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Show - i At Once. If you want tho best .farm and stock paper in tho west i during 1884, and a handsome free dictionary for yourself or children, j send SI at once to the Company at , Cedar Rapids, Iowa. See adv. " j 4C2- I CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from active practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India Missionary the formula of a. simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and al Throat and I.ung aflections, also a positive and radical cure for general Debility and all nervous ner-vous complaints, after having- thoroughly tested its wonderful curative power:; in thousands of ascs. feels it his dutv to make it known to his ! suflcrin g fe lows. The recipe will be sent free of ' charge, to all who desire it, with full directions for preparing and successfully using-. Address, with stamp, miming- this paper, Dr. J. C. Raymond, Ray-mond, i6f Washington Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. $ gfk A week made at home by the industrl- B Jfous. liest busicss now before tho pub J? lie. Capital not needed. Vc wi 1 star 9 us yOU Mcr), women, boys an girls wanted want-ed everj where to worn for us. Now is the t'rne. You can work in spare time, or give your hole time to the business. No other business will pa you nearly as well. No one can 1 ail to mnko mormons mor-mons pay", by engaging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. " Money made fast, easily, and honorably. honora-bly. Mention this paper and address Thus & C o., Augusta, Maine. n7-it 3? CURES WHEflE ALL ELSE FAILS. gH j M Beat Cough Syrup. Tasteagood. Jaj Use In time, Sold by druggists. J5w r Rr (ni"Tir'no e 's s6!'"? V, g and dare j SL V B before you die, something tnighu I I A 1 and sublime leave behind to conq'u r j Bsa0 B time." $06 a week in your own town $5 outfit free. No risk. Evcrylhing'new. Capital not required. We will furnibh you everything Many are making fortunes. T-adios nuke as much ns men, and boys and girls make great pay. Read er, if you want business at. which you can make great pay all the tUn, write for particulars to II. ll.u.-lrtt ll.u.-lrtt tt Co., Port'and, Maine. Mention this paper I We have seen a great variety of washing machines, ma-chines, but have never seen one that will do as neat and clean work as the COLBY will. Call and sec sample, or give us your orders for one. Price only $6. J. W. Carpenter, Agent for Washington Co., St. George, Utah. .fe, JB. W1L H Ufa SL& Heturn to un with TEN iflBH AnBlST 1 III ii CTS. &you'U (jot by mail BHH 1 "fli .S,,!!!S.MSf ?, A QQLDgM BOX OF GOODS HHI 55 DrtoB !VU mMOHE MONEY, In Ono Month, Hi HJB than anything olrtejn America. AosoluteOortatnty. IHHi Wood no oanltfU, M.Y ounp,173 Groomvich BtN. York. HH Cheapest B!ble8feartte&BS2 9 tares. Doth Versions Non Testament n (TTJTQ la A UnTTin HH Forslvoo S McM&ckin, Cincintvati.O.AhM 10 APilhll HH The most raptivattn-j imnatlve of c.lrly border life ever rif. HflH ten. ARoniiMzu fir Old Ajieals and spk-ndl.l Kturtei- for HHI BcKlnners. Acms are now seUiuu 10 to jj lioolts f.icr14y. Wj lH want an A gen in every town. Send ior terms and rirculx frw. The W. H. DISBLE PUB CO., Cincinnati Q. paia for art4r tnhi. F.Mi'lUE U .tK'!"(l UKl Ca",l lit!. N. V. H CkMMi Sny Tor AtTcntn. BlOO to ftUUO por H mo.maIo.seIlitsurmrHrniMlNon HiHtory. H Famous a nJ Seoisivo SutUcof tlioU'oi'ld H Write to J. U. McCus'Uy tL'o.,t. JLoiiis, Klo. H the coWleteho: m ie.ss ! M book. New edition.New bindings. Mew illustrations 1 H from new designs. Superbly gotten up. Same luw price. IH Adapted to all classes. Sells at sight. Agents 'loiny bi? jB work. Excellent Terms. The Imndsomest prosjxictus HH cvr issued. Apply now. H Wm. 'GARRETSON CO.. 620 "Wanhinton Street. Saa Hll Francisco, Cal. ALso ether yraruf new books and Bibles. 2s tlio E2EST. No preparation. H iHrfaaSiVS' UEcd with any clean pen for murk- 1 alwlsgOK-l Inp nny fabric. Popular for decora- 1 gJfejjijgiM atlve work on linen. Received Con- H SVPP&ufw tenninl 01TklJ)AJlu & Diploma. H SfSlJiri Established 50 ycurs. Sold by nil aBffidBteljSiPrugKl3t8,StaUoner3 & News Agt't. jH W&r .: z. ,m CHiCAGO.ILL ' J I ... 'ORANGE, MASS. , IL aho ATLANTA , GA. J A G SWTS W A N T -0 , |