Show barving dinner cinner with tw thol help orthis of athla suggestion women who ao do choir own work anci have a good aleal of oc company can ar range ranga things so BO that with the aid ot of their tea wagons they can caa serve four our course dinn bro without getting up fro from th the tallo 0 or leaving tho the boom room 6 tho the cold dessert has presented many a problem as an bollag tho the hot main course ono one way away lo fo keep things hot oter liter they ai arc roady ready for tile tho tabio is to put tho the serving dishes into a homemade Or coreless eless fixed up for tho the purpose LI line ri e ii a large jarge cacy ca hy bog bo with e asbestos a and nd paint it emte wh alto tightly covered things koep keep hot in im it tor for fit acon or twenty minutes giving time to get the ferst course course out of th the dway way when you do not need this box to keep tho mairi main course hot esq lt to keep tho afie bessert des serl cold it delays the molting bolting of ice cream tor for ansta instance lice |