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Show Hf ' JMOO0 REWARDS F For mschlns hulling and cleaning: lit for A ;TS biut inndo Dr market mucfiOlorer 6cclln odo ALyt f ML, nbwaek, o. ii!s&mmsMOAX I Easy to use. A certain cure. Not expensive. Throe L months' treatment in one package. Good for Cold p In the Head, Headache, Dizziness, Hay Fever, fcc. Fifty cento. By all Druggists, or by mail. L . E. T. HAZEJjTINJE) Warren, Pa. B pcrsons sny their poods are the best. Wc ask you to ex Hk amine our Improved Ivcllcr Positive Force Feed, Grain k ' Seed and Fertilizing; Drill and our Hay Ilnkos. The) ft "are as good as the best, and can be sold as cheap All are war L ranted. Circulars mailed free. Newark Machine CO V Newark, Ohio. Eastern Branch House, llagurktcwn, Hi K "TlPiS S5v REWARD fflllS'fiaiS a' ue paid for any Grain mBfmw I lraii of fiJinie size that c:.n I l iBlRfSw clean and bag asinuch Grain or ' tlKmP MONARCH Grain and ' ll HWlMlfi'T! So'd Separator and Biir- IH- jfl I t per, which we oiler to the pub- iMM II lvtt P lie at a low price. Send for ips!HR m circular and price list, fe" xf -slUi fl which will ho mailed run'. B ' IBli NEWARK MACHINE CO., H - ?)aSissi Newark, Ohio, U. S. A. HBHH W Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. BPS jHHH JSi "Useintimo. Sold by druggists. f HHHrT P fl 0 fl fT" people arc always on t!ie loo out for HflB Bs fi W bp" (-',:",C(-'-s to increase their earnings HfHB iff 6? f flj 3 and in t me become wcaJihv; those H W m m ar ibv'ho do not improve their opportmii- HB tics remain in poverty. We offer a great chance Hf V to make money. We want many men, wonu n. hoys B and girls to work for us right in their own Jncalitit s. BF Anvone can do tlic work properly from the first. start. K, '' The business will pay more than ten times ordinary H ) wajfcs. Jixpensiv'c outfit furnished fi'ee. io one HH ' who engages fails to ma c money rapidly. You a can devote vour whole lime to the work or only your . spare moments. Full information and all th'at is needed sent free. Address, mentioning this paper, H1 Stinson & Co. Portland, Maine. "7-nj 1 --ssh VVU.L BUY ONE !fefffSSSSS ALL RIGHT f ti jJii Htvrt Sell'-reed, STKA W A " PJSill 1IAY L'TTFJL H i J Pfr5! The kmfij is Steel, and tempercd.and EHBl B B s I ,s fastt"ncd to lever with three bolts, HH K 11 Js 1Md c'in I 'c easily taken ofTtn sharpen. HHV 'S ' 1 s Jt The length rf cut is rcti'atcd by the B3 f i J Y g5. '''ver to which the knife is bolted. H 5""'iTlie higher the levpr is raised, the m NJ6E3ifeir l,1,l"fr Clt- All are warranted. Send foi B fc&jijX, C'rnilar whirh will b nnild FRE33. Hf EAIIK M A1IINF C)., Ncwnrt, O. HLj Bkeedehs and IstronTEits oh HEREFORD CATTLE K; C0TSW0LO SHEEP WB BERKSHIRE SWINE. H Beech ki:, Will Co., Illinois. Hhbhl. ; wIlclrly substantiate six especial points of excellence. ist It is the easiest running press mad . 2nd It U as strong :ts any press made.. 3rd It is the most t durable press made, .jth it will do as good wnk as anv press made. 5th It will take less to keep it 1 in repair th..n any press maJc. OUi -(Last but n i le.ist. It costs less than .-.ny lu'st-class pns.s nutdc. J jpfc. . ALL SIZE PKESSES, TYPF, ANDPH INTERS SUPPLIES: A Cafalo ; ue Free ..'0 J. F. W. Dorman, 21 'German St., :..3 Baltimore, BEc3- . ll87QTHE IOWA FAR8V1ER-1 884B 1 rrr0 THE OLDEST, LARGEST AND BEST g 'f 1 Bffi Stock & Agricultural Journal! 11 M WmMi ilil M liilill!!11!11! i'i ol' improved Wtock. lair.vinanl Jb'rait ' .AiL M mm MBfMFf&k Aroalltreatotlfuny in ouv columns Besides we havoH 'V':l M WWFm ! fMiilK decidcl to rivo f jr :t lc-v inont l:s i ho most elegjuit pre- " f MMSIr iSIHfeS to subscril crs, i a- v p.tjvr i i tlio world, viz : ffl y- i -xi 4$ : ! iiiTiti P 1 1 1 which i.j lK'i-o glv :i, will wur.h thrco fines what the M :.iS5 M FAioiuit co- ts. 1 , contains ovcrOOO liirgo psipes. hand- W 8 iiit 11 HI-S iini ' 'iHUii InliMU '! 'H iHfi ipi i i somclvbrimU.rilt ltt. red. eto. Jivery person sub- M SKiSiiii scribing Mr Tmo Iowa FAitMim ono year and for- M W mWfMMMMlmW&4 warding ono doh tr, w.ll secure i!io FARaiF.it a wlioloH B WL I i!IP 1 ii year, postuiro paid, and r.coivo by ret .ni mail, froo ofH m IBS I WSb charge, as an absolute premium, a copy of this elegant , .T 3 MWHii dictionary, postagop iid. Send j t onco aud address all fl -Vljl m pSgSfe orders to ilEi FAffK5t CO., M IAi7,iyTTWRjieeJl Anypili EAOH NIGflT FROM ONE TO TWELVE WEEKS, mav boreBtorod to Bound health, if suoh a thing U poMlbla W , lnr curiUK Female Complaints these Pills have no equal. PhyRiofanmiso them in tlu-lr nrnntico. Sold evervwhYrn .or sent by mail for 25 oents u atamps. Send for pamphlet. I. 8. JOHN80N & CO., Donton, Maoa. WM. i ,i nr irill-l III. I , ILLJUHJUJIHIUJUIHWU i. I ' f-. ' II to " |