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Show Opinions The Gunnison Valley Gazette Page 2 Thursday, November 9, 2006 The world we live in Edgar's drivers license ing and riding in a covered Just A Thought wagon, sleeping on the ground, cooking over a fire and going to the bathroom behind a rock or tree. Today, we could load up the car, stop for lunch in Kanab, and arrive in Snowfiake for a late dinner. Not only could the drive be made m a day, but the kids could watch movies, play Nintendo, and By listen to their I-Pods all the MARK HENLINE way. Sometimes it boggles My wife Jodi and I were my mind to think of all the returning from Provo the technological advances that other night. As we were fly- have been made in the last ing down 1-15 at 75 miles 100 years. Today the averan hour, Jodi was on the age family lives better than cell phone talking to our any king or queen lived son Mitch, who was on his during the first 5900 years cell phone in Indiana. As I of this earth's known exislistened to them talk, I was tence. struck with the thought of Just take indoor plumbwhat an amazing time we ing. What a blessing it is to live in. have an indoor bathroom, a When Jodi's great- place to take care of business great-grandfather, Jesse in the warmth and privacy of N. Smith, was called by your own home. Or, the fact Brother Brigham to leave that you can have steaming Parowan and go help settle hot water on demand and Snowfiake, Arizona, it took clean drinking water at the him and his family three turnpf a handle. months to make the jourMy wife's least favorney. Three months of walk- ite chore is laundry. I don't k n o w what the SBfi TBDI LOTH DIES THIS HOUUAT S U M big deal is. It's not like she's Dl AIT OF l U l FASUONABLE ETEWIAB down at the river beating theclothes on a rock. She has a very nice machine in I O N right VA L L E T our house C L I N I C di (.) I ' 'I I I A 1. that does RICHARD UHHIIiiOJ. & DAVID BBAf, O.D. all • that 145 No. 100 East, Rich field 8964142 or for her. . AND ENJOY BEING SEEN • Gunnison *Bicknell 8OO-789-2O2O She even has one that will dry the clothes, lots and lots of clothes. I hear stories of the early settlers only having only one dress or one pair of shoes. Today most of us have a closet full of shirts, dresses, pants and coats, not to mention all the shoes. We also have the blessing of a modern kitchen. What a wonderful invention the refrigerator is. We can keep meat, milk butter and eggs fresh for long periods of time without having to chop a block of ice from the ice house. We even have a machine that will wash the dishes for us. I think if someone tried to explain a microwave oven a hundred years ago, they would have been put in the looney bin. We then move into the family room, which I don't think was even heard of a hundred years ago, where through a little dish on the roof, you can pick up hundreds of channels of television, twenty-four hours a day. Anytime of day, you can watch news unfold from around the world, learn to cook, watch sports, travel to distant lands or just watch your favorite episode of the Andy Griffith Show. I wonder if Wilbur and Orville had any idea of what they started. What their little flying machine would evolve into. The airplane opened up the world and made it a smaller place. What used to take weeks or months to travel in a ship can now be made in a matter of hours. When I stop to think about it, this really is a miraculous time that we live. When... Club News By HARRIET BAUMGARTNER We almost didn't have club last week. Edgar forgot to get his drivers license renewed and after he picked us up, he told us that we had to go to Richfield before he got a ticket because his license had expired. That worried Hazel to no end because she felt like he wasn't telling us the truth and maybe he has a heart condition or something worse and we could all end up in the trees or off a cliff somewhere before things got straightened out. Edgar told us not to worry about his health because he had a checkup last year and everything is fine. But he didn't take any chances on getting pulled over. He took us west at the Axtell Post Office all the way down to where the salt place is. Helen wanted to get some salt while we were down there but Edgar said we had to get to the driver license place before they closed. Then he drove south all the way to a road that goes west out of Salina. Edgar said that road wiD take you to Scipio, but we turned and went east toward Salina, and then he turned off the road toward Aurora. When he turned off toward Aurora, Thelma said she couldn't be sure, but she thought there was a honky tonk on the corner years ago. She said that was where she met her third husband Leon. The two of them went steppin' every Saturday night. We were just coming into Salina and Edgar noticed a white cop car coming toward us so he turned into a driveway and parked the van. We just sat there for a few minutes and Elsie said if we didn't get going she would have to go knock on the door to see if she could use their bathroom. Her bladder doesn't hold a lot and she had a cup of tea that morning before we left. As soon as the cop car went by, we started backing out of the driveway and here came a man out of the house and Edgar recognized him and pulled back in and started to visit. I was sitting in the front next to Edgar and I tried to give him the hint that Elsie couldn't hold out much, longer but the man by the window started talking about auction prices and Edgar was hooked. I reached over and turned the key off and asked the man if we could use his bathroom. He said his wife had gone to Wal-mart in Richfield but to go on in. We got Elsie out of the van as quick as we could and into the house and it was nip and tuck before we found the right door. Elsie made it, and I heard the toilet flush. But she didn't come out. She started talking about the tile that was around the tub and how she wished she had some of that pattern in her bathroom at home. I told her to open the door but she said it was jammed. I know what she was doing in that bathroom. I know because she does it every time I host club. She was going through the medicine chest and looking at the medicines that the old couple was taking. I knocked on the door several times and finally she opened it and put on an act like she had just got the lock to work. She wasn't fooling me one bit, and I let her know that if she ever did that trick again, she could either stay home or wear a Depends because it's just too embarrassing to have to cover up for her nonsense. Several of the ladies freshened up and then we all loaded back in to the van and told Edgar that the driver license place would be closing soon. He told that old fellow he'd see him at the auction and we headed out again. Straight through town and out and under the freeway and up to Sigurd. By the time we got to Richfield, the place was closed for lunch. So I asked Edgar to show me his license, and he handed it to me and sure enough it had expired. Four years ago. He still had his old license in his wallet, along with the new one, which is good until next year. Blanche was mad as a hornet. She wants us to advertise for a new driver. We will let things settle down before putting it to a vote. Senior Lunch Menu Thur Nov 9 Baked Chicken Yummy Potatoes Beets Peaches Roll & Butter FrlNoviO Closed Veterans Day Tue Nov 14 Pork Chops Fried Rice Peas Applesauce Cookie Biscuit & Butter Wed Nov 15 Meatloafw/Sauce Scalloped Potatoes Corn Pineapple Upsidedown Cake Bread & Butter Friday, November 10 - The Center Will be closed for Veteran's Day. There will be no meals served that day. Wednesday, November 15 - Monthly Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar screening from 11 until 11:45 at the Center. Monday, November 21 - Shopping Trip to Richfield. The bus will leave the Center at 1 p.m. Please call the center if you need a ride. Introducing as the Newest Member of the Gunnison Valley Hospital Medical Staff 1981 - Girls Athletics Association Top totottom, left toright:Doreen J., Janell J., Holly R, Teresa R., Laurie C, Kathy B., Kim B., Michelle J,, Julie H., Louise C, Galynn R., Tina T., Michelle M., Denise J., Patrica Y. and Darlene C. Sponsored by HERMANSEN'S MILL HEHMAM9EHS NOLL \ GUNNISON 204 South 1st East • Gunnison 528-3136 Feeds • Grain Storage • Fertilizer Seeds • Farm Supplies • Chemicals LEY Lane Henderson, Publisher Mark Henlinc, Editor & Advertising Jodi Hcnline, Office Manager Call: (435) 528-5178 for subscription, news or advertising. FAX: (435) 528-5179 E-mail gazette@gtclco.nel The Gunnison Valley Gazette is published each Thursday by Gunnison Valley Gazette, L.L.C.. 194 South Main Suite 101, P.O. Box 143 Gunnison, Utah 84634. Bulk rate postage (permit No. 11) is paid at Gunnison, Utah, POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gunnison Valley Gazette, P.O. Box 143 Gunnison, Utah 84634 Deadlines: News and advertising, close of business, Friday prior to publication. Subscription prices: One year, $25 in Sanpete County, one year, $30 outside Sanpete County. Single copy price 50 cents. Advertising rates available upon request. All articles and photographs submitted for publication are subject to editing and only will be used if the editor deems them newsworthy. The editor reserves the right to hold submitted news items for space reasons. Copyright Gunnison Valley Gazette, Gunnison, Utah 2005. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse or transmittal of all matter herein is prohibited without prior written permission by the publisher or editor. WEATHER Thursday 53/26 A.M. Showers Friday 48/25 Sunny Saturday 48/27 Cloudy Sunday 48/32 Rain/Snow Showers Gunnison's Weather brought to you by Gunnison Telephone Co. Dr. Young recently completed his family practice residency program at the Williamsport Hospital and Medical Center in Pennsylvania. Dr. Young is trained in the broad spectrum of family practice medicine, including obstetrics and pediatrics. Appointments can be made by calling (435) 528-2130. Dr. Young is seeing patients in the clinic located at 79 East Center in Gunnison. Extended clinic hours will include Thursdays until 8:00 p.m. and every other Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon. Shane S. Young, M.D. Gunnison Valley H O S P I T A L |