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Show Petroleum va3 first used as a liniment called Seneca oil' flf A red cap, silver around the waist, and HT bracelets, form a Hindoo baby's costume. H1 In Central Africa if a baby cuts an upper front tooth before a lower, it is killed. The silver wedding of the King and Queen of Belgium is to bo celebrated the 22nd inst. 9 The wheat harvest in port ions of lowu it is said, will not exceed seven bushels to Hr tho acre It is complained that St. John(N. B.) herrings are dipped in a solution of arsen'c Bj to make them look brighter. HH Ohio will thresh out sixteen million BB bushtls of wheat this soason, so s?)S the Hnyesvillc (0.) Journal. The famine in China is pressing upon 15000.000 of people, while GO. 000 OCO are Buffering more or less distress. Hf In Great Britain eight persons own H' more than 220,000 acres of land each, and 9B( fort'-one persono own nnre than 100.000 acres each. Hj The Hayesville Journal has the fol- lowing. "ICIder O.rson.Pralt, of Salt Lake City, says the earth will soon be destroyed by fire, according to Sciiptural prediction.5 The only daughter of the late William .M. Tweed is said to be living in New Or Ri leans in reduced circumstances, Jx. ' She should marry a rich official. Turkey Carving. Austria takes tw provinces; Russia a slice, and a port on the Black Sea : England takes Cyprus and H a IfjKi f responsibility. We sh.ll see where tho glory and honor comes in lyi1 B and bye. |