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Show HOME ITEMS. 0 V "ANE'S AMANO YE TAKENT NOTES-" h ST. GEORGE TEMPLE. $ It has ben decided, in Council, ;; that the Temple at St. George shall f, be closed from the 15th of September until the 1st of November, 1878. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, August Istj 1878. Deseree A'ews, Sunday July 28: The speakers were - Robert Gardner, Lorenzo Clark, Easton Kelsey, Win, Carter, and H W. Miller. Sunday August 4: The speakers were D. H. Cannon, Thos. 8. Terry. Wm. H. Allred, J. M. Macfartane, , and A. B. Dunford. t A Hunter who went hunting, has jut returned. re-turned. That he f iund his game, we are pleased It to lcaru. : i We wish him much jov, and great success, L. Aud hope many Hunters hia home will f.t blese. The weatbrr is very changeable. first it thinks it will rain then it thinks ',.Lw it won't. Now the iwihd blows hoi and then cold. " r , N; What is the matter with the herds man's horn ? It sounds like it had the c(r)oop. - , - We are pleased to see on our streets the new spring wagon ordered especi ally for the benefit of the home mis sionaries and the ladies woiking at the Temple, Lx-Bp. Woodruff Freeman of Washington Wash-ington returned from his mission to Arizona reports favorably of the vi-cinity vi-cinity and people on Hi tie Colorado and Salt river. Saya there are extensive exten-sive fields of grain, harvesting had commenced on Salt river when he left. Health of the people good, Wm. Empey from his new abode "Williamsburg west of Pine Valley inforois us that the crops at that r place are doing well. Lunern is at the third cutting, grain looks fine. D. C. Robbins just returned from a visit to Hebron inlorms us that the crops in that vicinity are looking well and prospects excellent for an abundant harvest. The people are - doing well, but little sickness in their 7 midst. Stock thriving, prospects for a large quantity of butter and cheese being.manufactured. That is right! we would like to have some in this quarter I of the world. I By card from Elder Daniel Tyler I; of Beaver August 6th says: Ther- aaomotor was up to 00 in the shade m and had be. n up to 98 at 3pm No sun stiok s r. p.,r td. health generally good except j. lew cases ol billiousncss. Elders K.G.Maeser Mid John W.Taylor held three meetings m Beaver City in the inteVet of the M. I. A. and were lull of the Holy Spirit and the people enjoyed the addresses very much. Some excitement over the Elections, the Liberals however concede the victory to the people. Sends regards to all friends. Thanks L. S. Hemenway for ihe compliment of fine apples. " . Friend H. aUays has the best o' fruit and sells as cheap us the cheapest. cheap-est. Give him a call. Thermometer h1 At the beginning begin-ning ot the Eclipse, it fell rapidly ilw during ihe time of the llclipse, and soon alter the ending, ran up tt. 102 all in the Shade. How's that for the Mercury ? |