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Show Til 111 SIGN'S HP THE TIMES. oo We Trail "There iall be Signs in the heaven, and in the earth beneath, a r.d upon up-on tbe face ot the earth: and the sea shall heave bpyond her bounds. In scanning the Actus the other evening we read of the dreadful cyclones, and tempests in tbe Siates; also of the letters W ai d B, on the oak leaves, while the dew was on them: rh" letter W on th wings of the locustn und the letter F on the b'ades of the oU. and the i; t rpretatiUR of ihem rendered b th old inhabitants War. Blood at.d Fam ine, anil think it Iooks lite tie lasi da 5 are -ear at huud. We aUo notice accounts of numerous sunstrokes in the east, caused by the intense in-tense best, and so we tuin to the llitb chapter of Revelations ami read the 8th anil U.h verses; 4,Ai.d tie (ninth aigel poured ut his vial upon the t-un; a- d power was five u unto him to scorcn men with fire. And men were scorched vith great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which huth power over those phmurs : and they repented r.ot to give him glor" |