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Show EXPONENT WOMAN'S 168 you something about it. We have enrolled fifty, five members and our meetings are well .... attended. On December 30th, we held a Primary Fair which was a credit to the children and all concerned. A nice assortment of things were on exhibition, as every child made something. After the people had viewed the things on exhibition they, were entertained by. listening to who " songa and recitations from the children afterwards enjoyed themselves in dancing. We held our Stake Primary Conference Feb. 23rd. And on account of the stormy breather- - non- e- bu a present to take. parti in the exercises, yet, as lengthy programme, which was instructive well as entertaiuinjr, was well carried out. At the suggestion 6f President Hammond we met - again iu the afternoon and received words of 'instruction and encouragement from President" 'Ilammond-anothers of- the brethren. After "closing remai ks by Sta ke RresidehrJulIa Bu tt,'-conference was adjourned for three months. A short intermission was, taken then all met together for dancing and refreshments. , We do not have to make the complaint that of boys. is so common about the Our boys attend as regular as the girls and eeera to be just as willing to take part in the exercises. Our President, Sister Josephine Wood, is a good kind woman, and is greatly interested in the duty assigned her. : non-attendan- Annik M. Lyman, Sec , WOMAN'S-CO-OPERAT- iIra.MattieNai8b;tt-ThomM,So- p though-rahef4UstyearllieJ- ' DRESS GOODS, IVE FANCY-ARTICLE- S, DRESS MAKING for iS-jr- Ladies & Children, MERCANTILE and, DRESS MAN UFA dTURING TRIMMINGS, BURIAL SDITS. t23 INSTITUTION. E. GOODS and 1st SOUTH. tf patient and happy .having seen in vision the Savior and the glory of the other world, but said she could not tell as but she longed to go home. She sung many hymns and passed away in peace. And although we roourn yet we rejoice.for we know our loss is her gain. Tinlrnfn s r rum 1 1 1 So peaceful and lovely in silence she lay, A calm o'er "her features, though cold" the dear clayT" Faded the rosy cheek, chilled the warm breath, 'Twas thus we beheld our dear sister in death. ON SALE TO She was followed to the grave by a long train of those who loved her, there to await a glorious resurrection. She was a faithful Latter-da- y Saint. She has gone to reunite beloved husband who died Feb. 4, 1880,1 also in with her full faith of the Gospel. She leaves 3 sons 2 daughters and EAST, WEST, 1 NORTH and SOUTH grand children 4 great grand children aad a host of friends to mourn her loss. May her example be followed by her posterity and the sisters over whom she presided; no doubt she was wanted on the other side, sweet be her rest. Verily herrgood wiks will live after her. -- " Sarah K. Buttkrs. OBITUARIES. JXJZ. PRINCIPAL POINTS 28 ' AT UNION TICKET ' . OFFICE Main Street, Salt Lake City. Resolutions of Respect. Addoptcd by the Officers and Members of the ville Relief Society. To of the iattMrs. Jennette Moffat, who died Jan. i2tb, 1891. Whereas it hath pleased our Heavenly Father to call to himself our, esteemed friend and Sister jennette Moffat, V e the officers and members of the society, feel it a duty incumbent upon us to express our appreciation, and sympathy with tire bereaved faffi our dear sister whose brief illness and death has so shocked us.' . Resolved that in the death of Sister Moffat our Society has lost one of its most reliable officers and members, whose long term of office has been distinguished by modesty and earnestness in the interests of the sick and the-mem- Mrs. M. Isabella norne,Pre8t. Honorable Remembrancb. Our beloved President of the Relief Society of Clarkston Sisttr Mary Griffia, died Feb. 23, 1891, in Clarkston Cache Co,, Utah. She was born Aug. 4, 1810, in'Flyford Flavel.Worcestershire, England, and was baptized in , in Kaunton Beauchamp: emigrated to Utah in 1866; waj president of the Relief Society about ten years, which posi tion she filled with great satisfaction to all. She was loved and respected by all who knew her. She was a kind and loving Mother and sister and friend in very deed. She was very humble.yet habitually to her last always ready to gire a helping hand. She was a great help to the Bishop and was able to help herself to the last. She assisted in making three dresses last Christmas to cheer and comfort the poor - d r IN ory , S. W. ECCLES, Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton is again called to mourn the loss of one near and dear in the death of her sister Mrs. Bayard of New York Citv, - - - Genl. Pass. Agt. J-r-- er ; - : needy.: '.: r , Beit furthermore rtsolved That these resolutions be entered on the Secretary's book, and a copy of them published in the Woman's Exponent. , : Ann M . Eldredge, Pres. Tkiscilla L. Kimball, Sec. . In Memoriam. THE' WORLD'S FAIR. A. M A G NIFICENT OFF Ell. rn loved ones left behind. But let ns look beyond the darkening wave, when we are faithful, we again shall associate with those dear ones -" 7 gone beforernevcrmofe'to jjaf f ; Sister Christenson was thirty years of . age. She was a kind and patient wife and mother, and a consistent Latter-da- y Saint. She was also a teacher of the R. S., and we shall miss her in her accustomed place Considering all this we as sisters tender our love, and deep sympathy to-ards the bereaved husbend and ''motheTless childreo7 and pray our Heavenly Father to ever bless and cpB&Qkihem- In regard to the absent oues, we know that our presen Uss will beeteraal gain. Matilda Peterson, Pres. . JOSEHilNE RASMUSSEN, !"- t -- Tea-set- The Leading MARIA MlCKELSON, ' Counselors. : Retail C ash. H ouse .TH OMAS s, Special to the Ladiesr $1,000.00 in cash is given. Send seven 2c Stamps for Complete Rules. Premium Cata logue ana a sample jcopviof the beautifuMv AT TEASDEL'S : jyilLbo contest LACES, RUCHES, EMBRODERIES, FANS, GLQVES, PARASOLS, RIBBONS, - COLLARS, TIES i3 open to any person in the United Stales or Canada. In case of. ties on the will be awarded to largest listtheffrst-priz- e the one bearing the earliest , distance ' etc., considered. - Address, "The Borne Fascinator," Montreal . f ooiKltratftgy-seyt- And an elegant assortraenf 0 post-mark- Canrda. ' ' w . SALT LAKE CITY. tbo-day- $50-00- Sister Annie Christenson of Redmond, Seveir County, departed this We Jan, 29th, 1891, after a long and severe sickness leaving a husband and four small children, also other relatives-an- d friends her loss.' Feb. 17th the oldest son Louis Christensen, aged ten years, also left this world of care and trouble, the same as his mother. While we esteem death as a glorious gat- - to a land of . 26, 28, ,30 and 32 East 1st SonthSL Ths great "World's Fair Word Contest" is exciting universal interest and is one. of . tne ansoromg topics 01 v A Free Trip to Europe and $800.00 for expenses is offered to whoever constructs the largest number of English words from letters contained in the textJiTnE World's Fair;' Additional prizes, consisting of an Upright Grand Piano, valued at $400.00, Silver Sewing Machines; and many other useful and valuable articles .will also be awarded in order of merit. A Special Prize of a 14 kt. Gold Watch, , valued at will be awarded to the girl, or boy, under 16 years of age, sending in the largest list. Every one sending a list of not less than 20 words will receive a prize. As the winner 'care- to' make the extensive trip offered, the .option of IDJ&IT ' f p- mi' y '?DJrVXJD - 6 IDS . Special department for Ladies Misses' and In- fant'ft Hhoes. 3X - 114 116, 118 KoU .Temple Sir t : One door north of Z. CM. L Mondiyg, Wednesdays and Fridays.- a m. to 1 p. m. 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. C3-- 0 . Wl.2sj1S - cSc. CO. TINNERS CAS.WATER & STEAM' FITTERS Agent for RUMSEVS celebrated LIFT and FOU- PTIPPumpg Repaired enshort notice. Orders iron-'hecoontr- tin - promptly responded to. ""' 2AXZ1. lot SOS. Gi.LT LilS Zltl ; ' |