Show CITY COUNCIL HIN MINUTES UrES the gity city council met iu in the city ila hall juno june 1882 T mayor herrick presiding Ali minutes of former meeting were read and approved petition of II 11 IV 0 margary in behalf of the owners of tile five acre lots on the cas cast t P part art of the bench asking that the street running through sue lucli lots be named butler street and eo so designated on the tile official map trap of ogden city was referred to the committee on oil streets the committee on 5 streets reported arted that the electric light had fleen been removed from the tile foot of fourth street to tho the carner of main and fifth streets where it would better serve a public purpose and also answer tho the petition of G goo eo G beckwith and others report accepted tho the committee Committe cof of fire department to whom was referred the petition of john gellis and 41 others asking the removal from the corner of sixth and wall streets ofa of a building erected for storing oil in large quantities which was a source of danger cr to adjacent property reported t that the proprietor intended intend ell to 9 greatly reduce his stock on hand at the building name dand had agree agreed d to use every precaution against danger report accepted and the committee instructed to take cognizance of the premises and if any cause for complaint or alarm shall appear to report the same forthe for the action odthe of the council tho the committee on public buildings reported that they had advertised for bids on building the city jail only one bid had been received tho the contract was not lot awarded the committee desired further lime time to consider some details pertaining to cells etc report accepted and further time granted the same cammi committee recommended that a good substantial fence be built around lester park that a drinking fountain bo be placed on the tile cast side of the park and that thaulo the pavilion heretofore constructed be suitably roofed and finished adopted and the committee on public works instructed to proceed with the labor the committee on municipal laws reported for the action of the council an ordinance relating 0 to auctioneers report accepted the ordinance waa was taken up and in due form passed and ordered to be three times published in the HERALD the mayor was instructed and authorized to use all due diligence t to prevent the spreading of contagious ious diseases which might bo be brought hero here by railroads or tramps sundry bills for public labor were allowed the city council adjourned to meet in the city ila hall july 1882 at 2 pm |