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Show 2ESERET EVENING NEWS . . . Anrust 29, 1SCS. rJJ IB 3E3 " tcCAL AND OTHTR MATTERS. oKurst-o-Noe-NT- s com-...itio- BARGAINS!!! BARGAINS!!, " U fva. T- t ! 4 Of Kvery Description, - I Vr and PAPER BAGS, ! LOOK TO YOUR TEETH Nos 43 &. AA Htate Street, Those their Teeth preserved should $00,000! wishing The performance of "The Wife' last night was another intellectual 'treat. Mr. Davenport's St. Picrro waa an 7E are now opening at the OLD iuWUment of Antonio's description of him. "This fellow owns a quick and subtle wit; a reckless daring; and hath a winning In the fourth i uirue withal, and'haviour." a t. where he obtains the confession from HEW YORK STORE Antonio, and wrings the villain's signature iroin him at the dagger's point, his acting wjA very line. Mm I nee a wananna was the purity, rhastoj'and artistic, revealing ....I.Unncu f'.ita) it, nf t rnrf worn Aii'n r- DOLLARS tore. IStIcKenzie'a Leonardo and Mr. NINETY THOUSAND OF WORTH JJiuteavVntomo were spiritedly portray-cl- .i Tonight, the petite corned v of "Faint Heart lead tho bill. Miss luce as thO Duch- Mr. Davenport as Gomez, and Miss . !rxanler aa the bovTCW Charles H. Fol :. vntum inir ii comes ,ltlat.-vfw- i on.i in Mr. lavenpirs William we look'for the imrtn humor and 'xtremrs'oi provoking , ana tho melting uauttfu eccentric-luesjnanly grief, not so much lor the ho deems lUmsclf about to be wvd tlio dishonor larwd tro" by death, t nhii-msy rest upon his name. Miss Adams t.iAt Suan, Miss Alexander Doily, Mr. Wrsett1 GnatLraln.'Mr. XoJen Jacob; and Comprising, fjse other characters aro la good hands. I Miring the piece Mrs. Careless will ting 'All " the Downs; and Mr. Davenport ;u.l M;hs Alexander will dance a double DRESS PATTERNS. u.rrpipc. TlsU- I the lat night of the star iml'ms-t"- : wrilof Mr. DavenHrt an! M?s Ince. Thero CLOTHS :uil 1SSIMERES, I. Grahd PACIFlIf" j j :::: INSURANCE CQNlPAtiY, CH10AGO. wti. W. H. H. SHARP; DentiSI. Tini-vTRicA- ! Opposite City Hotel, call on CO Lli WHOM IT MAY CONCERNjre notify tbat our partnership will expire on thehereby, First of January next, and we therefore, Knowing themrequest any and everybody selves: Indebted to us," by note or otherwise, to settle within (00) sixty days from this date, to save expenses, as at that time all claims must be given into the hands of our attorney lor collection. N. S. RAKfeOBOFF A Co. Salt Lake City, July 9, 188. dl93:s45:2mea Coarse and Fine Papers, m in a, i SRANSOHOFF& A GODGD Manuraetnrers nnd Wholesale Dealers In PI ns. TuiuTRivrLAst night of the Great Star wr, UAnrspoRT as wuiiamin i.ihbijiatio; fark-eteSusan, and Boy Gorne in Faint ,,7rtrf; .mhs Ince as the Duchess di Torreuen NOTICE OF N. IiAFLTN, BUTLER & Co., r.-- writing for publication are one side of toe paper only. on " 4,,h:1 to writ of anonymous taken be can notice must in Correspondents names 'v r.uuce accompany their communlca-r.- t neceasariiy lorpnblicatton, bnt as a Truths o( reliability. . CHICAGO TRADE. rJ0Ot TEOL m Of San Francisco, California. .. I j' i- m TEETH Extracted wltn Kltrons Oxide Gas, without pain. Also Electricity, or Chloroform and Etherlal fipray, recomI Bat used. Process Freezing mend Kitroas Oxide as the most plea-waand anreat way or bavins: Teetli WITHOUT PAIX! BUMAHS Ex-trart- EC. H. SHARP, S.D., Till: KLKVEN - a siiEirriNC.'s. . !i- - 1IcikhaM. jin. i, i i Mnt-th- uri.'fl a. : " t.r Yvlt f ; hul iftm taking un v.h!oh iitlrrUvr Lis hoN, !u 'iMciu tm t!u ti ii In n . !.-- u I SUNS. j J vu u-tu- . and ran down street, they Andrew KnaGer turned Atthlsstaga up la ttie nflatr, nd threatened to "pot a hole" tiiroti&h theofllcerslf they did not let McDonald it.iu. Captain Xurt and Mr. Hyde turned on Shatter. Who ran up street, and the CaDtaln to tbe olUccrs up at the Theatre to arrest eitid - iuiu. wuicn being ar tneyuid, were AiciJonaid.also and both iocked oa rttcd. We nave been thus particular In sItIqk the ieiHiis, uecaujie various comments nave been uiad concerning McDonald's being struck In tue Theatre, and the rousrh manner in whlcti both were naid, by nome, to have been treated in toe street. It la not io&Uble that people at a distance In th Theatre or on the street could see the rapid movement of the hand when a phjtol la about io untwn. uid orten tnone close by ctuinot f It until the wrapon in out and then too late to prevent some person being shot. w are to have a number or roughmen. brawla and ucd to likely liquor, lu theplstol'Shootlng, this winter, and thee city sen .the police will have to handle, oftea at the itafeot their own lives. Such characters have to he tii'ubt that law and order prevail here v must e tbat public assemblies nod prlrate respected; lndlvldaals. when offending no Utr. a'.at not be disturbed; and that pistol and d tn:r rawing, endangering the lives of pescea-t- i citizens, will not be tolerated in this Terrl. ."TV. luw two men were brought before Aldermsn ainton this morning, when McDonald was Cued 5J and ShafTer in $20. Nti't ita'.I-n.i!n- r. fol-ixvltt- IIiM;T Sale Rays, Tuesday, Regular and at 11 Tliurstlay Saturday, o'clock. S. d"l AV. JOEL Ac r JtL Iff TED i Particulars. Ey letter from lira. tiui- y - : In-'reus- ed et "'. may reasonably expect to have their epicurean vropenslties In this direction satisfied and grat-wi- ed at reasonable rates befere long, as, accord-its- .' to the Sacramento Datfv Etc. Mr. John 1 M . Her, oi Sacramento, has tlte meana and appli-Hti- s ror preserving during transportation tih, tueat, guie. Ac., and that the Inauguregular ration of this business took place on the 2Uad lat,Unt. with a lot of fine fresh salmon that vre frozen their method of preparation being -v.'tias to warrant their continuing so unUl '"fry reached consumers this side --of the raoun- adds the Jicr, who crossed ?,n.'l rljet M . ii.l - ! Ttie lkeiinnl forTickol litrrrasettud hsIIII greater IiiicIiim m III now l given In the EXTEItFKISt" by Hie arrival nf a Choice and well nelecf cl Slock of . n.llrlnir unlou tliAir lluwlL plnlll rr Kiik fans.bal-morcloaks, sacks, basqueh, fura, andparasoi.s, all sorts of trimskirts, embroidery mings are purchased at Auerbach & liro's Btore. 9. Thou shalt not go to bed at night, unless with paper and border, and thy bed covered nne uaiirornia Dianaeus, puremweu ui auwuucu &Bro"s Store. 10. Thou shalt not make thy toilet in the morn Id j?, nnless thy soap, perfumery, tooth and hair brushes are bought at Aucrbach Bro's. Store. 11. Thou shalt not buy goods of RnjNUiat inil-tate- e Auerbach k Bro's. t Orlcrs filled Promptly niul at 31arlict ICatcx. . LotvcKt al & HUIIT? t'." and att al,?S o JLako GROCERIES, 75, 77; V EAST TEMPLE STREET, - SOUTHERN WRITE LEAD 1XD COLOR WORKS. JIEN?S9 BOYS', Xin-en- s, Ladle' & liililrcn s Shoes, C SCHOOL. BOOKS, r. a. xiuntTnew york. d222:3m , BRAN, IVXAI12ILX27, AILH7ak Co., Choice Axplcs The Products of this lstablishment are guaranteed equal In quality to the best manufactured In the country. $ Office and Wobks Cor. Main find Lombard Streets. r. IViy Rockwell,. Wm. II. Gregrsr. Pres't. J Sec'y. Comprising i Injporters and Jobbers of vons Hardware and Cutlery, 51 Lake St., CHICAGO. S:c9 P E N T E It Elementary Spellers, 1 FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Xo. 413 X. rOURTII STREET, Charles and Locust.) ' . (Bet. St. ions,3io. d229;Gin Pinneo's Grammars, i r RAY'S ARITHWETIPS, . t . Meier MEIER, Js. Westermann to-da- Glass & Qacciisware, Cliina, Table Looking tsiawses, Sc., Vr. Cutlery, Oil Lamps, l:c, Coal LOUIS, MO, o. 52.1 Mortli Main St., ST. ' ' i d2J9:6m SUPERIOR ARTICLE or-de- '1H. And in any quantity, i r, dlWrly I6UIT air CUSTOM KRiL ' : 1 at very ... , lVow Wholesale Dealers In f ?r .i BE3rrs . - i L '- i ' li: I i GALL ACID SEE THEn ... &toTCs;MoUow-ware- ! Bates. " " caut boots Jt t&iots rsExcn JADIES HJEBUOr and '1 dl22-l- y -- t" . r 1 .tv '.' if- III Agrenfs for tho Celebrated 11051E Comfort I-- IS. shoves. 3. & CO., Manufacturers of (With Loots Globe & Detachable Guards,) No. 95 Michigan Avenue, S- - W re determined our Oools shall LINO notls In . 111ICE ud C H C A G Q , rt vo satisfaction rn-iT- sall TERMS Wcstluke's Patent Lanterns, & Shoes, - - BRIDGE, BEACH OF OUR OWN MAKE, y II WESTER2IAXN & Importers of & Dealers in i tT-Kig- had a cail OF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. from Mr John lrker.of Willard, who entertained our eiti-Q- s last Winter with lectures on astronomy IIe "iyed last night, after m?ios?ph7v time writing We keep (constantly pa hand and Maketo wliS 5aa Isborlona literarylneehe left brt?: ?nEZe iulre ot at the Shortest Notice, DOORa, SAR1I. ' HUNlifl, l OTTLD1NUS, F.tc, Ktc f'Sp,nS!UrlDge,UlD,,U,nlt4We M &Ri Lake City, on Thursday l ; R, ' t'Aitrt).-- ve u-- j BROWX, WEHER & GRAIIA3I, Importers & "WholesaleDealers In DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY,J. Paints, Oils, Window Glass, &c. j;: f No. 210 X. Second St., (Bet. Pine & Olive, East Side.) Ht. LOUIS, MO. Henri Brotm, A.. II. Weber, Jas. Graham, "j d226ra n loots j j . -- . Skirts, E P H Y R ' W O R ST E D S , "Z. PLANISHED TiriVJARE, . ; " r: Plain, Stamped and Japanned : - . er AP-LEATHE- k- Mannfacturers of Tl III I DRESS AND CLOAK TBIMMMGS, LACES, EMBROIDERirs, 1otc, FHns,Ac.Frcneh Coraets, Hosiery, ' . ;" Monteith's Qeoqraphies, TUbt J, B GTJMERSEIX, Sr. Importer and Jobber of We ami tbe OXI1T Stock or to Tools in this Market, Mining otherkeep adapted the wants ofLthe Territories, haTiny for year past supplied them largely, and bolns; lanslllar with their wants. Wr,i. SLOAN & GO.. AT THE SIGN OP IX. AND SPELLERS, WILSON'S READERS - 'I d229:3m BY Mow Hi -- after-fcoor- i Established 1863.. ofDrcss Goods, Importers and. lVliito Goods and Jobbers or American Cottons, Woolens, Flannels, Hosiery, Olores anil Notions. HIIOKT8, . OF dl38:ly 79 Iicliigaii Arenne, CASH PAID FOR and Laborers, . - ST. LOWS TRADE. fc CA R - - tfc CHICAGO. f . BAJlllbcK, R. W. H A I.E. J BRO'S. Co. their AXD 3, 5 A' 7 LAKE STREET, OATS. SIV11TH &. COOKING, PARLOR , HE ATI N G HALE, Dry Goods Jobbers, S tiili i ofKacramento stt Ui perfectly Xresii Q thTfaJ?.brtngH R,,(U sreat many changes, and true, be one whtc. will be halted win AND with pteurq by all. Fresh salmon are selling i rrom to S ceuU per . pound In California. Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers and Dealers in 'l'REsrNTAnos. We were pleased to see a pa-ryesterday Kfternoon, signed by a number of 'he friends of the presiding Eishop,' Edward iiunter4prcseniing him, as a mark of their high BOOTS, SHOES Hteeni.itli a beauUful portrait of hlmsetf a - exeeuie.l-texcellent1 Ntale RomiI, Half lilocU A'ortfi of Kml- ittotegrph, on a Large Stock of leather hand yie.t.y Messrs. Havase A Ottlnger. We trust HAVING own Tsnnlnr and from late uat the origtcalraajr long Itve ml enjoy th i m portal tons, we are prepared to ftvlIev:e orseeiijs the neuibUnce or bmtsetr' to htm in a manner tbat will testify pnyeyed Mm how lilsh a place he holds in the hearts FrRXISII CITY AND TOFXTRY DEALERS ' lus many friend. 1 UK to Contract for KITILDINII and prepared the Yiui.'e work eoual to thA hMt and Oaptafn Seeleys ox- - IV euarmtit Atrfca train of S waous uid in this afternoon. Jfe aj riteap as th cheapeHt. Having witlk biut 72 passeuger. The trip was or ua in four weeks, the train left Lara-"ii- e having this day four weeks nU o'clock In the j. There were four deaths during the trip Mie cfan aced person. And that of three chlld- - 'HeHlnsiu zvx. AiiZszr j. Have Just received & GODDARD SHARP & YOUNG. GEORGE d!12:ly ' STORE ; f Cash, lontlily. None bnt Good 3Ien need apply. ....... ! LARGE STOCK BRO'S, THE RAILROAD! M jSfrr.-;- I STOVE And TO WORK ON tUUf PROGRESSING s clothing 'int s (..! Bros Stoti-- no t vr lwveovrln2 hyV C Thoa hh&U Hjo s nniexs tiy hats an- ioi.jii r Aiirbn-Store. - Tl.,,11 lulll mil 1V11.IIC IlllllltlV iKHl'.C I'.lljffvK thy carpet , rugs snd mattings iit ixnight at Auerbach & Lro's Store. c TJiaii Kfiolt. nnt Allow t li V IpihaIa liiti:KHll(ill uuiesM Uiy . HIGHEST WACES PAID ! Apply immediately nt the ILLINOIS. r 5(00 SSEKT! lovers of fresh salmon ol Weler Knnyon. SALaaox.-T- he EXGELSZOR cmcAao, txz.. Mo-le- KRfcsii Geucral Agents for Utau. m i:..r !arlt-i;n- !- l lry itf Stone Mason vrgiors. One of the results of the slight "nhof earthquake they had at Virginia City, not long ago. Is said to be that a large Svla, trwutf of cold water whfch had Issued from the tunnel for months, had Its volume by Rtxteen cubic Inches, and its temper-"-.rto boiling hot. Motu's Trai?t. By telegram to lresltlent otingwith which we have been kindly we are Informed that Captain 8. M. a train left Utlmer,(Uear lUver this HUUoa) morning, all well. WALKER BROTHERS, dl'U-S- !:tn - IMMEDIATELY! D. Uartctmier, dated 8t. Joseph. 13th Inst., we Ill iarn some of the details of the fire which oc-arre t there on the ISth InsL, a brief notice of vi!ch nppcareJ before In our columns. tiro. Kartchmer says the fire was caused by two Qunrry-iiici- i, utt:e tho sons of llro. O. Miles and J. farmerbojs. with matches. There was a ptaylog Mroug porth wind blowing at the time, which aaed the names to spread with great rapidity. T- udwelling and Almost every tiling possessed T ro. O. Mile. T. Farmer, W. 11. 1. il. Thomas. K. liillinsrsby and T. btreeper, were ''urned. The fire also destroyed theDay meeting aoae. and from that spread across the fort and partially burned the dwellings of Bros. Chaffln, trmn, Watt, Cahoon, Ferguson and Moyes. A cotton ln belonging to iiro. Chadn waa amor? the property destroyed. Vv L. HUNT, , President Secretary. r'' Michigan Avei;n) r CHICAGO, ; Opposite Wells, Fargo & Co'sBank and Express Office, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City. P.S. Particular attention paid to the Wholesale Trade, at the lowest figures. Come and see dlW-3for yourself. s Auctioneers. 1m IS v, to liuvlrcss Eixxlstr bought a I AuiaUM :i & liio'.not walk 4.Thon nhalt thTtrct, u'ole-f-- F!rthy Ixxits uml hIiih'k me toUk'l;t j.t Ancrlnni Store. U.h r!Uw1 to visit 5. Thou Bbalt not l . u i v F. AUERBACH CO.,' ' 'oriir-- g. i . i ' TRI'i ' " tb-- Ui.v v. rt'iutv--' d t i Uro's rt'.oif. Thou tslinll not sllov; j Am rtMifh millorat-lie IKXI?!IS. tVf.. by a policeman Ju'i to 1fs'lt. lledid not know whttii-- r w.!i:;i or not, concliuUd to do It. s . ..r:er tit wwbutnaally u "maaintc nlxht 4 w TAILORS ;. Mini ifttd to seep quiet. A lltilf i MINUS, tutt a v.dN in tlie tntru circle oi ttio Theutr-- , n taenrfH commenced to dance t nn t in- - naiHie of ttie orchestra. The usher was tin CLOTZISNti. no'. t ;'tet htia, when wn ottlcer pafdhlaia t . iic-i-visit, nil concluded to take him ontslvle. .u.i' l couiHienced to show tight on the way to Mr. una was treated to a punch In the i.i.-:Att' otopof the stairs his tetllKerent .tuiun.iiriv. ;ou became so strong that his pis. ta&en from him. Going down i.j! Ua-- l to t we are selling at Prtvnteahd PnblleHale stair. evertd Mep at a time, he rescued the Which Lower than any other llousn in the uMe. foltocd by the olUcera, and made for as tb nttre Stock rout lc c!oclTerritory, out In th water hc, where he grabbed at a rock. DAYS. THIRTY C iutf.tn Hurt and Officer Hyde went after him, l, role-- .chiefs and runoy V .1! Reduced Rates. A. J. RALSTON, Stoie. I 3,i.ES Insurance effected on Farm Property, Risfts and Dwellings at Mlllst, Merchandise, ,t. Tlion siiait not rankf um of miykindot C(mmIh, unle.s thy aro housht nt Aifi iwcii lniiuer hoiisc. t':.wpY!fT. 1js? nf5ii?. tlirrtus Ui t".r-- f t ; :.ct ul th TU;:itr, iuhu uatuM EMPORIUM-COMMANDMI-IXTSi- INSURANCE COMPANY n cral Agenry. GLASS DEALERS, Nos. 1 & 3 RANDOLPH ST., v PEOPLE'S Enterprise" Anl d2fc2m v.-it- well-know- has established a General Agency In Salt Lake City, for the Territory of Utah. r Policies issued, payable either , In Gold or 1 currency as may be desired. DRUG, PAINT, OIL Door Eatt of 4iDeseret Evf ninr News.1' Offtce-- Ons riiHIS IJL All Losses adjusted and paid at the Gen Surgeon at Mechanical Dentist. pa-ilio- or f. I ! & VAN SCHAACK, ed . W. Capital & Assets, Gold, $1,433,037.81 mm Emm Wholesale nt Dry Goodss :. Commercial TEETH plugged Willi OOI.D, Pt'BE E. FIIAXKESXHAL d: Co SII.VEIl, and WW. IT. H. SHARP and Manufactnrers of Choice AT.dn. WrrnteatortTetlsfaetlon. IMPORTERS Dealers In all of LEAF, b CUT TOBACCO, kinds No. 137, SOUTH .Vi.?"1 WATER STREET, CHICAGO, TEETH Inserted In CJOED, 8IEVER, UOOdS SOid at New Ynrfr WhnlMal Prla from and RUBBER P LATHS, at Price Co' Wo. 148, Water IlJtCUJ:JrAJlT ih 8100 down to 810, per SET. NEW YORK. . d222:Bm . f ; . 1 t BOUDS ?s4 '" f TINNERS' STQCK, &.C., 1 i I Importers and DealeSh In, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, WIRE. 'Atjj ' j . B0IIDII1GS. dl99-6- m - f. - 120 North EXain Street, - a SAINT LOUIS. 1 |