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Show GOSSIP. Good morning Mr. Gossip ( 'or you must know there are genthmen gos sipsa as well as lady gossips, but pray do not tell tint I ever hinted such a thing). What spicy bit rolls on your torgue to day ? And how is Madame Gossip and all the little brood of gossips gos-sips ? What I not a word ? Ah! limes must be dull indetd when you fail to ferret out some astonishing ocour- rer.ee, lamentable fact, or curious incident, in-cident, in the every day life of your neighbors and friends and the community, com-munity, generally to chat about, at street corners or at convenient times at.d places, whenever the fit takes you which is no! seldom h t me if 11 ou. putting up matters and tl .ins according accord-ing to your own estimation of the diflerent subjects broached, on love or politics, home, or foreign affairs, civil or religious, even the tittle tattle of a neighborhood, bent upon knowing everybody's business but its own. It would be a strange matter Mr. Go-sip were it so the left hand should not kiow what the right hand did; even the preacher who earnestly entreats en-treats his cbnoretration 10 beware of evil speaking; is not averse to he.trmg bits of scandal, and lepeats it like all the i6st, under the cloak of 'my Wife told me so.' Evei y body's wife Mr. G. being a scape-goat since the days of Adam in the garden of Eden, for alas ! tho called the weaker sex they must shoulder all the responsibility, even to making, or marring, while 'he stronger shps out of it all in the easiest manner imaginable. I presume j you nndersta: A Mr. Gossip. Women can vote they say, in their imirmutihite independance, but immediately imme-diately place her in leading strings letting out and drawing in at pleasure, I all this,, and.nrevejio. |