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Show i ..- Fivo -o building' for students tie rest of the tine. Ross Hardy worked in summer as .Pill'd last Margaret Mcrklcy likes', Valley to bo busy too. She stayed' a fire1 guard and recreaHo came worked tional leader in St, Crcorgo and a homo week to teach event of the sum- early Big a class, for the Extension mor was a two weeks vacation .on a ranch- in Wyoming. division of tho University .mo.nt ' , loves this Bentley lie college M. spent 1 all. At working here. and in his spare summer night - tine he farmed. He says he got his sleep going to - at Beaver all Dam of Utah. This ends our account of Without her husband and from work. If everyone could do that, the manpower shortage problem would be solved. Charles H. Mrk ley worked A. didnt Hafcn K. do the the usual things like a or going' to taking trip summer school. the summer in sum- He .If it tamo you must relittle member that tho teachers there arc somo still think tho students should spent St. George. Earl Cottam taught a work. Thats hard work ics-class Production Auto Mechanhalf the time for what should be his and worked on the apart- mer construction doing things War " last doin s .Facultys seems a summer. not know. idea they everything! have We didnt toll an us lookl Dixie What wont for do and to amazement lievc the early students morning-ai- does something to them. Miss Mrs. Henderson, Christensen and Mrs. amusement1 other people s I have yet to Watts-couldn'- make it .quite find out. Last Saturday, at Zions that early. I wondered why John T. was another one of. those s truch got such days when every one tried ioedbury When to. outdo- pveryone else in an early-startinto camp gasping hiking, foolish pranks, ,or behind. everyone........ ground eat inn. knew. I ., ..else Those majestic. old walls . Thoir accessories, aide of the very latest fashions'; with handbags made of the new non-r- at ioned material, The ladies of buckets .the school will note, and no doubt adopt, this latest handbag fashion, as have been long they . ' . -- searching for that would hold ..everything from books and; shops to it-cam- . - lipsticks. ; ... Sharlenc Olivo Snow and .. And please, Zion Canyon 'for many, no what;, mind at. were you Brooks, and 'scon telling heard petrified years have the . antics of. .Dixie stu the .thought of - crossing those nEags arc around dents. This year just the swinging bridge. They school for? "Rabbit feed" "sugar" bags, for the record the stu- finally made it "with the bags,.. feed" "chicken of bags, inducement boys dents nade. sure' they were American s of .on idc farm", the other "product notby 'former wait ing putdonp and h on' top of Angel 'Why bags just plain xxxx .classes. of r ; sir,-woul- ' . . . - - ! : . .. to bags. at four in order to Landing Wis a. reThese "bags" vaguely be off at five didnt take go to be: alone with Jessie Dal6 famous semble characters it isnt, any of the ambition out of Anderson, Lem and Veronica Lake, the kids. I' rather be- - Graff?. Luke) Gcr agg an d the Mormon 3 ome t imp s TKsEN Battalion, there is a glimmer of a .6 0W5 TO THC Wt' S used swain a (long familiar face or a long-lo- st Timm. local Who would have swoon. s friend, but it isthought that dear old Dix- - toDixie' wonders) ic had such glamorous Yet, thesp modest maidens seen .gone from sight. long-wa- Up y . ' ? JWAT : to have their hairy proportions) gaily through the girls the loss beautiful tell . difficulty bouffant sir.,, why all usually .wide-sho- rt thoir restraining now.- sit for skirts, as they trip awake- - classes a slcop-Qh- e as Such rosy chocks, such dimpled logs (none seem . ; Could, you heavy-eye- d me," ';t,P;M,L if wafe scene pa Is ing hex had; been potion ing such lovely forms,1' such into the .air? sprayed curly hair ( curlers any- skirt, ;and as: slip .'dug into) be no rola-chancould There for; some inner pocket -how) and such wondrous.ly and:' "Now i. gc bc-carmi- ncd It's lips? enough to make oven don't -s- he-muttered none of you guys ticaohip between that (continued on page 6) |