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Show BOXHOLO Volume 6 Carbon Emery Bank Musical Program Beta Sigma Phi Crazy Hat Party You Are American ' And today there are two big questions confronting us : What will Unde Sam Do? What will Malenkov do? The first may not effect us as much as the second. The second may not be as difficult to fathom as it seems. Malenkov holds Stalins offices but not his position.. Jt took 29 years of treachery, -- terror and murder to build Stalins position. Russia has moved steadily forward since the war but she has been verycautious. Stalin withdrew his forces from Agerbaijan in 1946; he urged the Yugoslavs to stop helping the Red guerrillas in Greece; he pulled back finally in the Berlin airlift; he advised the Chinese Communists to come to k and terms with he was visibly upset when the United States decided to resist in Korea. Russia has expanded since 1945 but always into areas where western demobilization left a power Back row left to right : Leah McKean, Jean Zubal, Naomi Anderson, Helen McDonald, Helen Peterson, Dorothy Muhlestine, Arvilla King, Mrs. Hugh Behling, Ellen Peacock, Katherine Foster, Ethel Malaby, Edna Charleswortb, Helen Dayton, Lois Morrison, Geniel Mayer, Shanna Halamandris, Nancy Bowlby, Vera Parmley, Pat Berardi, and Leah Lindsey. Chiang-Kai-she- vacum. Stalin was cautious picked Malenkov. and he Renanah Choir to Present Concert The Renanah Choir of Simpson Institute, Seatle, Washington, under the direction of Russell Marshall, will be presented in concert Sunday evening March22, at 7 :45, at the Dragerton Community church, Dragerton. Included in the program will be standard choral numbers from the great composers, as well as outstanding arrangements of hyms and gospel songs. The choir maintains a high standard of musical performance and has appeared in numerous Cbncerts up and down the Pacific Coast. Other smaller musical ensembles will also be featured with the well-kno- wn choir. Mrs. Mary DeGuiliio Flying to Italy A surprise going away party was given for Mrs. Mary DeGuiliio in the Good Shepherd Hall Thursday night, February 26th. Mrs. and two sons are flying to Italy for a visit with her family and friends on March 14. Those attending were Olive Rossi, Margaret Bonaquisto, Carmela Della Corte, Yvone Dalla Corte, Yolanda Farlaino, Jo Jensen, Rose Sacco, Mary Eaquinto, Rosa Eaquinto, Josilina Campagnl, Joanne Domini co, June Mussatt, Rachel Leonard, Helen Evanich, Tresa Farlaino, Angie Farlaino, Kathleen Eaquinto, Amelia Bonacci, Lola Logston, Mary Menotti, and Elsie Parker. Several other friends were unable to attend. The program consisted of: two songs by the Preston Sisters, a piano solo by Carolyn Colombo, accordian numbers by Jimmy Eaquinto, and two tap dances by Lucille Bonaquisto and Judy Martinez. Some films were also shown by Mary Eaquinto. The ladies were served refreshments on tables decorated with miniature airplanes and United De-Guil- lio States flags. A piece of luggage was presented to Mrs. DeGuiliio. Book Cliff clube spring card party, April 11, 1953, at the Good Shepherd hall, Dragerton, Public invited. Lunch and pri es. . Immunization The local Public Health nurses in cooperation with East Carbon county physicians, will begin inoculations against typhoid fever early this April. Some change in the schedule is planned, as compared to previous years. Instead of visiting the mines for the inoculations, it is found that more adults attended the evening sessions held in the clinic portion of the Utah Permanente hospital. This year, the school population will be inoculated at specified times, with consent slips signed by the parent. Any child not having the proper consent slip signed by the parent canot be inoculated. Adults are urged to take advantage of this program which is sponsored and conducted without charge to the patient. The material for immunization is furnished by the State of Utah Department of Public Health, and the immunization clinics are carried out by personnel furnished through the Department of Health Public Health nurses. All residents of the East Carbon area 5re reminded our singl ecase of typhoid fever 6f last season was contracted by an individual who had not been inoculated the previous April. About 3100 people were inoculated the previous year, compared to our total population out-patie- nt of 5400. If an individual has had the ser- ies of three shots last season or within the proceeding three years, it is unnecessary to have any but a single booster' 'shot this season. Mrs. Martha Bennett Honored Open house was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Martha Bennett in honor of her 67th birthday, March 7. The party was given bjt' her daughters Mrs. Hazel Cook and Mrs. Merle French. A host of friends came to wish , a happy birthday from 10:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. delicious refreshments were served to the following guests : Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bennett, Mrs. Jane Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Finecoat, Mrs. Garland, Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. Ruth Hersh, Mrs. Rodgers, Mrs. Janie Henderson, Mrs. McClleon, Mr. Alma Draper, Mr. and Mrs. John French, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Vegas, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Lipsey, Mrs. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Mayo, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Overstreet, Mrs. Cafouto and Vonnie, Mrs. Bienz, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. George French, and Mr. and Mrs. Ren Cook. Beta Sigma Phis Launch Rush Season The following telegram was received March 11, by the Dragerton Tribune. The Carbon Emery Bank of Price which reported deposits of on December 31st, $8,011,643 90 places in its standing gained among the 2600 largest banks in the United States during 1952 and now ranks as the 2527th largest in size compared with 2617th place at the end of 1951. This is revealed in the 1953 annual roll call of the largest banks in the United States published today March 12th By the Daily American Banker of New York which is the trade newspaper of the bank ing business. There are 14,000 banks in the United States. The East Carbon Rotary Club was priviledged to have as its program for Ladies Night on March 9th, a fine musical performance presented by Mrs. A. J. Pratt (piano) and Mrs. C. D. Waring (vocal). Mrs. Pratts brilliant playing and especially her interpretation of the Beethoven Sonata displayed very fine tech. nique. Mrs. Warings selections were most enjoyable. Her presentation of Puccinis beautiful but tragic One Fine Day from Madam Butterfly showed a wonderful depth of feeling. The complete program was as r follows : Sonata, op. 13, Bethoven (Grave, Allegro di molto e con brio) Mrs. ' Pratt. New Local Agent Dreams, Wagoner; Un bel di Vedrcmo, Puccini Mrs. Waring. Etude in E Major, Chopin; Prophet Bird, Schumann; Waltz, Chopin Dragerton Beta Sigma Phis launched their 1953 Spring Rush Season March 2 with a Crazy Hat party. Rushee Geniel Mayer won first prize which was a beautiful Kitchen Salad orignal coursage. Delectable Hors D oeuvres were served at Helen Daytons home while everyone made a wooden spoon doll and played a game. Each lady received Do Not Go, My Love, Hagman; An Open Secret,, Woodman; Mrs. Waring. Le petit ane blanc, Ibert; Shadow Dance, Julia McDowell; Dance, Dett Mrs. Pratt. Your Eyes Have Told Me So, Kahn; Why Do I Love You?, Kern Mrs. Waring. ed a novel marshmallow-hat-gi- rl that told her in rythyme that the next course would be served at No. 7 Court Place in Columbia. There at Lea McKeans home they were served delicious barbecued burgers, slaw and root beer after posing in their crazy hats for photographs. Then they had fun trying to concentrate on a musical rhy-thygame. Another rhyme found under gayly colored paper hat place cards directed them to the A & W Cafe in Dargerton for a delightful custard dessert and more games. The wooden spoon dolls were judged and Helen McDonald received first prize. Farewells were bid by singin Good Night Ladies. m Mrs. Pratt. mmJf DEAN Dragerton Ward Gold, Green Ball Set for March 21 jaAi HENDERSON Dean F. Henderson The Dragerton ward MIA Gold and Green Ball will be held at the Dragerton gymnasium on March 21, 1953. The dance will start at Dean Henderson has been 8:30 p.m. and the floor show will named new local agent at Drag- be presented at 9:30. erton for Utah Power and Light The theme for the is: Announcement was Garden In The Rain. evening Company. made this week by Orson M. Mrs. Vivian Coker, chairwoman Slack, American Fork, Utah of the Ball, is working with : Mary division manager. Worthen, Bill Dance, Ned Aram-bul- a Mr. Henderson, who assumes and George Golding. his new duties February 25, sucThe floor show is being di- U.P.&L. Agent Pow-ersSouthe- rn ceeds Samuel Grant Stevenson rected by Donna Leavitt, Keith who has been transferred to Orem. Hintze and Frank Turner. A UP&L employe since 1946, Mr. Henderson was working as a at Odgen at Culture Club Elects Last week we checked but 186 joumman oflineman his new appointment. books to the fifth and sixth grades the time his early education in New Officers and about that many to the sev- He recieved Cache valley and is a graduate Cultura held their March meetenth and eighth grades. of Logan high school. He served a ing, Thursday March 12, at 8:00 This number does not include U. S. Navy in 1945. p.m. in the Good Shepherd Hall, the books being checked out and year with the is making his Dragerton. President, Elsie MenMr. Henderson in daily use by the boys and girls in Dragerton with his wife, otti presided and conducted the that have always used the library. home Melva Liechty, and five election of officers for the 1953-195- 4 former the Dear Parents and Patrons: club year. The new officers On behalf of the hundreds of children. are: President, Allis Stephens; children that are using our library Vice president, Evelyn Krohn; SecEast Carbon Bowling books, may we ask you to look retary, Virginia Holman and Parthrough your books at home and liamentarian, Hilma Fox. 1 m return any library books to us Kaiser No. took the lead that have our stamp on the title the second half of the Coal league. The St. Patricks theme was carsheet. Followed close behind by Kaiser ried through in the serving of reThere are dozens of books out No. 2 in second place airport freshments. The hostesses were that belong to the library and we service is in third and Dragerton Rita Burdick, Evelyn Krohn and need them to meet the demand of Cleaners in last. Kaiser No. 1 Elsie Menotti. Next meeting to be held March our school children. leads by only four points and you 31st will be guest night. A musiYou are welcome to use the li- can be sure of a good fight by all cal program will be given. brary, but will you please return teams for the second half chamour books. pionship standings. Mrs. John MqFadden, Columbia Won Lost The art display in the library 16 Drive, Dragerton, and her two 28 this week will be pictures painted Kaiser No. 1 20 sisters from Colorado, left for Salt 24 by Warren Wilson and his stu- Kaiser No. 2 24 Lake, Saturday night after receiv20 dents of USAC. Airport Service 28 ing word that her father Rector 16 Dragerton Cleaners W. Crank of 743 Parkers Lane Mr. R. J. Vaughn of Helper will High score of the week: address a joint Ladies Night meet- Week of 8th, John Bowlby (Kaiser had died., Mr. Crank had been struck earlier by an auto. Burial ing of the Price and East Carbon No. 1), 238. Cordie Martinez (Ge- will be in Colorado. Rotary Clubs Wednesday evening neva), 196. March 25th at 7:00 p.m. His talk Week of 14th, Vernon Gras, (V CRADLE ROLL will cover the study of the Utah FW), 236. Charlotte Bon, Nicks Mr. and Mrs. George Turner, Educational System made by the Club, 197. Dragerton, Girl, March 9, 1953. 60 Man Commission. In the Library |