah Tuvsflax d his death tn county a u,y wgent ui (o The New ) amidst the morning I Granted to Arimo t td unxpe flurrv of unow rl to 'I b flnKe was h son of Mr ..0 the docacl mu bodv of, r vyt K 1TJ H ! eh 7 - The to pprak. ground ovrd with vnow MrrM I or For sevtf tbe fir to Jbe Nebnginffr (''pen Mr eral dae n tntr-vH of the Horn who died ini LijGAN Feb jara in th- Hi'er xalHx R 8 Wm Engineer tn and ' n e "ord waa re hi a end N.;f,y snowei t) .. surxiv-mother wa bait Lakewjfe nnrht by mountains brought on The f will CaMweT! F speak from we hre but this the fir f xc chU1tn also three step sons and to Pa. k f to reach H (.miffosii brfnr tbe tr A fbc vaiinrs TheDirtrt-T r vnith- - thtif the Fed ttj aiu gervicna, held aX the Rxr ewmiMrf io v ra! hrotbe and s,strA f American Association of at the irerrjo!jng arrn S chdpil Tuesday with Bishop C chapter board authorized o of a Va promt ater eupdU1 Commercial tho Jan" r? tn issuance of a chacr for - .... Engineer tonight jn W J Levrm officiating-The body lub room a " frm loan Sf.r,inn at Arl- ' taken to Mtaxrav tnda for iaternumL - no Uchind ua b,,,TOO b.n Doy Mroknng iHlvorsn ia survived by her m an imflunt nf 44T Have to and John Hilveron. on atn and Sanpete County Horses the fo, losing officers were elected Painfully Injured G Mr her mother. W for dn.ght'T Ucr.r School Sessions of Arimo prevh Hendron M dvxti ard four sters arid-Training C Vew t Tht (Ppa ial A crjit and Wengreeiv o Armo f hers f uir 7 RIOFV Ida retirv treasurer Mr Her I.c t r Beck Feh (Bpeciul to Th News ) frmr if sheriff of Bannock otunt 8 Mr son of s will Mr be m Feh Institutes and k IKTt Tcodr Be, fVTI MIHIIKI). Ill) The box of was Gunnison Label the with throws beneath - r connection - J t FiKK, Feb 7 -- TVnmf f hull the k a aft fre-hh is blue i ici iau church ,nd.,K. T7rrrrm TUfTP!'hFa hrr.lC r g n t feg DvrTT week beginning Feh 1 Jand numerous cuts anj bruises Th o' promoting th work of nc Th( r9 will also he meetings and pro- pur;4 Opal jar n skua behind rhurth and aiding tn its maintenance W cJ2L, . d his distance n nj instde unurn'ibeneath 1h foi.owing 4fficera were chosen north end of the county fluf n Joe andcm slid the horses' direcUj Mr ITecld nt Gertrude Carxon xtee pam ek Beginning Monday d To yet the best, in which the rain flavor permeate- - th loaf, ask for bread that A made 1 j .& Kind j'ou like. . v j I bert, Henry T. end Lester Brown dsugthers Mrs Pearl Miihlestein, o and Miss Thelma Brown, all of Pros Funeral services will be heid Thursday, Feb. i. at 1 30 p m. in the Fourth ward chapel Friends may vie (he body at the residence prior to the serv, ice. The interment will be in the Provo city cemetery fall-frui- ted raisin bread with at least eijrht luscious raisins to thfi slice the i A . tm-- 8L6&&-bor- Order from jour jrroc-e- r or your bake shop now. 7 of j v Raisin Bread lncreat.es in fr .g,ht rates on grain hnd grain Senator WaUh of Montana produces moving from point on the Attack Department Hcarwater branch of the Northern Pacific railroad tn Idaho to ports on . for Wholesale Justice the North Pacific coast and Spokane ish whun th rajlroai proposed Campaign of 1920. to t lake f fe 4 e March were r 11 to bi mrr t.sr rablf by the interstate on n t ce romrrtiasion lodn ind the t ,, schedule 1. Rh BY IW W4TH is orJ rtl cin-l- i V c puhii mi tu , foinmis-InirrnftUonti' Nw, hrT m no pt ote-- ti ij? ii ! the rpfj.onrti'ni i tn re xxbi'h wuM hve added WAKHIXOTON ,r- Feb 7 . p( r 10 poijns to iuiiig t.iiargeb I I J Real Proposed Grain Rate WARNED AGAINST Off with Fingers Increase in Idalio RAID REPETITION j I 4 FEDERAL AGENTS Commission Denies WASHINGTON, . 1923 ,.,,,ift PIONEER 0IE5 '" ; Former Park Valley Bishop Dies at Logan UTAH I'' i",'"rM 'W,1? Him M LOGAN Fro Ham a 11 y - jFr Elec-(ragis- tc m |